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If Florida is the armpit of the US then Pasco Country is the anus on that armpit


So THAT’S where B.O. comes from.


Polk county is the step-Florida of Florida


Lmao Pasco County is quite a special place alright.


Wait what? You’re telling me this isn’t New England? That accent, cadence and attitude screams masshole


FL got a lot of transplants from the northeast during/after covid.


New lady just started managing my local dunkin here in Florida and she is from Boston with a thick Boston accent It’s honestly so legit and she is an animal running that store so it’s just perfect


Drivers from NY, first cop is def from Boston, but the sheriffs uniform is a florida uniform for sure


I am from Mass and thought the accent was Masshole


Glen Affleck was ready to rumble with this cop


God damn that's such a good description




The immovable douche meets the unstoppable prick.


Pretty much. The grades at the end were a joke. Both fail based on common human decency alone.


I would say the cop fails more. He has power with his badge and with it comes responsability. Cops are supposed to be rolemodels for laws.


Even uncle Ben knew this.




Getting out of your car when you are pulled over police before being instructed to do so is literally one of the stupidest things you can do in life. It puts the cop on edge and everything just goes downhill from there. Never get out of your car at a police stop unless instructed to do so.


Imagine getting fucked over by a cop and some dude on reddit goes, well at least you had common human decency. Talk about missing the point.


Don’t worry, he’s almost in his deaththroes..


Why treat a position that doesn't treat humans as human with any respect? Fuck cops, man. If an attitude hurts his feelings then he should change jobs


Is there any requirement for a supervisor to be called? Or can you request a supervisor in any traffic stop?


There's no lawful requirement for them to get a supervisor, but there is a lawful requirement to identify yourself 


Ok so I have a legit question(s) - is the motorist obligated to ID himself simply because the officer has requested it? Obviously he has been pulled over, does that in and of itself constitute the investigation of a crime? Or does the officer need to tell the motorist why he has been pulled over prior to requesting identification?


This varies by state and is one reason it can be so frustrating because the advice isn’t clear across the board.


The most common answer is "yes" since driving a registered motor vehicle on a public roadway is a matter of civil eligibility; so checking for license, *registration, and proof of insurance*, is technically a way of checking compliance with civil regulation (also there has to be reasonable suspicion to pull someone over). The mixed bag is moreso; "Can the police ID you at any time?". If the police are asking only for identifying information, then there's a larger dilemma that varies by state. Some states have laws stating the police may ID you at anytime for any reason, some states have laws specifying the requirement for reasonable suspicion or even probable cause. The difference between the two is; "Circumstantial to check for compliance with civil regulation" and "Search & seizure relevant to Constitutional law and civil liberties."


> Some states have laws stating the police may ID you at anytime for any reason Stop and ID laws still require a reasonable suspicion of a crime. 4th amendment still applies.




>The most common answer is "yes" since driving a registered motor vehicle on a public roadway is a matter of civil eligibility; so checking for license, registration, and proof of insurance, is technically a way of checking compliance with civil regulation (also there has to be reasonable suspicion to pull someone over). But the only situation where they can stop you specifically to check compliance is if there's some reasonable suspicion. They'd still have to let you know what about the car from the outside gave them reason to suspect you weren't licensed. One way or another, you can't owe them anything until they give you the reason they're interacting with you at all. They're not legally entitled to your time unless you have in fact already done something wrong.


[Here's](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8XDGVI_ptI) a quick 4 minute video that talks about case law. I think we get to see Brendlin v. California and Whren v. U.S.


The grey area is that they require you to commit a traffic violation to perform a terry stop. Since you are operating a motor vehicle they require to check if you have a driver's license which is your ID.


Looks like your other questions have been answered but as far as this one: *"Obviously he has been pulled over, does that in and of itself constitute the investigation of a crime?"* No. Being pulled over while driving does not necessarily mean you are suspected of committing a crime, as traffic violations are not necessarily crimes. However if it is a valid stop, the driver may be required to provide their license, registration and proof of insurance upon request from a police officer, depending on state laws.


> is the motorist obligated to ID himself simply because the officer has requested it? Obviously he has been pulled over, does that in and of itself constitute the investigation of a crime? Yes. During a traffic stop you are lawfully detained for a traffic violation and have to provide your DL. >Or does the officer need to tell the motorist why he has been pulled over prior to requesting identification? Not in the US unless there's a state law I'm unaware of. Some agencies recommend or outright set such policy, but pushing the issue when you haven't memorized your local agency's SOP is a bad idea.


In most places the answer to that is yes, he has to ID himself.


Is there not also a law that they have to tell you what you got pulled over for?




California now has a law that states this . They have to now tell you the reason they stoped you first


And thanks to people seeing things on TV and assuming every state has the same laws, will result in confrontations like this throughout the country.


There really shouldn't be a confrontation for asking a common sense question. Most cop realize thi, we should have to have laws for something like this but here we are...


It's perceived as putting your foot in the door to the driver conducting the traffic stop rather than the cop conducting the traffic stop. They want you to do what you're told, not ask them questions.


I can't that's why I'm asking lmao, I'm not even from the states


It depends on where this video is taking place. In some US states, Police can’t compel you to provide ID without reasonable suspicion of criminal activity. So depending upon where the video takes place, it’s not unreasonable for the driver to ask why he is being pulled over.


There is a lawful requirement to indentify yourself only if (at least in my state) that stop was lawful in the first place. This stop clearly was lawful, but the cop handled is horribly as how the fuck are we supposed to know if the stop is legal if they won't give a reason.


*in a lawful stop All of these conversations must be pinned on this. Citizen compliance is contingent on their belief that they were breaking a law. Police don't have the power to decide whether a law was broken, that decision is made in court. Every citizen the police deal with is legally innocent and those citizens should be expected to comport themselves as if their behavior is legitimate and the police intervention is insulting. Police should expect noncompliance and they must learn how to get that legally innocent citizen to court without relying on force.


I've watched plenty of Sovereign Citizens videos on YouTube (Van Balion has a great channel!) and apparently, it varies by jurisdiction. In the end, though, how often does the supervisor change anything for someone who committed several traffic offenses or crimes?


OMFG what kind of rabbit hole have you just oppened to me. That channel is full of insane people :O I don't think we have a movement like this in Spain... yet




But to what end? How does that benefit the driver? Do you mean in a lawsuit?


I've seen it change things countless times. Audit the audit has many such examples on youtube.


AFAIK It's not a federal law but it is a very common departmental policy


he thinks he called customer service


You can request whatever you want at a traffic stop.


Here they won’t wait for a supervisor, they’ll give you the contact info and you’re welcome to call them if you want, it probably want change anything. You should just take your ticket and take it to court if you feel the officier did something wrong. Side of the road isn’t the place to argue.


Naw this cuts out an important chunk. I don't know why they edited out the whole interaction prior to this. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8SorwP8Bf7s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8SorwP8Bf7s) The guy that got pulled over sure was douchey but this cop pulled him over for bullshit reasons so of course he wants to know why he's pulled over first and wanting a supervisor. This is the kind of cop you don't want around in chaotic situations since he's likely to make things worse.


That changes everything. The cop straight up lied, saying that the driver "fishtailed" leaving the initial stop. The driver was initially annoyed - understandably - but not at all hostile until the cop made the inexcusable second stop. The cop is a pathetic little boy whose feelings got hurt.


That cop calmed his voice down and came up with a reason for the stop quick once he started recording him.


I noticed that too.


The guy sounds like when I’m talking to automated /AI phone chats. PHARMACY PHARMACIST. TALK TO PHARMACIST - me at CVS


The Walmart AI almost sounds frustrated with me but I KNOW I need a pharmacist and don't feel like having to argue with ai about information I don't have.


The reason for the stop should be the first thing out of the officer’s mouth in all situations. I feel like it would prevent a lot of nonsense. Not taking anyone’s side here.


It should but in a traffic stop you are required to identify yourself. The rules go both ways. Ideally a cop is the more professional person in these cases, however.


I agree it would help in a lot of cases, but it also wouldn’t magically solve everything. I’ve seen way too many videos here of basically: “The reason I stopped you is because you were speeding.” “No I wasn’t, why did you really pull me over?” “Well, my radar gun says otherwise, License and registration,” “But you won’t tell me why I was pulled over.” “I already did, speeding.” “And i’m saying I wasn’t, and I wont cooperate until you give me a real reason.” Etc etc forever with them claiming they were never given a reason.


I've seen this too, but the cop pulls him over, and he had video proof that he was going the speed limit because he had cruise control on. Cop at first was like it's on the radar and then told him to have a nice day after seeing the video.


Agreed. Seen so many videos where the suspect just argues over and over regardless of what the officer says


Because they don't actually want the reason, they just want to delay and stomp their feet like a Karen and demand a supervisor


they have to give you a reason, but whether the reason is real or not is up in the air.


Common misconception, there is absolutely no requirement to be given the reason before identifying yourself. Stop repeating misinformation before you end up looking like an idiot like the guy in the video.


It depends where you live... You are giving equaly false information as the person you're replying too. Beyond that it SHOULD be the law everywhere so we should probably work on getting that done rather than bickering with each other.


This is just the Spider-Man pointing meme. I hate both of these people.


Why? Because the guy didn’t let the pig walk all over him?


Because he could have stood up for himself without making that much unnecessarily harder for both himself and the cop. "LEARN TO DE-ESCALATE THE SITUATION!" he says, as he keeps on escalating the situation 😂. When he actually calms down he starts making a lot of sense.


They both made this harder than it needed to be.


When an unstoppable ego meets an immovable ego


But only one is a public servant.


Only one is issued a badge and gun and gets paid to serve and protect.


One of my best friends is a cop and he described his day-to-day as "Consistently meeting people on the worst day of their year/life" and how that dictates his demeanor when approaching people. I think about that a lot and how that attitude can work to defuse volatile situations like this, or worse


"Worst day of their life". Yep. Tangent: that is the reason my father gave for going into patent law. It is the only field of law where people come to you happy because they just had The Greatest Idea.


I got pulled over last week for the first time in a while. I was absolutely in the wrong legally, but I explained why I did (which I did have an actual reason for, not that it made it "right") what I did calmly, was polite, and we had a laugh about it and he let me go without a ticket. Wasn't too hard.


It worked for you that time and I’m glad it did. But every lawyer in the world would tell you that what you did was a bad idea. Hopefully you never see why…


This was pretty minor so I knew I'd just pay the ticket if he gave it to me.


I find a weird how such an aggro man, AFTER aggressively getting out of his car to confront the police officer, could reach for his phone with no fear of reprisals and no reaction from the cop


Seems about white


Why do people think traffic stops will go well if you act like this?


East Coast Godzilla Meets Connecticut King Kong. I fucking hate both these guys.


Dont waste your time watching this, I just wasted 7mins and no one was arrested or shot. Yawn!!


When two last word having motherfuckers meet.


squeamish instinctive squalid chase mysterious overconfident piquant sand subtract adjoining *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


These two need to fuxk it out.


They’re both dickheads. Settled.


When dicks collide


Anyone who doesn’t think white privilege is real, just show ‘em this fucking piece of work.


White people run into bad cops all the time. It's not a suffering contest. I also don't run police barricades.


> It's not a suffering contest. lol i like this comment but, i feel like we've all seen a ton of videos where the driver is less than half as rude but gets violently arrested immediately.




How the "grading portion" of the video gave this guy a B is beyond me


If that hadn't been a white guy, there was a good chance he would have been shot, not just had a gun drawn on him for jumping out of the car like that, especially after going around a police barricade


Show them one video of a traffic stop?


Lmao yeah nothing physical despite so much shit being said


Their accents makes this a funny conversation


>are you from new york? >yeah! >hahaha... (everything makes sense now)


They could be brothers


Legally they have to tell you before you have to give your info. Funny how he decided to give him the reason once he pulled his video out.


Maybe he should have just complied and this would have not been a stupid situation in the first place




The time to argue isn't at the side of the road. Court is where you argue.


“What he failed to understand” “yeah stop talking” supervisor shut that shit down immediately 😭


that wasnt a supervisor, they never called one


I’m give this stupid Audit of an Audit a D-


Audit the audit the audit.


Driver hit the nail on the head. That cop was either constantly bullied or the kid who bullied everyone. Nothing worse than an insecure, tiny dick, white guy with a gun and sense of importance. ACAB


I learned to deescalate better at 16 at McDonald's, grown ass adults straight throwing shit and I always kept my cool. I've seen people get fired at restaurants and retail stores for even half of that aggression, so why can't we hold our police to the same standard


Cops kinda freak me out nowadays but this everybody asking for a supervisor to drive to you at every little thing has to be frustrating as hell


yeah but you're also seeing just the traffic stops worth posting


Call a supervisor? What a waste of taxpayers money and a waste of police time for something it looks like he actually did. Just give them the id.


Cop was fine, guy was an asshole. Easy.


Don’t argue with cops lol. The cop tried.


This is retaliatory. I guess he doesn’t remember telling me to write the ticket.


Regardless of the cop being in the wrong or not: What kind of idiot gets stopped by cops, then gets out of the car and walk towards them? That joke about being shot was almost **very** real.


"Learn to de escalate the situation". - Man whose whole identity is escalating situations. Cop who didn't have enough training to learn how do his job properly meets man-child who didn't have enough training on how to be a functional adult.


We live in a country where we’re always fighting. The guy doesn’t wanna give Id the cop doesn’t wanna give Id. How are we supposed to trust the people who “protect us” when they are just as petty as the next person they pull over. Anything a cop CAN get always with they WILL. It’s pathetic on both ends honestly.


This guy is way to hyped to be police officer




Unless you’re in Louisiana and that’s what they want.


LOL. This auditor is insane. “While our subject did demonstrate that he is proficient at being a complete asshat, ACAB, therefore I rest my case”


Everyone Sucks Here Mr. Cardew getting a B grade to me is pretty fucking ridiculous and I am no fan of police officers. Getting out of your car upon getting pulled over would have at minimum gotten him arrested and possibly gotten himself killed if he were a minority.


Alpha Male douche bros on all sides for sure, but fuck me that guy in the car got off so fucking easy cause not black.


Of course the cop had a bad attitude. The guy got out of his car and started walking toward the cop during a traffic stop. Dudes lucky he didn’t get shot and people are defending him? Unreal.


Some of ya’ll really have no expectations for professionalism from police.


It’s a traffic stop, not a fucking homicide the cop rolled up on. Imagine if everyone whose job was objectively more dangerous than law enforcement was allowed to act like you accept cops acting. We'd have construction workers shooting black bystanders who lOoKeD sUsPiCiOuS. I can only imagine how many reasonable things are *unreal* to you.


A person walking is reason to kill them? Unreal.


That is not at all what I said but ok.


Two As\*holes meet eachother


The guy can’t even speak he’s so hopped up. He’s going to end up killing someone


Honestly, both of these guys are clowns lol. Cop shoulda just told him the reason from the getgo, but that dude had no reason to pester on and not hand him his info.


man. at the start of this video i thought the guy was just being a total dick. but now that im through it, its that the cop finally ran into someone that doesn't take their shit... when the cop said "I don't want you to talk yourself into handcuffs" I was amazed at how unaware the cop was about how that sounds.. aren't the cops in florida all about fweedom of speech and shit when they're saying racist crap on facebook?


I don’t really like 1st amendment audit videos and the auditors often seem obnoxious but I usually dig Audit The Audit.


What did the guy do for the cop to start shouting to go back in his car? Video starts with the guy standing doing nothing, looks like something is missing here.


Sad twerp


Sounds like dude was talking to the CVS automated line.


What we have here is a failure to communicate


The way the announcer says "ignored" is the most pretentious pronunciation of the word I have ever heard.


Cops suck, but Cardew was askin' for it.


“I left….rapidly” lmaooo


What's up with these 30min videos on this sub recently?


lol the other cop was like "so youre from NY?" "yeah" Cop: "...." thinking that explains it


Once he started to fumble verbally it was over. The other dude smelled weakness.


Guaranteed a C- from some random YouTube channel is the closest thing to a reprimand this officer received for this ridiculous interaction.


Mr. Carded needs to act like an adult and keep it calm. Losing control during a police encounter never is productive.


It’s Florida but they all sound like they’re from Jersey.


Worst accent in all of the United States.


How every cop deserves to be treated 💅