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I'm sorry. Their cheeky attitude makes it so much worse.


Because they know the cops aren’t going to do anything.


The last and only 4 times I needed the cops help they came by and said nothing they can do even with evidence which were security camera recordings and cell recordings they watched. Called an old friend that’s a lawyer and I’m like cops should handle this right? He said I’m sure I know im right but let me look up your area laws and I’ll get back to you just as they may have something that says they don’t have to do anything or take a car about it. He came back to me and said call the department and speak to a supervisor cause yea they can just ignore it. Supervisor said you must have a bad lawyer that wants your money. This was all free advice.


Same, ex girlfriend, myself and about 12 other people had our bikes stolen from our buildings bike storage by former tenants, police said “you can file a report for your insurance but people lose their bikes all the time, the security footage isn’t clear enough to determine a solid id either way.” That was 4 years ago, nobody here got their bike back.


They don't want to invest resources into solving actual crimes. They just wanna shoot and kill people on wellness checks and punish you for non violent traffic offenses


Or something to do with large sums of money or the forfeiture of property like drug crimes.


Dont forget the shooting any dog that looks in their general direction.


While not stopping active shooters in schools(looking at you, Uvalde)


Uvalde was an exception. It's not like the police at Parkland waited outside until the shooter's weapon jammed. Oh wait, police have a long and consistent history of doing nothing. Guns are dangerous, you can't expect them to run towards danger. Uvalde was even worse because parents were being arrested, but they weren't attempting to arrest the shooter.


Seriously, and they had nearly 400 officers outside of the school and managed to stop anyone from intervening for 77 minutes. The DOJ has found that their response was a "cascade of failures." It's sad that teachers get more active shooters training than most police officers. Since that incident, officers now have to complete 8 hours of training annually. Oh, and the officers were cleared of any wrongdoing in the Uvalde shooting. They were found to have "acted in good faith" after allowing 19 children and 2 teachers to die. The investigator that the city hired to conduct the response to the shooting has no active shooter response training, how is someone with no active shooter training supposed to accurately investigate police response to an active shooter? The city paid over $100,000 for the investigation and took nearly 2 years to complete(which was originally supposed to take 60-90 days.)


At Parkland, the police gathered out front, and after the shooters gun jammed, he walked away, because the police didn't even bother setting up a perimeter, and just gathered on one spot to wait and do nothing. Also at Parkland, during a shooting, nobody signalled a shooting, because they had a process for handling a shooter response, but no training, so nobody followed the response everyone was told exists. The amount of incompetence in schools and police is absurd. Feels like the school plan was thrust upon them as yet another unfunded mandate they were aware of, but not paid to train in.


So, beat tagger up , put him in a dog suit then call the cops?


Conservative cops in liberal cities. They do jack shit and blame all the problems on immigrants and minorities.


Call the cops anyway. Get them to verify identity, and write a report. Makes civil court suit for damages and any insurance claim easier.


Yeah I didn’t really care until I seen how they reacted. I really hope they get what’s coming for them now


Because the guy hasn’t ever been punched in the face. People with smug attitudes have never been in a real fight before.


Completely oblivious to the very concept that his shitty actions could have repercussions. Graffiti was a street thing where you had to be tough because you faced real danger doing it. Now, there are dorks like this doing it.


British person here. You are using cheeky wrong.


I reckon these blokes are acting like right cunts yeah?


Ok, Butcher.


That sounds more Australian


aussie here no we just call them `cunts` and the other guy understands that they are in fact a `cunt`. ps no need to use any other words in a sentence while calling someone else a `cunt`. ps :)




"Their Cunty Twat Wanker attitude makes it so much worse." Is that better ?


Well, now you’re just quoting Shakespeare


I reckon smug is a better fit.


Everyone smug till they been smashed in the mug.


They're using it how Americans would use the word, I don't think they're trying to use British slang.


Nah that’s the proper use, you’re referring to the slang


That’s one of the most punchable faces I’ve seen this year. Kudos to you Mr Mouth Breather


It's both of their attitudes. "YOU CAN SAND IT!!!!!" How about not touching let alone damaging other people's shit? And if someone did it to them they'd probably cry the most about it too.


He didn't say "you can sand it". When the owner said he paid 16k to rebuild the place the guy was mocking him saying "16k? he didn't even sand it"


that's an expensive looking folding bike, they probably live somewhere with security to prevent such things. Rich entitled douchebags.


Business owner should have tagged that bike.


They look too old for that shit. They look old enough to have teenage kids that would do that.


I see you’re unfamiliar with the common Brooklyn manchild lol


Taggers are the same pieces of shit everywhere, and all emotionally stuck at 15.


Giggly wasteman scrawling "KRUD" just like he did in high school with buddy holding up his dipster folding getaway bike hurr durr.


That's what I thought... these are grown men!


These dudes look *MY* age… I’m closer to 40 than 30… these shit for brains need to grow the fuck up, like 10 years ago…


Probably never grew up and don’t have jobs etc…. Hence why they have time to go tagging like a child.


> don’t have jobs Of course they do. They are artists. /S


NYC hipsters suck


Dude has a fuckin cell phone Fanny pack.


In Sweden a bunch of middle-aged men, like I'm talking 40-45 y.o. got arrested after years of them doing graffiti on trains. Don't think it really made the news but in the "train community" it was big news since we've spent so much money washing it off and trying to have security patrolling train yards etc.




These guys look more like the type to still be trying to chat up girls in their 20s, and also be totally confused as to why women their age want nothing to do with them.


Wankers with zero talent


In other words, he's a Toy.


To make matters worse the graffiti isn’t even remotely good


Most graffiti sucks


lol exactly, terminally online people act like taggers are secret geniuses when most of the time they are drunk assholes or junkies who stole a couple paint cans


Wtf?? His stupid cheese smile. He’s like 46… bruh.. don’t you have some ultimate frisbee to get to?


The sociopath smirk. Huge red flag


Looks like they're about to play pickleball and get a craft beer after.


Bullshit, those two have never willingly taken part in a sport.


In the immortal words of Zach Galifianakis “are you sad that somewhere there’s a sack not being hackied?”


He should have just secretly followed them home after recording this and do the same to their property/front door. And then maybe even report them after with the video proof for extra fuck you.


You can't vandalize much of anything they own, because they don't own much. That bicycle could easily be the most expensive thing the guy owns.


Yeah was thinking I’d like to bust his spokes in because that’s a royal pita to fix


Hell naw, taco the fuckin' wheels, that'll be way better.


Vandalize his face


Time to yeet his bike then


Or follow them home, get their address, and go to the police and civil court? These guys probably rent anyways. The best way to beat losers like these is to take the high road. They'll get what's coming. Cops are more willing to deal with an incident at a business.


> The best way to beat losers like these is to take the high road. They'll get what's coming. 51% of homicides go unsolved.


Rookie numbers, live in DC.


>Or follow them home, get their address, and go to the police and civil court? Yea but that's no fun and you also have to put up alot pf money to do that. In this case I personally think it'd be way funnier to do what I said. Then you could even show their property manager that they tagged your business then they'll assume they did it to their door/property also. Bada Bing Botta boom they get evicted/have to go to eviction court.


Zero chance they own their own homes. They'd just call their landlord and bother them about it.


I’m sure these guys will get doxxed soon enough




I don’t have TikTok and i can’t view it in the browser. What’s going on here


Guy called Danesh doxxed him already, it's some Japanese dude and apparently the victim already filed a report against him


Goddamn, that guy is a professional at doxxing holy shit


All the good doxxers should receive presidential medals of Freedom. I can't imagine having someone be so smug about ruining your property and just feeling helpless.


oh shit. if you Google his name, you get the art gallery's that carry this work, his email address, and a bunch of personal info. This dumbass has his whole life just flapping in the breeze online


Honestly the cops won’t care they’ll just tell him to power wash or paint over the graffiti, this will be below low priority


Public shaming is a powerful tool tho — this video very clearly shows their faces, these two nerdy fucks are going viral for the first time in their lives and everyone they know will see it in short order. They will be punished one way or the other even if it’s just shame, tho I wouldn’t be least bit surprised if their property get vandalized in retaliation by someone out there


I give them 2 hours before all of TikTok knows their entire life stories.


They've apparently already been identified in the TikTok comments


That was about 2 hours.


Remindme! two hours


And if they have no shame they could use the attention to make money off more of these vids!


No no it’s far more asinine than that, the city won’t ignore it. Not that they’ll pursue the vandals, but they *will* tape a notice to it notifying the business owner that *they* have to paint over the graffiti within 10 days (or similar time period) or be fined.


Internet do your thing and find these fuckers


https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGegXgQ7K/ found


Remindme! two hours


I can’t wait to watch the reel about their reckoning in a few days.


Remindme! two days Edit: No update. It's a shame these yuppie fucks haven't been caught, but sadly it is what it is. Fresh coat of paint works wonders.


Sending the video to the cops will do nothing. They will not go out of their way to investigate something like this. The best use of this video is to use it to post up pictures of these douchebags throughout the immediate neighborhood. Hand out posters to the neighboring business owners so they know not allow them into their shops and restaurants. Put a QR code on the poster of this video so every passerby can see this footage. Publicly shame the behavior. Tactics like this have worked in neighborhoods publicly shaming shoplifters to reduce shoplifting. In some cases, a few of the shamed shoplifters have ended up returning items and apologizing. But leaving this to the cops will do nothing.


Local news will eat this footage up.


Backpfeifengesicht: German for "*a face that's badly in need of a fist*"


I love how the Germans have these wonderfully niche terms for things.




Not a portmanteau, but the French have the similar phrase "tête à claques", meaning "a face for slapping"


What a pair of douchers




A lot of people would behave differently if they get punched in the face every now and then.


Sometimes the only thing a bully understands is a punch in the mouth - Jason Mendoza *The Good Place*


"This is my bud-hole! It's just like a hole where me and my buds can hang out." - Jason Mendoza, The Good Place


No doubt. There would be something innately satisfying if someone wiped the smirk off that asshole's face. Watching shit like this or shoplifting videos where people get caught, it always amazes me when people don't appear embarrassed much less ashamed and argue with the people they've wronged.


Or at least have their bike fucked up.


They deserve to have Harry Potter glasses drawn in their faces with sharpie.


Not that long ago a guy here (NL) pulled out a spray can and started tagging the side of a store, employee happened to take the trash out, saw him, walked up to him and kicked him so hard in the tailbone the dude limped out of there. If you tolerate this shit, they will keep doing it.


Violence is often the answer.




People facing violent consequences immediately after their actions would stop a lot of this


Agree, but....Violence very well can be the answer on a lot of shit.


I hate when people downplay the necessity of violence. If violence was never the answer then no country would need a military or police force. Strange we have never seen a functional society without either.


It's a question, the answer is Yes in this case


He should just beat that guy. The guy probably isn’t going to call the cops.


he didn't even make any graffiti - he did the equivalent of a 6 year old with a magic marker who just wrote a bad word they just learned but probably misspelled it




When I was a teenager, I painted horse fences and businesses. I remember spending grueling hot days painting and then 2 or 3 times coming back to see someone tagged it…all my work…for nothing. The owner paid us and he has to do it all over again or leave tags on their business. I feel the same thing when people destroy public bathrooms, someone had to install all of that, someone had to pay for that, and you are going to ruin someone’s work for fun. I’ll never get it


Shoulda taken the bike.


You want your bike back? Why would you, it’s terrrrible dude!


Like Deebo, **MY BIKE PUNK!!**


Definitely stomping on their wheel to bend it


This is where you quietly stalk them back to their house. Then I would make it my life goal to terrorize him over the next year undetected.




I believe that shit eating smirk was the moment they realised they weren't about to get a justified beating and be made to wait for the police, and that the guy wasn't going to do anything but record them. Bet the cunt didn't expect the video to go viral though. Another commenter said they've been identified by tiktok commenters, if that's true then this is probably going to work out pretty well anyway.


I lived in Mexico for a few years in my late teen years. There was a guy around town who would always tag public places. One day my friends and I found out who it was so we tagged his house. He was not too happy about it, hypocrisy thy name is Sergio Martin!






That tag is trash too you can tell this guy just started tagging as a grown man which makes this even more insufferable


All tags are trash. It’s the single stupidest form of graffiti 


Yeah, a tag goes after art like a signature, if the tag is the "art" then you're just a prick. Also just a prick if you graffiti local businesses whether you do it well or not. These people that literally just have a badly styalised signature that they do everywhere for no reason are the fucking worst, my guess is they get some pathetic kind of rush from committing minor nuisance crimes like a teenager. Bet this guy just loves to litter while acting pious about caring about the environment. Edit: realised this makes it sound like i do graffiti, i don't, i can hardly draw.




If you can grow facial hair, you’re too old to be tagging. These guys are borderline.


Grown ass men scribbling on the walls like a child


Video needs to blow up for them to get caught. I hate privileged graffiti kids. Their names have been posted deep in the replies of the TikTok's comments if anyone wants to see. I will not post here because I'm not doxxing.


Is TikTok like, cool with doxxing or something?


No, tiktok is absolutely anti-doxxing... unless unhappy with a person in any way. In fairness, I'm all for it when it comes to finding guys like this, not when it's a reaction to internet drama.


That’s the kind of attitude one can have when they’ve never been punched in the mouth before.


I had an old roommate who was a tagger and an absolute menace. No respect for anything or anyone. His whole premise was “public spaces should be for the public and private property is stolen anyway, so who cares” If it weren’t for him tagging struggling local businesses on top of everything else, MAYBE he’d be able to convince me of his backwards mental gymnastics if I stayed there longer. Total shithead, 1/10.


Looks like complete shit to


I don’t know about you but I’d probably take that guys bike


I'd keep a spray can around and tag their bike.


to be 35 and a toy smh


Such a punchable face


Tagging is the worst form of “art”, it’s low effort trash.  If you’re going to use spray cans make something beautiful 


if they we’re actuall good taggers i might have been an accepting owner and let them do it if they did the whole wall, but these butt heads are terrible artists.


Seeing people my age doing this shit is so embarrassing. Like, fuck, man. You suck at art, you're a fuckin lame, and look to have entitled views on life. Why don't they go tag a Walmart or Hobby Lobby? Fuck this man-children


Tagging is one of the dumbest things ever. No one but you and your idiot friends know who did the tag. It's not art that's pleasant to look at like many other street arts out there. It's a cost and hassle for someone else to deal with. Just absolute scum people.


Can we... help the cops find these jerks?


Name and shame. Or at least snitch them out to their bosses.


What pieces of shit fuck those guys


Less talking, more swinging heavy objects in and around some heads.


Ive never wanted to smack someone so badly until i saw this Pos


Would be a shame if someone destroyed their bicycles...


That first guy brags at the bars about how cool his tagging is. I guarantee it.


That guy didn't do all those tags. He just added to it. If you see graffiti, you have to clean it. Otherwise, it will grow like weeds.


This is someone who’s never had to answer for their actions. I would’ve stuck my pocket knife in the bike tire.


choose violence


so freaking cringe. tagging is lame.


Smug mfs.


What I don't get about graffiti is how it always looks like shit. They want attention but they don't have the artistic impulse to make anything that looks cool or says anything about anything, so it ends up being blocky letters that look indistinguishable from other graffiti. Imagine being such a loser you ruin other people's shit to get noticed and you still don't get noticed.


They live on the corner of dip and stick


As a cyclist myself, I wanna break his bike and make him eat every single part. And tell him to just "sand it"


Those are the type of guys that advocate for communism.


It would have taken everything in me not to go to jail that day for assault lol


Just purposefully making the city uglier. Fuck his shit eating grin


Please tell me they got caught and fined


Graffiti must be one of the pettiest of all crimes, right up there with littering. What a loser


The kind of cynical losers who long for their teenage years and try to stay cool but end up just being pathetic.


Violence is a question and the answer is always yes


He was charged 16k for that?? He needs to report two crimes, whoever made that shoddily built nightmare and had the gall to charge so much and those smirking twats that defaced it.


Well it IS NYC. God knows what a single square foot goes for.


Labor, material, permits…seems about right, unfortunately


Should've grabbed his glasses and break it in half


Keep the graffiti up but put a line through their names


Proving that the broken window theory still holds true.


Why not ask for the marker and tag his bike


I just don't understand get what people get scribbling on stuff.


Fuck their shit eating grins


Smash that bike rim! One heel kick and they ain't riding nowhere.


They justify their action by saying "it looks cheap anyway". Wtf


I'm a big fan of tagging when it looks cool because some of those dudes are real artists. I hate it when it's just black spray paint and just some cunt's name. Like fuck you


Grown men doing this.


Make punching assholes for being assholes ok again


Nearly 40 years old throwing up some toy shit like it's cool. High key loser vibes. Even cope2 isn't this corny.


Already identified by Danesh


At least make 🎨


I’ve been traveling more and I’m currently in South Korea, but also recently been in Paris and Barcelona. I’m originally from the Los Angeles and visit NYC 4-6x/year. Although I’ve been trying my hardest looking for graffiti and tagging. Instead, I see: 1. Clean streets (mostly) 2. Shopkeepers leaving jewelry in their store windows at night. 3. No front door security guards needed at the designer flagship stores (Gucci, Hermes, etc). No ‘smash and grabs’ here. 4. Buses and trains are reliably every 8-10minutes. 5. Public transit is clean and practically shiny new. 6. Convenience stores are ubiquitous but also safe and cleaner. They are used by all classes of people. I see many people wearing American brands, but as everyone learns more about how the U.S. has deteriorated, our unique “American” branding will lose its attractiveness. Why can’t we respect each other more in the U.S.? It seems we’re just breeding entitled assholes now.


You’ll get better results doxing them


that is art? I feel Like anybody with a marker can do that so why is he smug


16k for what


Taggers are losers


dude needs a 4 iron to the dome


Beat on his face till there are no teeth left.