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Racism, Sexism, Homophobia, Transphobia, Harassment, Race Baiting, Bigotry, etc. (Racist/bigoted people freaking out in videos are allowed, but being a racist in the comments section will result in a ban.) ***OP is 1) pretending to be a person of color and 2) posting old, deliberately inflammatory content




It's too bad those children aren't Palestinian and he isn't Israeli, or there would be a lot more people who'd be fine with his stance.


Fuck Israel




Didn’t the ANC and Democratic Alliance set aside differences and form a coalition government that excludes Zuma’s party and EFF? Do the latter two parties have any significant power in government?




Agreed on most parts, but DA has always been Center Left. Since they were the Rebranded under Tony Leon, and before that Helen Suzman's Progressive Party, who were the main opposition against the NP during Apartheid.


Having a seat in parliament gives him the same voice that every other MP has. He's also filling up a seat in parliament that could have given a voice to a party that represents a legitimate cause. For instance, a party who's sole purpose is to represent disabled people in parliament is unlikely to win an election, but having a seat in parliament gives them a voice to represent their constituency. Someone who can raise issues on their behalf to the other parties who might not have thought of that specific group of people. One seat to a radical doesn't give him the same power, but it takes the power away from someone who legitimately might really have needed that voice in parliament.


Learned nothing from 30 years ago. Apartheid is never acceptable. No matter if you're white or black.




Seems like the crowd want it. Just like the giant crowd singing kill the boer last year. SA is only heading further into the abyss by scapegoating to hide the corruption. Cosying up to Russia is not helping either.


Same thing happens all over the world. Here in the US racist white politicians use Mexicans as the same kind of scapegoat for poor rural whites.


Wait, wait, wait. You're telling me those people who do the hardest labor for the lowest possible wage aren't actually my enemy!? I am shocked I tell ya. Just shocked.


I understand that you don't want this. I never understood the whole ''white vs black'' thing. Why do we judge people just because they have a different skin colour? It just sound so strange to me.


Did you not pay attention during apartheid?


Eh, I know black people were not allowed to do anything the white people didn't wanted them to do. I just don't understand why the whole ''if they have different skin, they're different'' exsist in the first place. We don't judge people for the length of they're legs either.


Man this sounds fake as hell.


No it's not but it's not the same thing. It would be the same thing if the Africans came over here and told us where we could go and where we couldn't go. He wants independence though means I unfortunately CANNOT condone.


if you look at history, black people coexisting with white people after fighting for their freedom or less oppression has never gone well for them. America should be obvious regardless of what time period you look at. Hati is still paying France reparations. Some would argue that learning nothing would be taking a peaceful approach


No, but ''killing random white people'' is just as bad. They have nothing to do what colonizers did in the past.


Haiti paid off that french "debt" over 100 years ago.


Sorry, still suffering from paying off their french """debt"""


He seems nice.


![gif](giphy|H5C8CevNMbpBqNqFjl) My face as a white south African who was 4 years old when apartheid ended.


How much farmland do you own?


Kill de white people but buy my record first.


People give me shit for being a misanthrope


Fuck all misanthropes


racism is racism regardless of who its directed at


15years later. Why are we so hungry? Bring in the white people. After all it’s the [Zimbabwe](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-53988788)


So... It *could* get worse than Donald Trump.


He’s an incompetent and dysfunctional blob. It could get *a lot* worse. As far as wannabe autocrats go we got pretty lucky with him. The next one our system produces might actually be a qualified leader with a coherent plan, that’s what’s scary


*Any* republican candidate is going to stack the Supreme Court and control this country for generations to come. It doesn't matter if Trump himself is incompetent, his handlers and cult members are the real threat.


If this is an argument for why we should permanent entrench political power within one party that’s going to be a *hard* pass from me


I agree that no-one should have absolute power, but one side wants to strip civil rights away from everyone but a small, select group of people who have very specific biological markers and religious beliefs and the other side....doesn't want to do that. If conservatives are worried about losing power or mad that people tend to dislike them perhaps they could try not being batshit fucking insane.


Have you not seen pence? Honestly, of all the 2016 primary candidates, trump probably had me the least worried.


This is pretty much the direction the GOP is going but they’ll throw in a tax cut for the wealthiest one percent too.


Oh boy, another 3 month old account pushing the most divisive and hyperbolic partisan rhetoric Reddit has available. Gotta love elections


Well there are prominent members of the GOP calling for civil war and saying they "cannot lose" so I mean they aren't far off. 6 year old account btw.


And the abortion and being unwilling to let go of Trump is probably going to cost them the election, and they’re going to freak the fuck out 1 week old Soros account Edit: a lot can change in a month lol. Biden sundowning, Trump dodging bullets. We gonna lose now.


Oh I know. Several of them even had their rhetoric platformed and campaigns funded by the DNC because democratic leadership thought it would give them an edge over traditional non insane republicans by scaring voters such as yourself. https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2022/07/democrats-risky-strategy-elevating-maga-republicans Both parties use the one vote/two party system to advance hyperbolic rhetoric and manufacture extremism at the expense of our freedoms and representation. We need ranked choice voting and congressional term limits Edit: this one went completely over his head lol


If the party sees it's radical members being elected and doesn't reign them in, that's their fault dawg. They have every opportunity to incentivize normalcy but they don't. I mean your own article is saying they were endorsed by Trump who's the de facto head of the party now. They wanted these people elected anyway.




Trump isn’t screaming about genocide yet but he does plan to arrest opponents so it’s not a long leap


Sounds like Sudan.


sigh.... another racist thats gonna poison the minds of millions


Hes from a fringe party, no reason to think he has more influence than he does. On a related note, 78% of south African farmland is "owned" by white ancestors of colonists.


Where are these anti genocide protests at universities?


It hasent started yet. Lets hope it doesnt.


They been begging for it for years. Sort of a revenge scenario.


Wow good point, perhaps we should allow all genocide to just happen, stop all this annoying protesting?


Naw I’m saying increase it, and throw this cause into the loop as well! I don’t support any government that wants to murder a minority, some of us aren’t 1 dimensional m


He's just said words so far though, unlike the Israelis who have a big pile of dead kids already. Can't see much to protest against til he starts bombing hospitals etc.


Because the universities don't give money to South African apartheid? What kind of logic is this?


So youre saying they should have 0 political or financial reasons to suppress a protest on other issues not funded by a university? Glad we agreed


Omg your right there is none. Ok everybody let isreal just wipe out those arabs. Fair is fair.


Who said anything about not also protesting Palestine? Lmao we ain’t picking and choosing which genocidal group to hate; they all bad. You can’t care about more than one cause at one time without caring less about the others?


Erm, which cause is this? Call me when the ethnic cleansing starts...will we see the world stand by as little blond kids are bombed? I don't think so


Your post sounds like you are. Does it need to have a university protest to be wrong? I agree with your second post but your first implies the opposite.


Zionnist always trying this false equivalency anything to downplay the "WORLDWIDE" protest against your genocide in Gaza. You anit getting no sympathy here for your genocide army.


Buddy I’m literally so anti Zionist it’s not even funny. I’m just saying it’s weird how allegedly this was said 6 years ago and nothing happened. See funny thing about me is I’m anti murdering anyone for ethnic religious or racial reasons, and I have the ability to hold each issue at the same level of seriousness. Sorry I cared before the mass murder


Yeah, why are people only protesting actual genocide, and not this guy saying fucked up shit 6 years ago?


Gonna be real mind blowing when you find out they are still wanting it to happen and the straight up shenanigans that happens in post apartheid South Africa. And even if it was said 6 years ago…where was all the upset then. It’s kinda like how no one really said anything about what was happening in Syria until like the very very very end when some gas got used…for the millionth time that war. It’s all just trending care. Only times they give a shit is when it’s trendy


I'm just saying that the shit that this guy said six years ago is not even close to the tens of thousands of deaths, and the destruction of a country that we've seen over the last 10 months. If you want to protest this guy, you are free to of course. But to try and undermine people protesting the situation in Gaza with it is just dumb.


I’m not undermining it. I’m pointing out that when this guy said it no one batted an eye. Same with Syria, that was a literal genocide and the world barely cared. But I am pretty aware of one’s ability to also be upset at more than one thing at once.


People absolutely batted an eye. Just not everywhere. People *say* fucked up shit all the time. People don't put it into action every day. Fucked up shit is happening in Gaza, and people are protesting it. People not having protested to the same extent about Syria is not something we can really do anything about at this point in time, and it shouldn't change how we view the situation in Gaza. Also, the US is involved in the situation is Gaza (in a bad way). That's what makes it closer to home.


Listen my initial comment wasn’t to undermine what’s happening in Israel. I find it appalling. I just find the sheer lack of caring about other genocidal acts concerning. Like it’s grossly disheartening to have to explain other situations to coworkers and neighbors cause we tend to polarize certain suffering over others


This guy seems like he’d be fun at a party.




Or a knife…


Or the aux.


Or a corkscrew.


That’s why I support western cape independence


Hitler 2.0


What is MP


Im a dumb American so I dont know why but Kenya aint fucking around today either.


Jeez what did white South Africans ever do to deserve this?


People can only be pushed so far but this is really a stupid thing to say.


>*… we kill their dogs…* I can think of a prominent conservative Governor USA who he would get along with just fine. (Kristi Noem)


Did he just see the movie swordfish?


Nope, the Untouchables.


Give them Elon




Great idea. Worked out well for Zimbabwe.


They can’t just leave you can’t just turn up in any country you want and live there just because they are white they don’t get automatic right to live in Europe


So some dude arrived here in 1652 and now 352 years later it's my fault? What?


While we’re at it we should kick all non natives out of the USA all black people out of Europe and then kick every human out of everywhere and send them to Africa since that is wear humans originated if you want to justify threatening ethnic cleansing on innocent people for being born multiple generations after their family moved somewhere let’s go back to the beginning of migration




I believe the Dutch landed in a region of Africa that was uninhabited at the time.


The Duwamish probably feel the same, Dave.


Their country. We took their people. We took their land. They arr allowed to kill us


Errrrr no.


Hmmm... yeah? His country, his opinion. Sins of the father. Sorry.


Disgusting attitude


White people in the comment section preaching about tolerance.