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Why is this “couch surfer” in your home? Kick him out.


Exactly what I was about to post. Let Trump take care of you, ya bum.


Couch surfer screamimg before 6h30am? Listen, I have empathy but at least they have to respect, kick him out and tell him to ask Trump to pay for his apartment and call him a socialist.


Maybe he can stay at trump tower


I didn't understand if this guy lives in your apartment complex or with you from the post. If it's the latter what are you doing with him? Making noise at that hour is one of the reasons why your neighbours might give you trouble, he doesn't care because it's not his name on the contract but yours so he'll just go to another couch if he gets you kicked out. This behaviour shouldn't fly in your house, you should talk to him that either he cuts the crap or he's out on the streets as soon as it happens again.


He lives in my apartment. He was a friend, he was getting evicted from his rented room and needed a place to stay and never left. I’ve told him to leave and he won’t.


Sounds like you might call the police and ask them what you can do.


Yeah, get him the fuck out of the apartment.


She won’t need to. The neighbors will and the apartments will evict both of them. Why do you think he needed a home?


they can both go live on the street, and OP can listen to his rants from their tent


I was kind of thinking the neighbors might take care of it but it will be a bummer if they both get evicted. Maybe she could explain the situation to her landlord, ask to get out of her lease and find another place to live.


I doubt the landlord would let the paying person leave.


Tell your landlord you have a squatter on your couch who refuses to leave. I don't get how you're not kicking him out? Yelling at 6am I would have defenestrated him before breakfast!


Bonus points for this use of the word defenestration 🤣


This Czech approves.


Great play to run, I hear.


This Czech also approves.


This Czech also approves.


I’d never seen this word before this. Knowing Swedish and French, I recognize the similarity to fönster/fenêtre and thought “I bet this means throwing someone out the window.” *I love language.*


The thing that irks me about English is that it has dropped useful words like “overmorrow” and “ereyesterday” (meaning the day after tomorrow and the day before yesterday) but it keeps silly words like this that are so rarely used. But yes, I love language too. Mostly. 😆


Welp, thank you for two more words to add to my vocabulary. I’ll use every one of these.


It always sounds more like someone’s getting disemboweled rather than being pushed out of a window


Depending on how the person goes out and also how the glass breaks, it could 100% be both!


I remember hearing about a D&D session where the party survived an encounter with a particularly tough rogue by using the Command spell and ordering him to “autodefenestrate.” 😁 Guess the enemy’s WIS score was high enough to know what that word meant.


Agreed. if you rent, I would just tell the landlord you had a visitor for a weekend and he has refused to leave since. If he's just couch surfing that means he's not on your lease. Contact your landlord and they will boot him right now. They have the right to do it. Additionally, it is a breach of your lease to have someone living there not on the lease. They could throw you out as well. But, if you just tell them he came for the weekend and he's refused to leave, I don't think they will kick you out.


I think I found the follow up. https://www.reddit.com/r/SipsTea/comments/1d5ft3o/when_aliens_throw_you_back_on_earth_because_you/


You need to evict him before he gets you evicted with all of his screaming. BTW I am in Florida and am Anti Trump. So of course, he is wrong to say everyone is in Trump's side. Get rid of this person.


Stop being a doormat and show him the door. If he can't find it by himself, the police can show him where it is.


This is the answer.


Does he have his mail delivered to your apartment? This is one thing that helps people establish “residency” and could make it difficult to force him to leave. You might have to go through a formal eviction if he refuses to leave one day. IANAL and you might end up needing one.


Yeah, sadly this guy has a legal right to be there by now. Even OP says “he lives here,” which the court would take as further evidence of his residency.


The guy gets by on welfare (from you) and would vote for a known business/tax fraud who grifts supporters to pay his legal bills but wants to cut public benefits/food for low-income people who are aging or disabled and kids.


The majority of Republicans are folks who will gladly vote against their own interests in order to "own" the libs. Cutting off their nose to spite their face. Hate and anger blind people to logic.


> "When I need welfare, it's different! I deserve it!"


Are there charity legal services in your area who could teach you how to legally evict him? Depending how long he's stayed there, it might not be so simple, but it's unacceptable that you have to live like that.


This is a case where you move and leave him behind if you're living in a state with weird eviction laws


I own my apartment. If I rented I would have left.


You would leave your own apartment for this lunatic rather than do what you have to do to make them leave *your own property* ? What ?


What I have to do is file for an eviction. Like I said, these take a minimum of 6 months where I am. Once he gets served, I need to be out of my apartment with my cats because he’s violent. Can you explain how I would do this without leaving my apartment? Because you can’t just lock someone out where I live and he knows that because the police told him they would arrest me if I did that. Look up squatters laws.


> Can you explain how I would do this without leaving my apartment? Wait til he leaves, pack his shit and put it on the porch. Then change the locks. Unless he's got a piece of mail on him that says he's a resident there (and I mean on him because you just throw that shit away immediately), there's nothing he can do. Call the cops as soon as he comes by, or preferably before. Explain to them that you had a guest (emphasize the word guest) overstay their welcome and you are removing them. They are not tenants. Preferably have some able bodied people with you when this happens. Then you just talk to him through the door and let him know that he's no longer welcome in your house. He might threaten to sue, but without some shred of evidence that he's a tenant (and money), he's not going anywhere but the street. This is going to happen in a traditional eviction anyways. If you are in the US, you have to pay the sheriff for their services and he can still get violent or potentially screw with eviction day. The other option is to get your friends to make his life a living hell inside your apartment. Couch surfer? Oh yeah well now my friend is sleeping there too for the foreseeable future. Oh yeah there's a lock on the fridge too since you dont pay for anything. Then you decorate the house with Biden posters and pride flags.




The other option here is to evict yourself. Not really, but you can fake an eviction fairly easily. Depending on how cool your management is, they also may play along but the forms should be easily found online. Go to the post office and certify mail it to yourself. Then, when they are gone, tape a copy of it to your door. Fill it out and sign some judges name. Fill it out for 30 days from now. The key is to pretend to be absolutely shocked when you see it. Scream, cry, etc. Start buying boxes, pack some stuff. Disconnect the internet and cable for added effect (its cheaper than an actual eviction). On the day of the "eviction" if you could have your friends show up in some matching polo shirts to "help move you forcifully". You can even rent a u-haul for a day. And then you get everything out. Make a big scene, cry. Say you are going to stay with a relative. Drive off. Then just wait for them to fuck off to wherever. Knowing PoS's like that though, they wont hang around in a crisis and will be long gone by then.


It’s not that hard to prove residency. OP said outright “he lives here.” That’s enough. The cops already told OP they would get arrested if they locked him out. Squatters who don’t want to leave are harder to get rid of than bed bugs.


This is the correct answer 🤣🤣


OP, it's this right here.


Are you aware they changed the eviction laws for NYC April 20, 2024. They are trying to make it easier to evict a squatter. I know it's still a lot, but it's hopefully a bit easier. Do you have a place to go with your cats in the meantime? I'm 1300 miles away but if you could get your cats here I'm a champion at giving kitties insulin shots! (My girl went over the rainbow bridge after almost 5 years of being diabetic and I've yet to adopt another. ) Edit: it read the changes and it doesn't make it any easier for you to evict him. I am so sorry.


High five for the offer and giving your kitty insulin shots!


I believe a restraining order can get around that. And dear God, I'm afraid for your kitties.


I hear you that it's hard to get someone out. They get rights after squatting for a period of time in my state, at least. Here's what I didn't know back when my ex refused to leave that might have helped me hurry the process along: you can call the police on someone for yelling. You can get restraining orders against someone for intimidation. I suspect if I were in your position with what i know now, I'd begin the eviction process and have a consultation with a lawyer. Figure out all your options, make a plan, and know what things might open the door to speed the process... such as having a paper trail of his unhinged behaviors that destroy the peaceful enjoyment of others. (I received a warning for this once, when my country children could not adapt to living in an upstairs apartment.) Let him know that the yelling is not acceptable, and that if it happens again you will call the police (if you feel safe calling the police, I know in some places this is not a good option for some people.) If you do contact the police, I'd pull them aside and let them know the situation you are in. Your squatter has gotten rights and is disrespecting the space and the neighbors. In the very least, you need to document what he's doing to move him along quicker, but are hopeful there's another way they can help. Perhaps having him leave to keep the peace even if temporarily, or threatening to do something if they keep getting called over for his aggressive screaming. Another way to get documentation of the situation is in visiting your own doctor (and therapist if you happen to have one). Get the stress that this causes you documented. Any sleepless nights over it, missing days of work, etc. Consider talking to some neighbors to let them know the situation. This might give them more patience towards you. You might also get their agreement to witness to the situation if you figure out a way to push him out early. Even if you have to fork out a few hundred for some legal counsel, it will probably be cheaper than living with a free loader for even a month longer than you need to, and would be well worth it.


Sounds like you’re just making up a million excuses


I've been there. It's truly terrifying when your intentions were solely to help someone.


Do what you need to to make his existence uncomfortable. Cancel internet and cable. Stop buying communal food. Get a fridge and hot plate for your bedroom and keep it locked. Invite some noisy friends over frequently. Find his weak spots and exploit w/o harm of course. I would start doing something like this aggressively.


Eat cabbage everyday


Hate to say it but this is the kind of thing I have heard of working.


So you are instead letting another 6 months go by of doing nothing? You could have started the process 6 months ago and be 6 months closer. This man is dangerous to you and your cats NOW, you have no idea when he will go into a flying rage harming you and your cats - he is already showing his unpredictability, lack of care for you or others, and violent outbursts. Get a lawyer. Cops are not lawyers. Lawyers will give you options that go beyond “naw, if you change locks we will arrest you”. Stop catering to this free loading violent man because eviction would be difficult.


File the paperwork on Monday


I also live in NYC, so I get that it’s difficult to evict. Please contact a lawyer for your own sanity and so you can have a decent relationship with your neighbors. I’m so sorry this happened to you; it sucks when you are just trying to help someone and it blows up in your face :-(


How can someone possibly be this huge of a pushover? He’s not a tenant. He’s some guy you let sleep on your couch. He has absolutely nothing to come back at you with. Grab him by his shirt collar and throw him outside, call the police.


She's not wrong about possibly needing to evict him.


He gets violent, you call 911, let the police take care of him.


Just turn off the Internet and he will disappear


Change the locks.


Have you tried going or at least threaten the police/legal way? Could he be trying to claim squatters right?


tell him he won a free trump cruise, drop him at the nearest port and then change the locks


Oh honey other than the Q/MAGAt stuff, this could be me posting this a few years ago. Even down to the diabetic cat! The last time it took two years. I supported him all but a few months of this two years. Pull the trigger now, don't let him screw your life up any more. You'll never do enough to help someone who won't help themselves. If you need to talk, DM me.


You got yourself a MAGA-squat


Sounds like you need to go formally evict him, depends on the laws where you live. Some places in America you can simply ask him to leave, in others, if he’s established residence you need to formally evict. It’s time to make the decision.


You need to give him, in writting, 30 day notice to leave. Yes, mail it to him at your apartment. Once you've done that hopefully he just goes. If he doesn't you're going to want to talk to your landlord. Nyc is a whole other beast when it comes to renters, but most likely he would need to be evicted.


~~That’s a tricky situation. I certainly recommend formal legal eviction. Be careful and do everything by the book. Even easier, see if you can get your landlord to insist it’s against your lease or something. But in any case, it’s past time for him to go.~~ Edit: never mind, I see in other comments that you own the apartment and he is a psycho. I’m so sorry. It seems extreme, but perhaps selling your place would liberate you. I hope it doesn’t come to that.


Toss all his shit on the street and when he goes out to at least lose his shit over it lock the fucking doors. If he calls the cops tell them you’ve never seen this crazy homeless man before and he’s trying to break into your apartment.


Buy him a one way ticket to Mar a Lago, tell him tRump's hiring and he can live on site.


Go to nycourts.gov and pull the three day notice and eviction paperwork. Give him the notice, then go file for a summary eviction proceeding. Make sure when you file that you request fees and rent. You’re unlikely to get them, but it’s possible. Have the sheriff serve him with the papers, preferably when you aren’t home. If you feel like you would be in danger, you can also apply for an order of protection. You will get a court date, make sure you attend because you don’t want the matter dismissed for essentially failure to prosecute. Once you have the court involved, they will likely give the guy 1 week to vacate (order the eviction and stay for 7 days). After that he has to be gone and if he isn’t, the sheriff can take him out.


it sucks and can be hard/scary, but you dont/shouldn’t put up with this. contact your landlord and the authorities/police to have him removed and then change the locks. also look up and reach out to local domestic violence programs who can help support you. many programs recognize roommates as a form of interpersonal violence. Good luck and im sorry this is happening to you.


Better evict him before the complex evicts you. Especially if he’s not on the lease


Start eviction proceedings, Monday!!


You need to start formal eviction proceedings unfortunately. Also if he’s using your WiFi or cable cut him off.


Tell the landlord and get him to change the locks. He’s not your friend, nor is he your responsibility.


If he’s been there long enough check the local laws and begin the official eviction process


Change the locks and throw his stuff out the window. Let the police know what’s going on.


Wait til he leaves for any reason, throw his shit outside and change the locks. You have a squatter. Get rid of him now.


Just a quick correction on 5: it's not the amount that raised it to a felony level, it was the intent. The charges are 34 counts of falsifying business documents, which is typically a misdemeanor in NY. The misdemeanor becomes a felony if it is done to cover up another crime. In this case, there were 3 other crimes for the jury to choose between: election interference, campaign finance violations, or tax/accounting violations. So, other people could pay a porn star $130k in hush money and only get charged with a misdemeanor, sure. But they weren't doing it to hide another crime. No laws were "changed", except a change in statute of limitations that happened during COVID due to court processing delays caused by COVID. Now, this is technically Trump's "first offense", and they're all class E felonies (lowest level in NY), with a maximum sentence of a $5k fine and 4 years in jail. At worst, he'd get all 34 sentences concurrently; but realistically he'll probably end up with a slap on the wrist and very loose probation for the NY crimes.


This. The media and people keep calling this a 'hush money case' when in reality it was a conspiracy to affect the outcome of an election.


Is it possible to have any additional case(s) against him to determine which of the 3 crimes he was trying to cover up?


I am hopeful that Trump's attitude displayed during the trial and his lack of remorse may actually result in jail time for him.  It could happen. Maybe just wishful thinking on my part.  I know that home confinement would be much simpler for the Secret Service to implement.


He just had a ton more money donated to his campaign. The crazy has deep corporate anti government pockets ...


Eh, the Georgia RICO case will probably eat that up by the end of Q3


No way he’ll spend time in jail. I’ll send you $50 if he goes to jail in the next 2 years. Btw I can’t stand Trump, I just think he’s too connected to go to jail.


He could still run for and serve as president from prison. God help us all!


Seeing it from a deep red state, this is what will happen.


From what I read it's possible the judge could sentence him to consecutively but it's extremely unlikely for a number of reasons including it being his first crime. The judge will however consider other things that might result in prison time or house arrest including his lack of remorse, violations of gag orders, etc.


First *convicted* crime… he got away with decades of crimes until he could no longer bribe and blackmail the right people.


Glenn Kirschner, a former federal prosecutor, has said that house arrest for the guy is just Netflix and Door Dash vacation. Suggested he might get 30 days with the rest suspended, if no further crimes. Every other place he's charged and out on pre-trial release has the condition of no felonies. I'm sure they'll round him up any minute. /s


It's not that I have a lot of hope but it's possible. I would link the legal analyst who I read but I'm suspended from Twitter right now because someone asked the name of a song and I misrembered it in the reply. Lol.


Very well explained. Definitely explained it better than I did.


I want to puke every time I hear my Qs say “they,” and “them,” like clearly you have no fucking clue who/what you’re talking about if you’ve just been conditioned to think everything is a conspiracy or controlled by the Illuminati or some shadow society. Just STFU already. Just because you yell the loudest doesn’t mean you have anything worth hearing.


Not a Q but my father likes to say "They said" when saying something spurious and questions about who "they" are never lead to any specifics


Exactly this. Or “it will be coming out soon,” or “my sources told me.” Like bitch I know your “sources” are some dude that got banned from YT for violating their code of conduct so now you pay to follow him on Patreon 😒😒😒


And you're allowing this living arrangement why?


I’ve asked him to leave and he won’t. I need to file in court to get him evicted, and would have to leave the apartment and take my cats until the eviction happens (6+ months) because he can be violent. Like I said, he’s mentally ill, completely estranged from his family, and would be on the street, so me evicting him is an existential threat. He’s incapable of not being like this.


Maybe it's time for you to find a 6'5" bodybuilder boyfriend who does protection work to move in for a few months. Seriously, I had a coworker who was a man who had to do this, he was like 5'7" and skinny and worked all the time. He dated a woman who moved herself and her son onto his property and wouldn't leave. He invited some biker friends of his over to stay for a few weeks. They left.


Better to do that sooner rather than later.  He will become more deranged as the election approaches, no matter who it looks like will win. And thank you for making sure your kitties are safe while that's going on.


Have you actually talked to a lawyer about this? There's no way it takes 6 months to kick out a violent couch surfer who isn't on the lease.


The housing courts are backlogged where I live. A lawyer can’t do anything about that. He hasn’t hit me, he destroys property and lies about it, and in the past the police have believed him. He’s white, I’m not, and that could be the issue. The police have told me if I feel unsafe I need to leave because without evidence of actual assault they can’t do anything. This is all pretty standard stuff.


Do you have evidence he destroys property? From a legal standpoint, that may help you get him out of there sooner than later. But yeah; talk to a lawyer. Remember it’s not what you know, it’s what you can prove.


No I don’t. If I did I could do something about this.


You can get some pretty cheap hidden cameras now. I suggest you do to correct evidence.


We are all invested in helping you get out of this it looks like. This makes you really not want to help out people who need it.


If the housing courts are backlogged he has no chance of successfully suing you… This broke couch surfer you’re afraid will hire a high power attorney or something


It wouldn’t be a suit. He could call the police and have me arrested if I lock him out. I’ve already asked him nicely, meanly, in writing, and via email to leave, and have even offered him money to leave. He’s not uncomfortable enough.


No he really can’t without proof that he lives there. “Sorry officers I have no idea what this crazy homeless person is even saying, please remove him from my front door. You can ask the complex if he lives here, he does not” also if it’s a civil matter they will tell HIM to take it to civil court. No cop is going to arrest you, and you don’t even need to unlock your door and talk to them if they don’t have a warrant, which if you dump all his shit out of your apartment, they can’t really get.


Install ring cameras in your house.


I hate this for you so much!! If they won't do anything without assault, maybe for mental health check? Might save that. He will get worse!




Can't you wait for him to go outside and change the locks ? And leave his stuff outside ?


Not legal if a person has been in your residence for over 30 days.


No good deed goes unpunished. BTW, this is why more people don’t open their homes to homeless or immigrants. Once you let them in, you can’t get them out.


Wouldn’t he have to prove that? His just getting mail there isn’t proof- you could say he was homeless and needed a place to get his mail. You could ask all your neighbors to confirm.


The police told me this but mine didn't know and they didn't tell him. Thankfully I live in a small town and have a good reputation with the local cops who are the nicest cops in the USA.


Leave and file a restraining order. Yes, moving will be expensive but totally worth it. This sounds unsafe.


I can’t get a restraining order where I live unless there is an actual assault against me.


Are you aware they changed the eviction laws not 2 months ago in NYC?


Every time he does something, file police reports. This will help with your emergency eviction.






Stay strong and ditch this loser.


People like this would not be there for you when you would find yourself in his situation , so let the welfare moocher lazy couch sitter get the fuck out and tell him to ask Trump for help


Oh, I know. It’s hard to evict people where I live though, and if they’ve been in your home for more than 30 days and they won’t leave on their own, you need to file for an eviction.


I can imagine you would want to, but what would happen if you sold the apartment? Is he still your problem then?


You REALLY need to get rid of him. Your cats do not deserve this disturbance in their lives.


I’m always curious how folks like this feel like they’re contributing to “making America great again”. The cognitive dissonance is wild.


You might be able to get a restraining order. Behavior being volatile to the point of threatening. You dont know what he'll do next. Go to the clerk of court.


Also, #4: Jimmy Carter never fired a single shot during his term. Sorry, I have to defend St. Jimmy!


Yes he did say except for Carter( and Trump)


My apologies!


Homie, someone like this cannot and will not have the resources to pursue legal action against you. Put his shit out and change the locks. The cops ain't gonna help him. He's not a tenant, to the cops, he's your ex and he won't go. They won't touch that shit with a 10 foot pole (iTs a CiViL iSsUe) so use that shit in your favor. There is a 0% chance of this guy actually getting his shit together enough to get a lawyer to do anything against you.


Sounds like you got an easy problem to take to the curb. Just put them out with the trash where they belong.


Too bad it's so much harder than that in reality.


In OP's situation it is not. As long as this "friend" doesn't have any way to prove he lives there then OP is solid to just kick him out. When he isn't home all he needs to do is take all his stuff and put it in bags and put it in the trash. Then change the locks and call the police if he makes a nuisance, which he surely will. That easy.


Yup, cops will call it a civil matter and literally can’t enter her apartment without a warrant. Which they can’t really get off this situation.


>could have done the same and not been charged with felonies The doing it to hide info from the public during a political campaign is what raised the charges to a felony. Otherwise it just would have been a business misdemeanor tax crime.


Please protect yourself and your own sanity. Read my post. This is eerie how similar to things I heard, and I always knew my marriage would not survive another Trump Election Day, much less this.


**It's not your concern if he makes himself homeless with his bad behavior because you, Ninja, and your neighbors deserve a peaceful place to live.** First thing to do: don't debate him; do not engage. You will never convince him of anything. You will never change his mind. He's in too deep for you to pull him out. Just respond with noncommittal things with no emotion. Look up the grey rock method. Once you got the grey rocking down, then tell him he's not welcome in your place anymore at every waking moment. Make it the only thing you say to him from here on out. If he starts ranting about stupid stuff, respond with "you're not welcome here anymore. Get out." If he asks you a question, respond with "you're not welcome here anymore. Get out." Keep calmly saying it over and over; make it the only thing you say to him. Last, but not least, document everything he says and does from here on out. This may be very important if he decides to legally go after you, or if you're trying to get him committed to a psych hold, or if you're trying to get him arrested. You need to build a case, and you need solid evidence in your favor. Get video, audio, and write things down in a dedicated notebook (and keep it safe). Talk to your neighbors, and let them know to call the police to report a dangerous man in your apartment the next time he starts yelling. If you are successful in getting him removed, even temporarily, change the locks and get a restraining order (this is where your documentation/evidence comes in handy). Most importantly, if you have friends/family who are willing to help, then definitely get their help.


Hi iamjustaguy, thanks for recommending this technique. With grey rocking you act disengaged so that a Q person will lose interest in arguing. Q folk thrive on emotions and drama. When you act indifferent and unemotional, it can help break the cycle of negativity. [Detailed guide on the method.](https://psychcentral.com/health/grey-rock-method) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/QAnonCasualties) if you have any questions or concerns.*


>Something about this not being a felony and the charges were fake. I told him it’s because of the amount of money but he insists other people could have done the same and not been charged with felonies. Seriously? Bring up the fact that Trump's lawyer Michael Cohen was convicted of the exact same crime (that is he was also involved in the crime Trump was charged with as the guy who was given the money) and he was fined $50,000, was disbarred, and spent 3 years in prison in 2018. No one raged about the injustice then, and even Trump (who had absolutely given pardons to his cronies as favors) chose not to pardon Cohen. So it was definitely a crime in 2018 when Cohen was convicted. So why is not a crime now when it's Trump?


What’s to stop your neighbors from complaining and getting you evicted? Does your lease allow for someone to live their more than X days? He may be an illegal tenant, and you are at least partially liable for it.


It would have to be multiple complaints over a period of time, and honestly my co-op is so ficked up they’d never file to evict. There’s someone here who hasn’t paid maintenance is 9 yrs.


She owns her apt.


My experience with Qrumpers has led me to believe that they are mostly victims of their own making who latch on to this this lifestyle and their "leaders" know how to exploit that.


Don't ever babysit a grown person,don't ever be the sole provider. Time to move on hun


Kick his ass to the curb. Tell him he can worship a billionaire from a park bench.


Screaming loud in an apartment can get you thrown in jail. Happened to my daughter and I certainly understand why the police were called by the neighbors.


You need to ditch this guy. I'd make the landlord the bad guy " hey the landlord heard about the yelling at 6am and said you have got to go or I'm getting evicted" if he has a shred of decency left, he will just leave. If he doesn't give a shit about you, then you don't have to feel bad when you file for eviction and have him removed.


She owns her apt. He has zero decency. She would file for eviction but he's violent and she needs an alternate place for her and her cats to stay during the time it takes for the eviction to be finished.


Make him your ex-Q today. Happy Q move out weekend to you!!


Looks like someone woke up and did their daily meth allowance.


So it seems you need a place to stay for you and your cats while this eviction moves through the legal steps it has to. Do you have that? Is there any place you can stay? I suppose you need to be in the city for work and can't go elsewhere for the time being?


I don’t know where you live, so I don’t know what the specific laws are, but in some jurisdictions, it is pretty easy to evict someone if you share a kitchen in the bathroom with them, as normal landlord, tenant laws may not apply. Stating that you feel unsafe might be enough. Again, I don’t know if this is true in your jurisdiction. It is true in mine. Perhaps it would be good to speak to someone who specializes in this if you haven’t already, and make sure that you make it very clear that this is an apartment, not a house, and he does not have a separate unit.


Not the case in mine, unfortunately.


Have landlord change the locks.


Not legal.


I am the only person on a lease and I can't have the landlord change the locks? Why?


Squatters rights laws in their area. OP has already explained elsewhere that the police have already spoken to the Q and sided with him on the issue. OP actually owns the dwelling but they still are not allowed to do that because he has established residency.


Just for a little extra info. The reason it is a felony is because it was used to cover another crime. That's how it works in NY ever since they had mob issues there. Why not kick this guy off your couch? It's easy. Just shut off the Internet and he will scurry off somewhere else.


We're trying to sleep you asshat!


I'm in Texas with a large amount of anti-trump sentiment around me. EVERYone does NOT support him.


Kick him out if he’s a couch surfer. You could also call the cops on him for disturbing the peace if he won’t stop next time


...why the hell is this person in your couch, making trouble with your neighbors no less? Kick them right out stat.


Give Ninja a.snack


Oh, Ninja gets a snack! I opened a new bag of temptations for him.


🥰🥰🥰 thanks for my smile today, stay well!


Hi u/mybloodyballentine! We help folk hurt by [Q.](https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/QAnon) There's hope as [ex-QAnon](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/resources#wiki_ex-qanon) & r/ReQovery shows. We'll be civil to you and about your Q folk. For general QAnon stuff check out [QultHQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Qult_Headquarters/). If you need this removed to hide your username [message the mods.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/QAnonCasualties) ___ [our wall](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/comments/l0jptp/list_of_casualties/) - [support & recovery](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/resources) - [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/rules) - [weekly posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?q=%22Weekly+r%2FQAnonCasualties+Discussion%22+&restrict_sr=on&sort=relevance&t=all) - [glossary](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/glossary) - [similar subs](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/index#wiki_similar_communities) *filter*: [good advice](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?q=flair%3AGood%2BAdvice&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all) - [hope](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?sort=new&restrict_sr=on&q=flair%3AHope) - [success story](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?q=flair%3ASuccess%2BStory&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all) - [coping strategy](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?sort=new&restrict_sr=on&q=flair%3ACoping%2BStrategies) - [web/media](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?sort=new&restrict_sr=on&q=flair%3AWeb%2FMedia) - [event](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?sort=new&restrict_sr=on&q=flair%3AEvent) ___ [*robo replies*](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/index/commands): !strategies !support !advice !inoculation !crisis !whatsQ? !rules *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/QAnonCasualties) if you have any questions or concerns.*


With regard to other people could have done the same and not be charged, have he not heard of John Edwards? But then John Edwards was not found guilty and the state did not retry him.


More important question why are you with a loser that doesn’t work? You’re better than that


If you can, move.


Ask your landlord if you can switch apartments and don't let him move with you.


She owns.


Did not catch that, I had a undesirable couch surfer. I told them, they had a week to move as I had decided to sell the place. Got some boxes and started packing. They moved out in 2 days. Changed the locks and gave the boxes to a friend who was moving.


That’s pretty smart


Kick his ass out, if he won't leave, call the cops


The other person that did the same (Cohen) went to prison.


It’s not about the amount of money. It’s because he paid the money in order to interfere with an election, which made it a federal crime.


Kick this Q ball to the curb you deserve the peace and quiet!


Wow you’re an extremely nice person. Too nice.


They are addicted to Hopium, (Hope based on false propaganda that makes them feel better. They started ingesting it during the lockdowns of the pandemic. Most of them were lonely, retired and had no idea how the Internet works. They still don’t get it, because the people they latched onto are banking on their “marks” to stay engaged. Hopium should be treated as any other drug, it affects their beliefs and they slowly begin to abandoned their beliefs and exchange it for the grifters that are leading them. I call those “grifters” the “Hopium Dealers” and there are many, many of them. Several of these Hopium dealers were never millionaires but they are now. They are the worst thing that has happened to our country and the saddest part is that a lot of our families and friends have fallen into it and getting them back to “normal” just like getting any addict to stop and realize what they’re doing is going to be Herculean, but not impossible.


Why are you letting him stay? This sounds self inflicted


Why are you letting this oxygen thief stay rent-free in your house? Evict his ass.


Pays no rent? Get rid of him!


I love when the people who want to install a dictator to ensure their lone specific way of life is preserved at the expense of everyone else start railing against the "end of democracy."


Um…why is he still in your life???


Tell him that freedom of speech comes with consequences. I don’t understand why you would be friends would such a person? I’ve long since cut out all MAGA cultists from my life because they’ve proven time and time again that they have absolutely zero morals or redeeming features.


is your Q Cosmo Kramer?


Kick em out


Yep that’s a deal breaker


>He doesn’t care about the neighbors, blah blah free speech. I live in an apartment. It’s 6 in the morning, dude! Average citycel L. Go ahead, try to force us all into pods where we don’t have freedom to live our lives even in our own “homes,” always in public and needing to put up a front, conform to the hivemind. You can drag my cold, dead corpse into multi-family housing.


You sound sane enough. Honestly how and why do you put up with this crazy?


If you live in NY city, tell him to go down and protest the sentencing in July, and while he is gone, change the locks and throw all his stuff out.