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Holy shit...this one of the more wild fight videos I've seen God damn did not expect her to stab him she had that shit hidden well


i mean you can see her pull it out and hide it lol


At 02:22 - Female bystander stabs assailant in the back 3(?) times. At 3:13 she says, "I didn't do nothing." In what we don't see but hear, the other guy takes the assailant's gun away and shoots him in the head at least once. This morning the assailant is still alive but in [critical condition](https://abc7ny.com/brooklyn-subway-shooting-hoyt-schermerhorn-station-nyc-crime/14525178/).


So that guy who wanted to fight so badly got stabbed 3 times and shot in the head with his own gun?!


Because he was an idiot and wanted to use his gun to terrorize people instead of using it to defend himself. You don't pull a gun and use it to threaten, that's a coward's move.


The little guy will not be charged, DA ruled it a self-defense, and the woman was accompanying him, not a bystander: https://abc7ny.com/brooklyn-subway-shooting-nyc-man-shot-on-train/14527185/


That woman has some balls to jump in and stab that nutter in the back a few times... then even bigger balls from the little fella to protect her, wrestle his gun off him and close out the situation!


Ride or die


Thats self defense as fuck. That asshole started the entire thing.


Instigator should be charged. At the very least he had a concealed firearm on the subway. Unlikely he had a šŸŖŖ


Even more unlikely if what he said about just doing 13 years in the video was accurate.


All these folks on the streets are cowards. They carry illegal guns to prove that their little boys are trying to be something their not. I am glad that the guys girl came in to defend her man. Glad the guy took the gun away from him and used it on his dumb ass. He started the whole damn thing. I'm gangster, he said. Shot in the head he ended up getting. What a stupid ass.


a win/win?


Statistically more likely to get shot with your own gun than to shoot someone else with it (suicides make up the majority).


Holy shit he got the gun! Damn. It's weird to say that this is a happy ending. I guess "the most desirable ending given the situation" would be more accurate


Well at least the instigator was the one to get shot. Wouldn't be the worst thing in the world if he didn't make it.


I suspect this guy was not on his way to work to be productive like a honest man.


Itā€™s good to have a gal that will watch your back


Ride or die. Marry that woman.


Can she legal stab someone with a knife though? I'm not even sure she was with the lil dude. Edit = legally*


1. self-defense or not, if the knifeā€™s blade is longer than a certain length, itā€™s illegal and she can get charged 2. whether or not that whole situation is self-defense. self-defense can include protecting others, but this fight seems tricky. not a lawyer so irdk


She did stab that dude in the back with something. He was out of control from the go


dude that was wild, i was not expecting baby girl to be a slasher!


That's why you should always keep your hands to yourself, especially on public transit.


The smartest people on public T: head down, don't react to shit, but once you see shit get stupid get up and get to the next car/as far away asap without a whisper.Ā  No one is a badass or a mediator with unpredictable people, truth.Ā 


These are very wise words. Following this advice could very well save your life.


When I would ride public T a lot sometime ide have headphones on not listening to anything but absolutely ignoring everything.


Except homeboy being singled out as a victim. He stood his ground and somebody had his back. He was a dangerous racist bully picking on people smaller than him. Homegirl defended that man. None of them had a choice. Pyscho had a gun and could have decided at any point to use it on any hispanic person he was already targeting


You'd be surprised at how many women in NYC carry knives, OC spray, and tasers. NYC is not safe for women.


Or men and children it appears.


I live in Little Rock and I carry a knife. Women have to be able to protect ourselves!


I hope you know how to use it when your in a situation that requires it. knives are a last ditch effort and I never recommend people carry them for self defence. Incredibly dangerous, not to mention the legal ramifications when someone dies. However, I do understand that it's a cheap, readily available, concealed tool. For those carrying a knife for self defence, if possible, please reconsider this. Take some physical self defence classes, that knife can quickly be turned against you. ​ Edit: Nice turn of events, the guys gun was taken from him, and he was shot. Someone innocent could have been easily killed here. [https://abc7ny.com/brooklyn-subway-shooting-hoyt-schermerhorn-station-nyc-crime/14525178/](https://abc7ny.com/brooklyn-subway-shooting-hoyt-schermerhorn-station-nyc-crime/14525178/)


HE got shot, wow, that just got crazier. Fight leads to stabbing leads to gun pulled leads to owner of gun shot with own gun.


And apparently it was the guy he was fighting with that took away the gun and shot himā€¦in the head to top it off. Wild.


The article is hard to follow. I get that they are trying to avoid describing them by their race/skin color but why not use descriptives like black hoodie and yellow tshirt vs 36 and 32. https://preview.redd.it/ocmg3n16tgoc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26880da24d0afd33e99995eb8083bc104801ccb4


She was aiming for kidneys too. Not her first rodeo.


:40 mark, you can see her place her bag down and start going through it for something to use as a weapon. :56 mark, she has the weapon secured but hidden yet easily accessible in her bag. 1:37 mark, you can see something in yellow shirt's hand. (probably a box cutter from a glimpse at the 2:01 mark, no long blade coming out.) edit: it's a knife, most likely a stiletto. 1:41 mark, lady recording tells baby girl to move, baby girl bends down to get her bag but proceeds to get the weapon she had ready. notice baby girl never moves until avoiding them landing on her, she stayed close to him. 1:54 mark, yellow hat gestures in hostility toward yellow shirt, revealing that yellow hat did not have anything in his hand at that time. 2:23 after they scuffle, (yellow shirt is trying to slash and cut, yellow hat is trying to hit and wrestle) at this point baby girl comes up behind formerly yellow hat and shanks him about 3 times with whatever weapon she has. (say what you will, but she'd be a fantastic cellmate.) formerly yellow hat realizes he's been stabbed and starts calling her out. 2:43 mark, other people try to calm the situation down and break things up. 3:00 mark, formerly yellow hat grasps he's bleeding quite a bit and starts threatening to turn them into the police at the next stop. baby girl says she "deedn't doo nathing" repeatedly. 3:27 formerly yellow hat throws an object on subway bench. (not sure what object is. seems odd if he had a knife and didn't use it. thought it might be a second clip / mag for his gun. whatever it is is heavy and not a cellphone. edit: it's the knife yellow shirt tried to attack him with, formerly yellow hat got it away from him. 3:45 mark, formerly yellow hat retrieves pistol from jacket and cocks the gun. 3:49 four seconds later the lady recording and all the other passengers realize for the first time they might be in danger and try to haul ass in unison. 4:14 lady recording makes sure everyone watching her video will know that it has in fact been her yelling "let me out" repeatedly for several seconds. 4:17 one shot is fired. people start to try and leave the train into the station to get away. 4:21 three gunshots. everyone panics unsure where to run, before deciding on the subway station exit en mass. ​ Edit: baby girl, if you read this...call me.


Apparently, the guy with the gun was shot with his own gun >4:17 one shot is fired. people start to try and leave the train into the station to get away. >4:21 three gunshots. everyone panics unsure where to run, before deciding on the subway station exit in mass. https://abc7ny.com/brooklyn-subway-shooting-hoyt-schermerhorn-station-nyc-crime/14525178/


Yeah I read that on another comment. At first I was guessing the first shot was formerly yellow hat taking a shot at yellow shirt and / or baby girl. But I think 4 seconds is too short of a period of time for yellow shirt to avoid a bullet, attain the weapon from formerly yellow hat securely enough to fire three shots. My guess is while everyone was getting down instead of getting out, formerly yellow hat and / or yellow shirt scuffled over the gun. (baby girl could have shanked him some more for all we know) A random shot was fired in that scuffle, that was the first shot. In 4 seconds the gun was wrestled away from formerly yellow hat and fired three shots, at least one of which put a hole in the head formerly yellow hat used to put his yellow hat on. That's my theory based on the timeline...


>3:27 formerly yellow hat throws an object on subway bench. (not sure what object is. seems odd if he had a knife and didn't use it. It looks like it was some type of switchblade with a black strap that was wrestled/taken from the guy in yellow. https://preview.redd.it/8euocuk26foc1.jpeg?width=322&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a709d086031dd6e413c1dce9b94e7a189d669c0


Yeah I paused the clip, and zoomed in; but I couldn't verify what it was. It does look like a knife more than anything. But it just wouldn't make sense not to use it if he had an actual knife the whole time. Because I'm pretty sure the "box cutter" or whatever it was he had was one of those spring loaded safety box cutters. He was probably carrying it for his job. You can certainly cut someone with one. But he could have done some major damage while they were wrestling with a box cutter. To the point he wouldn't be so concerned about baby girl shanking him.


Baby girl probably shot him too


I wouldnā€™t expect anything less from her.


4:14 šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I need a ride or die gal like that


Yeah but that ride or die gal got him shot Edit: just scrolled a bit more and found out it was the guy with the gun getting shot by his own weapon. So nvm


na the big dude got shot with his own gun in the head in crit condition


Yeah, just saw that actually. Don't pull a gun on someone if you aren't going to use it.


Donā€™t pull that thang out unless you plan to bang


Donā€™t even bang unless you plan to hit somethang


Well, he *did* end up using it.






Wait so the big dude got his gun taken away and got shot with it?!?






Girl was FULLY in that fight. She brought a knife to a fist fight.


Stabbed already and he loves telegraphing most all his actions while having a monologue or whatever it is going on.


I was wondering wtf she was doing trying to close to her bag, I was yelling RUN but then I realized she stabbed and and I was like ah, she was getting a weapon šŸ˜‚


That website is autoplaying cancer.




Started the fight, got stabbed, pulled a gun and then apparently got it stolen from him and shot Thatā€™s wild


> , pulled a gun and then apparently got it stolen from him and shot > > > > Thatā€™s wild that's what happens when you escalate things to deadly force, there is a possibility of it being taken from you and used against you.


What about that guy made you think he was competent at literally anything?


The 7th time he said ā€œyou stab me?ā€


Everyone learns at their own pace.


Good. One less violent scumbag human. Serves his ass right.


Even though it started mid confrontation the bigger guy gave off major aggressor vibes.


Yea, mainly the past where for like a solid minute he was the only one saying anything, and everything was a threat.


Oh, so there was a happy ending after all. Won't be threatening anyone else with a damaged brain.Ā 


Him threatening people with a damaged brain is what led to this




Had one. Itā€™s cool but they also stab you too sometimes.


She went right for that kidney too


Wait so the guy that yelling at the seated dude is the one that ended up getting shot?




Wild shit man, I was wondering why the train skipped Hoyt on the way home


Being on the train with a man with a gun is terrifying, glad I stay in long island honestly. Glad the victim made it out alive, but theyā€™ll be traumatized for life.


Man, everyone on that car is probably gonna be carrying some trauma from having to go through that bullshit. Fuck that guy


I was on a subway when someone pulled a gun on some aggressors, who of course then ran towards the back where I was to try to take cover. It was my first time seeing a gun pulled in the wild and it was completely terrifying and crazy how hopeless you feel. Fortunately, no one was shot.


Whew, I was worried this gonna be a sad story


I was worried he killed the guy and the woman because he had them cornered with his gun out. He chose to take it too far and paid for it


Dude must have went on some movie villain rant and gave the good guys an opening, just like in the fuckin movies. Insane. Wildly unexpected outcome in real life.


Any more info PLEASE?


Guy who pulled the gun got it taken from him and shot in the head. https://abc7ny.com/brooklyn-subway-shooting-hoyt-schermerhorn-station-nyc-crime/14525178/


Wow. This happened *today*. Like 5 hours ago, geez quick turnaround


The Internet has its moments


like the time we caught the Boston Bomber! *2 thumbs up*




The way they narrated the story identifying them by age was so damm confusing


I guess they really wanted to avoid just identifying them by something obvious like skin color or ethnicity for some reason.


So much shit is clearly wrong in that story lol. The dude didn't take out a knife from what we can see. The chick is the one who had the knife and poked dude up multiple times.


Lady did stab him first, but agressor dude did have a knife. You can see him toss it onto the train bench @3:30 ish before he start rifling through his coat to get the gun and re-engages.


After rewatching it again, the knife that was toss around 3:30ish looks like some type of switchblade with a black strap, and it was actually from the guy in yellow, so the guy in black probably wrestled it out of him during the fight and then toss it. https://preview.redd.it/75qqtupjseoc1.jpeg?width=1142&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3eecaee7e10ad5fcaab006734329fc708e3d321b Edit: Grammar


I had to rewatch she was quick with that shit. They were fighting and she straight up stabbed the guy and said ā€œI didnā€™t do nothingā€. I wonder if it wouldnā€™t have escalated to a shooting if she didnā€™t do that because it clearly enraged him even more. Whatā€™s more wild is the rest of the cabin is like ā€œoh yeah she stabbed himā€ and then continues to watch.


The guy that was arguing had his gun taken from him and was shot in the head by that little guy.


They were literal hostages to an unfortunate circumstance at that point.


Theres no where for people to go really. Those 75 ft train cars have their end doors locked.


The guy youā€™re responding to has never been in a moving subway car before, let alone in a situation similar to this.


That guy was out of control. Complete idiot. You canā€™t act crazy while trapped with random people you donā€™t know. You have no idea if someone crazier is waiting for an excuse. This time there was, and now heā€™s gone. For nothing. Imagine how his family feels to find out he got killed with his own gun, because he was acting tough in the subway


Critical condition, not deadā€¦ yet


It's hard to say if the other guy was crazier. He was up against some crazy guy calling him a migrant threatening to beat him up.


You know what else wouldn't have escalated it? The Black dude not raging around like a rando out of control. What even started it?


Not to make assumptions but if someone acts like a raging asshole like he did for as long as he did, it might've been something as stupid as thinking the smaller guy looked at him funny or stared too long in his general direction.


Dude was also calling himself police. Completely bonkers.






"Prior to the shooting, the older man was seen on video yelling at the other passenger before the two squared up as though to fight, video viewed by the Daily News shows." Lmfao


"As of Sunday, there were eight shooting victims in the cityā€™s transit system. By the same time last year, there was just one such victim." You people are crazy. More than once every two weeks?!


Trapped in a steel box with these crazy people every day just to get to work. Fuck that


Love the irony of no police in sight but the NYPD barricades actually getting in the way of people fleeing from gunfire.


Obstruct and Swerve


Brought to you by MyNYPD because "we hear you"


Those were some fine looking barricades too!


Whatā€™s crazy is thereā€™s a police station IN that train station. Yet not a cop in sight in the whole vid


What are you crazy or something? That dude had a gun! The SOP ensures that the most important thing is officer safety.


I'm 100% serious, do you know boarding a train in transit is kinda fucking hard? The doors of that thing open in the last 30 seconds of this video and by then the camera is understandably not fucking stable and you can't see shit. Maybe i'm dumb af, but this comment is just wild.


Why didnā€™t those 10,000 National Guards stop this!! /s


Iā€™ve never watched a video like this and thought ā€œI sure hope the person taking the video shows their faceā€


She didnā€™t think it was funny anymore after things got real


Let me out!


Jesus fuck that was annoying. Absolute main character vibes


Loved that moment when she tried to shame that random guy into intervening. Don't worry, bro, I'm behind you recording. You got this!


That made me hate her, I have to say




Yeah but she turned the camera back around for one more shot of herself while she was yelling ā€œlet me out!ā€ She knew this shit was going viral. That is the age we live in lmao


When keeping it real goes wrong


Eh I can kind of understand. She couldve been filming this to show people she actually knows. She likely didnā€™t expect it to end in a shooting. Showing her face could be explainable as a ā€œare you seeing this shitā€ aside to the friends she would show this to later in a text chat with ā€œsee what happened to me todayā€ vibe Itā€™s silly but sometimes we capture more insane things than we intended and it also captures us being goofy thinking at most a couple people would see this in a group chat, then it escalates and we capture ourselves being dumb to at most our inner friends while thinking the world obviously ā€œisnā€™t going to see thisā€ and well here we are. Itā€™s not like she kept being super performative with it when it turned extremely violent


Article says the dude just boarded the train and the aggressor came up to him at that point. Imagine boarding a train for whatever commune youā€™re taking that day, and the next thing you know, youā€™re firing someone elseā€™s gun at them for defense. You really have no control in this world, this guy couldnā€™t have been minding his business more and then suddenly his entire life is change against his will.


Dude was Being racist af and saying he (yellow shirt) was a migrant apparentlyĀ 


Yeah, took a few play throughs to decipher wtf the aggressor was talking about, but now I can hear it, he's ranting about the stupid story of migrants 'beating up cops' in NYC and hostile towards the victim because he's Latino and must therefore be a cop-beating migrant.


He should be charged with a hate crime. He literally says fuck your race.


This happened to me. I got on the 6 train with my wife and baby daughter in a bassinet. She was around 1 or 2 at the time. My wife is asian and I'm white. This has never mattered before except during this incident. A black dude sitting across from us started by saying our baby was ugly because it was half white and told my wife she should fuck black dude to have a beautiful black/asian baby. He was very agitated and started loud but went into yelling. Went on and on about how black dick is better and other horrid racist shit. I was scared out of my mind because the dude was obviously nuts and I had no idea what he'd do. We just didn't reply and put our baby behind us so he couldn't see it as well. Everyone on the car stared at their laps/moved away. Once the next stop came (not our stop) - felt like an eternity - we got off and took off and later took a different train. During my 10 years in NYC, i've had 4 incidents with some unhinged person. Each of them could have ended like this if I squared up with the aggressor or said shit back but I always de-escalated/got away. The city is dangerous if you do not do this.


I've lived in NY my whole life and the city really can be such a dangerous hellhole if you're not careful. You never know what will set off some crazed homeless dude, even just looking at them the wrong way. Whenever I'm in the city, I'm always hyper aware but never supsiciously so. I usually stare straight ahead and ignore anyone walking past me and never engage at all. I had a homeless dude once who was very obviously tweaking out of his mind follow a few friends and I from Grand Central all the way to Central Park. About a 15-20 min walk. I think one of my friends engaged with him and he just latched on. It's such a shame too because the city can be a great place but the risk is not worth the reward.


Yup, same experience in NY, got in the train with a german blond friend, I'm half latino, not even my gf and a dude started screaming at us, there was no way to calm him down or to avoid the situation and the dude was way bigger than me. But to be fair I've had a similar experience in germany with german football hooligans.


Was it the loudmouth punk who got shot? Self defense. No charges.


According to some article, yes


I guess the National Guard didnā€™t check his bag


Seriously. Job well done by our boys in blue patrolling the subway.


Breathing out their mouths while playing Candy Crush on they phones.


Maybe they did lolā€¦the gun was in his jacket


even dumber lol we are checking bags but no whats on your person.


Those stabs ole girl gave really did a number on him. Aside from pissing him off even further, you can see him get all wobbly-woo. Probably was light headed by the time he was walking to ole boy with the gun.


Yea, its crazy because her stabbing him was probably both the cause of him taking out the gun and most likely the reason he lost it as well. Who knows if he would have still taken it out and the other guy could be dead.


Pretty sure the guy was losing it before the stabbies


My honest reaction to reading the article. Bro had it coming, starting shit like that with strangers, then pulls out a gun like a loser ![gif](giphy|J8FZIm9VoBU6Q)


It's because he had a gun that he sought a fight with complete strangers.




I see those national guard checkpoints are keeping people safe.


they check bags not persons. which is highly illegal and yet stupid


At 2:30 he says ā€œyou stabbed a cop?ā€ There is no way in hell this dude is/was a cop. If so, that is fucking insane


He also said "I did 13 years" so I probably wouldn't rely on this dude's interpretation of reality.


Iā€™ve been saying this. Heā€™s having a psychotic episode I think.


He was shot with his own gun. Problem solved.


https://preview.redd.it/2bhmt3sfzeoc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc3ea5883bed2f9d2923323f4f8e78c8156e7190 My heart sank at this moment (Gun raised at them while cornered. I thought the man and womanā€™s fate was sealed in that moment. So my mind was šŸ¤Æ when I read the news update that the original aggressor was shot in the head WITH HIS OWN GUN. Absolutely wild video but also very disturbing.


you know what they say, dont bring a gun to a knife fight and then lose your gun to the knife guy, because now youre just in a Knife / gun to esposed head fight.


Jury better not convict. This was 100% justified self defense. Homeboy shouldn't have stirred up shit if he didn't want to deal with the mess.




The Dacia Sandero.


I love a happy ending


That's one hell of a way to end your life. Every time I see someone this aggravated over seemingly nothing I ask myself why are they so eager to throw their life away like that




Saw the articke. I assumed from the video that he killed the two people but they managed to get it and shoot him? Wasn't expecting that at all. And didn't New York just spend a ton of money and try to go police state in the subways only for something like this to happen?


Optics baby!!!


good riddens if you ask me. Him gone means he won't do that to anyone else ever again. People like this guy loves any excuse to fuck with people. Well he found out.


This is terrifying. I take this train to and from home and go through this stop every dayā€¦ but thank god we got the national guard checking old womenā€™s bags. Utterly terrifying.


Exactly.. that's what they do.. either checking some old lady.. some petite woman or some Wall Street looking schmuck.. definitely not checking anyone's bag who looks like they're going to raise an issue or push back..but I bet tomorrow there will be plenty of NYPD and National Guard at that station.. f**king ridiculous


holy fucking shit. i take this exact train to work every single day. so fucking scary i cant imagine how they felt in that moment


Lol he ended up getting shot in the melon with his own gun. Donā€™t bring stupid to a gun fight.


Is the black man identifying himself as an off duty cop?? It sounds like he said ā€˜I have x years on the jobā€™ Itā€™s hard to hear what heā€™s saying prior to it jumping off.


Think he said something like ā€œI just spent 13 years in prisonā€


I think I heard that also. I think he also said ā€˜you just stabbed a copā€™. Dude seemed to be mid psychotic episode.


From what I can hear from this moron is that he is saying to the guy sitting that you ā€œthink you can beat up copsā€. Iā€™m assuming he thinks heā€™s a migrant and is defending the copsā€™ honor? If that makes sense to you, it shouldnā€™t.


No cop ever is gonna square up like that lmao This dude was either talking about prison or gangs. He's never been on that side of the law.


imagine starting something and everyone online applauds your desth


Are you telling me that having an army of NYPD officers and national guards standing around scrolling on their phones didnā€™t prevent this?


I bet he dropped the gun trying to pistol whip them.


Something about seeing actual kids in the same subway train makes this video super scary. Idk maybe having kids of my own changes perspectives. Hope those kids are okay.


Looks like guy in yellow pulled out a knife. Aggressive dude disarmed him and got stabbed by the girl. Aggressive dude throws the knife on the seat and gets out a gun. All in all it is a pretty crazy video. Curious how he got disarmed from the gun. The facts in the story seemed wrong, so I wonder what the investigation will find.


Dude is unhinged. Just repeating the same phrases 10 times in row in an attempt to intimidate these people. Then after all that he gets domed with his own gun. Maybe that bullet will fix whatever the hell is wrong with this guy's brain


Bro was just chilling...


I was in a very similar situation on grand in Williamsburg two weeks ago. This is the new norm


A express in Brooklyn headed toward Manhattan. The express makes fewer stops, which means more time between stations and fewer opportunities for people to get off the train. Iā€™ve moved progressively farther west over the past 40 yearsā€”from East 58th and the West Village in Manhattan to Hoboken to the Essex County suburbs and now in western Morris County. Havenā€™t worked in Manhattan in 18 years. Visit family and go out in the city somewhat regularly, but man do I not miss this subway.


Normal people trying to get to work ![gif](giphy|e2wOSTtvXve0M|downsized)


All that tough talk only for a smaller man to take the gun from his hands and fuckin execute him with it lmao. Great example of how carrying a gun can get you killed (if youā€™re a violent moron)


Looks like the girl was the guy's friend and they are still looking for her. The trouble maker guy has been arrested 10 times and he also didn't pay his fare!




Does she want to get out?


Feets donā€™t fail me now


Was the National Guard on a smoke break?


The happiest kind of ending cause he didnā€™t die yet so he has time to realize how much of doofus he is with his own bullet in his head.


Bro lost the gun and got shot in the head. I legit donā€™t feel bad for him at all.


I hope the guy and the girl are not charged at all. This is so trash. NY laws better not get this wrong.


Snowpiecer 2: Electric Boogaloo


I know this is gonna start a lot of controversy. But this idea that Black people canā€™t be racist and hateful has got to go. They could be just as vicious with their words and actions as any other group of people. As a community, we need to hold our brothers and sisters accountable