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Brimsley is the GOAT šŸ‘‘


Agree 100% maybe if we post enough there will finally be a series devoted just for him and Reynolds so we can finally get all the juicy details about their relationship and it's unfortunate ending. šŸ˜žšŸ˜¢ Yes, I know there will be tons of tears but I need to know what happened. PLEASE!!!!


I would absolutely love a series dedicated to him and Reynolds šŸ˜”


I really hope not. I've seen enough queer tragedy to last a lifetime. The only way I would want this is if they retcon it and give them a happily ever after.


Iā€™d like to believe itā€™s not so much a tragedy so much as a sad end to a beautiful love story that couldnā€™t continue for reasons we have yet to discover. I agree queer stories should not have to be tragic and this story shouldnā€™t end this way. I honestly wish this story ends with the two of them having a wonderful life together even if it was all too short. Or if they decide that Reynolds is still alive and decides ā€œscrew it! Life is too short and I miss my boo!ā€ He then tosses his duty to the winds and runs into Brimsleyā€™s waiting arms. That would be even better. Iā€™d cry buckets for an ending like that.


I would love if they did that! An older Reynolds seeking out Brimsley would be bittersweet but very touching. I got too much of a "bury your gays" feel from the end of QC though, so I doubt it.


Brimsley is phenomenal! Love that boy so much. Heā€™s absolutely fantastic. He was such a surprise going in as I had no idea he was going to be THAT incredible. Iā€™m so glad he was there and exactly who he is


He is the best. I love his relationship with Reynolds and the Queen.


We need to know what happened with Reynolds


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Love him.. I want to know what happened with him and the kings right handā€¦ we deserve more man šŸ˜©


His dance outside the palace absolutely broke me. It was so beautiful and moved me to my soul. Perhaps one of the most amazing stories and characters in the whole bridgerton universe