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Why did they kick out the quiet guy? He didn’t seem to be the dick in this situation.


OF COURSE they're gonna do what they can to keep that mustachioed dipshit playing at their casino, losing his money.


This is true. I was security at a casino. Before kicking anyone out, we have to check with casino ops. Check how much they have lost or won and what level of membership they had. If you were lower (first two tiers) on the membership, the more likely you are to get kicked out and your mistakes or infractions wouldn't be so easily looked over. We had one regular, some old Asian lady (always drunk) would trip over stuff then threaten litigation. She never does, but she's platinum or emerald and keeps spending there, so they allow it. I had a drunk guy berate me, saying pretty much everything this nozzle on the video is spouting while I had to stand there and wait for a super because we can't let intoxicated people on the floor (usually we'd kick people out for disrespect towards staff) but guess what, this guy had top-level membership. Was able to enter no problem with a shit eating grin.


Yeah, and the Las Vegas mass shooter was also a top-level gambler who received all the comps and look what happened by coddling that bastard.


They dont coddle for a moral reason it's for money


And boy, is Vegas still raking it in. Along with like a quarter of the country's water.




That guy went on his horrific rampage because the casinos started pulling his comps. Exact opposite of coddling but yeah, he did it because casinos are in the business of making money off of addicts.


> he did it because casinos are in the business of making money off of addicts. is this confirmed? like was he trying to damage their brand or something? i haven't heard anything about that story in a while and was under the impression he didn't have a discernable motive not saying you're wrong, just curious


Was gonna say: because he’s losing $50,000+ hahaha. I have sound off but by subtitles doesn’t the blond guy tell him this guy makes that in a month? They literally tried to warn him…


We should know which casino it was, you know in case you wouldn't want to be unfairly treated like a shit. I think economy of the scale would change casino's mind if people gave them feedback by not going there.


Casinos see people as guppies in an ocean: fodder for whales and sharks.


Yup ,guess what happens to big fish if small fry isn't there?


There's always a bigger fish.


RIP Qui-Gon


Ah... that is not how casinos work. They will prop up a whale in any way that they like. There would need to be 10,000 Joe Blogs complaining for a casinos to pass up on a whale.


>We should know which casino it was, you know in case you wouldn't want to be unfairly treated like a shit. Because Casino's are super well known for taking the best care of their customers... [Scene from Casino](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KYa1IsxGVuc)


They just want your money. Always your money.


But they have the gambling support number to call on all of the ATMs in the casinos, how could they be the bad guy?


Right next to the place where you can take a loan against your house.


NO you don't get it, its a help line to help you gamble even MORE!


I hated that documentary.


I’ll just go nuclear and boycott them all.


That's all casinos. They like whomever is spending the most


Even better, just don’t go to casinos.


Casinos are all like this, if you're gonna high roll, why would they allow distractions? You think casinos are all polite and think about the well being of their players? lmao


Pretty sure it was Red Rock in Vegas. At least that was where they were gambling most of the time.


It doesn’t matter which casino it is because every casino on earth will ask the guy playing $500 to leave if it keeps the guy losing 50k at the table. Pit boss would be fired if he made the other decision. Fuck that guy and all but that’s basic casino economics


Looks like it was Red Rock and the pit boss that backed them off is their table games manager that they publicize everywhere - “Casino Boss”


It’s 100 percent red rock


I used to work as a dealer in a casino, and 100% this.


That's what i would have said to him. "You know why they are kicking me out? Cuz they want you to keep losing money and me not winning it!"


The funny thing is that the guy's name is mizkif on twitch and he is a top streamer. He is also with xqc who got $100,000,000 to stream on kick. Also I wouldn't be surprised if they just exaggerated the situation since everyone there is a streamer and makes content


Moustachioed dipshit 🤣😂 What a masterpiece


Yep. The kinda guy who will go on a drunk tirade to defend his right to lose money is exactly the kind of customer a casino will protect.


Wanna keep the loudmouthed whale playing and losing


Quiet guy is streamer and influencer “mizkif” who also makes fat stacks as a streamer/influencers. Its ironic because Miz probably makes on par or more than Bryce.


[Here he is talking about it...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1CXzXeU2kRs)


So glad to essentially live on another planet from all of these people


IRL livestreaming and livestreaming drama is like the lowest, most vapid, worst reality TV except the people it's about are neither interesting nor good looking.


What's so sad about this is that Miz circles around Bryce "being wrong" and not just a straight up asshole. Like it would have been totally ok if it WAS someone with a 9-5 job. NO ONE stood up to the fact that he is just a trash human being, also not after "he figured out who he was". It's not at all funny, and it exposes the industry as being real toxic and full of shitty people.


To be fair, Miz does say that even if Bryce was right about his wealth, it was still insane for him to react like that. [Timestamp](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=nuz4zbdv7Cs&t=4433s)


The part where the asshole kisses mizkif on the cheek was fantastic. I could eat that moment for dinner 🤣


Everything about this dude, this video, and the people in it... Just garbage, annoying people And he says a lot of words but says nothing at all...


Because he isn't giving the casino 50k a hand.


Bryce was already down and playing angry meaning he was only going to lose a lot more. The casino obviously prefers this over a guy betting $500. The “right” thing to do is kick out the dick but the better business move is to usher the other guy out to resolve the conflict.


The move is to usher the quiet guy away from the table, comp him to the moon and let him know you also think that guy is an asshole who wil in the end be paying for said comps.


That…actually would work on me. I’ll leave happily if that’s how they handle it.


I'd say it's a reasonable assumption.


I guarantee you that's how it's done. Not from a casino, but 3.5+ star hotels have the inventory and flexibility to comp people easily. My boss basically gives me executive authority to do anything but fuck with pay.


I've been on the receiving end of this deal when some old rich lady demanded "her seat back" at a slot machine I was playing for over an hour. She screamed to security that she went to the bathroom and left her hat on the seat and I "swooped in" and stole her seat and threw her hat on the ground. The comp was pretty sweet, free steak dinner and $50. Bonus: there was no hat, at all.




Bro that’s obvious. The amount of money he had at the table, compared to what Bryce had on the table. I say this all the time but they don’t build cities in the middle of the desert because they lose. They know what they need to do to win. In this case, it’s the idiot with thousands in front on him, not the guy with hundreds infront of him.


Also he said in the comments "you don't even make 50k a year" the guy he's talking to had a multi year rumble deal for 300k a MONTH lmfao. Ok bryce..... i guarantee he makes more than you if that means so much. Bryce is a washed up tiktoker with no other revenue streams.




That Bricky yeah he makes more than that in a month. Who the Hell is Bryce Hall




Welcome to the engagement economy. It elevates the worst of us. Basically the mythical social credit system but self-induced


Prob cause the loud mouth guy was throwing 10's of thousands of dollars away and they didn't want him to leave lol. Mizkif was gud bout it though.


I was a bit confused by this because the title says poker table, when it pans out you can see its clearly blackjack. I can see why they'd favor the bigger better at a blackjack table, but if it was poker the loudmouth would have been the one ejected.


It's Cesar's, the owner has recently said they don't care at all about anyone but the big whales like this douche talking shit. So them kicking someone out not putting down thousands per bet tracks. I hope dude who got kicked out actually has that kind of money and shows up in another game to fucking wipe mustache loser.


The dude who got kicked out is a millionaire streamer, Mizkif. The skinny blonde guy he walks away with at the end (not the one sitting at the table) is xqc who has an 8 or 9 figure net worth.


Vegas prefers people who lose all their money in their casinos versus people who win. That’s why they comp hotel stays and other things for people who lose.


Surprisingly the quiet guy seemed to be friends with that crackhead Quebecois stream who was surprisingly chill as well


Not sure, but I'm guessing that security was hired by the tick tok douche.


Social Media has made these insufferable P.O.S. think they actually do something worthwhile, while calling others who grind in their 9-5 "dweebs." Dude would get clocked if it wasn't for him hiring security.


The funny part is that the "Dweeb" is actually very rich. His name is Mizkif on Twitch, owns an organization called OTK, a gym, a PC company called starforge, an MMA organization, is one of the bigger streamers on Twitch and a bit of a troll.


Dude got his start by being Ice Poseidon's cameraman and now he's a multi millionaire, he does not do a 9 to 5 lol.


Is that the crew that Andy Dick was hanging around with for a while?


They were and still are terrible human beings, yes.


Those are 2 names most people would not want to ever be associated with.


No Andy Dick was hanging out with streamers who are even worse than Ice Poseidon


Yeah briefly I don't think Mizkif was with Ice then




yea that's actually insane I hope mizkif and X talk major shit about this bum ass tiktoker


Why would they? With platforms as big as theirs, wouldn't it be more insulting to never mention the tiktoker?


Didn't it get leaked that he was making like 1.5k an hour on twitch alone.


He said made 500k in one month a couple years ago.


The money these big Streamers make is absolutely insane.


Once upon a time getting $500 in a month meant you were huge on that platform. Back when I streamed (like well over a decade ago, probably more) a $50 donation from someone once a month was like, holy fuck :O Now these guys at the top are making that every minute lol. Insane really how much that industry has grown.


It's definitely limited to a small group of the top creators though and they've been helped a lot by companies competing for exclusive deals as competitors to Twitch. I'm not a streamer guy and sometimes I'm completely baffled by _why_ these people are popular, but I'm a bit older than their primary demographic, I think.


Main reason I believe this to be fake, but I’m irrationally cynical at this point seeing this type of nonsense consistently.


Oh yeah, could very well be a setup. With the right editing, either party could make a video where they're "the good guy" to their own audience.


This was released in a vlog from Tfue, not Miz or Bryce. Miz and XQC talked about it on their streams the very next day but wouldn't say who it was with to keep from stirring up much drama. No one realized Tfue was actually going to release the footage a month later LOL. It's been 2 months now and literally nothing has come out of it except a public apology from Bryce. So yeah, this was not staged.


Was his apology "oh shit I didn't realize he WAS rich...my bad"? And how on earth would a tick tocker, presumably terminally online, not at least know xqc?


They were mostly all streamers/influencers there for an event and a few people pretending they were. The apology was pretty much a sorry I was losing 100k's a minute and it at least it's content.




This is the single truest statement in the history of words




Social media for sure. Not just tiktok




Yeah, remember all of MySpace celebrities? Me neither.


Hey man, don’t knock Tom. Dude was legit and a top 8 friend to many.


Tom was cool as beans, and should have been the template for any social media CEO, or influencer. Never heard anything bad about him, he's never actively gone out his way to belittle or be a jerk to anyone, and seems to be pretty humble about how genuinely lucky he has been in life. We need more Myspace Tom's and less diva influencers like this guy, or Space Karen's like Elon.


I don't know the guy but I hope this dude has a serious mental burnout soon. Humbling yourself is the only way to stay human


https://youtu.be/CXYWCrVnjno?si=h7A9TsT0iHPfM4GM Here's him getting beaten up.


I hope to start seeing more frequent situations of these "influencers" messing with the wrong person.. hopefully many of them get what's coming to them


Jokes in you guys! I work 7 to 5




This lol I was confused where the flex was. Like okay cool you have the money, but you’re literally giving it away and not even for charity or likes 😂


Tough talk for a guy who has a patchy 14 yr old goatee. Fucking loser.


He definitely got called a dweeb in school. Never forgot it.


Exactly, because who in the year of our Lord, 2024, still calls someone a dweeb as an insult


Even funnier that Bryce said he would beat Sean Strickland in a boxing match


Funny thing is recognizing Tfue, Xqc and Mizkif... but who the fuck is Bryce Hall?


Breece Hall is the starting RB for the NY Jets but I somehow don't think that's him.


The Jets also had a CB named Bryce Hall


Also they had a pass rusher named Bryce Huff


Yeah everyone seemed to not understand that these guys are some of the richest gaming entertainers currently, like this isn't Bryce vs randoms it's Bryce getting upset at people significantly more successful than him


I don't have the slightest clue who any of these people are and I feel like I am better off for that


And when the hell did Tfue get jacked like that.


Tfue’s been jacked for a good bit now


Holy fuck that’s tfue?!? I haven’t seen him since the Fortnite days


A fluffer for amateur porn. That's what his resume says at least. He just goes around knocking on people's doors until he finds someone that's actually making porn in their home. I heard he's pretty successful doing his job.


He's the guy that got his ass beat a few years back in [influencer boxing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ikifZGEN2xc).


I’m so glad I have no clue who any of these people are.


This was my first experience with Bryce Hall. I've never heard of him before. Guy seems like a total douche bag.


Same here. I just googled him and he's like this all the time. Threatened to beat up a child, threatened to beat up a random guy in a boat. He's roided up to hell and back and thinks he is a fighter.




The man apologized after finding out the person he was belittling was richer than him? I don’t know about y’all but listening to a TikTok yuppie spew vitriol towards someone simply because he thinks they’re poor makes me want to take some heads…


At this point we’d just be providing a service to society.


> The man Nah, perpetual manchild. Dude will always be a taint.


Yeah, what a piece of shit honestly. The world would be so much better without people like this dousche bag. I might not be rich, but at least I'm not insufferable




> The man apologized after finding out the person he was belittling was richer than him? No he "apologized" because Mizkif is a way bigger influencer than him. If Mizkif wanted to, he could destroy Bryce Hall just by asking his fans to do so.


I’d hate to see how this asshat treats servers and retail clerks. 


Some extra lore is that he was being an asshat to the dealer and Mizkif said “he’s just joking” trying to give him an out or something and that’s what started him yelling at Mizkif.


There's a whole world of assholes that I'm glad I don't know anything about.


Now I'm sad that I know something about them. That said, I'm glad the quiet money-conscious guy who's just making a few bets and having fun is richer than the mouthy guy.


For real


Not only the idiot playing not recognizing him but also the casino. Isn’t it a casinos job to identify all the whales and ensure that they’re taken care of? How did they not know Mizkif was playing at that table? They lost a ton of money by asking him to leave. Chances are his hands would’ve increased once he was done trolling.


Isn't it OTK? I believe OTV is a separate org.


It is OTK, OTV is similar but more asian.


Imagine thinking MizKiff isn't fucking loaded LOL


Bros making 400k a month for rumble on a 11 month deal that just expired, has made over 11m in last 5yrs on twitch from advertising and subs alone also




According to mizkif, the guy was raging and taking out some of his anger at the dealer. Then, mizkif makes a little joke to the dealer saying “He’s just kidding/jokjng”. That one comment apparently pissed the guy off which then led to this clip.


lol sounds like one of those moments where someone roasts someone and it cuts deep, but they didnt even mean to insult them at all.


I came to see this. I’ve been familiar with both those streamers for years, on the other hand, it’s the first time that I’m seeing this angry dude.


xQc is literally worth 9 figures, that's how rich he is.


Mizkif had his monthly earnings leaked last year, and with 75 hours streamed in a month, he made over $100k. That was just his earnings from Twitch alone.


I've heard of Bryce Hall. I've never had tik tok but I know he's famous because of it. I have Twitch and I know for a fact Mizkif, Tfue and Qxc are all multi millionaire streamers.


Blackjack, not poker I think


Scrolled way too far for this. This is clearly not poker.


bro acts like being an influencer actually contributes to society, more than the person who works a real 9-5 job. A 9-5 job probably has way more impact and contribution than he ever will.


The douchbag apologized after finding out that the dude was actually richer than him. What a small dicked, spineless, loser lmao.


Im 40 and Im very confused by everyone in this situation


Who is Bryce hall?




Kick the guy out who's winning, leave the obnoxious guy who's losing his ass


House wins on the loser.


Used to have a video of this kid getting beat up in highschool. Good times


Full lore drop: Bryce Hall is a tiktoker who was down around 40k, he was on low sleep and was drunk lol. Tfue is a youtuber who was vlogging this whole event. Mizkif is the one Bryce Hall is yelling at, he is a twitch streamer who makes a lot more money than the 50k a month Bryce Hall said he didn't see his whole life. Bryce Hall was allegedly being really rude to the dealer at the table so Mizkif decided to say "he's just joking" but Bryce felt insulted by that and started raging at him. They asked Mizkif to leave. Bryce then found out Mizkif is a big streamer and apologized to him. Mizkif talked about it after it happened but didn't mention names or who tried to fight him. Tfue then drops a vlog with this in it not giving a shit.


Why did the guy getting harassed be asked to leave? Am I missing something?


I'd guess that they'd want the guy that lost 50k rather than the guy that bet $500


He's trolling when he says that. Mizkif is worth well into the 8 figures and could bet 50 grand a hand if he wanted.


He didn't know who Miz is. He wasn't trolling, he was raging. They talked about it the next day on stream.


No no, I'm saying Miz is trolling Bryce when he says he's in for $500.


Considering he’s betting 50k a hand, off-camera, it’s very possible he could have arranged for the table to become “reserved.” At a reserved table, the owner can have someone backed off of a table. A lot of important context is missing from this clip, so I’m just gonna say from my casino experience, I’m not entirely unsurprised they would side with a regular who’s a whale (donates large amounts of money to the casino) vs casual gamblers that happen to be rich.


Is this even real? I swear mizkif dwarfs this guy moneywise too


As someone who grew up with the idea of toast with melted butter and sugar being a special dessert at home, this infuriates me so much


It’s depressing to see how much money you can make filming yourself being an asshole.


I love how Miz is just a "guy" in this situation, not an incredibly successful streamer lol.


I can assure everyone in here, if you're chapped you're losing 50k, you cannot afford to gamble that amount of money. Dude told us more about himself than he did about the dude he was talking to. Source; 52 years in Las Vegas.


A lot of brass for a guy whose facial hair can best be described as *pubey.*


Tiktoker turns out to be a massive asshole. Unsurprising.


I hate every single influencer and streamer on this earth. Social media was a mistake.


Are there videos of Bryce Hall (Cunt) losing tons of money? Those are some of my favorite compilations because gamblers usually have awful personalities.


No but you can see him get rekt in boxing https://youtu.be/ikifZGEN2xc?feature=shared


I haven't heard "dweeb" used as an insult since elementary school. middle schooler have more spice than this dude


Tiktok might be the worst invention for humanity since leaded gasoline


Pretty simple rules, don’t gamble what you’re not willing to lose, that rule applies to everyone. Just because you are famous does not make you exempt from losing.


Reason # 12365 that this generation is absolutely the worst


The guy he's talking shit to is Mizkif. One of the biggest streamers on Twitch lmao


Man. This is the most pathetic thing I’ve ever seen.


Never in all of history has someone been so badly in need of a punch in the mouth.


Who the fuck is Bryce... I dont care. Fuck influencers.


Guy's bragging about *losing* money. What an idiot. Who's the *real* dweeb in this situation. Dipshit.


I don’t know any of these people and I already hate them.


Wow, what a piece of shit. I hope someday catches him slippin and makes his pockets do a rabbit-ear impression. I can't stand yuppie scum that denigrate poor and working class people.


Ngl Bryce hall was actually turning his image around these past years but this just ruined all the positive pr he did. What a pos


Bro promise you. 99% of the time when somebody is talking about money you make more money than them, only people who feel like they got something to prove talk like this. Straight up.


This is absolutely not a poker table


Seems like manufactured drama than publicfreakout.


[Here's Mizkif talking about it](https://youtu.be/1CXzXeU2kRs?si=hOxYoBn_U1GPAHHg). It wasn't manufactured. The footage literally came out over a month after it happened. I don't know why you think they would manufacture a fight where one of the guys sits there and says nothing LOL


I will say as someone who’s spent a lot of time in a casino, that entire vitriolic spiel is definitely something I’ve heard many times. Usually it’s towards a dealer, tho. Like an hour long rant towards someone for “giving him the wrong cards” even tho he’s been tipping all night. Like they can control the cards that come out of the automatic card shuffler. Just one of many examples of people at their worst. 50k a hand is pure degeneracy, and sounds like he’s down more than he can afford.


Lol some guy to pick on too. That's Mizkif one of the biggest Twitch stars in the last few years. He accidentally leaked some of his personal info last year and it showed he was making $13k per week. Not only is this guy an asshole but his chosen method of insult is completely ineffective


On the bright side, people that act like this don't have much of a career left afterwards.


Who the fuck is Bryce hall ?


Why do people worship these turds?


why does everyone CHOOSE to make people like this "famous"? i have always hated this dude.


Imagine having a moustache like that and feeling any superiority