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Well, yea... Why would they treat their fellow officers like common rabble?


That’s correct…just like that POS says at the end of the video


> "Proud Boys don't have to pay for the fair?" *Well there must be reasonable explanation for this. Did they pay beforehand or something?* > "That is correct!" *Yoo, wtf?*


Find him ask him to explain himself


He doesn't need to. He has a badge which took him 3 whole weeks to earn.


The NYPD needs a massive clean up and Mayor Adams is not the guy to do that.




Oh it's absolutely law enforcement across the board, but NYC is supposed to be one of the leftist cities in the world, why are our cops still acting like they're a bunch of gang members and associating with Nazis? I say this as the son of a former Riker's guard, as someone with both police and military training, and as the cousin of several members of the NYPD both current and former. I've played with and against these guys in softball, bowling, and basketball for years as family and friend, I've been to the parties and the cookouts and the bars with them, they used to consider me one of theirs. The city and state leadership need to force them to be better, and not bow to pressure when the NYPD decides to stop doing their jobs to have a temper tantrum because they're being held accountable, as they seem to do. We need professional and accountable law enforcement, and we need them now.


Most NYC cops live in the suburbs. The same neighborhoods filled via "white flight" from NYC supply the majority of their cops. We have not only a demographic and culture mismatch because of that, but also a massive drain of NYCs taxes being spent outside of NYC, because that's where these salaries are paid to and spent.


My dad’s retired NYPD. He was telling me one time that there were so many NYPD cops living out along the Palisades that it actually started causing problems between departments. Basically, tons of entitled NYPD cops would be speeding down the Palisades. They’d get pulled over and then try to weasel their way out of the ticket waving their badge around. Parkway Police were having none of it and would not back down. At one point, they even started increasing patrols around shift change time for the most offending precincts. My dad had to start bringing it up in the morning roll.


They all live in Pearl River, NY, and the parkway police are NJ cops, i can definitely see this being a point of contention with all these NYPD cops driving recklessky thru a different state for 11 miles and the parkway dept getting fed up with it.


Cop Land


Same in Los Angeles. A ton of LAPD live in Simi Valley or Valencia. Cops don't live in the areas they police in. Hell an apartment building was giving cops incentives to live there and were in the city but a lot of people were complaining that cops wouldn't feel safe knowing that people know where they live. The "cops wouldn't feel safe."


If they were respected members of their community and treated people as actual human beings instead of potential offenders, maybe they'd feel "safer." But, it's the civilians who are out of control, not the police..right?


It doesn't really do anything. Chicago requires city workers to live in the city. CPD is just as shitty and practically all of them live in a single neighborhood, Beverly.


Some degree of the population is absolutely out of control. As a society we should have enough mental institutions for our sick but we simply haven’t built enough. We quite literally keep insane individuals out there on our streets.




This. The amount of bigots out in Nassau County and Suffolk is crazy. Police force. Correction officers. Staff in courts. MTA. Seen it all.


Crazy the amount of Trump, don’t tread on me back the blue/blue lives matter flags in some neighborhoods like Bellmore Wantagh Seaford areas you would think you’re deep in some red state.




> using enough tear gas during the BLM protests to contaminate the local rivers with heavy metal runoff. Seriously? (Asking as I never heard of this, and never knew of it to even be possible)


Cops in Portland and Seattle used so much tear gas that it was fucking with people’s menstrual cycles. https://www.newsweek.com/tear-gas-may-have-led-abnormal-menstrual-cycles-seattle-portland-1529912


Jesus fucking Christ. What the fuck? And at a protest formed as a reaction to cops overreacting and going far too far on civilians at that!


In Seattle, an officer drove his unmarked SUV onto a crowded sidewalk where protesters were gathered, and was then seen on video calling a fleeing protester a “roach.” Sgt. M!chael Ti3tjen was the cop that did it https://mynorthwest.com/2857392/opa-conduct-spd-officer-unacceptable-august-incident/ Edit: https://southseattleemerald.com/2021/04/30/opa-clears-officer-who-drove-onto-sidewalk-of-most-serious-charges/ Consequences included a “written reprimand”. On-the-ground reports about this incident from local activists: https://twitter.com/DivestSPD/status/1294731204495732737


> Consequences included a “written reprimand”. At least they escalated it from a stern talking to.


The old, “I’ll give you something to cry about”, tactic made popular by authoritarian parents everywhere, which is what these people see themselves as, “and you better not talk back either, ya little shit.”


But what else were they supposed to do, look inward and improve? Don’t be ridiculous, if they allow one cop to be held accountable for abuse, they are all fucked! What are you, anti-police?


No officer, of course I am not...There is no need for the guns, tasers and tear gas sprays to be pointed at me like that, though I am impressed by the number of your colleagues you can find to attend for such a minor query.


They are all also Trump/GOP supporters.


You used to have to be 5 foot 10 and have two years of college to be a cop. Not anymore.


It's not just NYC cops but cops for many metropolitan areas. The city I used to live in even had a residency requirement for **all city employees** because white flight to the suburbs made a stark divide between quality of services between the city and the burbs. But people managed to get around it in various ways and it just wasn't enforced because at the end of the day, the city needed qualified individuals working. Essentially as long as you had an address when you were hired that's all that mattered. In effect so many high ranking city employees had big ass houses in the suburbs and didn't truly represent the city in which they lived. The tax base of the city continued to dwindle, education in city schools was terrible whereas the suburbs ranked extremely high. Inequality. It continues to drive so many issues in the United States. It also really gives an inaccurate view of life in the USA to foreigners. You'll see Europeans think that they're going to get shot in the USA or that education is terrible here because they read these mediocre **averages**. But like... Many suburban areas where upper class people live have better education than most European countries and are much safer too. But it's the gun violence rates in the inner cities and terrible education achievements that bring the averages down. I say upperclass earlier because I'm starting to notice that there really isn't much of a middle class in most places anymore because of this rampant inequality. It really seems like you either have a great job where you can save money and accumulate wealth and have health insurance and PTO, benefits, etc. Or you're fucking scraping by and in debt and can't get get out of the cycle. The average Joe is becoming fewer and farther between in the USA.


For some reason , it seems like most of them live on Staten Island.


> NYC is supposed to be one of the leftist cities in the world I hate to tell you this but on the world stage every city in the US is to the right of centre, there are no public amenities, no adequate public transport, no public healthcare or social safety nets. There aren't really any US political policies that can be considered "leftist". You could definitely say NYC is one of the most diverse cities in the world, but that doesn't make it "leftist" in any way.


NYC is leftist if you water it down to mean "supporting gays + abortion + not being able to say the N word"


Yep, you’re right. NYC is the poster child for rugged capitalism (and rigged capitalism, as my autocorrect wanted). If you can make it there, you’ll make it anywhere. That’s the message. If you can’t make it then it's your fault. Not the hereditary slum lords and the cops who only value protecting property and each other. And it needs to be in your face, so 2/3 of major movies are set there.


Leftist city in the world????? Homie NYC is the home of Wall Street what are you talking about???


New York hosted a Nazi gathering in Madison Square Garden with some 25000+ nazis attending just prior to WW2. While this might seem far away it isn’t more than 2-3 generations. Rest assured these people passed down their bigotry and ideology to their sons, who again passed it on to their grandsons. And people in their 40-50’s today are the grandsons and daughters of these nazis. I’m sure they all been exposed to the ideology of grandpa and their dads. I’m not surprised at all that there is still these groups of racists and bigots around. Even less so that they are in the police force knowing how nazis just love uniforms and power.


No it's not, America is very ring wing. NYC is leftwing by American standards but no way in hell is it one of the most leftist cities in the world.


> why are our cops still acting like they're a bunch of gang members and associating with Nazis? Because the power structures behind the police force are either sympathetic to or actual Nazis and they don't allow other types of people in. That's why ACAB, you're either silent and complicit or an active participant - there's no 'just following orders' wiggle room.


Or you speak out and are quickly fired and blacklisted, or shot in the back 37 times by accidental friendly fire


> NYC is supposed to be one of the leftist cities in the world fucking lol what? Of course the trumptards would think this but no reasonable person would ever believe this. It's corporatism from top to bottom. And that goes hand in hand with authoritarianism.




I think people miss that the system itself is racist. It requires no racist people to be discriminatory and cannot be fixed simply by rooting out racists.


It's not just big cities, it's not just American cities, it's small Canadian towns and cities as well


The same Mayor Adams that lied about where he lived, immediately hired his unqualified friends into positions of power, the vegan who has salmon leftovers in his fridge, that Mayor Adams?


Hey, hey, c'mon. Be fair. He also hired his brother too.


Is that the guy that pushes buttcoins?


"massive clean up" Just fucking fire all of them.


proud boys are so proud of what they are doing, they still cover their faces so they can't be identified.


Wait, I thought they couldn't' breathe if they had to wear a mask? It's so hard to keep track of all their bullshit.


That's only the medical masks, not their klan hoods.


damn medical masks, suffocating surgeons since day one.


We may never truly know the number of doctors’ deaths caused by masks. Somehow zero have been reported. Must be the democrats traveling back in time and biasing the numbers!


Oh, doctors being mentioned along with republicans reminds me of this [sexual predator Mormon doctor from Oregon](https://www.opb.org/article/2022/11/29/new-records-reveal-more-about-the-case-of-a-west-linn-doctor-accused-of-sexual-abuse/). Trusted figure in his small town and religion, and when the pandemic was in full swing he worn a mask that said "This Mask Is Useless!" even though he's been a doctor for three decades and wears a mask all the time in the hospital when he's delivering babies that he'll later try to sexually assault. Not all doctors are geniuses and there's at least one I really wouldn't have been upset hearing died from carelessness toward COVID. Would have stopped him from becoming a substitute teacher or a religious leader in his new towns when he ran out of town ducking charges like the coward he is. I mention this shitbag every opening I see, kind of like his approach with ungloved exams and other sexual assault.


The cool aide runs deep. I’ve met antivax anti mask medical peeps a lot—even doctors. It’s crazy.


Wearing a mask to prevent spread of a deadly illness is tyranny. Wearing a mask to hide your identity so you can’t be identified as being a part of a group trying to overthrow the US government is American patriotism. In other news up is now down.


No no no they're concerned about public health, they're really quite considerate and inclusive.


I mean, it's kind of tradition. The use to wear white hoods, right?


That’s because they’re cops, lawyers, and despicable people that you’d often least expect. Some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses


>cops, lawyers, and despicable people that you’d often least expect Cops and lawyers are among the first people I'd expect to be associated with a far right terrorist organization....


Cos they are cops.


Because many members of Proud Boys work in Law Enforcement.


Some of those that work forces Are the same that burn crosses


That song will continue to be badass for eternity


Proud boys are off duty cops.


" Some of those that work forces. Are the same that burn crosses."


Politics? In MY Rage Against the Machine lyrics!?


I asked my FIL what machine he thought they were raging against all this time and he told me he didn’t want to talk to me anymore.




Funny, that’s how I reply to everyone who says i can’t use rage lyrics for something.


Has anybody else drunkenly sung this to their girlfriend and been met with looks of exasperation?


What’s a girlfriend?


Non-mouse hand.


Being in IT, I always just figured it was a printer of some sort. ^^/s




Beaten by 33 minutes. I'll post the [revenge clip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N9wsjroVlu8). NSFW.


Dishwasher? That'd be my guess. Yep, final answer Regis, the machine that they rage against is A: Dishwasher


Vending machines. The most diabolical of machines


"These people ain't seen a brown skin man since their grandparents bought one"


“They really get me” -leader of the Machine, Paul Ryan


Going down rodeo


Yeah that’s right, I like my AMERICAN rock and roll! RATM, Burzum, and Metallica for me! Good ol’ PATRIOT music!


dont forget YMCA is a gay anthem and Orwell was a democratic socialist


Strangely these lyrics were co-opted by the far alt right to defend their rhetoric as well.


It's pretty incredible that they think "the machine" is wokeness and the "alt left", as police let them into the halls of power of the most economically developed country on Earth with absolutely no restrictions, meanwhile PoC can't even protest peacefully without being met by cops in full raid gear with assault rifles who *start* the violence. An open gate to them is oppression, whereas the butt of a rifle in another person's face is just what they deserve.


They're the chosen whites


*Some of those that work forces are the same that storm capitols*


Pretty safe to change "some" to "most" these days.


The lyric has been changed to "... And some of those that burn crosses, are the same that hold office" live in the past.


That rhymes better


I've heard that was the original lyrics but they were asked to change it for the record.


With shirts that say six million wasnt enough. That was the proudboys at jan 6th.


What does that mean? Edit: I get it now, it was a reference to the Holocaust. Wtf is wrong with people...


literally was about to say someone (if not all) in that group is an off duty cop.


“Three dollars. Three dollars!” As in Three Percenters “Paid for, by your tax dollars!” Fucking scumbag cops.


💯 - apparently on duty cops as well


NYPD should get disbanded and reformed at this point. Maybe the police academies too.


It's the unions.


When "union" members are used to attack other unions, the former aren't really union members at all. They're just another part of the machine.


It’s a gang, not a union.


A "mob" really. Part of me thinks the days when cops and the mob were working against one another ended when the mob infiltrated the very system that opposed them. Once they were "legitimized," they just kept up appearances of enforcing the "law." Or maybe I just watched too much Gotham, haha.


I think it was a tragic error to call police ‘law enforcement’ instead of putting a much larger focus on a community support role. The law becomes a mechanism for accountability rather than a tool to oppress, and rather than serving or protecting the law, they should be serving and protecting their communities and doing a lot more than turning up to shoot or arrest people.


So break them. It would hardly be the first, and after all, bustin' makes me feel good




Modern day KKK


Cop is definitely a Nazi.


It was pretty surprising that I witnessed MAGA paraphernalia *on & in* official police and fire vehicles the last time I was in NY. Makes me not even raise an eyebrow at this post.


Remember when Proud Boys were throwing down “blue line” flags on the ground and stamping on them to protest against cops? I think that was after they were pro cop then some cops stepped in and arrested some of them. They tend to change a lot.


They’re clowns… the type to argue with a 5 year old that kicked their ass on call of duty


All cops…


Careful this is a GOP sub.


Seems like maybe all the cops... are bastards?


Correct me if I'm wrong but aren't the proud boys designated as an international terrorist organization?


They are designated a terrorist organization in Canada and New Zealand. In the US, it was reported that the FBI labeled them as an “extremist threat” but the FBI later clarified that only certain members were of interest.


The clarification was probably after they found out that half of them are law enforcement agency staff.


And the other half rank and file Republicans.


that's weird. it raises MORE red flags in my opinion.


He was being hyperbolic.


Correct, I was being hypersonic.


By that logic, they'd let a group of KKK members pass, but *noooooo* not the leader because he poses an "extremist threat."


Proud boys is a rebranding of KKK.


This isn't true. While there is overlap, the KKK are much more directly a *white* Christian Nationalist group, with primary emphasis on white identity as a driving factor in their ideology. The Proud Boys are a Christian Fascist organization whose primary goal is to enforce a Christian Autocratic ideology, with no real emphasis on white identity as their driving motivation. That isn't to say that there aren't members of the Proud Boys that would also feel at home within the KKK, but the motivation of either group is different enough to warrant distinction.


So… the American Taliban then. Gotcha.








Lol just wait until it’s go time, and I guarantee the white proud boys will gladly throw their nonwhite puppets under the bus when they’re done serving their public relations roles


That’s the thing, these groups will always keep moving the goal posts of who they are against; that’s how fascism works. You get so many “centrists” or moderate conservatives that want anti-racists and anti-fascists to clearly and logically define what racists and fascists believe but they aren’t logical ideologies and the parameters of their hate don’t have to make sense. It’s not anti-racists and anti-fascists fault that racist and fascists make no sense.


>In the US, it was reported that the FBI labeled them as an “extremist threat” but the FBI later clarified that only certain members were of interest. Here's a bowl of M&ms that have poison M&ms in them. Don't worry though it's only a few that are of any interest.


We unfortunately can’t label domestic organizations as terrorists, from what I understand. Because designated terrorists don’t have the same constitutional rights as other criminals due to the political nature and that would be bad if the government could designate any group it wants a terrorist and just throw em in jail with no oversight. Take with a grain of salt, this is just what I understood from some light reading on it.


Ha, just came here to say that. Gotta remember that to some of the world the US are the terrorists


"it's only terrorism when the others do it. when I do it I'm a patriot" - them, probably


Not in American where they are heros to the far right. But in other places like Canada and New Zealand they are. [https://www.publicsafety.gc.ca/cnt/ntnl-scrt/cntr-trrrsm/lstd-ntts/crrnt-lstd-ntts-en.aspx](https://www.publicsafety.gc.ca/cnt/ntnl-scrt/cntr-trrrsm/lstd-ntts/crrnt-lstd-ntts-en.aspx) [https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/new-zealand-declares-proud-boys-a-terrorist-organization](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/new-zealand-declares-proud-boys-a-terrorist-organization)


Not in America because America does not label domestic organizations as terrorist organizations at all


To add to this, being labeled a terrorist group means something, it's not symbolic. A bunch of the stuff we allow ourselves to do to designated terrorists would be unconstitutional to do to an American citizen in America.


That's why they legally arrest you, fly you outside of US territory and then get independent contractors to do the unconstitutional things while they wait in the other room.


NYPD should be as well.


Just cops in general. Most dangerous gang in the US.


US law enforcement need to be added to that list


Video is from @brennalip on Tik Tok. Worth noting it came from an event when police defended Proud Boys at a protest while pushing against/physically accosting nonviolent counterprotestors attempting to maintain a reasonable distance


Where's that video of the police union lead crying about getting respect when you need it


It's strange that I was raised by boomers who always said that respect was earned. Now all of these same people are calling for us to respect the most despicable people in society for no actual reason? Hmmm....


Police siding with radical right-wing terrorists, I wish I was surprised. Of course nothing will happen to the officers pictured here committing multiple crimes, policy and ethic violations.


It’s because they need them back at the precinct to start their shifts.


The Proud Boys are plenty dangerous, but the worst right wing terrorist gang in the country is the police.


(its the same people but with qualified immunity)




>(though some cameras were not on) what the literal fuck


That's how Jan 6th happened. I can't believe they are still going after the wrong people


Tom Morello for rage-president. Let's really get that swamp drained tf out.


Idk if that’s the best idea. He has clearly stated that he won’t do what we tell him.


I'm sure the transit cop is a Proud Boy or a Jan 6th riot attendee.




Once again so proud these dickheads wearing masks to hide behind!


Funny how they can wear masks without dying, after all of that bitching during Covid protocols.


Why we say ACAB.


If the proud boys legally obtained a permit for their gathering, this isn’t weird. Usually the city will work out transportation and security as a trade off for smoother logistics. In my city, the police paid for busses to bring BLM marchers back to their parked cars because they organized the marching route with the police and discussed law enforcement presence and roles in the protest. The event ran like butter.


If they obtained a permit, then you should be able to FOIA the permit request and permit information.




Fun Fact: You can actually FOIA request FOIA requests. See what people are FOIA requesting.


Yo dawg, I heard you like FOIA requests


It's an older meme but it checks out


So I FOIA requested your FOIA request


My journalism professor in college had a database that automatically downloaded every FOIA that became available. Don’t remember how it worked but it was cool


Remindme! 30 days "message"


100% something like this is the explanation. There are so many legitimate gripes to have with police, this isn’t one of them. Believing crazy conspiracy theories with no evidence is bad when q anon does it, it’s bad here too.


Too bad none of that explains away the police attacking the counter-protestors...


>Believing crazy conspiracy theories with no evidence is bad when q anon does it, it’s bad here too. To be fair, police associating with and defending Proud Boys and other Jan 6 terrorists is not a crazy conspiracy theory. It's just a fact. One repeatedly captured on video. This particular video may have a reasonable explanation, but that doesn't make the assumptions made in the comments *crazy*, just wrong. It's *definitely* not comparable to Qanon nonsense.


A crazy Qanon theory is that JFK Jr will return from the dead to declare the election invalid and appoint Trump. "Maybe members of the NYPD support a racist organization" is not as crazy


Cool. Just post one video of the NYPD letting leftist protesters behave the same as in this video and we'll call it a day.


So where’s the evidence that they received the permit? From what we can see they are entering the station without paying and the cops give no explanation. The officer could have easily said they obtained the permit after being asked. You are making the same sort of assumption.


Burden of proof is on op though.


Cops and Klan go hand in hand.


Fuck the mta. Will throw a teenager in prison or give them a fine but let white supremacists ride the train for free.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Still very cool.


Another reason not to feel bad when evading the toll… look where your tax money and fares are going towards. Improving infrastructure… No. Supporting a right wing militia… Yes.


Can’t wear a mask to help keep covid from spreading and yet here they are, shielding their faces


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what, do you expect the pigs to arrest their buddies?????


‘Proud Boys’ has to be the gayest name for a men’s club I think I’ve ever heard.


remember when they [rented a moving van](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/31-patriot-front-members-arrested-near-idaho-pride-event) & shoved 31 neonazi's into it to crash a pride parade


That was Patriot Front, the other cringe paramilitary LARP group, not to be confused with the Oath Keepers, the other cringe paramilitary LARP group, but not the Proud Boys, a different cringe paramilitary LARP group.


I can see it now...police being friendly with a radical group..something bad is coming up to stir trouble in this country again.


Watch out when DeSantis more than likely becomes president in the next election. He could really implement some fucked up laws here in America, imagine the power he would give groups like the proud boys and the police. Maybe that’s what finally ends current society as we know it.


organizations like the proud boys are what's ruining our country


Nobody even tried to be subtle about it.




Shitty fucking people nypd should be ashamed of theirselves


Just like cops looking the other way when the mob did their business. Bastards


Proud boy’s are lame.


Proud boys = little nazi bitches


Some of those who work forces are the same that burn crosses


Some of those that work forces…


Hm, must be one of those "few bad apples".




Video thread of counter protesters being attacked by NYPD [https://twitter.com/FordFischer/status/1608666147095990273](https://twitter.com/FordFischer/status/1608666147095990273)

