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Kudos to the random folks willing to step in and try to assist in stopping him. Not certain I would be that brave or calm.


This is one of the rare situations where a head kick is appropriate.


Gun shot*


Flying double-knee drop to the ribs when he's down would help.


Stabbing moron just elected another 10 German right-wing parliamentarians ....


Worst part is, if you actually try to talk to him it’ll never ever go through.


“You stabbed multiple unarmed civilians at a peaceful protest in an unprovoked attack” “Yeah but but but but”


I believe a division is what extremist on both sides want. It’s a win for both sides of extremism.


It's not a win at all for leftists or the center left and center right, they're losing elections because of shit like this. Hope everyone except for the attacker survives, I don't know if the cop will though, looked like he got stabbed in the neck.


Yep, he makes the movement look justified. Hes a moron. They (the movement) are morons.


Islam discourages critical thinking, so encourages it's followers to be zealots by virtue


Unlike all other organized religions...


Same people different book


Say what you will about all other major religions but you don't see shit like these stabbing attacks at anywhere near the frequency as you do from Islam


Same book too, for the most part.


I was just thinking that as I watched it, I decided I’d be willing to give a swift kick at the face while he’s down but I’m not sure I’d take him on while he’s standing


They were *extremely* brave, in my opinion. And the for the man wrongly tackled, he maintained his wits and had the wherewithal to remove the knife and throw it out of reach of the assailant after the officer shot, risking himself being shot if the officers took him as a threat.


Oh I would bravely and calmly be running in the opposite direction, no doubt in my mind. Someone pulls out of knife and start stabbing people I'm going full George Costanza


I feel so bad for the guy in the blue shirt. He's a fucking hero. Dove head first into that shit, managed to take the weapon and remove it from the equation, AFTER getting tackled by the cops, only to be pushed face first into the dirt and cuffed after that.




It sounds like he's screaming "there's the knife!" in a Scottish accent as he throws it, which suggests he was surprisingly cognizant about how close he was to being misidentified as the attacker. Edit to add he even remains prone and still for a few seconds after the gunshot, as well as not resisting against the cop on top of him which would have created further chaos. Blue jacket guy is incredibly smart in a terrifying situation.


He was already prioritized as the assailant to the point that one cop might have lost his life trying to wrestle the wrong guy.


That one guy got it in the neck, good luck and god speed to him.


Any word on his condition? He took two to the neck




See I just heard (from a guy in another post with no source link but says his mate is in the feds) that both the crim and the cop died


German tabloid Bild says the officer is still 'fighting for his life'


Atleast he's still moving his entire body after, so we can hope the guy didn't hit the spine


Your spine is only useful if all your juice is still inside you though


“The winner of a knife fight is the one that dies on the way to the hospital”




Oh good to hear!


Looks like the cop (understandably in the chaos) misread the situation and thought blue jacket was attacking the knife man, and throwing blue jacket to the ground, left them both exposed.


That cop is so lucky to be alive.


Looks to me he got stabbed in the neck and head, the first stab seems to go deep. A miracle if he survives.


I'm not sure if I'm seeing things but to me it looks like the knife actually catches on the edge of his vest and slips over the cops shoulder on the first stab Edit: unfortunately I saw wrong, apologies for my poor observation skills and best wishes to the man and his recovery


Yes, the first is a miss, the second hits his scalp.


That's about as well as it could have gone from that situation I suppose. I remember seeing a video where a big guy confronted someone with a knife and he got stabbed in the neck. For a few seconds he seemed fine, then the blood started pouring out and he was dead within a minute. Knives are scary as fuck


In the Australian mall? Yeah that video was horrifying. He went from "hold on a second, why is my neck wet" to legs wobbling and collapsing in seconds.


Saw a body cam video of a cop in the states getting stabbed and possibly having his throat slit by a unhinged dude. The sheer panic in his voice when the dude lunged at him yelling please no then hearing his voice get weaker as the unmistakable sound of him gargling on his own blood was haunting.


That one was terrible, the one where the guy is under that carport and the cop trips while he's trying to retreat? If I've learned anything from terrible videos it's to never approach someone with a knife and expect to win the fight.


Yep that's the one. I'm pretty desensitised to stuff on the internet but that video really stuck with me. It was really shocking how fast he went from thinking he was fine to collapsing. Something about how he was a big tough looking dude really made me appreciate how fragile we all are.


Yeah knives are scary, we're just fragile blood balloons


As Tony Montana said: "You see a guy with a gun, you fight. A guy with a knife, you run."


No. He's actually fighting for his life. Was stabbed in the neck.


The German news are reporting police man in serious serious condition and is being operated/surgery as we speak, still … even after hours. Let’s wish him all the best


Update: almost 24hrs later, the police man is still „… in a most life threatening condition…“, so probably still getting some form critical aid non stop. I’ll continue to wish him my best!


Someone posted that the cop died in another sub. Really hoping that’s not the case


According to german news it's life threatening injuries.


Still fighting for his life


Blue jacket got handcuffed AFTER they shot the attacker.


Blue jacket had the awareness to toss the knife.


Probably just a precaution in the chaos, better safe than sorry


Yes. That is understandable. The next officer bending him in half and putting his hands behind his back was less understandable.




Blue jacket almost made a potentially fatal mistake there by picking up the knife once it had been dropped by knife man. Cops could have thought he was also trying to attack people and shot him once he picked up the knife. Incredibly brave from blue jacket, trying to stop the guy with, but also stupid.


What an extremely dangerous situation, but WOWOWOW good on those guys who just weren’t gonna allow this man to kill their colleagues.


great counter argument, i'm sure they'll go home and change their minds about islam after this.


Yeah so god damn frustrating…






Yep. I don’t hear people talk about Charlie Hebdo at all anymore. People need to stop providing cover for the atrocities committed by Islam. No other religion gets the same pass.




I like the way you put this. It’s honestly sickening the way some people go about defending Islam. And of course they’ll accuse you all of all sorts of things instead of admitting the real problems the religion has.


Exactly. Came here to say this. These idiots unfortunately are increasingly growing in number. I follow the same religion, but I was taught to let God be the judge of someone's actions, these guys are just on a fucking rampage. This is fucking disgusting. When will other practicing members understand, violence will only put the rest of the peaceful members in harms way; sometimes it feels these actions happen to bring more people into their collective deranged mentality (by putting them in harms way or letting them face the burnt of this guys actions)






And just before the European Parliament elections. This could move some votes.


Oh Jesus Christ, I hope that officer is okay, it looked like he got stabbed directly in the neck. Does anyone have any update?


Currently in surgery


It might have been in the vest, but even then it's still awful, most level 3A or lower vests are only rated for handgun rounds, they are *not* rated for knives which can glide right through


Yeah, that'll show them how to do peace.




Fucking psycho, stabbing someone because of religion...


It's one of humanity's favorite pastimes.


That'll surely show them the error of their ways.






Im out of the loop - I keep seeing this referenced how are the two linked? I love that tune too




I appreciate you, thanks for the info and link


A couple of weeks ago there came out some video from north Germany of people singing nationalist lyrics over the song: " deutschland den deutsch"(Germany of Germans) and "Ausländer raus"(foreigners out/leave). And from then on it has topped the charts of music in Germany. https://youtu.be/xZZztdyd0PQ?si=QW_-Nco9BphNXKSo




Most of the time, you hate seeing someone get kicked in the head but I really wish someone would of punted his head the first time he got grounded.




the narration will be "We must stop radical far-right anti-Islamic movements! Look how they boiled the blood of that poor knife-man!" The narration pouring for years destroyed the brains of the citizens. Did anything change after the Paris attacks? After the truck rampage in Nice? After the bombing in London? After the countless acts of crime in Sweden? After the Brussels bombing attack? The answer starts with the letter "N" and ends with "O".


Impressed how fully aware the man in the blue jacket was. As soon as the knife guy lost his knife, he reached for it and threw it away.


Pretty sure it was an anti extremist gathering which was then attacked by an extremist which completely showcased why such a gathering was needed in the first place. Just a bunch of people getting sick of psycho's trying to push their psycho mentality on the general public and mostly getting away with it.


He made really good advertising for the right parties. He isn't fighting against hatred... He creates it with his own hands. What a moron.


We've seen for years the usual response to anything "anti Islam" from cartoons to Quran burnings. We know how they act when their sacred beliefs are insulted. Police should've been *right there* in preparation for a hostile response.


Looks like they were right there


We're being threatened with a theocracy in the US by a bunch of goblin creatures. Religious fanatics are psychopaths.


You can see the BPE logo on the tent in the beginning which stands for Bürgerbewegung (Citizens movement) Pax Europa. Being Anti-Islam is their main point.


I still don't fucking understand why those guys stay in the "infidels" country if they hate it that much...




Because a lot of Muslim countries aren’t doing great right now.


Or ever


Hmm I wonder why




When else in the video could they have taken a safe shot at him?


In fairness that was probably the first time he was far enough away from people for a cleanish shot. Should the cops have been closer? Maybe. But it seems to be a worldwide thing that cops are close to but not directly at the scenes of these controversial events.


Should they have shot into the group of people instead and hoped for the best?


Not in America, so they took their time before blasting at a crowd


I think it was more of not knowing who the attacker was, but yeah, our cops aren't nearly as trigger happy as their US colleagues


Being American, it was refreshing not to see a cop mag dump when one bullet does the job


I wouldn't have minded one in this instance honestly. "I know how to stop this protest, by killing a bunch of them!" That man is too far gone to ever rehabilitate. But I'm just arm chair quarterbacking so maybe I'm wrong.


Especially after a cop was stabbed, that would've been two consecutive mag dumps in the US (from every cop in attendance lmao)


One bullet doesn't always do the job. If you have to fire you shoot until the target is neutralized. Adrenaline is a hell of a drug, people can keep attacking after just one shot.


There are dozens of body cam videos on the Police Activity channel that show people with knives charging at officers take like 6 shots to the torso and they still keep advancing.


I always see this argument. Some people are very rigid in their thinking. Like if you pull out a gun, you must mag dump. What is so confusing about "shoot until the target is neutralized"? Obviously a mag dump would be justified on a case by case basis. This attacker was laying on the ground after the first shot, so one bullet *was* enough.


News article: https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/germany-knife-stabbing-attack-mannheim-video-anti-islam-activist-michael-sturzenberger/


This is to barbaric...


Extremist Muslins are pigs.


Why I skip Christmas markets now, thanks


Knife attacks are terrifying... so incredibly hard to defend yourself from one.


Run away as fast as you can. If you're unarmed feel compelled to stand your ground or protect other people grab something physically bigger than the knife's reach, a chair, a sign, a stanchion, anything you can use to keep distance between you and the attacker, and use it like a spear to keep them at bay. The more people you can rally to do this the better and you can back them up to a wall and start taking whacks at their head with less risk of getting stabbed. Or by then someone with a firearm will have responded.


Gun attacks are worse but I take your point. Some People think they can take on a knife attacker but it rarely plays out that way.


What a great religion


What a great way to win hearts and minds for islam /s


Such a great way to convince ppl! 💀


ah religion, once again being the shittest thing humanity decided to imagine up










First guy stabbed was Michael Stürzenberger, some dude from the right/far right, he disguises his ideas as criticism. Dude with the knive just halped him prove his points, goods job playing into their hands idiot. I really hope both victims of the stabbing get well soon


Man, I really dislike those far right assholes a lot, but stabbing them in the neck isn't really going to convince the wide populus of you being right 😭


Yeah violence should never be the solution. The dude with the knive harmed everyone standing against right wing assholes more then he helped us. I am so god damn frustrated about this happening, dude literally has proven the point of this idiots.


Yeah, I think part of the reason is, everybody is the enemy, not only the right wingers, but non muslims in general, so it kinda doesn't matter what other causes get hurt, as long as people fear criticising Islam


Dude, he never stood with you "against the right". Islamists are quite literally facists. He doesn't like you. He probably sees you as not mich better than the farright activist as you are infieldel with liberal values. The irony here is that this farright activist probably (unless he's a neonazi or close to it - don't know him) is way closer to you in values than the islamist you are lowkey solidarizing with (disagreeing with method but being sympathetic to his allged anti-rightwing position which is a total misread).


The stabber just makes him look right though.


Guy: “These Muslims will stab you in the neck if you criticize them.” Dude: “Guy, that seems prejudic…” [Guy gets stabbed in the neck by a Muslim] Dude: “Ok, you may have a point.”




> when this shit happens everyone can pretty much assume who the suspect is and their beliefs. Yep. Although it seems like people, especially Europeans, are becoming more confident in actually calling it out. I think we're seeing things shift.




Wonder why they're anti islam


Regardless of view. Trying to murder another human is a disgrace. Hope this guy gets kicked in the face till time runs out


Next step of Germany is to award this fine citizen with a nice citizenship. /s




>I bet bet the German news will cover this by highlighting that it happened at a right wing event, say the motivations are still unclear, Tagesschau as of 26 Minutes ago: > After a knife attack on participants at an anti-Islamic rally in Mannheim, the State Security has taken over the investigation. Six people were injured and one police officer's life is in danger. The perpetrator's motive is still unclear. https://www.tagesschau.de/inland/angriff-messer-mannheim-100.html I guess you won your bet?


[¯\\_(ツ)_/¯](https://www.reuters.com/world/uk/german-police-shoot-injure-man-who-attacked-far-right-demo-2024-05-31/) > German police said they shot and wounded a man armed with a knife who attacked a right-wing demonstration in the southwestern city of Mannheim on Friday. > ... > No information was available on the identity or motives of the attacker and police said they could not yet give details about any injuries among the demonstrators in the square.








Real Nightcrawlers vibes from cameraperson. How can you be that close to such carnage but have no instinct to help?


There is no helping during a stabbing spree unless you are a highly skilled/trained individual in disarming someone with a blade or have a gun…..


No one is skilled disarming people with a blade, because no one has fought someone with a real blade.


I hear you but such footage is invaluable as a way to absorb the event and the severity of what unfolded, far more than reading about it later in a newspaper article for example.


Uh most people aren't lining up to confront a knife wielding maniac trying to murder people and you have no legal or moral obligation to do so. But also they are helping, by recording the incident for the world to see.




Thirst tackle the victim......


What’s a small hour?


This is why religion is a scourge on modern society. Anyone who would engage in violence- murderous violence at that- over words and thoughts, is totally brainwashed and in a cult. I get religion brings comfort to some, and it was a necessary component to society prior to scientific enlightenment, but if your religion dictates to you that you should destroy people who don’t think like you do, then maybe it’s time we have serious discussions on the validity of this way of living? Just because millions of people subscribe to a belief, doesn’t mean it’s ignorant or bigoted to make legitimate criticisms of it. Criticism of Scientology is widespread and mostly allowed in public discourse without censure, but if it’s of a legacy religion that has much more widespread adoption, even though it is similarly based on “truths” that are just as provable as those Scientology presents as fact, criticism of such a belief is shut down and critics even labeled as some sort of an ignoramus. Why?


AFD just got a boost


⨍Uᝯׁ֒ƙׁׅ ꪱׁSᥣׁׅ֪aꩇׁׅ֪݊


The cop who got stabbed attacked the wrong guy


Boy running around stabbing people is really going to change the mind of all those anti-Islam protesters.


Man, cop made a mistake that directly ended with him getting stabbed. Poor dude, I wasn't in his shoes, so I can't judge but thems the facts.


Yeah winning over anti Islam with stabbing is a brilliant tactic




Any pr is good pr no? I guess both parts🤷


Really smart thinking as well from blue jacket who got tackled by the cop to throw the knife away from the attacker, shot or bit the weapon still in the proximity of the attacker is dangerous and throwing the knife even if in direction of cops was a quick and smart thought, hoping there are no fatalities apart from the attacker but there were some horrific stab wounds caused


That's not very peaceful.


Brave people trying to intervene, well done to the cops for opening fire, hopefully doesn’t wake up.


So his solution was to prove the point even more?


https://youtu.be/nP5Kcac--aQ?si=pJJFwfIDmPGDfE3t Full livestream.


Praying for that cop who was stabbed, what happened to suspect?


Such peace all these religions bring to the world


Probably in the name of religion.


So peaceful as always🤝🏼


Uhh. That guy just got stabbed in the neck and face...crazy. Perp needed to be put down for sure. He wasn't going to stop.


Soon we will have no choice but to ban all the different faiths, that is the only way to stop it. Take away the toys


and they wonder why we want them out


Congrats to the officer who prioritized tackling the victim and then got stabbed in the neck while his fellow enforcers watched. Way to keep the peace.


As an American, I am more surprised that out of the five officers present, only one shot was fired. That one shot proved to be enough to disarm the perpetrator.


And they didn't shoot blue shirt when they threw the knife. In America that guy and 2 other pedestrians woulda been swiss cheese.


Hope he is dead

