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https://quinto-poder.mx/tendencias/2024/6/8/tragedia-en-san-luis-jovenes-caen-desde-el-tercer-piso-de-un-famoso-antro-30816.html Google translated article: A terrible tragedy shook San Luis Potosí, as the terrace of the Rich bar, located in Plaza Attus, collapsed and left 16 injured and three dead during the night of Friday, June 7. This happened despite the arrival of emergency elements at the location, where a graduation was supposedly being held. According to reports, several people were in line in the terrace area, until the railing collapsed, causing about 20 people to fall. During the course of the night, the young people who came to the place were waiting in line to gain access, when the crowd gradually accumulated in the terrace area, without the establishment's security personnel telling them about the agglomeration of people. , which weakened the structure and caused its subsequent collapse. The videos shared on social networks show the exact moment in which more than 50 people were concentrated in the terrace area of ​​the Rich bar, which caused it to collapse. Users used their accounts to point out that the maximum capacity of the establishment was not respected and that the necessary preventive measures were not taken to avoid the tragedy. Several witnesses to the event came to help the injured, many of whom fell to the ground next to the broken glass railing or remained motionless among traces of blood. Security personnel cordoned off the area and evicted the rest of the attendees from the Rich bar, while state forensic services came to remove the bodies.


This had to be from multiple stories up. That was brutal.


Yeah you can see when the bystanders look up so at this point they were probably already falling...


They might have heard something as the glass started to crack that caused them to look up. Watch the guy on the right. He was on his phone, then suddenly looked up. Might have been he heard glass cracking and people screaming as they realized that the ground underneath them was starting to give. Edit: never mind. I just found another video. It was VERY high up. According to this story, it was about 12 meters (40 feet). https://www.eluniversal.com.mx/tendencias/como-es-el-antro-rich-sitio-de-slp-donde-se-registro-la-caida-de-jovenes-de-un-tercer-piso/


That's horrific. The way the bodies just pile up


It's like watching one of those 3D Physics simulators.


ill never call them unrealistic again


It gets worse when you start to think about crowd physics and why there are so many rules/regulations about having too many people in one place. At a certain point the number of people just turns into a liquid and people start dying because you can't move that many people fast enough. That big pile up that was filmed a few years back (in japan i think it was? maybe korea), can't remember the context exactly, filling the streets for a concert or something. Pretty haunting stuff.


Also happend in Germany in 2010. Too many people in a choke point. 21 died.


Yeah it was Korea, and there are allegations that law enforcement willingly allowed it to happen due to a cultural distain for both youth and partying* (not really sure what the best term would be).




Ultimate Epic Battle Simulator comes to mind


Well they aren't called 3D Physics Fakers


So many of them came down head first.


They were absolutely packed up in that terrace, it was a legitimate crowd crush. I'm guessing the people on the very outside had no control over their bodies when that railing finally gave way.


It's weird it says 20 people, i see like 10.


reading other comments, looks like it was 3 stories up, other bodies ustve stopped at a different floor maybe?


The elevator effect


Yeah i counted 10 too but it says in the article that throught the night 20 got injured or died so prob more fell later?


Not everyone fell straight to the bottom floor is what I'd assume.


A couple probably landed on the terrace above where these people landed.


I read that the others landed on a balcony up higher.


How many floors up is the club






They moved like liquid.


...holy shit, some of those people went head first and then had others land directly on top of them


My immediate thought was: Well that’s probably at least four dead people I saw today. *fuck*


Three confirmed dead according to the news in [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/1dbdtj5/comment/l7qn3hj/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Don’t need to look at the link to confirm the blonde closest to the camera is one of them. She didn’t twitch once or anything and smashed face first into the ground


Unfortunately in subsequent photos from the scene, there is a really large pool of blood that forms around her. And what appears to be one of her friends is crouched down next to her, just looking at her. :( But ya, sadly she most certainly passed away. It's shocking how quick death can take someone sometimes. Plus she was obviously young in the prime of her life--with so many hopes and dreams in front of her. Her time to experience life here on Earth was so short. Only consolation is that the poor girl didn't suffer. It was just an instant lights out situation upon impact. (The falling part however must have been horrifying, for a couple of brief seconds.)


It was a graduation party. All of them were young.


Yeah, white boots girl was a goner the second she hit. I think the person in the dark top and jeans left of her is also a DOA as they didn’t move at all and it appears they also broke their fall with their head. Just a damn shame all around, one minute you’re chatting it up with friends after graduating, next you’re on the ground checking for pulses.


Yeah and the one beside the guy sitting up a bit but didn’t get up is definitely a goner too she smashed the back of her skull in the ground and that’s what does the most damage of any head injury location. A damn shame for everyone involved


both of them i slow motion completely head first, so yeah def those two, idk who the third one was


She actually lived


That is shocking honestly. That girl landed almost vertical on her head.


It looks like right after she lands on her head a bunch of glass also breaks on her head. She got a double whammy. If she survived I'd be shocked.


I had to re-watch a few times, only 2 big pieces fell after people hit the floor, the other was back away from the pile, but the one that hit her head.. that's skull/brain damage if she wasn't dead from the initial impact to the concrete ground.


She actually got a double tap, went head first then the pole slammed the back of her head laying on the ground.


Just rewatched it and saw what you mean, yeah that just further proves me right, she has almost no chance of not being one of the three people that died from this


My first thought seeing that was, "Damn she looks dead." Then I read the info the mod pinned and realized she possibly is. It's so strange to realize you're looking at at least three dead bodies and have no clue until after you're told so. Edit: for clarity.


No clue?


Yeah, like earlier said, that one chick in the front was obviously fucked. I played it back a few times just for her, directly into her face/head. The body is tough, but that would have required a miracle.


Also, it looks like a pane of glass lands and shatters directly on her head at the tail end there. Those bitches are *heavy*.


I played it back multiple times for her too, she definitely doesn't move after the impact, although it looks like two others start to move a little


I thought she LOOKs dead, but I figured she was just unconscious. I don't expect to see video of a dead body without some warning in the title and I did not know there were any actual deaths until after I watched the video. Though I suppose it isn't confirmed, but knowing what the article on the incident is now, she very likely could be one of the three.


Yeah when you see people ragdoll like that on concrete, it's usually a bad sign the brain is fucked beyond saving. Aside from a merciful snapped neck and instant death, there's a very good chance some of them died from brain swelling and/or internal blunt force trauma that couldn't be easily fixed I feel awful for the girl who managed to get up and immediately went back down. Adrenaline can only do so much in the moment


the two that got up immediately both landed on top of others - definitely still injured, but their brains and nerves should be fine but really only two people are still moving of the rest, the others are either dead or posturing and likely to have permanent, severe injuries even if they survive appreciate the good times, friends, shit happens fast


Worst part about working with EMS. You realize how fragile life is


Getting up probably caused her a lot of damage. Adrenaline *does* do a lot and that's the problem; it makes you ignore what would normally be a very "healthy" pain response. If something like this happens to you and you aren't in immediate danger, **stay the fuck down** if you can remember to. If you're an onlooker when something like this happens, encourage the conscious people to not move. Seriously, I've seen instances where people get up and walk around, then die within hours or minutes, whereas staying down and going into shock could have potentially saved them due to avoiding the extra damage incurred trying to move around.


I completely agree. I meant the adrenaline can only do so much as in masking the damage. It doesn't fix it I've worked with EMS and they've told me enough horror stories about adrenaline keeping people up and moving who should*definitely* not be doing so Worst one had to be a guy on a bike turned himself into a meat crayon (helmet saved him), but his one side from shoulder to hip was rubbed down to bone. And this fucker was up wandering in traffic on the road when they arrived. Bystanders couldn't get him to sit down because he was aggressive and scared Dude survived but holy shit, I cannot imagine having to deal with that


Motorbikes, not even once


Those poor people, so sad. Also, I fucking hate casually scrolling reddit and seeing somebody die. I wish there were different filters for death/violence/nudity/language. NSFW is not enough.


The poor lady that ended up on the bottom right of the pile was the only one to have a piece of glass shatter on top of her head AFTER she hit the ground. I have no doubt she was one of the 3 that died.


long dolls spotted subtract muddle cause hobbies teeny paltry governor *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That dude who ran off definitely crushed someone.


Or someone who was dead either way broke his fall, saving him.


He ran away like he was the metaphorical straw that broke the camel's back.


He ran away like someone who's body is only functioning thanks endorphins and adrenaline.


If he is aware-enough, he may think more will fall on top of him, or worse, part of the structure.


Honestly pretty quick thinking. You'd think this is common sense but when something so outrageously unexpected happens humans can have weird reactions.


This place... Simple flight reaction to adrenaline dump. There's no critical thinking going on. No time for that shit.


You can fall from pretty high up and be fine if you land on a pile of other people


Yeah it turns out bags of mostly water are pretty good for breaking a fall


That was incredibly difficult to watch, it was almost like everyone that fell was already unconscious because they just plummeted so…lifelessly. Absolutely horrible.


I saw two or three people that got lucky enough to land on other people. But, the other people landed so hard.


Imagine the survivors guilt. Their friend's bodies broke their fall


The guy in a white dress shirt walked away...


My first thought was maybe he was afraid more may fall... 


I doubt anything was going on in his mind. Instinct told him to get away from what just happened, but beyond that he was just in shock. And maybe walking on broken bones.


Ever stubbed your toe and just start aimlessly hopping around in pain? Probably that x1000


Went back to the line


This is INSANE footage


I built the deck at club Aqua.


I actually want to go to Haunted House more than I want to go to Club Aqua.


How the fuck do *you* get in to Haunted House?


Ya blew it!


Jesus Christ this is maybe the worst place for an ITYSL reference... ....and what does it say about me that I chuckled?


Kim Kardashians Head fell off


It is. Sadly, it is highly reminiscent of that upper platform railing collapse, at that university protest in Bolivia. Kinda almost an identical situation. :(


Three dead, sixteen injured I read. Crazy. I saw one video showing the crowd above and they were packed like crazy.


That doesn’t look like 16 people. Link?


As the other mention with glass cuts, there's possibly people who managed to hold on at the top, plus whatever crush of bodies was happening that caused so much pressure on the railing to make it shatter. Someone said this was from the 3rd floor, so some may have fallen to the second, the most unfortunate and likely fatal ones, landed as seen in the video.


yeah but plenty of people around there could have had cuts and scrapes from all the glass. And that counts as injury


It’s true. Any medical attention at all, regardless of severity, will be labeled as “injured”. Once they go into “condition”, ie. critical/ stable, etc is when we have an idea on severity. Nonetheless, this entire incident was a true tragedy. Can’t help but imagine being one of these young ones, getting ready just a couple hours earlier for a night out….


How high up were they?


3rd floor


American or European 3rd?


No idea why all news are saying 3rd floor because it's incorrect but in Mexico it is Ground Floor -> 1st Floor -> 2nd Floor and the bar was located in the later. To be honest it's confusing but that's how it works here.


Got a link?


https://quinto-poder.mx/tendencias/2024/6/8/tragedia-en-san-luis-jovenes-caen-desde-el-tercer-piso-de-un-famoso-antro-30816.html Google translated article: A terrible tragedy shook San Luis Potosí, as the terrace of the Rich bar, located in Plaza Attus, collapsed and left 16 injured and three dead during the night of Friday, June 7. This happened despite the arrival of emergency elements at the location, where a graduation was supposedly being held. According to reports, several people were in line in the terrace area, until the railing collapsed, causing about 20 people to fall. During the course of the night, the young people who came to the place were waiting in line to gain access, when the crowd gradually accumulated in the terrace area, without the establishment's security personnel telling them about the agglomeration of people. , which weakened the structure and caused its subsequent collapse. The videos shared on social networks show the exact moment in which more than 50 people were concentrated in the terrace area of ​​the Rich bar, which caused it to collapse. Users used their accounts to point out that the maximum capacity of the establishment was not respected and that the necessary preventive measures were not taken to avoid the tragedy. Several witnesses to the event came to help the injured, many of whom fell to the ground next to the broken glass railing or remained motionless among traces of blood. Security personnel cordoned off the area and evicted the rest of the attendees from the Rich bar, while state forensic services came to remove the bodies.


Wow. That one dude is beyond lucky someone else broke the fall for him. He literally bounces off of another body and walks off.


Jesus man I think I’d suffer serious survivors guilt if I survived something like this by landing on top of someone. Hope that guy’s okay mentally.


I can't remember where I read it, but it was a long time ago, and it mentioned a guy who was trying to end his life by jumping from a building but he survived by falling on a woman who was talking by. Obviously she didn't live, so that was worse. But yeah, I can't imagine the guilt in such scenarios.


If that happened to me I think I’d promptly end myself in a more clean fashion.


I'm just imagining this guy go on an accidental killing spree. It doesn't matter which way he tries he just can't help but manage to kill someone in the process.


Go to give yourself a lethal injection and someone out of nowhere materializes between your thigh and the needle.


Or someone finds you dying and sucks the “venom” out and saves you, dying in the process.


I see this as a Cyanide and Happiness video


oh man..when i was a 911 dispatcher some guy tried to off himself by parking his f350 on train tracks and waiting. train hits him, derails, and fucks him up he gets airlifted to kansas city 160 miles away. the FBI stopped by because they had to do a write up since the damages were in the million dollar area..not to mentioned the 150k med evac. FBI guy said "if he had any second thoughts about suicide theyre prob gone now that he owes (large amount of money)" last i heard he had 4 cops sitting with him in the hospital and when he got better they they put him in a holding cell until the court date wearing the suicide suit..which was just a green gown for clothing and then a thin foam mat for a bed..thats it


turtle suit


Bullet misfires and when you cock the gun to rack another round it goes off, through the wall killing your neighbor.


Yeah that's a big risk with that method which is unfortunate because I always thought if I was going to off myself then jumping would be my preferred choice. But I'd never want to risk someone else's safety either. (I'm fine btw, purely a showerthought)


You’d jump to end it? Absolutely fuck that


God, idk if I'd rather just have the out. Living with the idea of a death saving you, the choices all leading up to that moment.


I heard a story about this guy in South America who survived a famously deadly fire on a market. He described how he had to step on people to get out. Months later he still had his feet tremble from now and then trying to shake off the sensation.


Runs….. he runs off


I’m sure it’s shock and adrenaline dump. He’s going to feel it in a few hours.


he starts limping in the distance if you keep watching. probably has a broken ankle.


Probably pretty messed up if he felt that thru the adrenaline. I get every body is different but I had a broken rib, punctured lung and a class 4 spleen rupture and it took me 15 minutes to feel any pain. When the adrenaline did wear off - boy howdy did I feel all of it.




In subsequent videos, she's lying on the ground and animatedly talking on her cell phone to someone. I can't imagine being the person at the other end of the call, trying to understand. I'd probably be like, "This... This isn't a joke or prank... is it?!" I really hope and pray she's going to be ok. I think she has a good chance hopefully, since she at least seems so alert and conscious.


Smart. Other people could be coming down


He ran off like it was all his fault.


I'm trying to picture how he fell. He must not have been actually leaning against the rail, because this group all fell in about the same spot. I'm guessing someone grabbed him or he tried to grab someone as they fell.


At a glance I thought it was a 2nd floor drop but then you notice the two guys at the bottom right reacting and looking up for a long time before impact


holy shit you're right


You’re right. They wouldn’t be falling that fast if it was just 2 stories. They probably would’ve all survived too if it was just 2 stories.


Imagine a pile of bodies is the only reason you're alive.


The survivor’s guilt must be insane.


not everyone suffers from this. It's actually rarer than you think


The women landed on her face I’m sure she died instantly. Poor people


If it wasn't that, right after she lands a chunk of glass smashes her in the back the head.


Fuuuuhuuuuuck dude I didn't even see that. So brutal.


Yeah that was brutal and hopefully quick.


I believe the 3 dead are the ones closest to the camera. Left to right, the man in fetal position (you see blood pool from their head and they dont move), someone wearing all black (crushed by guy who ran off), and lady lady in black who went face first and maybe hit by debris :(


You're correct, in the aftermath photos and videos, those three are the only ones that never move and are left behind when the others are taken to the hospital.


The one girl kind of grasping at nothing with her arm... Fucking A.


Good god that was horrible to see!! I was expecting the railing to break but was not expecting to see people die...


I thought I could pause it before the upsetting part, which is what I usually do. This one caught me completely off guard seeing it was not the glass railing shown in the video that breaks, but one out of frame.... Wish I could unsee that.


*Woah!* I wasn't expecting that. Definitely NSFW. I hope they all lived, but....damn.


3 deads...


Yeah, I saw that on a comment further down. Very, very sad. And the survivors are probably pretty messed up.


Yes, just horrible... I've had nightmares similar to this...


I didn't see the NSFL tag.. not what I wanted to see today (or any day). What a tragedy. Rest in peace to the victims and all the best to the survivors. I also hoped they lived though looking at that one woman I was assuming the worst. Sometimes I do wonder if I'd rather be dead than having severe brain damage..


I missed the tag too 😭




It looks exactly like you'd see in some 3D simulation of pouring humans out of cup. The bounce on the dude who landed on top of everyone blows my mind.


The survivor guilt must be insane here, literally surviving because you landed on top of other must fuck with someones phsyche so much


Probably why he got up instantly and hit the legs


I'd assume it was more just blind panic, like "Holy fuck I just fell for whatever reason, I need to get away before anything else falls fuck fuck fuck".


This is why I'm afraid of heights and never lean on glass rails.


That's fuckin terrible


If you didn’t die from that fall, you’re going to wish you did with all those spinal injuries now.


Dude that girl who landed closest to the camera, you see her head smack straight against the pavement. She has to be one of the dead ones


And then a pane of glass cracks her over the head


Is there anyway to get the NSFL tag to appear without clicking into the link? Really didn't want to watch a bunch of people die today...


Another [win](https://imgur.com/dTiSCqh) for old reddit


Oh, that explains why so many are complaining. Even when you open the thread it's blurred and not autoplaying for me. I always read comments first before watching a NSFL video. https://i.imgur.com/ukwl8IT.png


I feel like Reddit really need to bring back the gore subreddits so this stuff stops getting posted in more tame subreddits. At least WPD was easy to avoid when it was in its own terrible hidey-hole.


For real. Had no idea what I was about to witness.


Man.. same! Makes me feel unwell. What a tragedy. Would be nice if there was a separate Reddit setting similar to NSFW.


Crowding situations are always dangerous for reasons like this.


That lady on the right and black dress fell Right on her face and chest. 😬


Horrible fate. But that one dude power jumping to safety made me puff air out of my nose. Before ya know. Those people came into frame


A), this is not a public freakout. B), this is people dying. C), gross


It literally breaks rule 8. Mods must be asleep.


There are so many accidents that happen with large crowds. I can remember being at a party at an underfround restaurant which only had a narrow stairway access. It was getting really too crowded so I thought I'd get out. When I got to the top of the stairs, there were people taking the wheels of a wheelchair to be able to carry the guy in the wheelchair down the stairs.Thankfully, nothing happened but I could see how it would have gone completely wrong had they dropped him and blocked the exit.


Yeah it's very difficult to control huge crowds. I remember way back in like 2008 I saw Rage Against the Machine at Lollapalooza. There must have been 80,000 or more in the crowd. And everyone was amped up because RATM had been away for a while. I was way back but the people in front were getting crushed against the stage. Zack told the crowd "if you don't chill out, we are leaving." Thankfully the crowd chilled out enough that nobody died.


Yes, large crowds are definitely a thing that makes me have extra situational awareness. Like knowing where the nearest exit is. Ever see that video of The Station nightclub fire? Where dozens of people died because they all rushed for the same door and piled up and got stuck even though the door was open? Yeah, keep an eye on things when you're in a crowd. Locate an exit that is not the main entrance. Don't lean on the balcony railing.


Ever since a group of tourists fell after a balcony collapsed in Berkeley, CA gave way, I've always been sketched from crowds at geights. This video just adds on to that hesitation. I'm never going in that pool that is stories up between two buildings.


Honestly now OVERCROWDED in a space where it shouldn't be, I'm getting the fuck out.


When did this sub turn into r/watchpeopledie ?


Because they shut it down so it's gotta go somewhere




oh my god. what the fuck


Holy fucking shit. That is fucking terrible. RIP, man


this is why I never lean up against those glass railings.


I’m sad now


This isn’t a public freakout


Guy just ran off like he did an oopsie


Serious question: Is this content appropriate for this sub? I realise it's marked NSFW but a public freakout is surely diffrerent than watching people die.


Yo this isn’t public freak out this is just people dying


No NSFL tag? Really?


man I think I'm done with this sub :(. This is the 3rd nsfl video I've had pop-up from it this week, and I just don't want to see people dying. Never used to have these kinda videos on it..




Some of those folks ain't getting up from that.


Ayo what the fuck?!


No force can make me walk on glass anymore.


The guy in the white shirt was the last one coming down and he bounced on a pile of people. Doesn't hesitate, just jumps up and trots away? I guess a little bit of shock.


Adrenaline gets you going fast


Dude falls 30 ft and was like ![gif](giphy|PkLPBuyozY7F31wCxF)




why did this not show as NSFL on the front page?? I just saw people die without warning, ffs


I've seen some wild shit on the internet and this might be the wildest shit I've ever seen. Goddamn. Life is precious and fleeting. Make the most of every day


that looks like a scene from a final destination movie... rly horrible :/


I've never seen people spill onto a sidewalk like water before... Jfc




Terrifying way to go.


This is exactly why I still don't get why people think using glass as any kind of thing people walk on is a good idea. Like sure it won't cause an issue 95% of the time. But when it does, it REALLY goes wrong...


Good god that is horrifying.


I've never seen people being poured onto pavement like that. Terrifying.


Must have been traumatizing being one of the people who where able to stand up and walk away simple because they landed on someone else's injured/dead body


Wow that's F'up...why in the hell did homeboy took off running like he did something.




Ok I was just expecting glass to fall and hurt someone on the floor I didn't expect people to fall with it wtf


It's like someone poured a cup full of people out