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I can’t imagine doing this to a park ranger


And compared to police, dude earns pennies on the dollar. Rangers are arguably our most underappreciated professions. I'd go as far to say even worse than teachers, considering they don't have to live minimalist lifestyles in the fucking woods.


I went to college and got a degree in Recreational Management with the goal to become a park ranger. After college i worked two years as one in Colorado and Montana and holy hell was the pay abysmal. I could make more working at Mc Donald’s. I love our national parks and what they have to offer for our country, but you can’t support yourself with the low pay that comes along with the job.


My step dad was a park ranger at two local lakes with campgrounds. He heats his house with wood he splits on his farm and supplemented his income by selling firewood to campers on the weekends.


At lake mead national recreation area they are structure and wild land fire qualified, emt’s and law enforcement. They typically are working alone and they make substantially less than the local PD’s outside park. There’s a lot of nefarious stuff that goes through the park too because people are trying to route around the city or try to operate out of watchful eyes. They are thankless hero’s every single one of them.


I did this for 5 years in several different parks before moving to the forest service. You learn lots of patience. 


It's so sad man... I lasted about 6 months as a Park Ranger over about 50 beautiful parks, but the pay with a college degree was legit insane low. I think I started at 38k. To this day probably my favorite job but unsustainable to live or enjoy life outside of enjoying the parks. Great comments in this post. 👏


I had a buddy that did that long time ago. He said the same thing, but when he got to Montana he discovered he could make 3x the money as a hunting guide and dumped the government job for that.


As of May 28, 2024, the average hourly pay for a National Park Ranger in Washington is **$21.15 an hour**.


Park rangers are, like, fascists, man. Seriously if you want to turn people off your cause this is it. Park rangers are fucking awesome, do a hard job for little pay, and exist for the public good.


I think the "protestors" are too fucking stupid to realize the difference between the police force and a single park ranger. Who is educating these morons?


They’re just too excited to harass someone in a uniform. Fukwits.




Or to realize the right to public assembly/free speech does not include defacing property and physically harming others? These fuckin nitwits are no different then the dipshits defending the Capitol riots on January 6th. You're all fucking idiots.


pretty heinous




I mean.. they don't even know his opinion on the matter. They just assume he is against them since he is actively doing his job. Sounds rough for the dude..


"Look he has a stable job, get him!"


Knowing his opinion wouldn't justify it


Yeah if you disagree with someone you cant assault them because their opinion happens to be different, thats some mob mentalitt bs


Ikr. They even aim their chants at him, seeming like they have forgotten wtf they're actually protesting about. I thought these were about spreading your message, not attacking some poor guy who was (probably) ordered to protect this carved piece of rock.


Someone needs to Rochambeau their asses.


Is there a particular reason why they are vandalizing that statue? Edit: the answer is no Marshal **Jean-Baptiste Donatien de Vimeur, comte de Rochambeau** (1 July 1725 – 10 May 1807) was a French nobleman and general whose army played a critical role in helping the United States defeat the [British Army](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_Army) at [Yorktown](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siege_of_Yorktown) in 1781 during the [American Revolutionary War](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Revolutionary_War). He was commander-in-chief of the [French expeditionary force](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exp%C3%A9dition_Particuli%C3%A8re) sent by France to help the American [Continental Army](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Continental_Army) fight against British forces.


Thank you for the data on the memorial. Guy deserves his rest and his respect as an American and a French hero.






I see what you did there..... And I like it


Do you think they decided who did what job by playing a best of 5 Rochambeau?


If it wasn't for the French you would all be speaking English!


We would all be drinking tea instead of coffee.


It makes me chuckle how France literally bankrupted itself into revolution sending all the money, guns and trainers for the continental army as well as sending their own expeditionary force, fleet of warships and start a whole european war with England land locking the brunt of the english army on the wrong side of the Atlantic They also allied Holland and Spain to attack England and provide/sell more weapons to America Without all this support, I fail to see how America would have succeeded agaisnt the world power of that era. Its okay though cause America saved France during WW2 so debt repaid And during WW1 Stanton said [ "Lafayette, we are here!” is a famous quote attributed to Charles E. Stanton, a U.S. Army officer, who spoke these words at the tomb of the Marquis de Lafayette in Paris on July 4, 1917. ]


That quote gets me everytime. The US-French alliance is really something special and the oldest America has. It's a shame seeing how some unfairly slandered the French as surrenderers, mostly because they refused to go into the middle east with the US.


they are just a disorganized mob who dont have any kind of plan except 'were marching over here and were gonna be pissed off'. This statue is an easy target surrounded by important federal buildings which wouldve been 1000x more symbolically important to attack, but wouldve come with reprecussions, as they are guarded and theyd likely be arrested. So they jsut damage this statute because its defenseless and they think its what you should do when youre a revolutionary doing righteous things.


Honestly fuck these guys lol. Regardless of what they're protesting against, doing this bullshit just hurts their case and annoys people.


I’m definitely against their cause now and totally annoyed and pissed  off. And I’m as liberal as the day is long.  But just because I’m a card carrying aclu liberal, doesn’t mean I check my brain at the door. Fuck these assholes


What completely pissed me off is the giant spray painted death to America on the statue. Saw it in person today and I couldn’t believe the shit I saw. These people need to spend some time in an authoritarian country’s political jail system for protesting and see how much they appreciate America allowing them to say whatever they want in public.


Exactly. They're behaving just as shitty as the right wing mobs. All belligerent anger with no clue how to make anything better


Everyone has lost their damn minds. Brain Rot


As a left-leaning individual… we have our share of pissed off idiots, too. This is pretty embarrassing. French revolutionaries are supposed to be heroes of the left. What the fuck is this?




Extremism bad.




Someone needs to get that man a baseball glove.


GRU and their Iranian/Chinese counterparts are having a field day with grayzone media outlet and organizing these protests. The people there didn’t organize it, didn’t plan it, don’t understand the significance of what their doing, let alone that they’re frustrations are being exploited for clandestine intelligence interests abroad. Sheeple in every sense of the word


>GRU and their Iranian/Chinese counterparts are having a field day with grayzone media outlet and organizing these protests.  This. In the 1970s, I was living in Germany and there were a lot of protests against nuclear power. There was a lot of sentiment against it and it seemed like every Citroën 2CV had a huge decal across the hood saying "Atomkraft? Nein Danke." The Greens drove public policy against nuclear energy and toward importing fossil fuels from Russia. Invisible hand of the market? No, invisible hand of the GRU. They were funding the organizations that were leading the anti-nuclear power movement.


Andrew Jackson is literally thirty feet away ffs


If they had any sense they'd march on over to SCOTUS and protest the people doing them real harm.


People may be confusing him with his son, a noted white supremacist, who was tasked with securing French control during the Haiti slave rebellion and massacred thousands of Haitians without discretion. He also invented the first recorded gas chambers to kill Haitian POWs.


How fucking bad do you have to be to stand out in history for cruelty in slave era Haiti.


It’s bad and sick, he’s the reason every Haitian turn against the French when several were on their side to begin with and the reason why the Haitians ended up killing all the whites on the island at the end of the war.


It's "me angy. Me destroy random statue to feel like I'm helping."


He should've Roshambo'd them for it.


Leave the Ranger alone. 🥹


What a bunch of fucking assholes.


That’s not even a law enforcement ranger, that’s an interp ranger. That guy just loves history and giving tours. Asshole is way too mellow a term for these people.


First thing I noticed as a retired 025. Next thing I noticed is USPP is nowhere to be seen.


I'm curious what the relationship is like between Rangers and USPP? Does it vary by park, dramatically different in DC than more rural parks?


Well, in general, you're only going to see the U.S. Park Police at the parks in three urban locations-- Washington, New York, and San Francisco. (There's a handful of exceptions, such as USPP personnel in advisory positions in the NPS regional offices, but they wouldn't be patrolling the parks.) In the rest of the system, law enforcement is handled by commissioned park rangers, ie the ones who meet certain training requirements, physical fitness standards, etc. Consequently, there really isn't all that much interaction between rangers and USPP officers outside those three urban areas. As far as relations in those three places where you'll find both rangers in Stetsons and Park Police officers in their cop gear... well, I've been retired for ages so I can't speak with authority about how things are today. However, back a couple of decades ago I worked law enforcement in a park not far from DC, so I had a decent view of what things were like down in the capital region. I'll put it like this: I rarely perceived outright hostility, but the two groups didn't mix very much, either. Maybe someone currently working can give you a more recent perspective.




We have a pretty good relationship with the British these days. They learned a lesson, twice, and now it’s all good.


Twice? I thought the War of 1812 was pretty much a draw. Unless you count the Suez Canal thing as a victory over the British... which it was, really.


Lots of people who have way too much time on their hands and decide to destroy a statue of someone who has nothing to do with their cause (not that they really know what they're protesting about. They just heard few words and decided to go along with it) and then adults have to clean up the mess they leave behind.


You just described pretty much everything that happens in the US.


I'm getting a tad bit worried that the amount of emotion around Isreal will get young voters actually out to vote. They won't vote Biden b/c they see him as the facilitator and that leaves the worse option in Trump or the neutral option of voting for the independent. I just really hope this doesn't help Trump. I can't take another 4 years of that mess.


I can not even imagine how stupid you have to be if you want the US to help Palestine more and then support fucking Trump for president.


For what it's worth I was at this protest before all this bullshit went down. Fuck these people, firstly. A speaker came out at some point and started saying stuff like "Biden will pay for this at the ballot boxes in November!" And the crowd got pretty quiet. A decent amount of cheers but not nearly as many as from before that stuff was said. They also brought out Jill Stein and again, it was pretty quiet. I'm worried about people going too far with this and letting Trump win, but it seems many are just using it as a threat to try to get Biden to cut Netanyahu off, which I get. If it wasn't 5 months to an election that could have disastrous consequences I'd be on board but.. this ain't it. The crowd going mostly quiet made me feel a little bit better but I'm still very concerned about the possibility of Trump winning again.


Don’t worry, college students are one of the worst voting blocs anyway. All the college students and protestors saying they won’t vote for Biden because of Gaza were unlikely to vote in the first place.


This isn’t protesting, it’s vandalism full stop.




There’s an element of media over-representation going on too. These people represent a small fraction of their generation, the vast majority would not participate in behavior like this. There are people like this from EVERY generation. It’s similar to the question pollsters ask, is it more violent now or when you were a kid? Most people say it’s more violent, but reality and statistics say the opposite. The media, including Reddit, promote what gets that most engagement.


> “[Young people] are high-minded because they have not yet been humbled by life, nor have they experienced the force of circumstances.… They think they know everything, and are always quite sure about it.”   - Aristotle 1st Century B.C.E.


❌️ actually do something to help the palestinians ✅️ ruin some statue of an old french dude


They recently attacked several museums in NYC that are unaffiliated with Israel. Just wildly misdirected anger with no care in being effective just in being performative.


They don't know anything, nor do they care to learn. It's the latest trend. That's it.


These protesters are starting to renind me of those "stop oil" pricks.


Only now?


Forget about the politics of it for a sec. For him to stand there by himself, he’s got some sack on him.


When he started to orchestrate them, they got real quiet. And the one dude in the crowd telling him not to antagonize them. Fucking clueless these people are.


Right? Like they’re already antagonized. He’s hustling playing along


I like how he was like yeah fuck the fascists, keep it going. These people are clueless


His American pride and sense of loyalty oozes through the screen. I guess that makes him fascist? Pretty gross stuff


Assholes just annoying people and hurting their cause... Who thinks throwing stuff at a park ranger standing in front of a memorial is going to further their cause?  That's not how change happens.




I legitimately can't believe how stupid these supposedly smart college kids are. I can't fathom not understanding how this is hurting progressive causes, not helping them. This drives people Right, not Left. Hubris and entitlement. If you want to protest for change, do it in front of your representatives who can change something... ya know... somebody alive, not a Frenchman who's been dead for 200 years.


They're children. They might be educated, but that doesn't make them mature. That's why I never went to these protests.


Why aren't they at the Israeli embassy? Seriously. You got a problem with Israel, take it to them. I'm not blaming the US in light of the myriad of political nuances support for either side entails. The problem at its core lies between Hamas and Israel, both of which suck ass. This statue, Biden, and the US aren't responsible for their pettiness.


Leaderless group of idiots furthering the cause


All it does is give more idiots a reason to do something stupid and get away with it. The intellect of the people involved has to be supremely low, and their only reason for doing so is to get noticed. We notice you guys, and now we're even more madder than hell. This does nothing for your cause. By the way. What is your cause? We'd all like to know.


Haven't you heard? Thanks to this protest Palestine is being freed... of Hamas.


It's even the wrong chant. The "Who do you protect?" chant is to make police officers feel bad while they're arresting non-violent protestors and make it so they're less interested in roughing up the crowd as they arrest or disperse protestors. Agitating the guy just standing there by chanting cusses at him and throwing stuff him while he just stands there is just misplaced anger and bullying.


Wonder how many of them actually know that they are protesting for.


Probably none of them.


I think this country needs to lean more socially left than it currently does, but acting like a fascist mob to counter fascist policy is not the answer. French revolutionaries fucking know what their protesting against. Take notes.


“Hey stop defacing this statue of historical importance!” “Fuck you fascist!” - violent mob of water bottle throwing idiots that have no idea what fascism is


This, exactly. People today so eagerly throwing around terms like 'nazi' or 'fascist' clearly haven't got the faintest clue what they actually mean. They use it for everything or anyone disagreeing with them. It completely hollows out the true meaning of these terms.


You don't understand man! That park ranger is literally Hitler! /s


Nazi, fascist, and genocide


Don't forget ColOnIZerS!


Literal violence


It’s funny but the mob are acting like fascists. They are no different to the Brown Shirts, the Maoist’s and the Red Guard in their violent condemnation of what they don’t like. The times they never change.


Most of these righteously indignant assholes didn't know the difference between Gaza and the West Bank 10 months ago.


From which river to which sea?


They still don’t. Talk to 99% of them and they can’t find Israel on a map. They don’t know ANYTHING about Hamas. They shout genocidal Arabic phrases and have no idea what they’re saying. They’ve conflated decolonization with colonization and can’t tell the difference. Ignorant mobs are the most dangerous kind.


Them chanting “intifada of love” is the most asinine statement I’ve ever heard


I’m a Persian-American. I have to say that it’s been super interesting watching my woke white friends spout off about things I think a lot of middle eastern immigrants always considered unspeakable because of fear of persecution after 9/11. I still don’t really feel comfortable talking about any of it, honestly.


Dude is probably thinking "oh for fuck sake all I wanted was to work at a national park but nooooooo Yosemite was all taken. Fucking cities and these fucking people. Ugh."


Hitting or throwing things at a park ranger is a felony


Can guarantee no one will be arrested let alone charged with a felony. What a fucking disgrace these people are.


What a disgrace this country has become.


These protesters are assholes. The Park Rangers are great people who don't get paid enough money to deal with entitled toddlers.


Times like these I remember the George Carlin quote, “Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.” I gotta say though…I actually dig the ranger’s reaction. I’d like to think I’d respond the same way.


The French general? Am I missing something?


lotta french guys were major players in DC during the revolutionary war thing. LaFayette has a whole plaza named after him. The city is designed after Paris with all the diagonal streets and traffic circles.


Yeah, but why are they protesting the statue with signs about Gaza?


The statue is in Lafayette Park, right next to White House where the many protests start or end. They just vandalized it cuz it was there and an easy target. I doubt any of them had any idea who he was or what he did, or cared. They also vandalized the Andrew Jackson statue not far away and probably others.


I guess the question is why middle class white kids need to rock a keffiyeh and destroy something to give them a sense of purpose.




Have you considered...USA bad?   That's about as nuanced as it's gonna get I'm afraid.


“Don’t antagonize them.” Them = The people screaming “Fuck you fascist”


"Bro they're trying to help you"




America bad is all they have


They're idiots who hate any symbol of authority. Many of them don't give a shit about Palestinians, they just want an excuse to lash out. It's the same mentality of angry young men who go to demonstrations just to smash windows and destroy property. They don't care about the cause. If they did, they wouldn't be acting like fools.


Well, they're writing death to America, so there is that.




Intifada at the end of the video.


They hate the US until they lose their citizenship and live in Russia or something - too bad that actually rarely happens. It’s like a bunch of spoil rich kids making a mess of their parents kitchen


Would they rather be living under a monarch? It's so confusing. And to throw stuff at a Park ranger, just a guy who likes the beauty of our national parks and wants to conserve them. It's very backwards.


Googled why he was important: In August 1781, Rochambeau joined Washington for the journey to Yorktown. Rochambeau commanded the French forces while Washington commanded the combined American and French army. Rochambeau, a veteran of 14 sieges in Europe, provided valuable expertise in the conducting of the siege at Yorktown.


So follow up, why deface his statue?


Well, ya see, anyone who supported the creation of the US was clearly in support of the massive imperialist hegemonic oppressive force for evil that it would inevitably become. Even though this French nobleman had full knowledge of the future and all the horrors it would entail, he still decided to support the evil Americans and deserves to be ridiculed and his memory to be defiled. Remember, America bad, Westoids bad. From the Ohio River to the Berring Sea (I think is how the saying goes) Nah but in all reality they just trying to take it to "The Man" without realizing that this dude helped a fledgling nation of religious minorities fight off an overbearing and oppressive imperialist nation.


Who do you protect? You! You fucking losers.


These people are larping lol. The park ranger guy is a fascist? Give me a break


Some people want to will Jim Crow or an actual authoritarian government into existence in order to, like, feel the *struggle*, man.


Isn’t Rochambeau where I kick you in the nuts as hard as I can, then you kick me in the nuts as hard as you can, then we keep going until someone quits?


I'm first


Bunch of over privileged pricks. Fuck all of them and fuck their pointless protest.


I love how these people have culturally appropriated the hijab as this year’s summer fashion!


The word fascism has lost all meaning.


Me: "Why are they attacking a statue of Jean-Baptiste Rochambeau? Oh, the Palestine people. That explains everything"


Man the more and more I see the Palestinian protesters the more I'm starting to hate them. Just protest, and stop fucking shit up that has nothing to do with your cause you assholes!


These folks are gonna find out in about eight months that this dude wasn't the "fascist" they should be worrying about.


These idiots were never going to vote anyway. Older, middle American is going to decide the election in November, not a bunch of cause of the month kids. I’ve heard the youth were going to change every election and they never show up.


People forget if 0% of people under age 25 voted for Obama he still would have won the 2008 election. Young people are mostly irrelevant because they don’t show up.


Salute to that Park ranger. No one has the courage to stand by him. Anybody know his name?


All park rangers I’ve known are decent people with commitment to park service. Serious respect.


Not sure who the statue is of and how he is percieved by these people. But shame on whoever threw things at a person just doing their job.


It’s the French general whose army came and helped us during the Revolution ; specifically at Yorktown


It’s pretty clear how the crowd perceives it. They hate anything pro-West or pro-USA


Us blue voters now have our own little Liberal MAGA. Total assholes


The brain rot mob


This behavior does not help the people in Gaza. I doubt half these clowns could even find it on a map, or even really care. It’s just an excuse to be brats


Those people are trash. Their whole cause is just an excuse to disrupt and ruin everything. 


Imagine telling a guy “don’t antagonize them” after he got hit with a flying a bottle…


He is way too underpaid to deal with these shitty protestors. Being verbally and physically assaulted while doing your job.


Fuck these kids. 20 year old juniors at AU thinking they’ve already figured out the world. But are morally okay with berating a fucking park ranger.




Same garbage, just different agendas.


Yep. I love that I’m finally seeing people saying stuff like this. It shows me that there are still independent thinkers out there capable of analyzing a situation.


What are we mad about today?


Israeli hostages were rescued, weakening the bargaining position of Hamas… not sure if that’s the precise reason they’re protesting, but it certainly makes it look in even poorer taste than usual


Bro is literally just doing his job.


Are they chanting “fuck you fascists”? There’s no chanting of anything in a fascist state, so I don’t think they know how this works.


Just wait until these young people don't show up to vote in November, and actual fascists win. :| (edit: err, forgot words, got distracted)


Bunch of human trash


Can you see how insane everyone is. That is a piece of history. This shit needs to stop.


How the hell does that statue have anything to do with the Gaza conflict?


But but but......hes a *park ranger* protecting a memorial to a Revolutionary War French guy. Are they mad at him or the French guy or both and has anything happened with either of them I missed? SO confused. Meanwhile the one who is a park ranger isn't stone. Since he doesn't appear to be connected to anything beyond keeping an eye on a statue maybe leave him out of it?


This dumb shit is how you make me not give a fuck about your cause. Why are they wanted to vandalize the statue? He wasn’t a confederate general, he was a French bad ass who helped the US in a battle against Britain. Fuckin smooth brained donkeys


From the river to the sea, hamas will cease to be.


While I’m at work, doing all I can to participate as a contributing member of our community, somehow these dummies have time to trash public national parks? I understand the sentiments of all sides, but this type of behavior is garbage. There are other ways. This type of behavior by protesters accomplishes nothing…just vandalism…wasted energy… deification.


God these protesters are just uneducated and dumb as fuck. They just want to be part of a group. Losers.


I know who I'd serve and protect, and it sure as shit wouldn't be the people throwing things at me.


where are the arrests for federal property vandalism? This crap could land them up to 10 YEARS in prison.


I sometimes wonder, When is it appropriate to just whip out a water cannon on these gronks, For attacking those that ain't aligned with any cause will always automatically make your cause seen as worse or stupid.


Look at all those smooth brained people.


as pro-palestine as i am. this is where they go too far. why not target the actual government that keeps sending billions over to israel to aid in their genocide? don’t attack and shame the man who has nothing to do with this and is just trying to do his job edit: spelling mistake


Poor guy ….. we are currently living in a country with a bunch of young people looking for a cause. ….. these people are morons. Jean-Baptiste Rochambeau had several significant impacts on the American Revolutionary War, particularly through his leadership and strategic collaboration with American forces. Here are the key contributions: 1. Alliance and Support: Rochambeau led the French expeditionary force sent to support the American revolutionaries. His arrival in 1780 with around 5,500 troops provided a substantial boost to the Continental Army. 2. Siege of Yorktown: Perhaps his most notable contribution was his role in the Siege of Yorktown in 1781. Rochambeau worked closely with General George Washington to plan and execute the siege. His forces, combined with American troops and the French naval blockade led by Admiral de Grasse, trapped British General Cornwallis’s army, leading to Cornwallis’s surrender. This victory was pivotal, effectively ending major combat operations and leading to eventual peace negotiations. 3. Strategic Expertise : Rochambeau brought experienced military leadership and strategic insight to the American cause. His understanding of European military tactics and siege warfare was crucial in planning the campaign against British forces. 4. Coordination and Diplomacy: Rochambeau’s ability to coordinate effectively with American leaders, particularly Washington, and maintain good relations between the allied forces was instrumental in the success of their joint operations. 5. Morale Boost: The presence of French troops and resources boosted the morale of American soldiers and provided much-needed supplies and reinforcements during critical phases of the war. Rochambeau's contributions were essential in securing American independence, demonstrating the importance of international alliances and military strategy in the Revolutionary War.


My god go get a job ![gif](giphy|YsMO3SEJiF0Ag)


The statue they are destroying had nothing to do with their agenda. Even if it did, it’s wrong to ruin a work of art and history that spans beyond their understanding. It saddens me to see people trying to rewrite history by erasing the past. We should accept our history and move forward. If you destroy artifacts that don’t fit within your current political bubble, how can you build a better future? This approach leads to repeating the same mistakes because, instead of learning from them, we keep trying to cover them up. It feels like one of the biggest mistakes some liberals make today is forgetting the true meaning of progressivism. They seem to oppose actual progress. Both sides of left and right got brain washed by their respective media to hate each other and because of poor education by the schools and probably from their families people just become very ignorant about their ideologies. We don't think ideologically nowadays both right and left has a different but collective set of things to complain about every few months/years. Maybe this divisive agendas help some people in power in a way that is beyond my understanding or maybe we are becoming a 2 different hiveminds that started to devolve because of echoes from each other create this as a domino effect. Edit: for those if they are curious about my previous or current standing; I used to be a proud leftist with respect but within disagreement to my right sided fellows. Now, non of the labels fit me anymore and i feel as i am like those statues that people don't want anymore. Cheers and thanks for reading my rather long text if you made it this far!


Can someone explain why these dweebs are harassing the poor dude and why they are defacing a revolutionary war figure statue?


Fucking hippies


He's one of the good guys tho. Seriously. Park rangers are actual public servants in a very good way like 91% of the time.


These people are fucking assholes.


The tolerant left…. Not only are they evil people, they’re also very stupid.


I cannot think of a protest movement less deserving of sympathy than these fuckers. Who throws shit at NPS park rangers?


These. Stupid. Fucks.


Give this Park Ranger a bonus!


This right here is fodder for further estrangement from moderates who could otherwise be sympathetic to their cause


Can anyone explain what a French general from the 1700s and who was vital to America’s victory in the American revolution has to do with that what they are protesting?


These people are legit mentally ill, like if a few attacked him the whole mob would jump in.


![gif](giphy|5bivKwxhVzshNk2Rjw) Graffiti a statue about the revolutionary war. Middle East peace unlocked!


I don't understand how you can be at college and be so fucking dumb


I am a staunch Democrat with a lot of Republican friends, so much so I am in the minority, and it has become so fucking hard to defend my side in conversations because of shitheads like this. What a mob of uninformed yuppie fucking ghouls, calling a park ranger a facist lol


I officially hate the protesters. They're all pieces of shit


Why do people think that this “does something?” To intimidate a guy doing his job? Way to go, losers.