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Jug of Justice


Thanks for this comment, made me go back to see the reference. Getting booked by a 5 gallon water jug made my morning.


Hit for 0 damage




Isn't Israel also taxpayer funded?


Dude peak the titles that guy posts, he’ll post something about Anarcho Communist Democrat Protestors and lock comments on all his vids


Wow…that guy in the front with the pony tail really took full advantage of the situation. He grabbed a whole handful of tittay.




Bonk! 🔨🔨🔨🔨


Yes, that is how to protest. It's supposed to be disruptive, or else no one fucking cares lol.


being anti-protestor is the most unamerican stance possible. /u/InsaneProtestorMod is an authoritarian dork


The girl screaming help us while she attacks cops is my fav.


I'm always on the side of people who are against genocide. Those cops got owned.


You are on the side of terrorists.


How so?


Projecting much? People defending their own land and families from invading colonizers equals terrorists to these braindead zionazis.


I’m pretty sure the cops are only there because they barricaded inside a building, which looks a lot like January 6th. I really don’t think the cops are standing for or against genocide here.


I'm so confused. Is the university supposed to be able to stop the Israel/Palestine conflict? Do they have pull over there?


Many universities invest money into businesses overseas or into projects overseas. The goal of a lot of these protests is to try to convince the university to divest funding from Israeli businesses or projects.


So, the answer is no.


To an extent, yes. Influence is influence, no matter how small. Especially when it's these students tuition that is being used.


Yep. Did the protest against the Vietnam War stop it? Not immediately, but it did pressure the govt to eventually withdraw and sign a peace treaty. Many protests started on University campuses back then, similarly to today. Sure, there's differences; they were protesting the draft and fighting in a war they don't believe in, but today they're protesting their money being used to fund a war and genocide they don't believe in. Same, but different. Protests can, and have worked.


Yes, exactly, awesome example


Pretty loose connection


The us is sending billions to Israel and passing legislation that would make the Palestinians an unrecognizable state legally. Clearly the government supports one side and not the other, we are paying for genocide at this point. The more noise Americans make about their tax money going to genocide the better, doesn't matter where or how


What legislation is making Palestine an unrecognizable state?


>There are two relevant statutes: >• Section 414 of the Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Years 1990 and 1991 (Public Law 101-246), states: “No funds authorized to be appropriated by this Act or any other Act shall be available for the United Nations or any specialized agencies thereof which accords the Palestine Liberation Organization the same standing as member states.” > • Section 410 of the Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Years 1994 and 1995 (Public Law 103-236), states that the United States shall not make contributions to “any affiliated organization of the United Nations which grants full membership as a state to any organization or group that does not have the internationally recognized attributes of statehood. From: https://en.kohelet.org.il/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/KPF085_eBook-39_291118_F.pdf


Don’t be disingenuous it’s embarrassing. We all know protests like this bring a lot of awareness to the situation.


Almost all of the weapons Israel uses to annihilate thousands of civilians without cause come from the US. The US is not independent of this issue. This issue was caused by us and our eagerness to let Israel have their way with the Palestinian people.


They want the University to divest it's stock holdings.


These students have you talking about the conflict and gaining awareness of what is going on. I’d say whatever they are doing is working on you. Also they want divestment of their university from Israeli companies that are helping prosecute the war.


You honestly think these protests are still increasing awareness?


Has a student protest movement been on the wrong side of history in the US?


It’s not about right or wrong, it’s about a solution. The exact same thing happened with Occupy Wall Street. They could never come up with an actual solution or actionable demands and eventually people just completely ignored them.


'divest' is an actionable demand.


No, it’s not. Do you know how many companies they are asking them to not do any business with? They can’t work with Google or Microsoft, so how are they supposed to operate? Every single index fund has companies on the divest list, so now they have to hope individual trading can meet pension obligations? The people demanding divestment are simply not taking this seriously. They aren’t putting in any effort to what divest actually means and are asking for an impossible solution. It’s just like the OWS protestors demanding bankers be arrested without being able to identify a crime committed.


I didn't say it's a reasonable demand. I said it's an actionable one which it is. Do you believe these folks are asking for divesture in index funds? Do you believe they're suggesting not using Microsoft products?


Yes, while I haven’t seen specifics from CPH, there is generally a unified divest demand from all pro-Palestine groups that wants no business done with any company that works with the Israeli government. They’ve specifically identifiedAmazon, Microsoft, and Google and companies that they don’t want any support of. https://cuapartheiddivest.org/research > The Columbia Investment Management Company (CIMC) invests the university’s endowment in three companies that are complicit in Israeli occupation. These include: Alphabet (better known as Google), Amazon, and Microsoft. > Columbia invests in funds managed by iShares, Matthews Asia, and Dodge & Cox. These funds hold shares in defense contractors (Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, Boeing, General Dynamics) as well as companies that construct Separation Walls (Hyundai, Bobcat, Hitachi), demolish Palestinian neighborhoods (Caterpillar), manufacture armored vehicles (Land Rover, Mitsubishi), provide services to Israeli police and prison service (Matrix IT, Bobcat) and help develop Israeli infrastructure in Occupied Palestinian Territory (JA Solar, Booking Holdings). https://www.nbcnews.com/business/business-news/college-protesters-divest-from-israel-what-it-means-rcna149147 https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/apr/24/university-fossil-fuel-divestment-student-protests-israel-gaza




How often does the coverage of the protests actually talk about the situation in Gaza? They’ve completely lost control of the narrative and the focus is now on the behavior of protestors rather than the message. They’ve not done a good enough job of distancing themselves from antisemitic people and they can’t come up with a solution. This is turning into Occupy Wall Street. At a certain point, those demonstrations had a negative impact on the cause because it just illustrated that they don’t have any solutions to their complaints. It’s a vicious circle. No solutions means less coverage, which leads them to more extreme actions to get attention, which shifts all the attention from the message to the actions.


We arent talking about the issues. We are talkijg about how dumb the protests are. Almost no discussion on the war is happening or the businesses helping Israel. Awareness isnt being generated. Its just not.


You’re still talking about the situation. Don’t get all disingenuous now brother. Like why does this bother you? Like genuine curious. When I see this all I think is man those kids are brave enough to do this. But it brings anger & malice to you. Why is that brother?


Are you serious? They’re bringing negative press to Palestine, even if it is press. They don’t actually give a fuck, they just want attention or something


Here's the thing - you don't get to tell anyone how/when/where to protest - classic bullshit argument.


Cute, but still, the protests are literally doing nothing except getting kids arrested. The protest itself will have absolutely no impact on the conflict overseas.


How do you go about quantifying the impact of a protest? So in your opinion we should never protest because it will have no direct impact?


You actually don’t know that though. This is you insinuating it doesn’t do anything. But yet here we are discussing it. It’s crazy to think there’s lives living outside of your world I know. Be better brother. Don’t repeat conservative rhetoric.


you don't understand how protests work


Thats because protestors are too peaceful here. Cops literally roll them over with no resistance.


Maybe you wouldn't be so confused if you understood how protest fundamentally works. "wOw tHesE pRoTeStErS tHaT i'M cUrReNtLy pAyInG aTtEnTiOn tO aNd dIsCuSsInG aReN't mAkInG aNy dIfFeReNcE!" Just keep sticking your head in the sand and acting like the US government isn't supporting genocidal acts in Palestine


Are there some examples where this type of protest was effective in a similar situation?


Yes, there was a similar large-scale movement by activists and students to pressure universities into divesting from apartheid South Africa. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disinvestment_from_South_Africa


Great example but can you not link the mobile version of Wikipedia next time. Myself and other desktop users thank you


That’s a great example. Although I’d argue anti apartheid had widespread support. I’m not sure if there are ways to make this idea more broadly attractive. Maybe not just divestment from Israel but include divestment from Hamas supporters.


I suspect conditions in Palestine probably don't offer many options for international investment, but that's just conjecture on my part.


Yes, this one right here. We're both paying attention to it and discussing it. That's what protest is for. To bring attention to matters that these people think are important enough to protest


Sort of like the saying “no such thing as bad publicity”? Maybe it is helpful for some people. I guess for me I would prefer more of a discussion with goals and ideas on achievement even if it takes compromise.


Yes they were very effective in blocking the Israel Aid package /s


Bro, you obviously don't understand how protest works. It's like someone watering their flowers and you say "the flower is the same size as yesterday." Absolute braindead take


Buddy i organize full time and have been for over 20 years. Your claim that they are absolutely working just because of “awareness” is the laziest most self serving take. Sure change takes time, but clearly their protest isn’t this watershed moment they are pretending it is. And just saying “we raised awareness!!!” Doesn’t mean your action is effective. Just means you have low standards for what you’re trying to accomplish.


Weird how someone who has been 'organising full time for over 20 years' doesn't understand the fundamental concept of protest. It's almost like you're lying


I’m not lying but I understand how it’s easier to convince yourself of that than to actually engage with what I am saying. FYI it may be easy ignoring criticism or critique in your actions but it makes accomplishing change real difficult though.


Your 'critism' and 'critique' are just weak attempts at discrediting an opposing political opinion. It may be easy ignoring the influence of protest, but your opinion isn't going to change the world around it


Imagine doing the most minimal amount of research on a topic


wHaT eVeN iS tHe pUrpOse oF pRotEsTiNg StUff??




It's students demanding that their tuition money stops going to companies that fund the IDF, and that student's who were charged weeks ago for protesting have their charges dropped. You can literally look up the organizers and demands of every campus doing this. It's so ironic you guys chirp about "UnEdUcAtEd" while also not even doing the bare minimum of googling lmao Edit: there’s an argument to be had about the effectiveness for sure, but when universities in Texas of all places are starting to have to close campus, that gets harder. Shit on these college kids all you want, but they’re damn sure standing up for something more important than boycotting bud light.


Everyone looks exactly how i’d expect them to


Humboldt born and raised here. They are knocking on termite riddled doors. While it hadn’t yet become CalPoly and was still just HSU in the sophomore year my best friend was murdered at a party off campus. Some white kid (I only bring that up as it’s relevant) accused him of stealing his girlfriends phone (he did not) and ended up stabbing him 8 times, once in the heart, in front of our friends. The closest hospital being just down the road there was also a large commotion to get out of the area from the other party goers as the party was breaking up and people realized what happened outside. Kid who stabbed him stands over his body while he’s dying and his girlfriend says “I hope that *n word* dies.” She got her wish. When Arcata Police showed up along with EMT’s they refused to enter the area despite knowing someone was gravely injured and dying because they said there was a “riot” outside the party. I’ve lived here all my life, this is the second protest I’ve ever seen go beyond seniors outside the courthouse asking for honks as you drive by, only followed by the protests for my friend after his death. It was a bunch of college kids leaving a small area, like every other weekend. The APD left my friend bleeding out on the sidewalk for over an hour until they said they felt “comfortable” enough to enter the area. It wasn’t because they were afraid of the perpetrator hurting others because everyone saw the fight, they all knew who did it and he left the area already. I stress again the hospital was a few blocks away. I recognize 8 stab wounds with one to the heart is a grim picture, but it would have been much less grim if a single Arcata police officer decided to go beyond the call that night and rescue a young man who was influential beyond his years and lined up for a bright future to impact this world for the better. HSU didn’t ask any one of us in his closest friend group to participate in the planning of his memorial. They made sure to allow the campus brotherhood club to set it up front and center and even to make the slideshow despite the fact most of us didn’t even know he was in that club until after his death. They had two pictures off his Facebook and played a song he hated. That wasn’t his friend group, but HSU saw a chance to signal to the world how they are working on diversity and have safe spaces for minorities (they do not, even now.) The police and court decided despite being witnessed by several traumatized kids from our friend group there was no evidence that our friend was not an equal aggressor and by the morning they had tried to send out whispers of gang violence being the cause. The only gangs we have here is the banana slug gang, a Humboldt initiation process we did as kids where we had to lick a banana slug, idk lol Our friend chose HSU because he wanted to get away from LA and violence he experienced and saw there, to live somewhere safer where he could explore his potential in football and try living a little slower. His murderer was connected, his father or family member is involved in local government. He walks free to this day. Hsu did nothing to join the fight or help the family, but they did announce they would build a memorial bench for ✨student reflection✨ Neither the APD nor the former HSU gives a fuck about their students, much less people in Palestine. This is the same school who when upon finding out there were students living in their cars because housing is SO EXPENSIVE here it’s almost impossible to live a full life unless you’re somewhat well off anyway, so instead of helping their homeless students who were parking their cars er parking their homes on campus, they called APD and started having them arrested when caught. I get the symbolism but they could have easily don’t this in redwood park and gotten a much larger turnout that would not have at least resulted in the clashing of police and students (although some people there are not students and if ur one of those people pls get off the campus 😭😂) Just some background I guess.


i ain’t reading allat


Ok I’ll shorten it, this same police force arrests homeless students by order of the school and allowed my best friend to bleed out in the street. There you go.


I’m going back and reading allat wtf


It was definitely worth the full read to get some background into the context from someone living in the community, was a fascinating informative read. Thanks for making reddit great for what it is and sharing. For whatever it's worth from a stranger, sorry about your friend.


Lamo I said the same put loud as I scrolled and saw your comment. Don't know why that was so funny.


I truly feel bad for anyone there who just wants to get an education.


They’re putting their education to good use. This is exactly what they learned about in their history books and their implementing it. Their education is based on their American right to free speech and assembly. If you think otherwise then not sure what you expect to get from your degree.


Well this looks more like a scene from January 6th. Shutting down a building is probably not protected by the 1st amendment. But you are right. They’re probably thinking they’re recreating things from history books. I’m just not so sure it’s going to make it in them, unless of course, it turns into something really bad.


The Chinese and Indian students checking-in: "This is library!" [https://youtu.be/9Wq54dK0aBs?t=16](https://youtu.be/9Wq54dK0aBs?t=16)


These school riots are becoming the new marketing for students


Fuck Israel.




Fuck Israel, Fuck Hamas... Free Palestine


Fuck Israel, Fuck Hamas... Free Palestine .... boobs


So legitimate question here but what if I needed to renew my student ID or something like that do I just come back later?


Those students are one big joke..


Why do unlawful protestors always freak out the minute they are treated like unlawful protestors


Cal Poly Humboldt? I guess Humboldt State didn't sound fancy enough


We changed to a polytechnic institution 2 years ago




Like, how if you don't want your tax money funding a genocide that somehow makes you an anti-semite? That kind of believing absurdities to aid in committing atrocities? Is that what you mean?


Help us, she screamed…who are you asking for help the police?


Hell yeah brother. They got those tyrant facists outta there. Those cops were actually hitting people’s heads with batons. Such cowards




Lmao shut the hell up.




No I just never entertained that ideology because your home a private domicile. Completely different. You’re welcome to try again


Turns out if you don't comply with lawful orders, cops are sanctioned by the state to use violence. Wild stuff


What a true patriotic American you are. so if their orders were to gun them down in that room you’d be all for it brother? What a dumb ass take.


He said "lawful orders," you dolt.


The US government has killed protesters many times before


Sure. But that has nothing to do with the original point: the students are defying a lawful order to leave the private building, and so the police are permitted to forcefully remove them. The police are not permitted to kill the students, and they are not killing the students.


And my point is that the US government is not a bastion of morality, it’s armed forces have frequently attacked advocates of justice, and that a « lawful order » shouldn’t be blindly obeyed just cause someone said so.


> and that a « lawful order » shouldn’t be blindly obeyed just cause someone said so Uhh, if a police officer gives you a lawful order and you disobey, you're going to have a bad time. You absolutely must obey lawful orders. It used to be that protesters understood this, and were fine with getting arrested (or were even proud to be arrested!) But these gen-z protestors seem to have absolute meltdowns over it.


I'd bet my bank account every one there said Jan 6th rioters should be in prison for taking over the Capitol.


Dude just compared a fuckin admin building at a college to fuckin the United States capital lmfao This gets my vote for one of the dumbest things I have ever read on reddit.


Sit in is not the same as a student at a university you have access to the administrative building they weren't breaking anything or shitting on the walls or impeding a government function.


Oh I'm sorry, it's ok to bop police on the head with am empty water cooler jug? The behavior here was very similar to the rioters trying to push the police when they blocked the doors.


Yeah oftentimes hospitals are filled with victims of empty water jug assaults. 160 officers were seriously injured from assaults with metal pipes, flag poles, barricades, and fists suffering hand to hand combat for 8 or more hours.


It's still assault. I don't know what you're trying to get at. Was Jan 6th a lot more violent? Yes. Doesn't change the fact that what I saw was protesters occupying a building, that they were asked to leave from and wouldn't.


Bro you keep digging. Jan 6th they legit beat people with bats and fire extinguishers and you just typed 'empty water cooler jug' with zero hesitation. I'm dying right now at the absolute ridiculousness of your arguments in this thread lmao


So um back to my question about masks, is there a policy that requires protesters to wear masks?


Can you say lost scholarship?


Hell yeah.


I'm almost 20 years out of college, now. Are they demanding something specific of the university?


Generally seems they want the university to divest from Israel-related investments


.....what does that even mean?


>The protests are calling on universities to divest from firms that they contend profit from Israel’s war and occupation in Palestine, more than six months after the start of the war and as the death toll in Gaza has exceeded 34,000. Some groups at universities that conduct military research, like New York University, are also requesting their schools end work contributing to weapons development as well. https://www.vox.com/2024/4/24/24138333/columbia-student-protests-gaza-nyu-divest-faculty


This was helpful thx


No problem, always happy to help!


Protesting is fine as it's your right, but when it tramples on another's right to access education, work, etc, they need to be arrested and lose their status as a student.


The point of a protest is for it to be disruptive. Grow up.


No, it's not. That's not free speech, nor is it protected. Protest is to air a grievance and seek redress. Protests isn't a protected activity when done in the manner that disputes civil function. Those that think they are above reproach are the ones that need to "grow up."


You're not going to get anyone's attention towards a cause by gathering in your backyard to protest. The point is to make it at least a fraction as disruptive as the actual issue is to the people experiencing it, so the privileged don't get to sit by and ignore real problems just because it doesn't impact them directly. I'm so so so sorry if your cozy little life was interrupted for less than 24 hours, but that's a non-issue compared to genocide. Learn perspective.


Yes yes we would’ve all been better off if the freedom riders and diner sit-ins happened in empty fields 🙄


When you clearly dont know what right to protest means....☝️ Its not written anywhere that its supposed to be convenient or comfortable for anyone involved💀 You dont have to agree, but if it was over something truly important to you, you would not feel that way. Not that I even agree/disagree with the point or the methods used, but to pretend that others discomforts need to comfortably coincide with your schedules and feelings, is the type of self centered lunacy that has led to a lot of the social breakdowns we are seeing currently. Idk maybe Im the tilted one here, and maybe everyone should have to consciously cater to my personal conveniences and comforts at the cost of their own🤷‍♀️


protests are supposed to be disruptive and uncomfortable, hope this helps!


When being addicted to drama meets main character syndrome.


Haha, run, piggy, run!


That was pretty. I liked that. This gives me hope for the future.


I wonder why people don’t paint the popo visors with a long arm roller or something…?


Is it 1965 again?


Shoulda bit the cops fingies


deport them to Palestine to help fight then. See if they still support the cause then


Whenever I read some flavour of this comment, I always wonder if the person posting it thought they said something intelligent


Let's send you to Israel, you can help them fight against Iran


That’s one way to celebrate administrative professionals day.


I actually knew about this today. My gf got an admin in her office a card. :D


I wish I had gotten a card. All I received was an email chain. 😔


This is less about Palestine and more about these kids giving socially-approved expression to their histrionics and oppositional defiant disorder. If you really want to know where this is going and what personality type would revel in doing these things, read "Days of Rage" by Bryan Burrough. During the end of the 1960s and throughout all of the seventies, when it became obvious that all the protesting in the world wasn't going to bring in a leftist utopia, self-absorbed leftists with the personality type of these kids in the video started bombing random buildings. Guys like Sam Melville, according to his own girlfriend Jane Alpert (who later joined the weather underground) once went against his own M.O. and bombed a building without warning the people working there because he got in a fight with his girlfriend. Just, narcissistic, lost, hysterical people who use social justice as a facade for their own deficits.


Seem like peaceful tourists to me.


I wonder how many of these students know where Palestine is on a map. [Do they also know that Palestine was cheering when 9/11 happened?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P9yK0u-XH1M) Or have we forgotten? Too inconvenient?


Yes those twenty people represent all of Palestine. Just like the State Senators of Arizona praying and speaking in tongues on the house floor when an abortion ban from 1864 took legal precedent represents all of America.


Dude, they already forgot that Hamas started this war by gunning down hundreds of innocent people at a concert and taking hostages. They definitely won't remember anything that happened more than 20 years ago.