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City is expanding scooters (Lime, Veo & Bird) to Eastern Queens since we're not getting Citi bike anytime soon. CB7,8,11,12 I think


Have they specifically said this is instead of Citibike?


It's pretty clear this is their solution. They're doing this in areas with no citibikes.




Lime and veo scooters Yeah not sure what their end goal here is. Saw a bunch knocked over near liberty




I wish that map was accurate vs what both companies show in the App. It's like half of that and confined to an area. Lime doesn't let you go past St John's University.


So it just cuts off ?


It doesn't cut off, but there is a service area and they make it their business to let you know not to bring it outside of the service area.


That's why this will never be a replacement for citibikes despite the push for it to be. Personally really wish Revel scooters survived, that was at least comparable and more wide reaching


thanks for commenting actual information


Hey, at least there are no rivers in Jamaica for folks to throw the scooters into. The Bronx River has hundreds of scooters in it.


I guess we watched the same video of the guy kayaking


Well there's always Cpt. Tilly's maybe that will give em an incentive to finally clean the pond.


If you see a scooter parked incorrectly, use the links here to report it: LIME: https://help.li.me/hc/en-us/requests/new BIRD: https://help.bird.co/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=4415394453652 VEO NYC: https://www.veoride.com/contact-us/


Lime scooters are the worst. Miami and PDX rebelled against them simply because the users couldnt be bothered to park them out of everybody's way but chose instead to leave them strewn about for people to trip over; myself included. Needless to say many were dumped in adjacent bodies of water as protest.


Lol that’s insane and that’s what I already see. The first time I observed them, they were in a line maybe five or six on a sidewalk, and now they just laid all over the street not on its kickstand right in the middle of a pedestrian ramp where you cross the street. And I was reading the article someone else linked on this post and there is a whole training/safety course before you do your first ride and you’re only limited to 10 miles an hour so I’m pretty sure that’s a pretty inadequate means of transportation and people end up just dumping it


Only matter of time they’ll be all over the streets and through windows of businesses.


Just saw a few on the union turnpike median. 🙄


There was a post about a bunch of them on Hillside.. Sounds like City Sponsored Suicide…


They put them in the dumbest places, in the street on a tight 2 way and in the middle of the sidewalk right on Jamaica, people gonna mess em up soon, saw kids playing with em already.


This is your new mass transit


These kill a lot of people in Seattle, you can go fast and right into traffic or people. If you want a new job niche here it is: https://russellandhill.com/seattle-electric-scooter-attorney/


Smh why is the city allowing these scooters to be here in the first place there’s already a high number of people getting into accidents on scooters and this is not going to help


Lime scooters are here to stay. Started in the BX first. I’m pretty sure all boroughs followed


Really a data tool to see where Citibikes should be installed. Not a viable solution long term for many reasons.


I see these parked all over the Bronx but never being used…in the daytime anyway.


This is right by where I live I’m curious about them too as they came out of nowhere. What’s weird about them is that they will stop working if you go in a certain zone.


This is becoming like a nuisance here too in the Bronx. It's like littering, these scooters 🛴 are literally everywhere, even in front of your home. I think the city needs better management of how they operate these scooters.


Have one dumped on the sidewalk in front of my house. Like I don’t want someone’s trash blocking the way with me then getting blamed for it.


This shit is so dumb, give it a couple of weeks until they get all fucked up.


Just trying to enable more deranged A$$holes to be mobile without any insurance.


Doubt it’s that. It’s just a electric scooter


They are strategically placed. This is good and progressive for South Jamaica. We are fixing up our parks too. While it’s true the older folks may not ride them or use them but this is a win for our teens and young adults. CB12.