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The fucking siren head alarm in the background just makes this even more dystopian


Governor Glenn Youngkin, who is partly responsible for this utter nonsense, is giving the commencement address for VCUs 2024 graduation in, 'checks notes' 12 days, FYI. gonna be a shit show


I can't wait to see how that goes Remindme! 12 days




Where the fuck are all these riot police when those khaki pant, mask wearing white supremacists walk around with ARs to intimidate and spread the Nazi message? Am I drinking the jungle juice or is the response we are seeing to these peaceful protests completely disproportionate to those guys?! I feel like I'm in la la land.


They were wearing khaki pants and masks


The answer was in the question


Some of those that work forces


Are the same that burn crosses


To answer your first question: It's the same reason you never see Batman and Bruce Wayne in the same place together in the movies.


What explains two groups of people never being in the same room together that would be?


>Where the fuck are all these riot police when those khaki pant, mask wearing white supremacists walk around with ARs to intimidate and spread the Nazi message? They are at those marches on there days off.


Pretty sure that most spaces on university campuses are considered a limited public forum under law. You are free to protest in a public forum as much as you want.


Yep. The police across the country gave neonazi's a royal police escort and defended their "freedom of speech" to say they wanted to lynch black people. Insane


They don’t fight their co-workers… something something about a thin blue line


Right behind them


They did the same shit to Occupy in RVA. Brought in fucking bulldozers etc to knock down tents. Also the classic “mobilizing the very fucking militarized Capitol Police to guard the governor”when moms were protesting at the Capital in RVA. VA governors love to look tough.


If it’s unarmed teenage students, the cops have no problem beating the fuck out of them. When it’s adult, armed white supremacists, the conversation becomes about “free speech”.


They show up to fights they’re 100% sure they can win.


Some of those that work forces


Are the same that burn crosses


Why do Bruce Wayne and Batman never show up at the same place? 🤔


Have you ever seen Batman and Bruce Wayne in the same room?


Liberate Hong Kong.


Didnt the same bunch said protestors have the right to protest?


Bringing in riot police is just a really stupid decision imo. If you want to bring in some cops just to mediate and deal with riff raff that makes sense but this is counterproductive. Wait for a riot for that shit. Keep them on standby if you want but the second you send in shields and helmets and start pushing that tends to escalate things and you might wind up with a riot on your hands, of your creation. Or maybe that's their intent, to escalate things so they can have further excuse to suppress these protests. This country is fucked, no matter where you stand


Have hammer, find nail


Its in the name. Riot police start riots.


> you might wind up with a riot on your hands, of your creation. >Or maybe that's their intent, to escalate things so they can have further excuse to suppress these protests. Yes, you get it. The cops want that. Because if there's a "riot", then the cops can really start smashing skulls. And the legal blame will still go to the "rioters", or even just people who are around.


Wait, so cops can now just start assaulting people with riot sheilds and pepper spray for simply standing still?




That has absolutely nothing to do with what is happening on our college campuses and you’re making a very bad comparison. As long as they’re being peaceful they have a right to protest just like unfortunately nazis do as well.


A right to protest and a right to set up an indefinite encampment that prevents other students from attending class are two different things.


they werent preventing people from going to class, you could easily walk around or through that area and they werent in front of any class buildings afaik


They absolutely caused classes to be cancelled. What are you talking about? They have literally barricaded entire buildings.


Not at VCU. So your statements are just false.


The comments above are discussing all university protests, not just VCU.


Just making shit up


https://www.columbiaspectator.com/news/2024/04/30/dozens-occupy-hamilton-hall-as-pro-palestinian-protests-spread-across-campus/ "A Facilities worker who was in the building exited the building at around 12:40 a.m., after shouting at the protesters occupying the Hamilton lobby to let him go. As he left Hamilton, he hit someone’s camera and yelled at the crowd, “They held me hostage.” Protestors are absolutely barricading buildings, what are you talking about?


Lol you idiot we are talking about VCU not Columbia


https://old.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/1cgicqd/cops_and_protestors_face_off_at_virginia/l1x5kty/ Can you not read? This comment chain is talking about what is happening on college campuses.


the library and the dining hall were locked down around 9-10pm because the police were tear gassing and arresting people. no one was prevented from going to class by the protesters. Yes this causes an issue for people studying for finals or who have finals today. It would not have been a problem if the riot police didnt show up and make it a problem.


VCU students erected barricades and established a “liberated zone” with checkpoints. Every student has a right to unfettered access to school grounds and facilities and the university has a legal obligation to provide that.


Nobody has been prevented from attending classes at VCU. The biggest disruption has been from state troopers showing up and tear gassing students.


We are discussing all college campus protests in this comment chain. Keep up. Also, it is very unlikely you'd win that argument in court. Setting up indefinite blockades, checkpoints, encampments and barricades creates a reasonable fear in students that forces the university to cancel classes. If an army of white supremacists were using the exact same tactics, students would be reasonably fearful and a court would absolutely side with the students and university to clear out the protest. VCU specifically had many recent anti-war protests that did not prevent the freedom of movement of other students and so were never broken up by the school. Same goes with basically all other schools facing similar encampments and blockades. https://www.columbiaspectator.com/news/2024/04/30/dozens-occupy-hamilton-hall-as-pro-palestinian-protests-spread-across-campus/ "A Facilities worker who was in the building exited the building at around 12:40 a.m., after shouting at the protesters occupying the Hamilton lobby to let him go. As he left Hamilton, he hit someone’s camera and yelled at the crowd, “They held me hostage.” Their whole raison d'etre is to go down in a tantrum and bring as much chaos as possible with the ending being martyr'd via police arrest. The students know what they are doing will prompt a police response. I don't believe students literally believe it is their right to erect encampments and barricades on school grounds.


Yes they know the cops will come with too much force like always.


What use of force do you think is required to remove the encampments? (I get that you are clearly in favor of them not being removed at all, but from a legal perspective, the university has the right to remove these people)


You're right I don't think they should be removed and sending in the goons is a bad decision by the university. The right amount of force imo would be none and to listen to their student body instead


Right, okay, we already established that though but you still haven't answered the question... Is this opinion based on your approval of the protestors desires? Or about their right to protest? Would you say the same about a white supremacist encampment on school grounds?


What an utterly moronic analogy. Standing in front of my door means you're on my private property. This is a *student* campus, so THE COPS are the outsiders in this situation.




> Is breaking into Columbia Hamilton Hall a form of free speech? Why would it matter what some completely separate group of people 300 miles away is doing?


Another dumb analogy. They're not breaking into anywhere, it's THEIR campus. I'm not familiar with this exact university, but I'd imagine that most of them literally *live there*, yes, 24/7.


It doesnt matter if they live there or not. The university has the right to make rules, and enforce them. If the administration said no encampments then they have the right to remove the offenders, even expel them too and there isn't anything that they can do about it.


Is that what happened though? From the footage I've seen, it doesn't really seem like the police were invited by anybody, but I don't know the full story. I'm also not American, but I'd always been told that country was built on a right to free speech and a right to protest.


military style police on college kids


Land of the free


Cops meleè attack unarmed students.


Protests should just be masses of people laying chest down with their hands behind their back. It's the inevitable fate for peaceful protest in a fascist nation. If you use your voice at all, they provoke you into an excuse to get violent.


How often have student protestors been on the wrong side of history? My guess is rarely.


Come on a huge portion of students of all ages protested the de segregation in the south. The Nationalsozialistischer Deutscher Studentenbund comes to mind they were literally Nazis. And I think there are plenty of examples also in the communist student movements of the 20th century.


The Iranian revolution as well. Students took the US embassy.


Definitely a good example I played rugby with a guy who’s dad fled Iran after the fall of the Shaw. His dad said they had been in the streets protesting the Shaw and his objectively terrible regime. But they didn’t know their movement had already been cooped by the islamists. And when it fell every progressive ideal they had hoped for was wiped out. He openly admitted they were the useful idiots. You could just tell it ate him up inside missing his home country.


>Definitely a good example I played rugby with a guy who’s dad fled Iran after the fall of the Shaw. Your friend's dad was with the Hellfire Club? Rad.


The few examples scrapped from the dusty corners is not compelling...


Well it was compelling enough to get you to respond to multiple people about the same thing. And I don’t think they are “from the dusty corners” at all.


“From dusty corner” aka history he wasn’t taught / doesn’t remember. Something something history is written by the victors or what not.


I had those same two exact thoughts and in my original response I had almost written that having a view like that about how only the “just” protest is a really narrow way to look at history.


Today is built on history, it isn't history yet.


Historical perspective is important, but putting people into dismissive areas because "young people are gullible" is the dusty corner.


Engagement with a post/poster is not the same as the ARGUMENT being compelling. If you are putting the expression of current day young people, protests, movements and ideas as "just kids being gullible" you are obviously missing much of HOW revolution and change happen. This thread is obviously anti-anything the kids are doing. Anything to close your eyes and ears to what young people care about.


There are students that protest on different sides of the same issue though.


I dont see the volume being present from both sides would be the difference id guess


Students in the Red Guard reporting their former friends and family for "reeducation," all in the name of the revolution. Essentially the same thing happened under the Khmer Rouge regime in Cambodia, and we all know what happened to those who were taken in for "reeducation."


Equating them to protests is blind.


Mao's red guard was mostly made up of young students. Young people are just emotional and easy to rile up. 


What a dismissive perspective... and impossible for any consideration of young people.


You might be right. But anti-nuclear power, opposition to civil rights in the 60s, censorship of opposing speech, antisemitism are a few non-winners.




"I support all protest movements except the ones we're currently living through." You'd have felt the same way about Vietnam.






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Your guess is some serious cherry picking confirmation bias.


So is this Gen Z’s mass protest on campuses moment? We had Occupy a decade or so ago, and it met with similar results. The game is rigged in the powerful’s favor and working as intended. Those in power don’t give a rats ass what we think, and will be more than willing to beat or shoot to maintain the status quo as they have shown time and time again across the decades.


Protesters need bear spray, make shit a lil more interesting.


Mark my words: the second any of these protests take measures to ensure their safety (exercise their right to self defense, so to say), a whole lot of people will flip on them and follow the stigmatizing media narrative that frames protesters as dangerous and violent subversives.


They’ve already done that without the students arming themselves






PSA: [This](https://foreverpolice.com/how-to-get-pepper-spray-out-of-eyes/) is how you get pepper spray out of your eyes.


Go FUCKING Rams!!!!! 🖤💛🖤💛


I love the siren very dramatic!


Schools almost over. let them protest. Who gives a shit. They'll all go home soon. JFC this country is exhausting.


It's funny cause if they would have totally ignored this, and not sent in the crack-squad geniuses of the police to beat people and arrest them, the first universities that had pro-palestine protesters literally could have ignored them.


That's a big part of why so much of them are protesting now, it's finals time


Anyone else reminded of Star Wars Episode 1 when the Battle Droids breached the Gungan shield dome?


No that’s didn’t come to mind. But thanks for bringing that to the table.


Was the only comment worth reading in the thread.


Yea completely agree.


Why is nobody blaming Biden. If trump was in office during this it would be on him. It’s all awful just pointing that out.




What are these protesters trying to accomplish?


Assuming your comment isn’t in bad faith, the goals are divestment and disclosure of investments and ties with Israel and weapon manufacturing companies, as well as equal protection of pro-Palestine (and Palestinian or Arab-American students) and Jewish students


No legit asking, probably the first real answer I got besides some snark. Do the protestors not understand that’s how many schools get funding for many of the things they have access to?