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Starting to think he hit both of them in the face...


Guy needs to be in jail fr but something about "I didn't hit shit" followed immediately by hitting someone is just funny. I mean lock the guy up but quality video


She walked out and said you hit my sister in the face, and I’m inclined to beleive her 😂


For defending himself?


So many pathetic Redditors desperate to hit women cos any guy would fuck them up


If you run up to someone in the street screaming at them, especially after you said he just hit another woman, what do you think is going to happen to you? Your drunk muscles don’t work all the time.


Did you mean to reply with this to my comment? I can’t make any sense of it


Yes, this was in response to your comment because why would she go out and pick a fight with someone who already slapped a woman? What does she expect to happen? It’s just being smart about the situation you’re in.


Ah the old classic, victim blame. Also has absolutely nothing to do with my comment


That’s not what I did but ok


I don't think you know the definition of victim blaming. Unless he's somehow the victim for getting yelled at


Thats the same as kicking a dog and then getting mad it bit you. Then saying “don’t say I shouldn’t have kicked it, are you victim blaming?”


This isn’t defending yourself. She was being obnoxious, sure. Without knowing the full context, I don’t know if she was justified or not. But let’s, for argument sake, say she wasn’t justified and was just being a huge bitch. She didn’t touch him. She didn’t threaten to touch him. She didn’t raise her hand to indicate she would hit him. She was yelling at him. Annoying, yeah. Grounds to punch someone in the face causing them to fall back onto the pavement, **no.**


She literally pushed him in the back...


Found the guy who would’ve punched her too


You don't get to punch someone because they yell at you. That isn't defending yourself. Yelling back at her is defending yourself in this scenario.


Where was the threat? Her loud mouth?


She punched him in the back and started screaming in his face.


Yup, elementary my dear Watson 🧐🤣




I wonder why they call him tha... ow.


She said: “You hit my sister in the face”. He said: “I didn’t do shit bitch”, and commenced to hitting her in the face. Thus, I believe there is a good chance that he in fact did hit her sister in the face.


Solid investigative work. Book'em Lou


Bake him away, toys!


What'd you say, chief?


Just do what RK9990 said.


the suspect is hatless. repeat, hatless.




His MO is pretty consistent.


"Open and shut case, Johnson!"


Never confront crazy or you too will be hit in the face.


People need to learn to take an L and walk away. Call the cops and let them handle it. Crazy people aren’t worth your life


What was her best case scenario? He says sorry?


Right? *”My dear woman…you are right. I struck your sister! How wrong I have been…and for so long. Too long! All that ends today. How can I make right what has gone so woefully wrong by my own hand!? How can I make amends for this egregious act!!??”*


No no, he said very specifically, “I didn’t do shit, bitch”. For those that aren’t familiar with this slang. It roughly translates to, “I’m sorry, you must be mistaken, Madam”. People wouldn’t lie about something that serious of course. Thus, he couldn’t have done it. The search continues.


1 + 1 = assault and battery


No, 1+1=2


Open and shut case, Johnson.


Now sprinkle some crack on him


I saw this once as a rookie…


Mans hands rated E for Everyone


E for Especially those sisters


Yeah he definitely hit her sister in the face.


And her sister’s sister in the face


And her sisters sisters sister.


Baby mamas mamas


I’m sorry miss sister


I am foreeeeaaall


Isn't it time for the first sister to approach him and say "you just hit my sister in the face"? This might be some crack in the space-time continuum where these two sisters just loop and keep getting punched in the face repeatedly by this maniac.


Maybe she was sent back in time from the future to prevent her sister from getting hit in the face, and instead created the catalyst that will eventually lead to this man hitting her sister in the face...


He “didn’t hit shit bitch”


I want to see the original incident first, as she comes up to him screaming what sounds like “you just hit my sister in the face”


She said “You just hit my sister in the face” and he replied with”I didn’t hit shit bitch” just before hitting her. Hope the dude didn’t get away with it, but wouldn’t get my hopes up.


> ”I didn’t hit shit bitch” Is it weird that I don't believe him?


See, I never just did things just to do them. Come on, what am I gonna do? Just all of a sudden jump up and grind my feet on somebody's couch like it's something to do? Come on. I got a little more sense then that. [pause] Yeah, I remember grinding my feet on Eddie's couch.


Cocaine is a hell of a drug




No, judging by his reaction, he seems perfectly healthy and perfectly normal here.


Last time I suggested jail for assaulting people I was told that's ridiculous because America already jails too many people.


Let all the non-violent drug addicts out of prison, and suddenly there’s plenty of space for all the violent assholes that don’t belong in society.


Thunderdome for violent offenders.




Can't violent offenders do that?


Not nearly as easily. People with a propensity for violence are much more likely to use work tools as weapons. non violent people tend to be easier to watch with a shovel or a screwdriver.


Well, yes, but then our police force would be overfunded.


Every time you add a monetary incentive for something like that, people start lobbying to redefine what constitutes violence in a way that conveniently locks up a lot of people for a long time and makes them labor for pennies


Legalized slavery is just a side business. Private prisons have *minimum* occupancy rates built into their contracts with states, so the state is literally losing money if the prison isn’t full.


Physically assaulting someone for talking to you is a good reason to go to jail. Going to jail for stealing $20 worth of food or medicine is not.


...or less than $950 worth of stuff in California.


What about 20 billion?


If you wash it through a foreign war it's all good.


Cops planting evidence on Innocent people to get a raise. At least that's What I heard


To be fair “assault” is legally a very wide range of actions, some of which should not carry jail time. This one clearly should.




Assault and battery are two different things. Assault can occur without contact. Battery can not. At least in California.


Holy hell you have a victim complex. Looked it up, [here's the link](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/1119471/qdoba_after_dark/j8eydr3/). 1. It's reddit comments, no need to hold such a grudge over replies 2. You specifically said that they should "end up with their life ruined" 3. The reply was just pointing out that you were asking for an extended sentence over a very, very minor assault (basically just pushed someone, still uncalled for but nowhere near this post's level of damage) 4. It was a single reply that got downvoted On top of that, [you also wished for the same thing to happen to a high schooler](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/10358yy/just_another_high_school_confrontation/j2xx3uk/). You just have a weird obsession with wanting people to go to jail: https://i.imgur.com/cJenCJO.png


Lmao fucking interwebs sleuth here, well done


seriously WTF? This is the type of prick who called the cops on me and my friends playing football in a park because "were being too violent" fucking scumbag. maybe HE should go to jail


right, I'm sure that's a completely honest representation of the comments you received /s


But now he hit shit


All I know is he hit her in the face


Yeah but it's only wrong if he hit 2 people. Everyone knows this.


Technically they cancel each other out . So he’s innocent


Bird Law


I know a lawyer who specialized in bird law


Everyone knows if you commit crimes in pairs they can’t arrest you. Double jeopardy or something…


Double Jeopardy




I mean, based on this I'd have to assume she was probably right


>“you just hit my sister in the face” Yeah I'm like 99% sure that is what she says. The dude is definitely in the wrong regardless of what went down with the sister, this girl didn't swing for him first so he doesn't even have "it was self defence!" to fall back on 😬


This is the one time we need a white knight and instead we get a bunch of slack arm jock pretend-alphas.


Probably a bad idea to come running up to someone who just hit your sister in the face, with your face completely defenseless. Not justifying man’s actions, just saying this is a fool me once, fool me twice situation.


There's an old saying in Tennessee—I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee—that says, 'Fool me once, shame on... shame on you. Fool me—you can't get fooled again’.


Ah, that's from one of my favorite poets. I've always loved this verse "rarely is the question asked, is our children learning?"


My personal favorite: >Too many OB-GYNS aren't able to practice their love with women all across this country.


I was waiting for this one.


What did I miss? This isn't ringing a bell.




I still cry laughing everytime I see [this one](https://youtu.be/YdG1Hczh2Zg)


What is going there and how did I miss this? It’s like he shapeshifts into Will Ferrell there at the end.




Sigh. Looking back now those were simpler times with GOP that was stupid and dangerous, but not full blown traitors.


Idk man gaming the military industrial complex on behalf of billionaire donors whilst sending millions of innocent souls to slaughter seems a bit traitor-ish to me


Though I agree, there were a couple of notable exceptions to this rule.


"Put food on your family."


From his classic album Speaking To The Nation are the hits, "Why is our children not reading" and "so OBGYNS can practice their love making"


'Where wings take dream' -Emily Dickinson, in the words of George W Bush


I honestly thought he'd be the dumbest POTUS in history. Man, I was WAY off.


I didn’t think that it could get worse than starting a war over bogus information, “or because Iraq was in the general neighborhood of Afghanistan”. I am just humored by Republicans who blindly supported Bush’s war, having the audacity to criticize that war now, because they blindly follow Trump, who is mad at Bush. Modern Republican politics is built on who they are mad at in the current moment. It’s very unpredictable, and liable to change in the time it takes a person to say something mean about a person in office.


I love how it went from a southern folklore to a The Who song in a split second.


That was an untruthitude.


Lmao damn son this dude is quick to punch a person in the face imma have to believe the sister


Let me just confront this known face puncher real quick.


Lmao true. I’m sure he’s a rationale fellow and this confrontation is gonna make him repent and come apologize to my sister.


I mean someone has to eventually, or the scariest face puncher becomes king


Agreed, at that point screw fair fight, sucker punch dude with the biggest thing you can grab.


Enjoy getting murdered!


He hit her sister in the face? Is that what she's screaming?


Yeah, based on context clues this guy hit her sister in the face, she goes to confront the guy and the guy also hits her in the face. Tough evening for that family (although they might be sorority sisters?)


Looks like he’s bragging about hitting the first girl, then hits the second. Total loser as well as his friend videotaping. This fucking loser should be in prison by now. Sick fuck.


I was looking for this comment. The person recording was delightfully amused, and makes him just as much of a cunt as the person swinging on a female Fuck them both, for real


Thx. It’s infuriating.


Right. Always the pos taping it like daaammmn...you're just as bad


UUUUH SHIT, WTF... No one saw it coming


Let me guess, Austin, TX on a Friday night?




The club do be goin' up on that day.


This one time afterhours on 6th, I saw these 2 guys yelling and bumping chests. I shouted "yall gonna kiss or what?" One of the guys immediately dinged the other, and his head went down hard into the sidewalk. This was over 10 years ago; I don't think I'll ever forgive myself for goading them on.


One time I had a guy pop out of a trash can. Apparently that’s his thing


I'm Oscar the Grouch. This is Sesame Street, bitch.


Video wasn’t shot in 8k.


The one dude just turns into a "what the fuck" alarm clock, somebody needs to hit snooze


What a fuckin scum bag


He needs to have assault charges


what is wrong with this world. Dude just caught a charge, woman being beat, and ppl recording it. Nobody wins


Caught a charge, more like created a charge.


Lots of d-bags in this comment section, holy shit.


I've noticed there's a bunch of incels lurking around these kind of videos. Regardless of circumstances, they will justify beating a woman. There was a video of a woman slapping a dude, he pushes her off, she walks away, and he attacks and beats the shit out of her with her back turned. Half of the comments called that self defense


There’s always some cringe “equal rights” comment also when most of the time, the response is hugely disproportionate to whatever has happened. “Oh, a lady pushed him because he screamed in her face? YES it is perfectly reasonable for him to stomp on her face, what are you talking about?!”


Both "freakout" subs are filled with incel trash foaming at the mouth to watch women get hit and have other incels tell them it's okay


Fight porn as well. It's gross


I've noticed it's been creeping badly everywhere. The fetishizing of women being hurt/assaulted/killed has blown up in true crime and no one seems to be doing anything about it. It's impossible to have any discussion anymore, 8/10 people respond with straight RAGE


And five minutes later they start talking about "cleansing" minorities and the poor. It's a very reactionary sub.


It’s never about ‘equal rights.’ It’s the joy they get from seeing a woman hit.


I'm glad someone else finally pointed this out. A woman (or 5 year old) could tap someone on the shoulder, a guy could beat them half to death, and people would be on here with HoW aBoUt tHaT EqUaLiTy.


Yeap, they're just looking for an in to take over a sub. As soon as you see any of that shit gaining traction on a subreddit it's an alt right hell hole is a couple weeks.


And then they say cavemen shit like equal rights means equal lefts.


Practically every day I wake up to a video on reddit of some guy beating the shit out of a woman with either no or very little context and half the comments are "lmao talk shit get hit 🤣🤣🤣" and I'm reminded that I kind of really fucking hate reddit.


Every time I go to r/all I realize Reddit deserves it’s reputation.


Agree. It’s disgusting to me how many of these incels are coming out and getting upvoted for agreeing a woman should get punched in the face just for “starting shit”. Like no she didn’t start shit, she made an accusation. And you’re not clever for saying that, just another misogynist piece of shit.


Incels are all over this sub. The mods need to start dealing with that shit


LPT: Being a Reddit mod, doesn't automatically qualify someone as a good person.


Blatant racists as well


"Hitting women" as an angle is surprisingly popular on Reddit.


What the hell is wrong with you all in these comments?? She yelled at him, he hit her how on earth are any of you justifying that????




I usually get downvoted for saying people should not respond to words with sucker punches lol It’s a more common way of thinking than I would have thought.


She's yelling " You just hit my sister in the face." So this dude is going around punching women and dudes in the comments are cheering because "equal rights lmaoimapeiceoshitrofl"


Incels. Andrew Tate has skewed their sense of reality.


They existed before, existing now, and will exist after Tate. The only thing Tate provides them is someone to ride on for now.


And boy do they want to ride tate


“You hit my sister in the face” “I DIDNT HIT SHIT BITCH” *hits her in the face*. I’m gonna go on a leg here and say that he did hit her sister in the face


"Don't run up" shut the fuck up. The dude is a loser. Obviously hitting people is this dude hobby since that's why she even confronted him. Acting all goofy and shit after hitting another woman before. Stop excusing this shit just cause yall weak asses wouldn't confront someone when they hit on your people.




A dude straight up shoved him and all he did was posture on him. So your hypothesis definitely has some evidence.


its eye opening how many guys think they can just shit on girls and then immediately fizzle out when a guy shows up. i worked downtown at a store in a fairly big city and i remember once a guy was screaming at my elderly manager calling her a bitch and threatening her. i just walked up to the register without saying a word and he called her one last name before stomping out im not even intimidating either but i think the presence of guys is enough for some of these people. i wonder why


Cause they're fucking cowards who don't want to risk getting into it with someone that could actually fight back. It's fucking disgusting. And dudes act all shocked Pikachu when women are wary of them. From experience, a woman trying to fight a man is a lot like if a man were to fight a bear. The strength difference is way bigger than you might think.


If he got confronted by a bigger dude, 100% he would walk away. Most of those types don't know how to punch up, and can only punch down.


Wow. She got right back up...


This subreddit loves violence against women


This is not funny.. fuck that piece of shit garbage ass human being


Ahh your daily dose of incel porn on this sub posted by putin bots


You are so wrong. They're not bots. They're genuine trash human beings.


Yeah too many people assume that disgusting people are paid opposition or bots when in reality we actually do just have that many shitty people running around


It’s not bots, it’s just incels. You see them crawl out of the woodworks anytime a woman is hurt in one of these videos. Usually it’s a video of a man using self defense, so they can hide behind “equality” to justify their enjoyment, but once in a while a video like this shows up and they show their true colors.


They also have an entire sub devoted to their anti-women wank-fodder: /r/pussypassdenied


Now it's an endless cycle of "you just hit my sister in the face"


Not a very good way to prove respond to allegations of hitting her sister, by then in fact hitting her. Fuck this guy, I hope he is caught.


Well this thread is already a shitshow


Oh yeah, and I'm here for the meta freakout. Some of the ones downvoted to hell, I can't tell if they are trolls or serious.


Yeah, that's still assault. Hope he's enjoying the moments before that video lands him in handcuffs. It might take a while, but it will happen.


I'm going to let you in on a little secret. A lot of people don't give a fuck about having a criminal record or going to prison.


And a lot of police don’t care enough to write up a report for you lol.


Dude filming seems like a piece of shit too


Fuck around and find out girl.not saying what he did was right. But people are fucking stupid man. Don't get in people's face unless you are ready for a fight.


Equal rights and lefts


A 14 seconds clip out of context to support some dude hitting a woman. Incel porn.


Fuck reddit sure loves a woman getting hit.


Who says people aren't changing? Why, one year ago, the majority of these comments would have been racist, and now they're incellist!


For a grown man he can't hit very hard lol, she was back up pretty quick for be sucker punched.


Ya he wasn’t willing to fight any of the men cuz he knew they’d beat the crap out of him and he can only get away with hitting the women cuz if he were to personally piss off a guy he’d be in deep trouble Bro literally got shoved by a guy and didn’t do anything but a girl yells at him under reasonable context and he punches her into the sidewalk


Women be like "I'm scared to walk alone at night" then do shit like this




Learned her right quick that the whole "men dont hit women" was an "agreed" upon ideology. Not a fact. Matter of fact, I hate seeing women abuse that shit, and think they have the liberty to walk up and scream in a mans face, let alone anyones face at all. For Every action, there is a reaction. Most reactions remain unknown. In essence, if you gonna fuck around...


Lesson from the 80s. Talk shit, get hit


If he already knocked out your sister, WHY IN THE WORLD WOULD YOU CONFRONT THE MAN? Call the police and take your drunk asses home.


This is called consequences.

