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He’s outside City Hall protesting new rules drafted by NYC Department of Environmental Protection that would require restaurants using coal or wood-fired ovens, like pizzerias, to curb emissions by up to 75%. Pizzerias with ovens installed before 2016 would need to install emissions-monitoring devices that start at around $10K. ABC7, [New NYC DEP Rules Could Cost Pizzerias a Lot of Dough](https://abc7ny.com/new-york-city-department-of-environmental-protection-pizzeria-emissions/13429285/) Pizza Marketplace, [NYC ordinance could require wood, coal-fired ovens to reduce gas emissions by up to 75%](https://www.pizzamarketplace.com/news/nyc-ordinance-could-require-wood-coal-fired-ovens-to-reduce-gas-emissions-by-up-to-75/)


It really pisses me off. None of this environmental stuff is the cause of small businesses or individuals. You could literally tell Coke and Pepsi, no more plastic bottles, and it would do more for the environment than damn near any law they've passed. Always fucking the little guy to keep the big guy on top.


The biggest useless factor on emissions is the cruise ship industry. People need transportation, ovens, heaters, import & export of products, food like avocados, mushrooms and beef… Nobody needs to go on a cruise ship.


Fuck the cruise industry


No. Fuck the cruise industry!


Fuck the cruise industry?


Fuck the cruise industry 😏




You mean Top Gun?


Oh he's certainly a top alright


Only if the boys are there.


FUCK! The cruise industry!


Fuck, the cruise industry.


Fuck me on a cruise ship.


Fuck Speed 2: Cruise Control


Fuck Tom Cruise


Cruise the fuck industry!


There's a couple websites that allow this 😏


Fuck the industry crews!


They're pretty good for my dad who became paralyzed last year. I used to work in travel and cruises seem to be the only option for him for a nice vacation that doesn't feel restricted


Sorry about your dad, but the environmental damage done by the cruise industry is inexcusable.


Wait until you hear about the fashion industry


Don’t tell us how bad our blue jeans are. We just want to hate the things that don’t inconvenience us.


>want to hate the things that don’t inconvenience us. I mean if we're talking environmentalism, that is unironically a pretty effective approach, to start with anyway.


Weird how stuck up you’re all acting about cruises and I guarantee 90% of you wouldn’t support outlawing meat consumption despite it being the largest impact on climate change.


I lived by a major Port for 8 years, the amount of dirty diesel smoke that billowed out of these things 24/7 was fucking disgusting. My windows were coated with pure black carbon dust every month. Cruise ships are insane polluters


Make all cruise ships nuclear powered.


And recycle their waste into water & food for the passengers!


Recycle their passengers into water and food!




Lawns, golf courses, and sports are also prime examples of massive sources of pollution and energy consumption that no one needs. If they really wanted to do something, they'd ban the Yankees from flying anywhere.


I agree to a certain extent. Golf courses in Scotland will stay naturally wet. But a golf course in Cali during the drought?! Wtf?!


I live in the middle of the Mojave desert and there's so many golf courses here. Makes me shake my head


In Arizona there’s a new housing community with a golf course popping out every 5 minutes


That’s because old people from places like New England at the East Coast where it’s muggy wanna go live where it’s warm and hot but dry. They also want to play there rich white people sports like golf so that’s why you got all these places popping up that are absolute wasters of water.


>If they really wanted to do something, they'd ban the Yankees from flying anywhere. And ban the Mets from flying back.


As a Mets fan I’m fully in support of this


God, golf courses can fuck right off. Acres of land that uses potable water and fuck tons of chemicals just so a few hundred people MAX can make use of them.


Many golf courses are switching to non potable water.


This is where I jump off the liberal train. “Let’s do nothing fun because it’s bad for the environment!” Are you all also willing to give up your central ACs and heaters during the throes of late summer and late winter? Because, in the US, that’s not feasible for almost any region. What else has to go? People sitting inside all day watching TV and using smartphones is also bad for energy efficiency. Should we give that up too? What about restaurants and bars? Also gotta go. So, what will people even do all day?


"A Golf Course is the willful and deliberate misuse of a perfectly good Rifle Range." Col. Jeff Cooper.


"That no one needs." Sure, let's shut down sports. Totally unnecessary. And shut down the TV and movie industry too. We have enough; people can just watch reruns. So much unnecessary energy consumption. Great thinking!


we don't need to shut down sports, but we do need to stop letting the stadium owners get the cost of new stadiums subsidized by the government. They can pay for it themselves, or not have a giant stadium IMO.


> Nobody needs to go on a cruise ship. Well, nobody *needs* to go on a cruise unless you're a potential [rapist or murderer](https://www.miaminewtimes.com/news/statistics-show-most-cruise-ship-sexual-assaults-were-reported-on-carnival-11325350).


We could offset the cruise ship industry emissions very easily by turning them all into artificial reefs.


Could be said about racing too……and I love racing and cars


Just like a lot of environmental laws they target the average person and small business because they are less likely to be able to fight back. A good example is the huge focus on car and light vehicle emissions which make up *at most* 20% or so of airborne pollutants. Now of course reducing any emissions is a good thing but why is there often little talk of stricter emissions for large scale industrial polluters? Ah because they'll fight back and serious moves against them might mean widespread damage to the economy. Squeezing a pizza shop owner for a 10k in upgrade makes it look like they're doing something while not risking any actual harm to big business.


You mean having tradable carbon credits isn’t fixing pollution? /s


20% of airborne pollutants is still a huge amount that should be reduced, no?


Well I think it's also can be used as a weapon. They say you want to be environmentally friendly? Well here you go, here are some shitty ass paper straws. Your environmentally conscious behavior is gonna cause small businesses to close down. This is what you really want?!?!? So they pass these shitty laws and solutions to bring people back from being green and more towards coal and other pollutants. If these politicians really cared about the environment they would go after the big guys, the major corporations that are producing most of the pollution.


You are right that we should be focusing our regulations on big corporations and major industries, but its disengenuous to pretend like that's not happening at all. Or that corporations are not in an ongoing war against the regulations that do exist over them.


Wasn’t there something a month ago where some rich fuck or CEO said that people with three dogs or more are affecting climate change more than jets? Edit:[this is it](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2023/05/24/dogs-environment-private-jet-travel-boss/)


...and it's achievable, there were no plastic bottles 50 years ago.


We have glass bottles in my country but it’s more expensive than plastic bottles so I just get from different brand cuz from that point I hate big soft drink companies.


This is why it has to be mandated. Once it's the only option, the production becomes massive, bringing prices down and probably motivating the return of the bottle deposit scheme, where bottles are returned to the vendor for re-use.


For smog-forming and particulate emissions they totally are caused by small businesses and individuals. The media reporting on this new regulation incorrect, they aren't trying to cut carbon emissions, they are trying to cut *particulate* emissions which [commercial kitchens contribute a significant amount to in New York City](https://www.nyc.gov/assets/doh/downloads/pdf/environmental/comm-air-survey-08-16.pdf).


The issue with any “dirty” combustion in a city is the local effects, not climate change. E.g. gas ovens are not part of this, yet they emit just as much Co2. The difference is that they burn “cleanly” - it’s almost pure CO2 without any sot and other particles. In a city like New York, the number of wood furncace pizza ovens start adding up, as does their effect on the local environment. Take this for what this is (a likely editorialized headline), but a single wood oven is like 750 trucks in terms of harmful pollutants. In Europe alone wood burning (from e.g. pizza ovens) is estimated to cost 40 000 people their lives every year. https://amp.theguardian.com/environment/2021/oct/09/eco-wood-stoves-emit-pollution-hgv-ecodesign


Laws like that are usually started by the companies that sell the monitors so they can make more money. Reminds me of the king of the hill episode with the low flow toilets.


Out of all the sources of polution in NYC, they're worried about wood and coal fire ovens? Sure, that'll really help the city hit those targets.


Dude but this is the best tasting pizza. I hate the government even more


it's easier to target small businesses who don't donate millions to campaigns than it is the *actual* culprits of climate change.


More importantly they get to tell people they did something without really doing anything of value Sure your pizza sucks, small businesses are fucked and we didn't put a dent in global warming but we get to say we tried


Meanwhile….the ultra wealthy hop onto a private jet and generate disproportionate levels of emissions as they live in a wasteful house that is way larger than needed.


I'm genuinely shocked NYC would do anything to damage one of their most defining features and attractions. I mean, NYC Pizza is a culturally important element of the experience and reputation of NYC. Of all the problems they could work to solve, this is not one of them. So incredibly stupid, misguided, and achieves nothing more than hurting their own small business community.


I get controlling emissions and all but the smell of pizza lofting through the streets or the emissions the pizzerias create are definitely not even a small percentage of the emission problems in the world or country. It sounds like a completely ridiculous law for the city to pass. It's like back in the day when they started installing low flow toilets or shower heads... What a nightmare.


Low flow? I don't like the sound of that.


There's the whole Seinfeld episode on it where they had to switch shower heads and there was like a black market for high flow shower heads. 😆


California has low flow regulations for water fixtures, but they all are just little rubber rings that can simply be removed.


You would be surprised. A wood oven has over 750 times the dangerous particulate emissions of a truck. After all, the truck burns a fuel that burns relatively cleanly and filters emissions through a catalytic converters, wood burns extremely “dirty”. There is a reason why gas stoves and ovens, which burn “cleanly”, are not part of this. They do not pollute the local environment with cancerous sot. A large number of wood ovens in a city the size and population density of New York adds up. I have no idea what the figures are, but in Europe wood burning is estimated to kill 40 000 people a year. https://amp.theguardian.com/environment/2021/oct/09/eco-wood-stoves-emit-pollution-hgv-ecodesign


In parts of the world where normal people use wood or coal in their own home kitchens it is legitimately a problem.


Pizza melting in the hot sun won't be fun to clean up for whoever these politicians have do that.




Rats: "I choose pizza. You get death."


Rizzo 2024!


"I'm eatin' pizza here, eatin' pizza here!!"


Or at the very least the rats will feed the pizza to their mutant turtle children.


You haven't seen the wildlife in NYC. you have rats big enough to carry whole slices at a time.


Let not focus on private jets. Pizza ovens that’s the real issue !


I'm from NY. If you've never had pizza cooked in a wood fired brick oven, you have not lived yet


Because BIG Za is causing climate change and NOT huge industrial plants 🙄


It's not even big za, the chains are using electric and gas ovens. It's the little guys doing it old school.


This is the dumbest fucking legislation I have every seen. Holy shit. Imagine being so out of touch with reality that you waste precious political capital on fucking *pizza places* and not the actual problem.


Completely misguided scientifically too, wood is carbon neutral and part of the fast co2 cycle, if air quality is all they are worried about natural charcoal is extremely low emissions. Meanwhile the port is second or third largest in the states with a constant stream of container ships burning bunker fuel by the ton.


It isn't about CO2, it is about particulates caused by burning wood. Not saying it is good or bad, but you should argue against the real reasons for the change. Wood smoke smells nice, but it's bad for you.


What's really bugging me with this, is that wood fires are less heavy on the emissions than you'd think. Wood requires trees. Trees live (for a part) off of CO2. The CO2 that's created while burning was mostly less than what the tree consumed.


Why can’t we apply these same kinds of rules to the giant corporations that are the main reason we have a climate change issue?


i would straight up be eating the pizza slices he's throwing wow, i wish people would protest this way near me


Oh wow... thats pretty wild...holy toledo.


Yeah wood and coal ovens are the real problem with the environmental crisis. Meanwhile corporate giants remain untouched.


And the military which is the largest consumer of fossil fuels


Hey if we don't burn those fossil fuels then they may come back as actually dinosaurs - then who's got to fight them? That's right, the military! So back off bud; it's called forward thinking.


This is absolutely batshit insane. What infinitesimally tiny fraction of a percentage of carbon emissions come from these ovens? You could cut all of their emissions, take away every single persons gas powered car, lawnmower, etc., etc., and it would still be a small percentage! Carbon emissions mostly come from factories and commercial vehicles shipping our disposable plastic crap products around the world. The idea of personal responsibility, or in this case the responsibility of small businesses, to be responsible for climate change is an absolute myth. We don’t make the damn carbon emissions!


100 companies are responsible for 71 percent of all carbon emissions


Just 16 of the 90,000 commercial ships on the ocean right now make more carbon emissions than every car on earth combined.


That is true, but people act like that somehow doesn't involve us. Most of those companies are energy extraction based and we home owners and car owners consume that energy. They aren't just producing it and we have no role in it. They are serving our demands for cheap energy and cheap transportation fuel and cheap shipping. You've seen the belly aching when has prices rise too high.


Some of the mental dissonance here is crazy. The comment above you it's just a talking point, while your accurate explanation is basically downvoted to zero


>What infinitesimally tiny fraction of a percentage of carbon emissions come from these ovens? I don't really know who to believe, but this was linked above: >New wood burning stoves billed as more environmentally friendly still emit 750 times more tiny particle pollution than a modern HGV truck, a report has shown. >The report used data on the emissions produced by stoves in perfect laboratory conditions and the pollution could be even higher in everyday use, the researchers said, with older stoves being much worse. >At least 40 ,000 early deaths a year are attributed to wood burning in Europe. https://amp.theguardian.com/environment/2021/oct/09/eco-wood-stoves-emit-pollution-hgv-ecodesign


Carbon emissions aren’t the concern here, particulate matter is. The two are independent of each other. Carbon dioxide is a long-term global issue that nobody expects to solve by curbing pizzeria carbon emissions. Particulate pollution on the other hand has local effects on air quality, and curbing unfiltered emissions of hundreds/thousands of dirty-burning ovens has a non-negligible effect. Cars already have catalytic converters cleaning the exhaust (besides CO2) so they are quite clean (for PM, not CO2) compared to openly burning wood or coal.


I can't remember specifics but I think it's 5% or so With that I think it's close to 10 or 15 but don't quote me Yes they do Yes it is No, we don't Now who do you think came up with, and advertises, reducing your carbon footprint? When soda companies moved to plastic and stopped taking bottles back, suddenly reduce reuse recycle appeared everywhere, and conveniently the lack of bottle buyback saw record high profits in the soda industry


These rules have nothing to do with global warming. It's to make the air cleaner, because these ovens release particulate matter into the air that is really bad for your lungs. The number of people in this thread absolutely outraged while having no fucking clue what's going on would be hilarious if it wasn't so sad.


Millionaires take 30 minute trips on private jets, but yes let’s police the pizza.


Ac and refrigerators are horrible too.


They aren't the problem, those devices are energy agnostic meaning they could be powered by coal or they could be powered by renewables. Plus heat pumps are more than 100% energy efficient in most cases (I choose this [link](https://dothemath.ucsd.edu/2012/06/heat-pumps-work-miracles/) because they do the math) and that is how your AC and you fridge work.


You wouldn’t give up your AC or fridge, like the rest of us.




First thing I thought of.


I’ve seen this so many times and I’m always amazed at how it lands neatly on top of the house like that


You should also know that Bryan did it in one take. They had so many pizzas left that they used it in Jesse’s party


Omg, I bet this pizza wasn't cut so that it would land better, and then they just worked that bit into Jesse's explanation later


Complete fluke. He did it first try.






FUCK THIS, they did this type of shit in Montreal to the bagel bakeries a few years back. Know what will cut emissions? Going after the places that actually cause the damage, large corporations.


...IS THAT WHY THE BAGELS DONT TASTE AS GOOD??? I was here a few years ago and i remember literally buying a bag of bagels and they were unbelievable. I live here now and I haven't had bagels that good yet.






St-Viateur's factory in Anjou, who bakes most of the production, uses "hybrid" ovens with just enough wood smoke to flavour the bagels.




The rationale is just dumb. Pizza emissions should be pretty far down on the list of problems to prioritize. Give us pizza or give us death.


Source that the regulations are *only* about pizza emissions, rather than being one line in a larger set of regulations and guidelines?


With those delivery skills he could get a job at UPS no problem.


Nah, that's an Amazon Flex copyrighted delivery method; you can't see but his pizza van is stopped in the middle of the road with its hazards on.


Why you gotta do UPS dirty like that? He's got FedEx written all over him


I totally want us to try and clean up the planet (our parents fucked up) but telling a pizza place they gotta curb emissions for using a wood fire stove while Canada burns is hilarious.


Exactly. Also that's how Republicans win a couple of unintended votes. Democrats should be careful about which fights they pick in a near future. There's a lot at stake.


Beto: Good candidate with good ideas. Also Beto: Hell yes we're going to take your AR-15's! *Beto loses by a large margin* Beto: How did this happen?


Democrats need to drop the fucking gun control rhetoric. It’s not winning them any points. Saying this as a die hard Bernie supporter.


Even Bernie himself tends to be more quiet about gun control from time to time. Granted he is from Vermont where gun ownership is high and he at least tries his best to represent his state. He normally comments whenever there is a mass shooting and never went to suggest anything as far as Beto did. I remember in 2016 Clinton tried to attack Bernie on not being on the bandwagon of banning all "assault weapons" or having a "D-" instead of an "F" with the NRA.


Wasnt Bernie actually against taking away guns and AR-15s? I believe he was also against illegal immigration since it causes wages to remain low and labor to be cheap. Dems don't realize how stupid & contradicting many of their policies are, you can't fight for higher wages and also advocate for illegal or high immigration since that completely devalues the price of labor. Its why wages havent grown at all in the US when there is a constant flow of migrants willing to work for pennies. It was only when illegal immigration was curtailed significantly during Covid that we actually saw a labor shortage and wage increase for the first time in decades.




All here for this protest. Fuck these guys trying to get in between our pizza now. Get outta here. Pizza should be protected at all costs.


I moved from NY to ohio. Don’t take your pizza for granted, I miss it. Protect the pizza


Those look like really good pizza, couldn't he have used shitty pizza like little Caesars or dominos? Wasteful, but I like his stance.


Support local business


That's the pizza from his pizzeria. Shit it looks good I would be a patron.


Right? What's his restaurant's name? Let's support both this cause as well as our hunger. Win win.


Or pizza by Alfredo


I thought it was alfredo’s pizza


I’m so upset about the quality of pizza being used


I'm more upset that he's demanding to be given pizza, but already has pizza and is throwing it at them instead of trying to catch any.


This is the kind of pizza that gets thrown away by this legislation seems to be the claim. Idk, doesn’t seem like a filter on the vent hood would kill the process, but why even bother with pizza ovens? The whole thing is as weird as this video clip.


it's about forcing a VERY costly burden on small businesses who make up a very small portion of the emission, while doing nothing about the actual polluters, which are large corporations. It's virtue-legislating, trying to please a progressive base while not legislating against their donors, but it's gonna backfire because progressives want our government to go after large corporations, not small businesses.


And they are wood oven cooked! Sad story.


Seriously! I moved to he Midwest from NY and wish we had good NY pizza here :-(


So, it’s been the fucking pizza makers this whole time?!? Well, fuck me, the environment thing has been solved people. On to the next problem…smh 🤦🏻‍♂️


These politicians actually hate everything-even great pizza.


I hope this doesn't start a trend of using pizza to protest around the globe. Everyone will want a peace of the pie.


You don’t want people randomly chucking pizza? I for one would take full advantage, mouth agape.


I would much rather watch this protest, rather than the video earlier today of a woman rubbing horse manure on her face


What is this cloudy with a chance of meatballs irl?


I will dress up like whatever villain you prefer if a mob of people will throw pizza to me


He should pay homeless people to protest with pizza.


This is not fentynal, they are not interested.




I understand this man's cause... and I also want to be on the other side of that fence catching free peesha


The governments can only do such a thing to small businesses. Big business (Government owners) cannot be bothered by their installed slaves! Fuck these sellout piece of shit legislators!


*cries in hungry*


A lost take from the famous Breaking Bad scene.


Reddit be like: "yeah I get your entire life is fucked but your kinda like hitler for wasting food. "




Walter White did it better


those slices are huge! is that how they do it over in manhattan?? your girl’s gotta go there


They don’t call it the big Apple for nothing.


I support the protest. But the waste of pizza is devastating


No... New York making obnoxious laws regarding food? Never! lol. But really, I don't think throwing his food on the ground is great for his business either. But I'm sure he has the support of the Rat population.


Hey im with pizza guy here. Nyc has been fucking small businesses forever. I think the city council sits around and thinks of new ways to backdoor tax businesses to generate more income for the city. Bunch of fucking crooks and scumbags. They're the modern-day mob.


Makes me so hungry. Those are some serious slices.


Homie, people could eat those??


This city impressively keeps finding new and more insane ways to prove how completely oblivious to reality the absolute morons who "run" it are...I want to leave so badly it makes me sick


Pizza Rat will be along to clean that up.


You know there’s starving thirty year old children right here that would of loved that pizza you piece of shit!


Whether he eats the pizza or throws it on the floor, they'll still be hungry.


It really does look pretty delicious


37yo child over here.


As someone from New York. This brings me pain to watch pizza go to waste


That's a waste of pizza.


A lot to unpack here


I support the cause but damn what a waste of perfectly good pizza


What a waste of good pizza!


How does he do this in a white shirt without getting sauce all over it? Impressive skills.


Pizza is the only reason I'd ever want to go to NY, this is insane.


Shit looks so good


Fuck this guy for tossing and wasting a fresh pie.


NYC has become a scam. The mayor is corrupt and useless. Uneducated. Clearly wasn't fit to be mayor. The last mayor was a complete disaster. Born and raised in NYC and I can't wait to leave.




Illuminati confirmed




What about places like Peter Luger? IIRC, they are constant wood burning, so even if they can afford the emissions device, they’ll surely be over whatever threshold- so do they get constant fines or be forced to replace the ovens that they’ve always had, and the prep/results for their steaks?


They get put out of business and replaced by a national chain restaurant. Giant corporation making political donations win.


That'll show the janitor who makes minimum wage who has to clean that up.


Hey mate, could I have a slice of that?


I thought he was gonna throw the whole pizza on the roof, Breaking Bad-style!


At least save a slize.


Death, please. No, wait! I meant pizza.


This guy made me want to eat pizza


Thx, now I'm hungry