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The fact that she called the cops on herself is the best part of it to me. Like, she really thought that she was going to teach those girls a lesson by getting them involved, and instead she's being charged with sexual battery against another woman. That'll be a fun one to explain to the grandkids


She called the cops on herself TWICE !!


And then complained to the police that the internet was calling her a Karen. Jesus fucking christ.


Right??? 🤯🤯


Literally the most Karen thing to do.


She wanted to speak with the internet's manager.


![gif](giphy|49zC0Bm1kbu36) That lady.


In all fairness, she really isn't just a Karen, she is a predator for sexually assaulting a person she thought was a minor.


Don’t you get it?! She said she felt posting the video of her was “a threat on her life” according to the article lol


Lmao I have no sympathy for these kinds of people


Costs nothing to mind your own business. I'd rather live in a society where young ladies feel safe enough to dress how they want without being assaulted like that. Karen's can go straight to jail.


And at least one of those calls was to 911. Unbelievable.


I want to see the bodycam of this one.


>Mommy? Where did grandma go? > She was booked Wednesday into the **Purgatory Correctional Facility** in **Hurricane**.


That is the most dystopian sounding prison ever.


Grandma can’t take you to school, she’s a registered sex offender.


OMG I didn't consider that but she is charged with sexual battery. If I was the victim I'd demand that any plea deal include registration on the sex offender registry


Her thought process makes no sense either. She assumes this lady was a child, and naked under the skirt, so her response is to expose her? She belongs on that registry.


It sounds like when there is a mysterious guy in wrestling and they say he is from "parts unknown"


And to her "government job." I hope she's fired and blacklisted from all government work.


What is her “government job?” Butt inspector? 1920s-1930s actress Jean Harlow was once charged, because of a scene in a pre-code film, per an old newspaper article, with “indecent exposure of public hair.”


She works for Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes. Hopefully, his office will be embarrassed enough by the bad PR that he'll fire her. That was absolutely unacceptable behavior. 


It's Utah... don't they go for this kind of thing? Isn't that why the state was created?


Sadly, you're right. A girl can dream, though.


Hahahahaha, public hair


[Mary Shaw. Morality Officer](https://frankie-drake-mysteries.fandom.com/wiki/Mary_Shaw)


That’s the thing with Karens. They get *so* irrationally angry that they do foolish shit like this and end up the butt of the joke… Or in jail.


“Grandma, why are you on the sex offender’s registry?” “It was the woke liberal mob, I tells ya!”


I wonder if she will have to register as a sex crime offender.


Ohhh that would be great! And hopefully cost her her job!


Never, *EVER* doubt the self righteous. It's actually what makes them so potentially dangerous


Did nobody else see that she is currently being held in the Purgatory Correctional Facility? Gave me a chuckle.


The grandkids are her kids too...don't they believe in that ish lol...


“She later complained to police that video of the confrontation posted across various social media platforms labeled her a "Karen."” Well… If the label fits.


Arrest THE INTERNET!!111!






























She called the cops on herself. Classic Karen. Glad they arrested her.


Called the cops twice - after she saw a video was posted she called the cops because she "thought it was a threat on her life".


I'm starting to think there's something to that leaded gasoline theory.


Problem with that is regular gas went unleaded in 1975. It says she’s 47 meaning she was born around 1977.


Yeah I'm 53, so born in 1970, but I can still vaguely remember when it switched over. What I have better memories of was the gas shortage around the same time frame lol. Cars lined up for miles for your share, hot sitting in cars, making friends with the other kids in line lol


>"thought it was a threat on her life" Lady, you ain't even that important.


She complained to the cops that people were calling her a Karen online. Lol. At least that’s how the article worded it.


> Ida Ann Lorenzo just a simple battery, not even felony lol


She should lose her state job too for her behaviour.


Why would she feel it’s appropriate to declare that she’s a state employee. Like she has some kind of authority. Nothing good ever happens when you tell a bunch of strangers where you work when you’re in a confrontation. Employers love when the media and random social media users start asking them about their employees behavior outside of work. Even if that employer is the state of Utah


> Why would she feel it’s appropriate to declare that she’s a state employee. Like she has some kind of authority. they throw around their government job title to try to seem more important or knowledgeable. they hope their opponent will back down easily like most actually do




Especially since the victim wasn’t wearing Mormon magic underwear.


Neither was the perp, wouldn't be able to see that much back/shoulder if she was....


A chastity belt?


No Mormons literally have to wear special underwear. It’s not a cult though! /s


They also can't use online porn. Closest they've got is binders full of women.


Remember when saying something like that could tank a presidential campaign?


I love how she led off with, “I work for the state…” Ok, and that means it's ok to touch someone?


Bet she no longer works for the state...


She works for the state attorney General. Given who he is, she probably won't lose her job.


You don't know Mormons then. They always brush this stuff under the rug and stick up for their own. Unless this becomes super viral which it probably won't


I read that they told her to not touch her body and she claimed, “I only touched her skirt.” Lady, it’s on her body! Makes me mad because I work in a salon and there’s an older client who grabbed my skirt and lifted it up as an example of how short she’d wear her skirts. The skirt I was wearing was down to my ankles and she pulled it up to my mid thigh. I still feel so violated to this day. She’s since been banned


That's so fucked. She would have caught hands if she tried that with me you best believe that.


same here! people like that need that experience more! 👊🤛


“She was booked Wednesday into the Purgatory Correctional Facility in Hurricane.” Sounds like some Mad Max shit!


It's right next to the Limbo Facility for Coma Patients.


She's with Ruby and Jodie !


imagine the poor perps who had to sit in a cell with her. she probably single-handedly reduced the city’s crime rate.


I laughed when she said pubic hair and vagina. Like how fucking close was she looking to see her vagina? That doesn’t just happen. So add in peeper too. Like wtf?


"I can see your fallopian tubes from here!"


"We have a suspect wearing very revealing clothing. Report says ovaries are visible"


The vagina is inside. She might have seen her vulva, but vagina, impossible.


Even then she would have had to get up close and personal. But there are women who still don’t know their body parts even after 10 kids.


Mouth is to vulva as throat is to vagina.


Jesus, her “I could see her pubic hair!” claim boils my fucking skin. It reminds me of when I was in high school and my mom bought me a new bathing suit. I went over to my dad’s house and I think was going to go to the beach or something so I got changed and my step mom asked to see the new bikini. She started flipping the fuck out, saying it was too “low cut” and the (small) cutouts on the side were “all the way to the vagina.” Then she started screaming that she could see my pubic hair. I literally just walked out the door and got in my car bc I wasn’t dealing with that shit. I DIDNT EVEN HAVE PUBIC HAIR BECAUSE I SHAVED IT ALL OFF!!!!!! That woman is insane


"The teenager provided police with video of herself in the skirt that night, and she explained that she was wearing underwear and that it would have been impossible for her pubic hair to have been exposed, as Lorenzo claimed." So, she's a liar also.


Classic stepmother behavior


As I’ve gotten older I’ve realized just how much she overstepped. She once confiscated a t shirt that my mom bought me because she thought it was too tight. It wasn’t. My senior year of high school (18 years old) she stopped me from leaving for school in shorts and made me change into jeans because she thought my ass was hanging out. They weren’t - once again it was clothing my mom bought me and my mom would N E V E R buy me anything even close to revealing - and I was going to be leaving school after an hour for a field trip that involved walking around an amusement park all day in the (nearly) summer heat anyways. So guess who sweat her ass off and looked like an idiot all day? This girl!!!! And she wonders why I never wanted to live with them full time


It was because your mom had bought them. She was trying to show she had higher standards than the women she replaced - a shitty/fragile thing to do


Also nothing makes a step mom more insecure than a happy younger woman enjoying her life


When I was in my teens I sagged my pants, just like everyone else hopping on trends that happen. She would flip. Pull my pants up in public constantly talk about it, one time even pulled her pants down at a family event. Wild times. It wasn’t even excessive sagging. Could see like the top inch and half of my boxers.


When my boobs came in, my shirts that had never been a problem before suddenly were. My mom would reach across the table and grab the top of my shirt and go- TUCK THOSE PUPPIES IN!


That’s gross. I’m sorry she did that to you


Ive never understood this tbh, growing up my mom had some boyfriends, not a single one of them tried to control me or tell me I couldn’t do things, the idea of basically a stranger I don’t know controlling my life makes my blood boil, unless your grandfathered in as someone who can boss me tf around like my mother or my dad you have 0 control over my property, my life, how I interact, all of that. I 100% would have raised hell or ran away if I was in a situation like that. Im sorry you went through that, the entitlement of it alone makes me see red


Ugh I hate this for you. Reminds me of the time I got a bikini and my dad wanted to see it on me because it looked skimpy sitting on the washing machine. I still feel so gross to this day about it and I told him to never ask me to do that again. Your situation is far worse, I’m so sorry you went through that.


First thing I thought when I read she claimed she saw pubic hair was "as if young women going out in cute short skirts and bustiers even have any pubic hair". Like come on. Even my old ass would have weed whacked the garden.


And she thought she was under age?? So she thought it was a good thing to touch a minor like that?


100% she doesn't believe that a woman can sexually assault another woman.


Thank you!! I had to scroll far to much to find someone calling her out for assaulting someone she 'believed' to be a minor! It's horrifying enough that she did it to an adult, but to be claiming that she's under age and then doing it anyway is beyond disgusting. I hope she's fired from her government job.


Turns out the skirt wasn’t revealing at all. The Karen claimed that the skirt was so short everyone including children could see the woman’s butt cheeks and pubic hair. All lies, as the skirt wasn’t anywhere near that short, and the woman was wearing underwear so nothing could have been seen even if it was.


I seem to recall something in the bible about not bearing false witness


But that's the Bible. What does the book of Mormon say? /s I used to work at an antique shop and there was a copy of the book of Mormon for sell. I tried to read it out of curiosity. It's about as dumb as the Bible.


I think we need to normalize saying that the Bible isn't a very good book. The stories are simply boring.


There is good stuff in the Bible. The issue is that christians don't pay attention to that part of the bible.


Hey man, the one where God sends a couple bears to eat a bunch of children for laughing at a bald guy is a straight banger


Here’s the thing though: even if the teen’s skirt was as short as The Karen claimed, it still doesn’t give her the right to do what she did.


Just mind blowing that this lady can't seem to understand this.


also if she’s worried about the children.. why further expose this young woman by pulling off her skirt? her logic is to.. expose the kids even MORE??


She wanted to shame her so she would be embarrassed.


"The teenager provided police with video of herself in the skirt that night, and she explained that she was wearing underwear and that it would have been impossible for her pubic hair to have been exposed, as Lorenzo claimed." I watched the video, and the skirt looked to be demin and not too short. Can someone armchair diagnose this behavior? Why did she walk up behind a teen girl, pull down her skirt then lie about it? Why would someone do this?


Ah, so a mormon moron.


We call them Mollys, and they're awful.


As a girl named Molly: 🥲


She seemed a little drunk, which seemed odd for a Mormon. Couldn’t tell if she was drunk or stupid.


Mormon people def drink, they just hide it. Source: met a ton of jack Mormons whose family members are still reg Mormons and confirmed.


If you don't want a mormon to drink all your beer, you have to invite a second one.


Good, as she should be. Utterly unacceptable. She's allowed her opinion, but acting on it is unacceptable.


Utahrly unacceptable, even!


> "There are children present" Children don't fucking care. She's upset her husband doesn't find her attractive anymore and is threatened by and is jealous of young women.


🛎️ 🛎️ 🛎️


Some of the worst body policing I experienced as a teenager was from uppity Christian women who thought that grabbing or screaming at us was the right thing to do. These uppity assholes don't fair too well in L.A.


"Lorenzo, who works for Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes, was booked into the Purgatory Correctional Facility" What a lovely sounding place


This is utah, where they kick their kids out of the house for having sex or put them in rehab for cannabis. Mormonism is a fucking cult 100%.


And they can send them to literal torture camps for “conversion therapy”.


honestly, what's the difference between any organized religion and a cult?


For the love of fuck *stop calling 911 for non-emergencies!* Every police station in the United States has a non-emergency number you can call for non-emergencies! “Hello, 911? I know you just got off the phone with someone who is bleeding out from a gunshot wound; and I know the call before that was a parent panicking that their infant isn’t breathing- but I just saw a girl in a short skirt. Please send emergency services!”


For real. The non-emergency number is clutch in many situations.


> “She later complained to police that video of the confrontation posted across various social media platforms labeled her a "Karen."” Would you prefer “cunt”?


She lacks the warmth and depth


She's lucky she didn't get her ass beat.


I'd prefer that to her outcome... complete social pariah, sex offender, unemployed.. Yeah as long I didn't get my legs broken I'd take the kicking


She should of just minded her own fucking business.


Honestly this would literally solve 99% of the Karen problem


She got a Class A Misdemeanor charge? How is sexual battery not a felony?


It's utah...


She’d be a registered sex offender if she was convicted of this 😆 However I’m sure she’ll plead to something less


Obviously this is not an ok thing to do, but it makes sense that it’s a class A misdemeanor. SEXUAL BATTERY sounds really horrible but it’s just sexual touching, so like if someone walked by and smacked your ass for example, is that illegal? Yes. Will they be arrested? Absolutely. Should it be a felony?? Ehhh probably not. No one is going to jail for a year plus for touching an adult’s butt. Again to be clear STILL BAD AND STILL ILLEGAL, but probably makes sense it’s not a felony.


It sounds horrible, but we don't want criminals to think, "I'm gonna get a felony anyway, might as well do more." It's why the punishment for kidnapping isn't as bad as murder. You want incentive for the criminal to surrender before things get worse. You touched a girl's body without permission, you're going to be arrested and have his on your criminal record, your security clearance will be revoked, and you'll probably lose your job. All of that stuff is terrible, but at least you're not going to prison and getting a felony, so don't touch her again or do worse.


Hilarious the jail name is Purgatory. I want to see the video of her being arrested.


[Don't worry, y'all. She has to register as a sex offender.......if she does it 3 more times.](https://corrections.utah.gov/utah-laws-regulating-registered-sex-offenders/)


4 convictions required?! Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb. Fuck Utah




What the fuck, Utah???


Utah loves to protect sexual predators!




I'm confused did she like pull it down to her ankles or like pull it down to cover more?




A Karen complaining about being labeled a karen🤣💀


> The officer told Lorenzo that even if the teen was naked under the skirt, her actions still meet the criminal elements of sexual battery. She was booked Wednesday into the Purgatory Correctional Facility in Hurricane. Good fuck this lady!


Good ol Utah Mormons…


"She's a minor, so I touched her!" "I didn't think she had on underwear, so I touched her." Once again, not a drag queen or trans...


Does sexual battery in Utah get you put in the sex offenders list? I hope so.


"She was booked Wednesday into the Purgatory Correctional Facility in Hurricane." Who named these locations lmao


"I didn't think she was wearing underwear, so I pulled her skirt down in a public area to make an example of her." like tf


lol Karen called 911 twice that night to talk to the manager of the police and get her false story in first


Not surprised this was from Utah lol. I know it's a different state but in Cody, Wyoming my wife got a group of old ladies all fired up at Walmart because they didn't like her tank top and short shorts. It was 34c (93f) outside like get fucked it's hot.


*She was booked Wednesday into the Purgatory Correctional Facility in Hurricane.* Sounds like an episode of The Flash. 


“I could see her pubic hair.” Plot twist, she shaves.


All this Karen drama could be avoided if people just minded their own business. Who cares if you think her skirt is too short? It's none of your business, and doesn't affect you in any way. Actions have consequences.


You believe this person is a minor, naked under their skirt, and you *still* decide to put your hands on them? Yikes.


Where the fuck do people get the notion that "working for the state" grants them any kind of authority at all? God I wish someone would say that to me.


It's insane to me that her "defense" is essentially 1. She thought the girl was underage And 2. She thought the girl wasn't wearing underwear. So her defense to the charge of sexual battery is that she didn't think she was showing an adult's panties to the restaurant, she believed she was about to show a Child's Genitals to a bunch of strangers in the restaurant. Like, if she was right, in what world does that make it any better? "You gotta understand your honor, I thought I was committing a worse crime against a child!"


By her own words she thought she was naked under the skirt. By her own words she thought she was underage. So by intentionally yanking the skirt down, her intent was to expose the genitalia and buttocks of an underaged girl. I wonder why she is only being charged with sexual battery?


St George is a special place in a special state.


How does this mutant think she’s not a Karen?


People are fucking insane these days MYOFB already


I don’t suppose anyone has a link to the video? Also, fun fact, I have eaten at that Sakura restaurant, and I don’t even live in Utah. So I’m kind of invested in this story.


Slap that sex offender tag on her.




CPS doesn't give a fuck about a miniskirt. They're too busy with actual cases of abuse and neglect. That's all they care about, abuse and neglect. 


“She was booked Wednesday into the Purgatory Correctional Facility in Hurricane.” That’s a pretty on-the-nose name for the facility. …also, Hurricane? This story just gets better/wierder/worse as it goes on.


>>Lorenzo reported the incident herself the night it happened, telling dispatch that the teenager had her skirt "hiked above her vagina and butt," exposing her pubic hair.  this woman is disgusting.




Sexual battery is only a misdemeanor? Yikes. Hopefully AT LEAST she goes on a sex offender registry because that seems ridiculous.


You’re not dressed appropriately. Let me pull off your clothes so you’re more exposed.


Her defense was she thought it was a child and thought she wasnt wearing underwear, so she was gonna pull the skirt off thats the jist of what this idiot said herself like wtf lmao


Why an adult staring at teenagers private parts? Is this some kind of a new trick from pedos?


“I thought she was naked under the skirt and that is inappropriate with young children present so I pulled down her skirt in front of said children”


Sounds like a civil suit should teach her a good lesson.


I think that the fact that the correctional facility where she was booked at is called the Purgatory Correctional Facility is not getting enough attention. The very last line of the article: "She was booked Wednesday into the Purgatory Correctional Facility in Hurricane."


Just wait til they bring a hockey team in Utah. People will complain about how the cheerleaders are dressed or how women hockey fans are dressed lol!


Only in Utah: "booked into Purgatory Correctional Facility in Hurricane."


So no video on this sub, just a random update... Ok lol


When did we stop keeping our hands to ourselves?


omg this triggered a memory that i hadn't thought of in years. when i was a teenager i went to a beach with a girl friend of mine and i was wearing a bikini that was just a little too small for me but i didn't think anyone would notice because it wasn't that significant. apparently someone did notice and complained to my friend about it who then told me. it was super embarrassing. :(


I'm betting by now she's a FORMER Utah state employee.