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That's unfortunate but kinda understandable. Kuro has absolutely 0 consistency with time in this game after all lol


Yea they removed it some time ago, I guess the more vague the better for kuro


They removed it due to all the incosistencies in time range


Fair enough, some made sense like Alpha's and Luna's and were imo an integral part of their story but I've seen how it's been butchered over the years


Even with someone like Alpha it didn't really make much sense, her service time should've probably been quite a bit higher than 6 years


It seemed fairly reasonable imo


The timeline inconsistencies are frustrating but I've seen some guesses in the discord that put the game's story somewhere around 30ish years after the outbreak and we know Lucia and Luna were kids when the outbreak happened. If we assume those guesses are somewhat close to accurate, Luna's service time being 0 makes sense because she was never part of Babylonia, but Lucia/Alpha's should be somewhere in the mid to high 20s.


Pu Lao was over 34 years old if she was still humans. She was like maybe 10 years old when punishing virus come. She live in nighter maybe for 4 years because her mental age is 14 years in her profile. Han Ying sleeps for 20 years so she was 34 years old now. Liv, Lucia and Lee seems much older than Pu Lao. Liv for example was 14-15 years old when Pu Lao still 10 years old, she is 4-5 years older than her. If Pu Lao was 34 years old, then Liv should be 38-39 years old. Yarha , the researcher guy who make no.21 was on same squad with Liv when she was still humans , Yarha at least 2-3 years older than Liv. Seeing how he looks like 40 years old, i can say Liv was in her late thirties. Lucia was younger than Liv ? when punishing virus come, she looks like same age as Pu Lao, i still think she was 34 years old. Her mental age was 16, but that was when she turned into constructs. Lee seems much older, he was like 18 years older at best, so he should at least 42 years old. For Karerina, i think reading her interlude, she has same age as Lucia ? dunno but the world already destroyed by virus when she was like 14-15 years old, hard to gauge how much time passed at her interlude while both Lucia, Lee and Liv was at beginning of punishing virus era. Watanabe and Bianca should at least 49-50 years old, Bianca was 24 years old and Watanabe was 26 years old when they turned into constructs, we can say that it has been 25 years old after first time punishing virus come and both of them were on that era. Only Chrome, Ayla and Selena who was still in young , Chrome was 19, Ayla was 18 and Selena is 20 years old.


so the punishing outbreak was 24 years before present more or less? according to Hannying chapter?


I think it is maybe 24 years or even 25 years passed after punishing virus come. Kuro really did not tell us much about the timeline. Hassen, scum Nikola and that trash Collin should be at least 50 years old, they were most likely same age as Watanabe when he was still human. Watanabe was 26 years old when he turned into constructs, so yeah he is also one of the old guard.