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Submissions must fit the purpose of the community. /r/PublicFreakout is a subreddit dedicated to people freaking out, melting down, losing their cool, or being weird in public.


“Is there really a Hamas stronghold under the hospital?” “Wow so you just want to trust Hamas now?”


“How dare you ask questions. Now you believe the Holocaust didn’t happen?” Clowns. Literally on tv advocating for blowing up a hospital.


I guess I'm crazy because I'm over here thinking, "Even if they are right and there was an HQ under a hospital, that doesn't mean it is okay to just bomb it when there are still civilians in the hospital."


I keep yelling this exact thing into my monitor/phone multiple times a day.


Fr. I can understand wanting to take the hospital (assuming Hamas is there). But if you want it, you’re gonna have to go in with ground troops and yes, you’re gonna suffer heavy casualties. But indiscriminately bombing hospitals will always be wrong.


Yep, that's why a lot of people are calling the IDF cowards for bombing all of Gaza with out actually affecting where Hamas is.... Which are the tunnels. How the hell does bombing the fuck out of 5 story buildings going to affect the tunnels which are deep under the building? Remember, IDF and Israel Government have said "if you're still in North Gaza, you're hamas" over and over again and why do you think they are raiding a hospital where people physically cannot be moved. IDF wont go face to face because they know they would get destroyed in Guerilla warfare.


I actually think it’s more sinister than that. I think that rather than the idf being afraid to go in they are deliberately choosing strategies that maximize civilian casualties as a part of their effort to get rid of Palestine.


The line from the IDF has been "Hamas is using human shields ... don't blame us for shooting the human shields to get to the target, blame Hamas for doing it in the first place." And it's like, yeah we can blame you. It's fucked up what Hamas is doing. Down with Hamas. I condemn them with every breath in my body. But murdering civilians on the way to attack Hamas doesn't make you the good guy.


Thank you. I keep thinking I’m crazy that in the movies, authorities would be trying to infiltrate, not bombard. But we live in the worst timeline, and it’s easier/cheaper to just bomb everyone, apparently including the hostages


Exactly and it proves they don’t care how many “innocent” people and children they kill. Bibi has never cared or wanted a 2 state solution. The IDF has killed scores of innocent Palestinians yet scratch their heads wondering why Hamas attacked them. The irony of this is when outside sources come into Gaza and confirm the death count. It will forever ruin the US’s name. Yeah Israel has every right to defend itself but Palestinian citizens deserve to live to. Not get wholesale slaughtered


"How dare you ask questions?" Is something Hitler would say


How do you go from this topic to Holocaust denial?? lol


Easy handwave away from critical questions if you immediately accuse the asker of being antisemetic.


And what they do not realize, is when they do this is wipe away any sympathy.


It shows how lazy they can afford to be, that this guy thinks he can use this as a go to when his credibility is questioned. It's only very recently that anyone in the mainstream media is even asking questions about the normal framing


Yup cuz then they have to defend that instead of their original claims. It’s literally a playbook move at this point for them.


Trump clown played his Trump card. Too bad we are playing reality and not spades. His card is worth a Trump promise...nada.


This is the one topic that is bipartisan in the US government. His talking points are no different than the ones by Hillary and Bill Clinton, Joe Biden, or the myriad of top leaders of the Democratic party.


Cuz it’s been invoked by Bibi multiple times now, so it’s an easy shield when pushed for answers.


His face after Marc asks him back 👁 👄 👁


"A few years ago" Probably two decades ago when he visited a settlement probably.


“I’ve dedicated true last five years of my life to this!” “I went a couple years ago.” Bet it was more than five…


Unless he was in the military, he wouldn't have been permitted to go there by Israel for almost twenty years. I also don't know how or why Hill was there but journalism is different


The resemblance is ... Accurate




>When was the last time you were in Gaza? Dishonest piece of shit didn't expect an answer, did he?


The face he made when he received that response was classic. He completely didn't see that coming lmao


“Didn’t see that coming” - pretty much everyone in Israeli government. They think they are taking candy from rock throwing Neanderthals. When in reality Palestinians are highly intelligent and political. Hence why they have built up a network of journalists to visit Palestinian cities. They Israeli government are going to end up with countless dead soldiers and PTSD soldiers after this over.


I mean they do. The israeli military is vastly superior to the everything the hamas has. Does hamas even have a single tank? All they do is shoot rockets that get deflected by the iron dome. I am not talking about who is right or wrong in this conflict but you can’t deny the Israeli advantage.


Not that hard when the U. S. Gives them billions every year. They get free healthcare, lower taxes and a better standard of living.


As i said, i am not judging the circumstances. It is just a fact that Israel has the objectively superior military power, by far.


Just having a better military doesn't mean an easy win. It's hard to fight an enemy when they can hide so easily, and ambush from nearly any location.


Isn't that only a concern if you're not willing to level entire cities?


not a conflict, yes a genocide and ethnic cleansing with a clear aggressor


Yea, woops. HAHA. And I went uhm years ago. It was a perfect trip.


He did the ol’ freeze-dried McConnell


By his reaction, I wouldn't be surprised if his "few years ago" is over a decade ago


He was probably a militant in the soldier sieging Gaza last time he was there.


Unless he was in the military, he wouldn't have been permitted to go there by Israel for almost twenty years..


His face literally went, "aww shit....fuck it let's call him a holocaust denier"


He had to flip a few pages ahead in his playbook, you could see it happening.


He's got holocaust denier bookmarked.


He was probably hoping the interviewer says he never been there and delegitimize him, even if that's the case, so ? it's just deflection after deflection.


That’s exactly what he wanted. He even starts to ask Lamont Hill how long he was there for. Since how long ago didn’t work, he was planning on saying he wasn’t there long enough to form an opinion but Hill got him on the ropes with when’s the last time YOU were there.


Of course he deflects - he's trying to justify bombing a fucking occupied hospital. If you've been reading comments and stories about this "conflict" and wondering why some of it sounds so disingenuous it is because you are listening to people justifying the unjustifiable - active genocide


Most of the defenses are something along the lines of “you don’t understand what it’s like” as if they’re the first colonizers to be attacked by the natives


He especially didn't expect an answer *better than his own*... When the question was reciprocated back at him, he had to think on it for a bit, then answered " a few years" which, honestly, I took as "a couple of decades at least" LMAO Just fkn like Trump.


“What is the source of your information?” “You’re an antisemite!”


This whole narrative is giving me 2003 Iraq/Saddam Hussein flashbacks... I half expected him to say "It's been proven for certainty that Hamas has weapons of mass destruction".


I remember NY Times back in 2002 posting articles on the front page saying Saddam has WMD; and then in the back pages, smaller articles stated UN and others don't believe Saddam had WMDs. Honestly, some governmental people including the CIA who believed Saddam had WMDs tried to find evidence that he had them and pinpoint smudges or areas saying "ha, that's proof he has WMDs." People make mistakes...even the most advanced government has people who can make mistakes and not believe they made mistakes.


>People make mistakes...even the most advanced government has people who can make mistakes and not believe they made mistakes. There is a difference between making mistakes, and outright lying and then calling someone anti-sematic when they question those lies.


We were outright lied to as a country about WMD in Iraq. And then when we tried to push back on it we were told we were "unpatriotic" . Go fuck yourself this is the exact same shit that happened in the US. Edit: I am incredibly sorry. I read this response and I took it the complete opposite way it was supposed to be. I'm also far from bias. I joined the military after 9/11, during the "iraq had WMD" we were getting preached to by Bush and Cheney, but before our intelligence community finally got it out that bush and cheney were lying. So I joined the service based on a complete and utter lie and I'm more than a little salty about it still.


u/Banluil is saying the same thing. Saying GFY doesn't make sense... He's pointing out that this is the same if you don't agree with our war mongering then you're an extremist too. Americans calling out for being lied to about WMD = unpatriotic Anyone calling out against IDF = anti-semitic The commenter is saying that it's bullshit like you are. You should retract the GFY. Edit: tagged user


It's fine, it's a hot button topic, and they mis-understood what I was trying to say.


It's not "fine". I'm a little embarrassed, but I appreciate the understanding and not throwing me under the bus after I told you to fuck yourself. I'm sorry.


You owned up to it. I probably would have deleted my comment like a coward.


I fucked it up, I'm sorry guys! I apologized to Baniuil. I took their post in the actual opposite as they intended it and that's my fault. Im not going to delete it, but I am editing to apologize and explain what I did. No need for me to delete and hide.


It’s nice of you to apologize and recognize your mistake. However, I Was hoping for you to double down on your ‘go fuck yourself’ just to see how it played out.


Ummm...I think you mis-understood my statement. I agree with you. Sorry that you don't understand the point I was making.


I do believe I definitely misread your post and took it in the exact opposite way as it was supposed to. I do apologize. I signed up to "defend our country" in that time frame where there weren't people pushing back on the lies about WMD and after 9/11 and I'm still super fucking salty about it. Love my service, detest I was lied to about what was going on and signed up over lies.


I get it man, I was literally on terminal leave when 9/11 hit. I get the anger and the upset. You are all good!


When we hear wmd we think nukes. Bio warfare that can be a plague to take out nations, also wmd. Chemical weapons don't even belong in the list. So out of scale. You do a chemical attack right it's hundreds or thousands killed depending on concentration. Nukes we invented the megadeath unit to describe them. What bush counted on was making people fear the nuke and then find some old chemical stocks and say see, we found wmd and let the opposition try to explain the distinction while shouting over them. What they didn't count on was Saddam actually destroying all his wmd and being secretive about it.


I don't know what Saddam did with all the weapons, because the US, Europe, and the Soviet Union heartily supplied Iraq with the materials to make Sarin gas and mustard gas, among others, during the Iraq-Iran war.


I'm European (Dutch) but I used to visit the US quite often in the late nineties/early 00's because my wife is American and we visited at least once a year for about a month and a half with our kids. My parents in law had a subscription to the NY Times (I'm a big fan of newspapers, always have been since I was twelve, and they can't get fat enough; NYT's weekend edition was always the greatest thing ever for me :), but what struck me was how different their reporting was from that by European newspapers. Especially after 9/11. In most European quality newspapers, articles on anything political or controversial would get explained first, and then the views from relevant politicians from both sides would be reported on. In the NYT, and most other US newspapers, they do it the other way around: they'd just have a front page article citing what George Bush had said. and his reasoning behind it. Then the last sentence would be something like *'some people and organizations don't agree with president Bush on this issue'* Were they actually fooling themselves that would make their reporting fair and balanced? I remember during those visits I'd collect and photograph all these hyper patriotic things like the huge flags or the WE SUPPORT OUR TROOPS ashtrays at McDonalds and the pizzaboxes that came with more flags and nationalist slogans. My parents in law asked me why I did this, and I explained that it was because this was a sign that their country would soon be turned into a fascist state. I believe I'm only one or two elections away from being proved right. (I haven't been to the US in a while, but I'd love to visit again: despite being the most fucked up country in the world, you have some of the nicest and beautiful people. You just need to know where to find them :) P.S. your architecture is mostly crap, but the sign painting is awesome!!


Well, he *had* them and there was evidence but it was bioweapons that had been dismantled for quite some time or weren't even in a usable condition. I was in the Marines pretty much the whole beginning of it and during the time always heard about weapons caches being found. No wmds found that could be used though, if I remember right, just tons of old and broken shit. I think it was mentioned he got rid of them back before Desert Storm, but this is just rumors. I know officially wmds weren't found, unofficially as well, just a giant waste of time that destroyed many lives.


Does Hamas have nuclear weapons? We don't know but we can't wait for the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud. Paraphrase of what they said before gulf war 2. Clown show.


That's what's so frustrating for many Americans on this topic. We've been through this recently and suffered for it. Learn from our mistakes Israel.


This is your daily reminder that it's not "antisemitic" or "holocaust denial" to ask for evidence for israel's claims. I don't understand why this is so hard to grasp for some people...


To ask for the Netenyahu Government's claims especially. Let's be clear it's this right wing government in Israel that's out of control here. I don't fault all Israelis or even a majority. Reports suggest a majority Israelis are angry with the Netenyahu government.


Israel has always been this way tbh, the current government is just masks off this time. Also, their propaganda machine is just not keeping up especially with today's social media where we have access to individual people's POVs.


I hate the term "masks off" Netenyahu was always like this, it just has more coverage and more people are aware. No one is suddenly deciding now is the time to be an asshole they always wanted to be.


Exactly. The Israeli government position up until only now with this siege on Gaza was that the Nakba never happened. Now they're all bragging about doing a Nakba 2. Israel has always lied about its activities. Netanyahu is just a more prominent example.


John Oliver had a pretty good breakdown on the situation. Hamas was voted in like 15 years ago and haven't had an election since. Netanyahu aligned with the most right wing extremists in order to form a coalition government. Mostly because his corruption case was moving forward and he had to get in charge to squash it... The citizens are the victims here on both sides


Agreed that the citizens on both sides are the victims but it seems like the Palestinans are disproportionately dying/suffering.




I'm glad you're clarifying here because it's good for a lot of people reading, but also: the John Oliver segment they were referencing definitely makes that clear and it's great one for people to be able to have if they come across anyone who needs to understand what is happening and why they should care. https://youtu.be/pJ9PKQbkJv8?si=GRRQ7cPDdBDdBNJA


Jon's breakdown on the situation was very eye-opening. The parts I found the most striking were the creation of a "settlement task force" in the Israeli government, in charge of kicking Palestinians out of their homes and replacing them with Jewish families, and the admission by an Israeli public figure that Hamas is "an asset" to Israel because the cycle of violence & retaliation repeated over and over again allows Israel to justify their actions and take them even further.






> Netanyahu aligned with the most right wing extremists in order to form a coalition government. Mostly because his corruption case was moving forward and he had to get in charge to squash it... Now why does that sound familiar...?


When "never forget" is because you needed a playbook


It’s uncanny


Except on one side, the citizens voted in their government as recently as last year.


Importantly: the families of the hostages in Gaza are furious with Netanyahu for not agreeing to a ceasefire so they can exchange prisoners. Instead, they're dropping bombs that could kill their own people. Considering how much "return our children" has factored into the Israeli media campaign, their disregard for any measures which might save their lives is shocking.


They're angry at bibi but not for killing Arabs. Most agree with the action


It's not that they can't grasp it. It's their strategy


> I don't understand why this is so hard to grasp for some people... Because they have been running one of the strongest and far reaching disinformation campaigns the world has ever seen.


Also some of the best debunkers of Israeli government lies are Jewish academics. Even the hostages family members have had enough. They are marching from tel aviv to Jerusalem by foot to get the government to listen.


They dont want to grasp it


It’s a win all type of card. If you’re question it, you’re against it. It’s a bullshit manipulation tactic.


It’s entirely possible that Hamas has been using the hospital as a shield but responding to the request to substantiate the claim by saying the request like “Holocaust denial” reveals that the former ambassador sees his position as very weak. That, and it’s exactly the kind of bullshit you’d expect from people who associate themselves with Trump.


>it's not "antisemitic" or "holocaust denial" to ask for evidence for israel's claims. This needs to go a step further: It absolutely IS antisemitic to use the holocaust to justify the murder of innocent human beings and the destruction and theft of their land. Which is EXACTLY what this antisemite is doing. Nobody was talking about the Holocaust until this guy was backed into a corner in a debate about evidence that is supposed to justify bombing a fucking hospital. Disgusting, delusional, blood thirsty, murderous lunatic.


It’s just their argument technique. It’s not about the truth, it’s about getting a win and lying is okay. I am so fucking sick of this shit.


Exactly, all governments should be scrutinized, *especially* when they're at war and people are literally dying every day.


The truth should always be discernable if all the facts are made clear and available. Normally if someone keeps shouting "I'm right, they're wrong. Don't listen to them. This really bad thing happened to me etc" it should be enough of a red flag that something ain't right


Because Israel works very hard to try to conflate the two so they can deflect criticism.


Israel has pretty much cornered the market in 'trust me bro' data.


Everyone knows this, it doesn't matter. It's a way to shut down the discussion


Ever notice how it's the conservative republican Jews who have the most sensitive trigger about "holocaust denial"? Look how fast that man jumped there after receiving the most marginal of pushback.


They're playing a political outrage game where having a strong attitude is half the battle, but also, they're incredibly weak and thinly skinned arrogant men who can't control themselves when things get heated.


Nothing is true other than what the authoritarian leadership says is true. Questioning the authoritarian is treason, betrayal and disloyalty. It's the conservative Israeli version of conservative Americans' "you don't support the troops!" that is supposed to shut down discussion.




Yep. Netanyahu is super right wing and it's ALWAYS been his go-to. His admin and other rightwing members in it do it almost any time they're questioned. They often lob around that even other Jewish Israelis that disagree with them "aren't real Jews" ..like what?


"You don't trust the American Government?" Answer: Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq.


Jesus christ the GOP cannot keep any part of any position they have straight. First it's "the CDC is bad don't trust them" and now it's "trust me bro".


Good rule of thumb: Don’t fully trust any government


And the audacity to ask a black American that question.


He forgot he was talking to someone whose job is to actively distrust every government


If you ask for evidence you're anti-semetic.


Also denying the holocaust, apparently.


It doesn't help that we believe the holocaust because there was insurmountable evidence that it happened. They went in with cameras and documented everything and released it to the world.


And somehow asking for evidence is denying it despite never seeing it in the first place.


You are not allowed to doubt anything that Israel says


“There’s no proof” “Well now you’re denying the holocaust” I can’t even begin to understand the mental gymnastics here


It's basically just gaslighting, or a form of it.


Ok but can we believe Hamas when they tell us that they put command posts under hospitals and build tunnels under civilian centers and infrastructure?


If the CIA says so, I guess it must be true.. they certainly don’t have a record of destabilising countries and regions, and lying about shit.


[https://youtu.be/W4gDfSNMRx4?si=ka7T\_vSYlT9qkL8q&t=405](https://youtu.be/W4gDfSNMRx4?si=ka7T_vSYlT9qkL8q&t=405) Hamas soldiers being interviewed two years ago while actively under civilian infrastructure. edit: This Hamas official last week explains that the hundreds of km underground tunnels are only for its fighters, not for the civilians aboveground And that it is not Hamas responsibility to care for civilians, but the UN’s [https://youtu.be/Yg4VqiW0dyo?si=\_fFfLShVFGMiGeoY](https://youtu.be/Yg4VqiW0dyo?si=_fFfLShVFGMiGeoY)


This is extremely rare high quality journalism, we should all be holding people to account to name their sources.


It IS high quality journalism. The journalist is Marc Lamont Hill


Fun fact, this is the guy who Bill O’Reilly said looks like a drug dealer.


Gee, I wonder why


I knew I remembered him from somewhere but couldn't put my finger on it!


High quality journalism, just got to remember Al Jazeera isn't exactly an unbiased source in this conflict given its funded by Qatar . I'm sure the comments here would be different if this was The Times of Israel or something like that


There’s no cable news programs that are completely unbiased, but Al Jazeera (at least the English version) seems way higher quality and wayyy less biased than any of the major US cable news networks (CNN, MSNBC, Fox). They also have almost no commercials and actually have reporters in Gaza. You should actually watch it for real discussions and interviews with academics/scholars, witnesses, subject matter experts, and on the ground reporters.


> They also have almost no commercials and actually have reporters in Gaza Most of them were killed :| Just senseless mass murder.


The amount of journalists and aid workers killed in just one month is insanity—and then you see over 12,000 people (mostly CHILDREN) have been confirmed killed, and who knows how many thousands still buried under rubble.


Yeah I nearly wrote something similar in my post but didn't want to trigger anyone. Credit where credits due, this is what all journalists should be doing. Depressing to hold them up as a good example though. If Alex Jones started doing this, I'd praise the criminal too...pigs would have to fly though.


>Now we’re gonna get into this holocaust denial. It’s so despicable how everyone “supporting” Israel feels the need to compare it to the holocaust. They’re trying so hard to make it seem like Israel, with all the support of major countries, is somehow the victim.


Why do you think they keep throwing around the word antisemitism?


It’s a fair enough question….


THIS is how you interview. Stop letting politicians run through 10 lies before answering your question. CALL THEM OUT IMMEDIATELY and watch them crumble. See it all the time.


“Ask the CIA sir?!” Lol that made me spit my coffee out.


See, and this is why I have kept my mouth shut either way about this whole thing. I'm on the other side of the world, and all I know about this is what's been fed to me by the media. It's hard for me to make an informed opinion. What am I reading that is factual? What is propaganda? In today's world, that line is so blurry. ​ That said, I served 9 years in the US Army, a lot of my military friends are falling apart, we made a lot of rich people money, killed a lot of poor brown people, and I'm left today asking why - so this all just makes me sad.


That is why I'll never join the military. Not gonna kill poor people to pad rich people's pockets while nothing changes.


I get what you are saying, but the vast majority of people that serve in the military never even come close to combat. I did 8 years in the Army myself, never came close to combat, but did have some friends who didn't make it back from the sandbox. Most people who join, will never see combat outside of Basic Training. Especially if you go into a MOS/Job that isn't combat oriented.


even if you don't see combat, you still support those that do and serve the imperial war machine and the death and destruction it creates. no one in the military is innocent. no just war has been fought since WW2. i'm sorry about your friends, they died for nothing.


Not just for nothing, but to kill poor people to pad defense industry profits, as you've said. They died for stockholders wallets and racism.


I guess that's fair enough. I'd probably amend my statement to no active fighting. But id still rather not join in general.


What if it isn’t there? Just like the weapons of mass distraction?


The interview was a few days ago. Last night the Israeli army did go into the hospital, and this morning, after they found nothing, they announced that they weren't expecting to find the hostages anw.


What if what isn't there? We have known since at least 2014 that the HQ is there? [Gaza: Palestinians tortured, summarily killed by Hamas forces during 2014 conflict - Amnesty International](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2015/05/gaza-palestinians-tortured-summarily-killed-by-hamas-forces-during-2014-conflict/) [While Israel held its fire, the militant group Hamas did not - The Washington Post](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/middle_east/while-israel-held-its-fire-the-militant-group-hamas-did-not/2014/07/15/116fd3d7-3c0f-4413-94a9-2ab16af1445d_story.html) Not really sure why so many people are having literal meltdowns in this thread. ???


I am instantly skeptical of people who make big claims in the passive voice.


“Ask the cia” is an all time response though 😂


This interview was before they released proof, they’ve released tons of proof and evidence now and will be releasing more now that they captured Shifa https://youtu.be/rLp84A6TBJ0?feature=shared


weasel really tried to equate that to holocaust denial, free 🇵🇸


This pisses me off more than anything. The Jewish people survived an attempted genocide only for Zionists to use it as a weapon against anyone who doesn't want them murdering innocent people.


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Hmmm Im gonna call CIA now and ask.


I just did, turns out they are right behind you.


“Stop killing children!” *“You’re antisemitic”* “Ceasefire now!” *“So you don’t condemn Hamas”* etc etc


That old dude needs to be retired. Frog looking motherfucker.


There's fighting going on in the hospital, it's very obvious that is used as a staging point at least and most likely a headquarters for Hamas.


It’s funny how these criminals try to hide behind holocaust and continue their crimes. We never forget the horror of holocaust and we know these evils are same as those who committed that crime.




Kirby presented no evidence to back up his statement. Israel has claimed for years that Gaza militants have been building key tunnel infrastructure under the hospital – allegations that doctors in the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip have always vehemently denied. A statement from the link you attached. If the American government say so then its true?


God told us that Hamas has tunnels there....now beat that in Top Trumps


POS is POSing


What a blubbering idiot.


But there's tons of video proofs. Is it about cherry picking now? I mean one of the Hamas leaders openly claimed they're using civilians as human shields and it's not their job to keep them safe at all,but UN's. Did anyone get confused cuz of that statement?


Simply asking for proof is https://preview.redd.it/j9f98utyii0c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4058c6b665cc8f664089cb60dc0445ae0caf4618


Here's your answer if it is true or not. Directly given by Hamas captives. UNWRA Hospitals and specifically Shifa hospital (at (6:37) is talked about from minute 6:08. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y8Qx7R4Yxgg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y8Qx7R4Yxgg)


Here is the US confirming it yesterday. https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/white-house-says-it-has-evidence-hamas-using-al-shifa-hospital-run-military-2023-11-14/ If case anyone was wondering why suddenly publicfreakout is digging up old videos and downvoting and/or removing anything that could make Israel look correct.


If you asked this dude the source for the claim of WMDs in Iraq, he would have just posted a clip of Colin Powell Dude really just posted a video from the IDFs YouTube channel. What’s next, an op-ed written by an CIA agent?


That's like getting the answers you want out of Guantanamo Bay prisoners. After being tortured and threatened enough they'll say anything. This is proof of nothing. Until we have photo or video evidence. Which should be simple to get since they're there, and yet here we are with none of that.


Is there not a firefight going on today at the hospital?


Ah yes the great Israeli intelligence system that never lies and definitely had no idea a major attack was coming from Hamas to start this whole thing.


We all know that HAMAS is hiding behind civilians. Because they are cowards. Hospitals, Kindergartens, you name it.


“You don’t trust Israel?”, yes because they’ve literally been caught lying and fabricating evidence MULTIPLE times. They even admitted to it. It’s not a fucking secret.


Uncle Bush said there was weapons of mass destruction as well


If it was really there, Israel should send troops and all their tech to take them out without bombing the hospital. You have police dogs, drones, soldiers, robotic bombs, etc, but you choose to bomb a hospital?


Why are people still denying that Hamas has a headquarter under the hospital. They have underground tunnels all over Hamas. It’s not that difficult to comprehend the validity of these statements from the gov’t. I’m not a Netanyahu fan by any means but it’s most likely true. They can send photos and videos (which they did) and you still wouldn’t believe it.


Love it how once you question Zionist ideals you are a Holocaust denier. Crazy the Zionist redirect.


Why is this posted here?


Because troll farms target loosely moderated subs


Whether you like or hate Israel, isn't it fair to say Hamas would be smart to locate itself near or under a hospital because it would cause major issues for Israel?


When has it ever caused any issues for them?


That plan never worked before, and it definitely didn't work now, if true. Why would Israel not release uncut videos showing the tunnels? 🤔 everyone knows IDF is there, so it's not like they're giving away their position. Seems like bullshit to me. If you have proof and the whole world is watching, then show it. Wtf are they hiding?


They've been using this strategy since 2007. Here is a paper from the NATO Strategic Communications Centre of Excellence. [https://stratcomcoe.org/cuploads/pfiles/hamas\_human\_shields.pdf](https://stratcomcoe.org/cuploads/pfiles/hamas_human_shields.pdf) They are hiding in ambulance vehicles, they are hiding in kindergartens. They won't stop hiding under a hospital. No problem when the hospital get's bombed, because it creates some nice news material, so they can pull out their victim card.




Which one is which


"Who proved it?" .... "So now we're going to get into Holocaust denial?" He knew he had no good answer so he went with "If you don't believe anything and everything Israel says, you're an anti-semite." He got up there and knowingly lied and was unable to defend his lies. "Israel presented evidence". "What evidence". "uhhh... ask the CIA." Right, because people can just ask the CIA. This guy either believed Israel without evidence and is upset others won't do the same, or he's knowingly lying for Israel and upset that people won't believe his lies. He's either stupid or evil, both are reasons he should not be in government.


The worst part about this interview, is that Hamas *is* using hospitals as cover. Instead of calling the interviewer antisemitic, the guest should have come prepared.


I don’t know anything about headquarters but there was a video posted a week or two ago of a bomb hitting near a hospital followed by tons of secondaries going off. In the video, it was purely healthy, fighting aged men running from the blasts. That certainly indicates that Hamas is at least hiding weapons under hospitals and likely using them as bases. I’m no fan of what Israel is doing but that doesn’t make Hamas any more the good guys in the situation. They’re more than happy to use human shields…


Honestly who at this point trusts the US government??? Israel is just a puppet state for the USA’s foreign interests.


interviewer; show me data official: holocaust denier! interviewer: that's not a compelling argument official: antisemite!


Al Jazeera isn’t news


I guess it must be really easy to go, ask and get a very detailed answer from the CIA


TBH he should have just said the photos provided by the IDF. Also I'm getting pretty black pilled on al Jazeera, I don't trust them anymore and it started with them posting IDF troop locations in October.


What an absolute clown.


So what valid headquarters leave 4 old rusted AK47’s lying around to be discovered and shown to the world as evidence that it’s ok to blow up the hospital Sorry personally not buying into the disinformation


It's like when someone who has gotten special treatment their whole lives starts getting treated fairly and they lose their shit and think that it's some sort of malicious travesty against them.


Garbage reporting from State run Media from a total dictatorship. Also a fucking trump appointed asshole spewing nonsense. Everything is suspect about this shitty interview.


Trump scum. Is there anyone associated with Trump in any way, shape, or form that isn't scum?


It's heartbreaking to see children dying, but one of the videos I have come across was of a father who has lost 3 of his children to the bombing and while he was being filmed ,he said that he will shed no tears as his children were martyrs now, one of which was disturbing is the fact that he said he actually was planning to train them to be jihadists. That left me totally speechless. I immediately lost respect and sympathy for the father,that's not how you raised your kids.