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i knew when he tried and failed to start his own "shame on you" chant, that he was gonna be the one to pepper spray. Dressed in all black, multiple layers to hide his 110lb frame, runs away immedietly


Some people just want to watch your eyes burn.




And pepper spray random dudes for fun


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Shame there wasn't a clearer picture of that little cunt's face.


Pepper spraying was such a cowardly thing to do there when that guy was simply making a point and wasn't threatening. When you actually try to have a converstation with some historical context and the other side immediately shuts it down and starts screaming random things, among them baby killer, as if what is happening in Gaza hasn't taken countless babies' and young children's lives. The irony is lost on this particular group, but thankfully not lost on all jewish people, many of whom are part of the protests and see the hyprocrisy. Just because you declare 'war' doesn't mean it absolves you from the atrocities of taking innocent lives, violating international laws (according to the UN and ICJ) and and it isn't any better than those who carried out the Oct 7 attack.


because zionazis don't want to talk in good faith toward understanding and solutions. they just want to continue the nakba until the genocide is complete.


This whole protest war is literally a "Ceasefire now" crowd vs a "No Ceasefire now" crowd. Its not shocking which side has been more violent.


where are all those cops when you need them? Too busy beating up the peaceful protesters?


> where are all those cops when you need them? I give decent odds that the ninja that pepper sprayed everyone was a cop trying to start shit.






Because it’s literally the same thing. Deflecting blame from one’s own side to say “it wasn’t us, it was the cops!” Doesn’t matter what side you take. It’s literally the same thing. The downvotes prove my point. People can excuse or rationalize anything if they want to. I haven’t even taken a side but people aren’t liking that I pointed out the hypocrisy.


Except there's an ample amount of proof of police agitators starting shit and breaking stuff since the 60ies.


I agree with that. It’s also not my point.


Then make your point better.


My point is that though this is a known thing, when a certain group of people claim it, it’s laughed off simply because most people don’t like them. Despite the fact that it’s a known tactic. I made my point fine.


One side has a documented history of false flags. The other side doesn't. What point are you trying to make? That you're one of the "both sides" people?


A significant portion of American police receive training from the idf


Bankrolled by the replacement of Bankman Fried.


It’s funny to see how all of the sudden the cultural marxists want police around


>the cultural marxists Not sure if you think you're on the side of Israel here but this is one of the oldest antisemitic dog whistles in the book


Calling hamas commies Marxist is antisemitism? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Is this bait or are you just ignorant?


I bet you still defend your Biden vote


Lmao got my answer


I was wondering if you’d take the bait You did not


I truly believe you can find something better to do with your time


I’m multitasking


Damn bro you’re demonstrating Poe’s law tier psychobabble. >Cultural Marxists (Ironically is a contemporary revival of the Nazi propaganda term "Cultural Bolshevism”). >Defending Joe Biden Pick one. Marxists aren’t neoliberal apologists. No one expects you to understand the difference between neoliberals and Marxists though. This is the result of receiving political education from targeted ads on youtube(PragerU, TPUSA, etc) and flying down the clickbait-hysteria “anti sjw” rabbit hole. Classic infantile rhetoric. I still can’t get over the fact that you’re using a literal anti-Semitic term derived from “Cultural Bolshevism”, a term that originated in Nazi Germany. Bruh, you’re an absolute mess. Clean your trousers bud.


People identifying and criticizing police corruption and incompetence does not mean they no longer need emergency services.


They literally support ending police


Who is this “they”. How many people are in this “they”. How many reasonable people do you think actually believe we should remove policing entirely. Taking the opinion of one person and applying it to whole groups is one of the easiest ways to justify violence, remove compassion and just not come to an actual understanding about anything.


I live on the west coast and it’s like a cookie cutter opinion


Do you really think they don’t want anymore policing. Can you think for a moment anything else that could compel people living on the west coast to say that. American police have huge corruption and training issues. There are thousands of purely evil people in the police force and the way legal immunity for cops works and how they cover for each other only encourages that behaviour. If these people are really are under the impression no police would be better than what they have now then that really speaks volumes about how they and the people around them have been treated by police. People who genuinely hold that opinion are usually also under the impressions that a non corrupt non evil police force is impossible. Taking those sentiments without an understanding of why they were formed then applying it to every video you see is just a way for you to make fun of and demean those experiences. There are also morons who might just be parroting others or want to be free to do whatever they want, we don’t care about those people.


I’d bet money those hamas supporters would also vote against having police. You can play games and say that we don’t really know but you and I both do


There are easier ways to admit you're a clown than talking about "cultural marxists".


There are easy ways? Don’t you mean easier? You would know what makes a clown on account that you are one


Oh no I made a typo. I'm so awful. Still better that publicly admitting I've got terminal brain rot like you did.


Womp womp


Your comebacks are out of control everyone knows that


The left now wanting cops is amusing to me, 2020 they didn’t want cops now they do.


Didn't ask.


This is the context of the parent comment you’re responding to, if you read or could remember things, you’d know this


Nobody wants the police anywhere.


Listen to the video lil guy


You ok little guy?


Can I have a dollar? 👉🏻👈🏻🥺


Maybe, but first finish your homework, you little scamp.


If you think anyone calling for the cops is a leftist of any stripe, then you're what's called an idiot.


😂😂😂”where are the police?”


Liberals aren't leftists. These are liberals.


You know you’re using a Nazi phrase right? You a Nazi?


I know what kind of person you are based off that accusation. You don’t know what a nazi is, you don’t know what fascism is, you don’t know what communism is, you don’t know what marxism is, you don’t know what the history of marxist cultural revolutions lead to, you don’t know what an authoritarian is, and you capitalize nazi. Downvote me some more.


Your comment wasn’t showing up for me for some reason. You are literally using the evolved term from Cultural Bolshevism. Who came up with that term? Nazis.


Lil dude is so lost in the sauce. It's painful to witness that kind of brain rot, but that's what happens when they go fascist. It's going to be difficult and messy to unravel the tendrils they've laid.


“Everyone who disagrees with me is a nazi”


Keep admitting that you aren't even able to follow a basic conversation.


It’s not fascist to dislike Marxists. stop defending antisemitism fascist pig


"Everyone who does fascist things are fascist"


Marxist revolutionaries are just people who are sympathetic to the brain rot that is Marxism I learned the term from CCP survivors. You don’t even know what fascism is “Everyone who disagrees with me is a nazi”


You could just admit you don’t know where the term comes from. I asked if you were a Nazi because you are using Nazi rhetoric. You could have said “No, I’m not a Nazi and I didn’t realize that was a Nazi term. I’ll just use Marxist instead of Cultural Marxist.” But you have to be an idiot and lecture about history when you clearly don’t know anything


It’s not fascist to criticize Marxists. You’re the Nazi here defending people who hate Jewish students


I think a real Marxist would want them all to be armed


And No police


What a fucking dick that person with the pepper spray is.


Do people on both sides here think that if they hammer everything out and then agree on what to do, that that would help the situation in israel at all?


this is why a lot of the encampments have a pretty strict "don't talk to agitators / don't talk to the media" approach that they've been sticking to, directing anyone who wants to talk to a media liaison. god bless the protestor for trying to talk, i understand the impulse, but he'd be better off behind the barricades rather than trying to engage with people who aren't ready to listen.


> engage with people who aren't ready to listen. Pot > kettle lol. edit: downvote me all you want lol, i'm calling BOTH sides dumb.


Why is pot greater than kettle?


Haha gottem


Meant it as pot meet kettle, my b


what does river to the sea mean 


i’m looking at your comment history and i think you fall into the category of “people who aren’t ready to listen”


no answer gotcha


A call for liberation from Isreal occupation — Free Palestinians from the river to the sea. What do you think it means?


please read my post up-thread! don’t waste your time on people like this. :)


what about the land between the river and the sea that israel occupies?


You're gonna have to be more specific - the land Israel occupied in 1948? Or when they forcibly tripled occupied land in 1967? Oh, do you mean when they occupied southern Lebanon in 1982?


the land they occupy right now. every inch of it.


Okay, what about it?


>Or when they forcibly tripled occupied land in 1967? After a war where they tried to destroy Isreal.............


If you know your history, you would know that's a massive oversimplification for propaganda purposes. Israel initiated and escalated aggression that contributed to that war, too. And, in fact, they benefitted significantly from it to this very day - Israel is not facing an existential threat, certainly not from Palestinians nor even Hamas. Not from loss of land, not from loss of life, not from loss of political power. ...but Palestine's existence is very much being eroded decade after decade, day after day: occupied lands, massive displacement and loss of life, and resulting political instability. On a human level, there are dogshit people on both sides who relish in harm of the other for whatever reason. But at a state level where truly catstrophic harm is wrought, there aren't really two sides here, and there never were since 1947. Regurgitating the obviously nonsensical victimhood rhetoric is just frankly stupid at this point. The fact is that there's no global political appetite to encourage any form of statehood balance between the two, this clearly suits Israel as it has for decades, and Palestine, along with its citizens, will continue to suffer.


Hear me out, what if Palestinians were also allowed to live there freely without their homes being stolen or forced off their farms to make way for settlers?


It means israel stole Palestine 


they stole it because nobody was ruling over it and they were being attacked by Arabs. saying that they will get it back today is a call for fighting to continue.


That's some nice revisionist history you got there bud. 


Liberation from illegal Israeli occupation.


It's literally in the Likud charter. What an ignorant hateful person you are.


His eyes would certainly be better off lol.


The US works Israel like a regional puppet. It will be actions the US takes that stops the violence, no other country. Protests in the US are the only way this will ever stop.


Do you think if the US withdrew all support tomorrow, no other world powers would be willing to step in to help Israel?


Well no other country will Willy Nilly drop 26 billion the next day for Israel to bomb more children that's for sure.


loved that youre getting downvoted, its objectively true and the only reason youd be downvoted because the idea of israel not getting support scares them


They would get it from elsewhere. Why do people think these issues exist in a vacuum?


Elsewhere like where???


Russia or China




China or Russia wouldn't love the chance to gain influence with one of the most powerful countries in the middle east?




then suddenly the US will maybe finally care about human rights violations lol


While they have socialized healthcare, and the extremists don't work and live off welfare. But in the US, we are just told to die quickly before the hospital demolishes our life savings.


israel works the US like a puppet FTFY






What? Nice throwaway account spewing garbage.


"When they cannot silence your voice with fear they will drown it in violence." America keeps repeating itself over and over and over again...


This is the problem with siding with conservatives (zionists) on anything. They spout so much violence and that seems to be their only solution to their problems to the point where they seem to get off on it. So when someone on a conservative (Zionist) side of a debate is actually having a good talk with someone instead of just screaming the normal bigotry, we still have the violence angry individuals imposing on it and ruining any semblance of coming together


Well said. As soon as the zionist in the white shirt started agreeing with the pro-Palestine student in black the conservative loon in the back had to break that up with violence.




In this particular case, one side is mostly made of agitators though. They're going to a protest that has been there for hours/days peacefully armed with bats, pepper spray and fireworks. They didn't go for a discussion.


The longer this goes on the more people will get involved who like to stir the pot and probably have no connection to either side. And it won’t stop until someone dies. I’m sure people have already been blinded by makeshift weaponry.


I was so confused where the alligator was and didn’t realize it said “agitator” until about the 4th time I read it.


Tbh I’d be more interested in the alligator.


centrism is gonna get us killed but at least we can break bread with the meat grinder operators


If you're dead and ground into meat how are you breaking bread? Are you Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force?




Media reports - "Both sides clashed, both sides violent." Reality - almost completely one sided violence from the counter protestors.




Link isnt working cuzzo


I don't trust ANY protestor/demonstrator that hides their face.


It does seem like most violence is coming from the Israeli side with regard to the protests.


Lets come together, and decry the Israeli government. This is no middle to this. Either you are okay with genocide, or you aren't


This just ***incredible*** Israeli PR... Really sending out your best here guys.


Like…why disrupt that? Some progress being made in that moment. But you just can’t accept people getting along.


Did anyone else read agitator as alligator? That was a roller coaster


Why is it that most of these protesters hide their faces?


Where’s the alligator


Dam they almost solved it! All of this could have been over, peace and prosperity for everyone….ahh dammit


I think almost everyone there would've rather they argued until one or the other was tired, and then both just walked away without anyone getting pepper sprayed in the face. Most protests don't expect things to get fixed right away or even necessarily at all, but it's a way to spread a message that can potentially convince others.




It's spread when they aren't being brushed aside by their universities, attacked unprovoked, or being forced to leave or get arrested. They have the right to protest. They have the right to not have violence forced against them.


>At what point is the message spread? Until people feel it's no longer necessary to spread it further.




If they were spreading a message only through words, that would be a victory in and of itself. >And normal ppl are not suppose to get annoyed lol I'm not entirely sure you understand the point of free speech.




You ever watch old footage of protests? Specifically the civil rights protests? You think they would have achieved anything by standing around? The point is to be heard and push for change, even if it means people are uncomfortable.




Way to take what I said at the dumbest level.


Chuds gonna chud


These people are all idiots.






Way to be fucking dense. One group is staging an act of civil disobedience to bring attention to a genocide. The other are angry at students protesting **on their own campus** and arrived with weapons, fireworks, and violence to stop them.


It's a bad sign that local police are trained by a foreign gov and enabling actors of that gov to disrupt college students.


I'm calling this one out as blatantly and unequivocally false.


https://www.amnestyusa.org/updates/with-whom-are-many-u-s-police-departments-training-with-a-chronic-human-rights-violator-israel/ Unfortunately, it's true.


For real. Bro is using a false narrative & fake propaganda. From the river to the sea is not what he thinks it means.


Shouldn’t be allowed to cover you face at a protest.


Everything everyone in this video is doing is pointless