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This is related to your veins. Serotonergic psychedelics like psilocybin and LSD are vasoconstrictors. I have an issue with the valves in my legs and when I trip I get stiff and painful legs for a few days afterwards. You need to set a reminder to stretch during the trip. Maybe try to take some natural vasodilators like cacao, ginger and green tea. You could also try lying down and elevating your legs above you.


Arginine or TriMethylGlycine would be much easier on you and provide what your body needs for vasodilation.


Thank you, I'll give these a go next time. I've been looking for more potent vasodilators.


This is the correct answer. I have varicose veins in my legs and they always hurt during a trip, typically towards the end.


Not many people know this but you should be careful with psychedelics and varicose veins and general issues that have any risk of clotting. 5HT2A receptor agonists affect the aggregation of platelets in a way that increases the risk of clots. If I don't move enough the pain is severe and this is actually a sign of danger. I once made the mistake of doing a peyote ceremony on the beach. I sat still in the sand with my legs in front of me for an entire night. It was fine until it wasn't. A vein in my leg became blocked and entirely rerouted into a lesser vein. Causing it to instantly go bulgy and squiggled like the path of a river. It was painful and I couldn't walk properly for a few days. I was hundreds of miles to a hospital and actually didn't know the danger until I spoke to a doctor friend when I got back.


you can offset with vasodilators like cacao and niacin. eat pickles


Happens to me too but in the veins in my arm.


You aren’t taking a wood loving species by any chance are you ?


Are you thinking maybe wood lovers paralysis?


Yeah man , pretty common when downing wood lovers 🤙


The shrooms I was taking were called blue Pulaski, not sure if it’s a wood loving species.


I always have this also but after I trip and the cramps are the worse the higher the dose and seems to be worse after each time I trip Is there any products recommended to try


this has happened 2 times to me when im most exited during my trip


Could be related to restless leg syndrome, indicating a lack of magnesium. Try magnesium oil, if it stings after a while you're lacking in magnesium over there.


I had a similar experience with additional twitching. Magnesium glycinate 400 mg aborted the twitching and cramps.. Must be glycinate as others can cause diarrhea.


Nope. Could just be some weird mental thing. Free yourself from the leg cramps.