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I once almost ninja chopped a man trying to get into my car. I saw him while walking out of the store. I sprinted towards him...then kept sprinting past him as if I was late for something. It wasn't my car. Just a very similar color parked next to mine


Lol how embarrassing but that's super funny


I was a full 90 LBS of pure rage charging towards the 200 LBS culprit. He wouldn't have stood a chance I chilled behind a tree until he drove off. I didn't want him to laugh at me


Haha that's so relatable


“What would you say if I told you you’re the fourth guy to do this just this week alone?”


Lol, that’s a good story


Username checks out.


Reminds me of one of the funniest stories I've heard. It involves a friend of mine who has some social anxiety. One time his father went into a liquor store and told him to go buy food at a food truck. He got the food and went back to the van and got in the passengers seat and buckled up with two hotdogs in his hands. A few minutes pass and his dad walks out of the liquor store and goes to a different car and gets in and my friend got confused and after a moment realized that he was in the wrong car. He had gotten into a car that looked like his mothers but he was with his father. He started to panic because of the anxiety of being caught and couldn't get his seatbelt undone so instead of slipped under it and got out. So someone with van went back to have their passengers seatbelt just buckled up for no reason.


The Seatbelt buck buckler strikes again!


Did he at least leave them a hot dog?!?


I don't believe so


My wife isn’t very observant. I like to walk toward the driver door of any black sedan parked near us as though I’m going to get in. She’ll go to the passenger side and start pulling the door handle before realizing I’m already several spaces away. It’s funny if you’re not her.


My free award is yours brother. I really enjoyed the switch.


i got into my car once and it smelled weird and there was an old lady sitting in the passengers seat. it wasnt my car. just the exact same color and model parked right next to mine.


I like to park right next to other cars that look the same as mine and stand by the driver door pretending to have trouble with the keys (my car still uses keys) whenever I get the chance.


I was picking up my mom at eye doctor for Macular Degeneration treatment and old lady who has obvious vision impairment walks up, opens door to car and almost sits in my lap as she also has a silver suv. No idea how she could drive home.


Yeah. That's first funny but then scary


I've definitely got into the wrong car in a parking lot. Then was really confused when there was a bunch of shit that wasn't mine in the car. Also had a chick just slide in my backseat driving though downtown at 2am. She thought I was her uber. I laughed hysterically as she embarrassingly threw $5 in my passenger seat and apologized as she ran out. Too many black Sonatas out there!


The Uber thing is scary though. People that don't pay attention can definitely end up in a horrible situation


Definitely. I was picking my girlfriend up from work. I was glad that wasn't her getting into someone randos car!


One time at work my coworker and I were walking to her car to go grab lunch together, she was going to drive that day. I knew her car well, as we walked towards it together I saw it and automatically walked around and hopped into the passenger seat. She starts yelling at me saying that's NOT her car, it's literally an identical make/model car right next to hers, who just happened to have left their car unlocked in the parking lot (it was a gated one).


I have learned that many people leave their cars unlocked since I commented. Lol


I had just left the grocery store and was getting into my car. I had a single bag of groceries so I was leaning to put it in the back seat when someone got into the passengers seat with one of those floppy fishermen hat. I just went slackjaw for a second. Then they looked at me and it was my sisters neighbor from across the street Mr.Miller. He just fucking laughed and my facial expression. He has also tailgated me super close, and went super slow in front of me before I knew he bought a new truck. 10/10 one of the neighbors. Good dude.


Running errands in the company truck, Blk Chevy Silverado, at Home Depot. I was WTF, remote is dead. Tried the key and then realized this isn’t my truck. Oh there it is, same scenario again. 2nd truck I notice has different wheels than mine. Im feeling real stupid now. Go figure, 3rd time truly was the charm. I thinking to myself loss prevention is watching someone trying to break into several cars.


Funny story from the other day. Was doing a run with my gf, legs were feeling it and as we were in the home stretch she stops at a car that is same color and model as mine, but 1 year different. She was not pleased to find out my car was another 200m farther.


I went to get wings with my brother in law. Ran in, got the wings, got back into the car and buckled up. I hear "can I help you?" look over to a dude who looked similar to my bro in law in same color and similar make car. Apologized and left, I was laughing, he didn't find it as amusing. Another one, or series of ones, I have on several occasions gotten into an unknown coworkers car. They have the same model and color as mind and never lock their doors, my car has keyless entry.


Was it a ninjy chop or a judy chop? Having seen the redneck ninja a few times, I know there is a difference.


I was sitting in my car in a parking lot a few years ago when a totally random middle-aged dude got into the passenger seat. I thought it was a car jacking at first so I began to pull out my pocket knife until the guy began to profusely apologize in embarrassment. It turns out his wife's car was the same make, model, and color as mine and she was waiting for him just a couple of spots away. She made him apologize again before they drove off.


I was leaving work in se pdx once. A guy asked for a light for a cig as i was pulling out of the drive. I reached down to get the lighter and when i looked up he was getting into the passenger side. My wallet was in the center. I told him to leave and he tried to sneakily take it. I grabbed his hand, said "NOPE." and snapped his pinky on his left hand. I threw the car in reverse and floored ot backwards with him still in it, now screaming in pain. I got my wallet, grabbed the 4 inch knife i had in my side door and flipped it open, as well as a can of mace. At this point he was already out and trying to run away - unfortunately for him i was very close with the bar owner next door. He ran inside and i held him at knife point/mace point until police arrived. His pinky was sticking almost straight out the whole time. I have never seen him again.


That...that escalated quickly. Glad you are ok though.


Thanks! I was working at "mr peeps peephole" on se 122nd ave if you ever want to read the horror show reviews im sure are there on google. I was physically accosted on a weekly to bi weekly basis. People tried to run me over, steal, fight, throw cum at me. You know, high society stuff. I guess where i was going with that is, ya never know what could happen.


Don't worry. I very much understand why you did what you did. I had a guy try to car jack me once and the fucker actually stabbed me right at the heart. The only reason I'm not dead is because I had my work shirt on and a notebook with metal backing inside my chest pocket. I GTFO'ed and was high on adrenaline for a week, I'm sure


Holy shit im glad you got out of there!


I got into a car once coming out of a store that was identical to mine. Just happened to notice something hanging from the mirror and thought ‘how’d that get here was someone in my car?’ Luckily I figured it out before the owner came out. I’m not the type to be easily embarrassed but that really got me


I would of done it just to say I 🥷 chopped somebody


I love the confidence displayed as she wonders off into the bushes. lol


The umbrella toss really did it for me


Where we're going we won't need umbrellas.




Yep. Obviously every reasonable person, after witnessing people breaking into your car, would walk away as quickly as possible before the cops get there. Obviously.


Well she’s got to go find a pay phone obviously. Not everyone has those fancy phones or clothes that can get wet.


I mean are tesla doors just unlocked? Wouldn't it be easier to say "hey look ive got the 'key', and now I'm plugging it in"


No, they are not. I have a Tesla. Sure, if you have your phone programmed as a key, which can only be done with the original key card.. or the key card, the doors will open and it will start..otherwise, if someone attempts to open the door without it the car will record everything on its multiple cameras (if Sentry mode is turned on), honk and flash its headlights. If someone were to try and steal it, it can record their exact location, which I could track on my phone.. police would be able to pin down its location exactly, too.


Man thats a lot of features, when can the car stroke my hair softly while Elon Musk whispers sweet nothings into my ear? Or do I need to pay extra for non standard features?


Oh, it will do that and more.. lol


Wow what else does it stroke


It will even fart in your general direction. I shit you not!


Haha YES it will!


That's a secret options package, not advertised to the general public. The "McGangbang" of Tesla options if you will.


When he exploits and abuses his workers some more, they'll work that feature in I'm sure.


capitalists be like "ThE mOrE mOnEy ThEy HaVe, ThE mOrE tHeY cAn StEp On My ThRoAt. It'S aCtUaLlY gOoD fOr ThE eCoNoMy AnD iT rEaLlY dOeSn'T hUrT tHaT MuCh"


haha, jokes going to be on you when Elon escapes the planet after contributing to it's destruction by mining lithium, among other stuff. you'll be stuck on the hellscape of earth with your tesla while Elon is slipping into a cryopreservation pod to await a terraformed mars and immortality.


Tesla don't have keys. They unlock and will start if the fob is nearby. You can set your phone to work as the fob.


Thats kinda why I put it in quotes, because it isn't really a key


Mental illness is real. The umbrella thing is common in hot states. Blocks the sun from turning fair skinned people red and keeps you cooler so that's not a sign of crazy but throwing your own umbrella away while walking away from a car you are adamant is yours but clearly isn't? I hope that lady gets the help she needs.




She's probably on medications where she can't be in the sun. Some medications you have to avoid direct sunlight. Vampire meds.




There's a drug I was on which protected from malaria and other things which requires you to stay out of sunlight. Can't remember the name of it.


Possibly doxycycline, I was on it for ages for a recurrent eye ulcer. Did wonders for my acne too and is used as a malaria drug. I remember being told to stay out of direct sunlight when I was on it otherwise I’d burn.


That's the stuff.


That seems like a bad drug considering malaria is most common around the equator


Had some myself, twice Make you super sensitive to UV.


Probably didn't own the umbrella as well.


The umbrella was blue so she clearly owned it.


“Better toss this before the fuzz turns up”


Case close guys. She threw the umbrella.


I don't think this is mental illness. I think she was trying to steal the car. She was trying to cause confusion and get them out of the car so she could hop in and drive away. The umbrella is for security cameras.


OR... she knew what she was doing. Very easy to ID a lady with bright ass blue umbrella.


Ah yes...the racist white person always just needs to be understood! lmao


there wasnt a single racially charged exchange here... da fuk


Why do you assume she's racist? Because of her ethnicity? Oh the irony.


The others’ ethnicities.


This comment should be used as an example of peoples’ ability to jump to racism accusations nonsensically.


You see, it would be this mat that you have on the floor, with different...conclusions written on it, that you could jump to!


The huge downvoting should also serve as an indication these people are the in small minority.


Whats it like being "that guy"?


Oh you poor, poor soul.


10 year old me. Dragged to grocery store with step mom, walking out hanging head like an annoyed 10 year old, kicking snow on ground as she pushes cart full of groceries to burgundy Buick. We load car full of groceries, get in, smells like cigarettes, strange. Car won’t start. Pop hood - filthy engine (Dad was a Motorhead). Clearly this is not our car... Look around. 3 spaces over, parked in the same direction is the IDENTICAL early 90s Buick with black painted steel rims. Proceed to quickly unload our groceries from almost stolen car. Put back into our real car. No, we did not have an umbrella.


It's this one of those small towns where no one locks their cars, or an example of how shit the locks are on Buicks


We think they must have the left the car unlocked - but the keys were so similar it went in and just didn’t do anything...


Car companies only make so many key varieties. My buddy and I used to be able to unlock and start one another's Cherokee with our own key. Good times!


not anymore which is probably a good thing lol. my friend stole my other friend's maxima years ago as a joke.


My first car was an early 80s Austin Maestro (don't look it up, it's embarrassing). You could often use a key from another car to get in. That said, it's not as bad as some of the early Ford central locking systems that you could open with a tennis ball.


Not everyone would be understanding. But if you got in my car and I came out. And you pointed out yours looks the same. I'd have a good laugh with ya.


Similar thing happened to us, we were at the beach and my friend lost their car keys in the sand. Total panic, digging, tracing steps etc. No luck. Walk back to car, dejected, wondering what to do. Saw another old Subaru in the carpark, i said- how about see if their keys fit? So when the owners came back, we said- this is a strange request but we’ve lost our keys, does your key fit our car? It did!!! So the owner ended up driving my friend to his nearby house to get the spare key for us to borrow. And later that week my friend returned the spare key, along with a slab of beer for helping us out.


Damn this is a weird Glade Plugin commercial


What does plugging it in have to do with ownership? I don't know fuck about tesla.


Once charging is started the plug is locked in place in the car's receptacle and only the owner can stop the charging and unplug it. This was a feature introduced earlier on to to prevent assholes who would come by and swipe the charger for their car or to simply unplug the car from the charger as a childish prank.


Ohhhhh thanks!


Huge mistake on their part to even demonstrate opening the doors. If you ever find yourself in a situation like this you need to clam up and either call the cops or leave. Anything other than a firm “no, gtfo” is the start of a NEGOTIATION with someone like this. You have created a new reality where you’ve admitted to the possibility that this IS her car, but you can “prove” it’s yours. You can’t. She will keep pushing and pushing.


I once drove a ford escape and a handfull of times I tryed to get into someone's car. 1 time I actually sat in someone's car and couldn't figure out why I couldn't start it, and 1 time someone thought I was stealing her car and I had to explain I drive the same car.


Walks off when asked to identity herself. What? Must not want to foil the attempted theft of HER car that badly.


The day after I bought my new car after having the same one for 10 years I walked up to it and tried opening it for 3 minutes or so before yelling “what the fuck” in a crowded parking lot. It wasn’t my car. It was a jeep. I had bought an Acura. But at least they were both black?


0:24 is her seeing her car parked in another spot


I doubt she owns any car.


Not sure who to believe, but I’m guessing the people not using an umbrella under a cloudless sky....


In some cultures it’s not uncommon to use an umbrella when the sun is out in order to not get tanned. However not typical in western cultures.


38 year old white dude here. I do it, but I've had a history of skin cancer on my back. Umbrellas are the shit.


I used to do it sometimes in the summer in Alabama.


Really? I think it's obvious it's not her car...


you done get wooshed


Indeed I did.


I know he got wooshed there but I wish people stop downvoting such folks, not everyone on reddit can pick up sarcasm perfectly


They are only numbers.. why care so much, I'll downvote myself for fun, I encourage anyone to do the same, at the end of the day these numbers don't do shit to my life so why waste time caring.


&& that's on periodt poo


she was looking for a way to instigate a fight then later take legal action against them... people don't realize but everyone is always trying to get over on someone else... always while u sleep while u eat while u shit, theres always someone looking to take from u, the easiest way to solve shit like this is to call the cops and record the entire encounter, I can almost guarantee that she walked home or to another car parked far away, yea these people being focused in by who ever this is. becareful and remember. DONT TRUST ANYONE. PERIOD


I think she was trying to steal their car


ok whatever u say


Yeah it’s called an opinion and I’m allowed to have one. This is shit scammers pull.




Look up the etymology of the word 'umbrella' and you might be learn something today.


Umbrella for sun protection are called parasols.


para sols, sun stoppers or for the son.


She's insane.


Yeah.... it's kind of a dead giveaway on the insane versus the insane. See, the woman driver was very kind, I would have taken that driver's door and knocked that crazy bitch right on her ass, then taken her umbrella and beaten her within an inch of her psycho life. Then plugged HER in!


People that say things like this have never been in a fight in their life, or are too stupid to hate violence.


So not a better person, gotcha. Next time just say you're a shit person and save us the trouble.




Man someone forgot their meds! This is why I stay on guard now in public,too many crazies out there


when she looks across the lot and just realizes her car is parked a couple rows over, then just starts walking aimlessly towards the bushes to save face lmaoo


This woman is clearly mentally unstable.


We’ve got to have a conversation about the word “just”. People, it’s just not necessary to just use the word “just” just because it seems to just fit. Just write your sentence, see if “just” has any impact on the sentence and if it doesn’t, just omit it from the sentence.


just stfu


What even


Its always raining when you’re crazy!


She’s mad. Fancy just throwing your brolly away and braving the element like that


Worst Jedi ever


I feel terrible for the umbrella.


Mental illness or not, this stupid loud bitch has a very punchable face


What does she expect, someone is going to hand her their keys and say "Sorry, I didn't realize that I was driving your car."


She is hopping to get them unsettled and off balance enough that that is a possibility. People like this are DANGEROUS.


I would have given her the keys asap, im sorry she looks like she's looking to get over on someone or is just a crazy person either way it would end in the police chasing her down and hopefully using a acceptable use of force either way imma laugh and then imma get a cyber truck


There was time I was with my mother at a gamestop parking lot. We were waiting for my brother who had gone in to grab something and out of nowhere this random teen hops into the backseat and buckles up. we look at him, pause for a few seconds and my mother asked him who he was. Guess thats when he realized we were not his ride and he apologized and slowly got out and walked away.


Throws umbrella away ^Throws ^car ^away


Legend has it she's still going to call the cops.


Is this how rich people fight?


I guess the umbrella wasn't hers either.


Why didn’t anyone just look at the license plate to verify? Am I missing something here?


My mom once went to wait for me in the parking lot. She spent 20 minutes sitting in the wrong but identical looking car, lol.


I drive a very common car in a very common color. I have tried to get in the wrong car before (I have a smart key that unlocks the door when you touch the handle.) I’ve had people do it to my car. We’ve all basically just laughed and apologized. No one has ever threatened me. I’ve never threatened anyone. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I once tried several times to unlock my car, wondering why my keys didn't work, before realizing it had the wrong number of doors. But I never screamed at anyone for being in "my" car.


... it looks grey to me


"It's a blue car" *gets out of silver car*




That’s the LinkedIn office in Sunnyvale. Across the parking lot is a microsoft office. Source: me, I’ve parked in that lot many times. Also the umbrellas are from the LinkedIn building. They put them out for employees that have to walk between buildings on rainy days. This looks pre pandemic - that building has been closed since last year.


When I was a teenager, I used to pick up my sister at her job every day. One day I pulled up directly behind a car that was identical to mine. I could have called out to get her attention but where is the fun in that? Instead, I watched her get in the other car. She lept out of the other car totally embarrassed. She was furious with me when she realized that I let it happen. But really... That's what brothers do.


Reminds me of when I hired a Valet and when they brought my car out they gave it to 3 women. While they were getting in I only told them to get out of my car. The lady in my driver seat laughed and said she thought it was hers. Mind you there's a baby seat and a ton of toys in there. When I was getting in the drunk girl that was in the back seat said, how do we get home now? Sadly I had already tipped the valet when I first requested my car.


It's blue! Like my umbrella! It's mine!


Mentally ill or not, someone needs to punch people like this in their big fat mouths.


Years ago a car at the gym was the exact same as mine, and because my sensor always played up i just thought I’d have to stand there trying for ages like usual.. 5 minutes of me standing at the door i realised the car didn’t have my air freshener and i was actually parked two rows back


and nothing was done about this psycho?


Do these people have empty cars or something? I could reach in any direction and grab a stuffed animal or hoodie that would prove it was mine!


what is the end game here? convince the people it really is your car and drive away? what?


She left to call the cops...I can't wait to see the video where she walked up to the guy on his cell and yelled.."Give me my phone, NOW!"


That’s one Alfred E Newman looking bitch.


This is car jacking.


Why does she have an umbrella 🙂


Sun is bad for your skin.


definition of retard


I’d prob give her hungry ass a free knuckle sandwich.


I would give it to her and thank her for taking that shit of my hands. I’m embracing the downvotes!


I don’t know what it is about my face, but when I stare at people who talk to me like this sociopath, they tend to feel the vibe that I’m about to permanently put a dent in their skull with my fist and they walk away.




No they don’t!


Another old video


Is this part of the coronavirus? It takes over the brains of certain women? Why aren't there more men acting like this? This is very strange. It must be the 5G!!! (just kidding)


I hope my boy Elon and sees this and hooks her up with a free Tesla (Not really)




Xanax probably.


**p l u g i n t h e c a r i f y o u w a n n a s e e y o u r f a m i l y a l i v e**


Some people should not have been born


MIKEEEEEYYY Wake his ass up! It's hot as balls out here! ...MIKEEEEEYY


Crazy woman walking down the street Crazy woman


Just pull out the registration papers. This girl was probably trying to steal the car. Also what is up with the umbrella?


Idk how recent this vid is, but all you do is unplug the car and walk away. Then just summon the car to your location problem solved. That or just let her try to take the car lol, good luck knowing the pin of the car (if they set it up).


But... your umbrella


My mom once unlocked her car door and then went to put her purse into the back seat only to find a bunch of stuff she did t recognize in the back seat. It wasn’t her car. Turns out some Ford Taurus of that year had pretty similar keys...


Is this a Glade commercial? *plug it in plug it in*


she should never see the outside of a loony bin ever again.


I was in a date at a movie theater. Left the theater with the chick and opened my car door to find a woman sitting in my drivers seat. We both screamed in shock. My car was the exact same color, year, and model parked next to it. Who the fuck parks next to a car that’s the exact same make model color and year still makes me scratch my head to this day


Whole thing was weird. She had an umbrella in broad daylight, seems to have given up and tossed the umbrella away. Very weird.


How many college students have you seen go 5150?


What about reading license plate?


Yea.. If its your tesla open the frunk where you are... It has an app for that.