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I’m from Oklahoma, my uncle did custom rock work, masonry. He worked on Garth’s house years ago. Said he was one of the nicest people he ever worked for he would bring the crew cold beers at the end of the day and loved to hang out with normal working dudes and shoot the shit


I read somewhere that he's also pro union and demands that union guys work for the setup crews. I couldn't imagine how weird and boring it'd be to only hang out with others in his tax bracket. I'm sure it was cool for the workers but he probably gets even more out of those moments.


Oh so a multimillionaire supporting unions and caring about people other than the ultra rich? I think I found out why they’re going after him then


They hated it when he released "We Shall Be Free." Song was not played by some County stations due to how his support of inclusivity and equality [didn't jive with the listeners](https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1992-10-29-ca-909-story.html). *When we’re free to love anyone we choose* *When this world’s big enough for all different views* *When we all can worship from our own kind of pew* *Then we shall be free.* Plus [they're still pissed he serves Bud Light at his bar and didn't support their boycot](https://www.billboard.com/culture/pride/garth-brooks-bud-light-backlash-inclusivity-1235356774/) and said, "I think if you know Garth Brooks, no matter how long you’ve known him, [he’s] always been inclusive,” he said. “We’re gonna need each other, trust me.” Also, “So I think that, [with regards to] diversity, inclusiveness, I think what you find is our differences are our greatest strengths.” And about the Bud light in his bar specifically, “I want it to be a place you feel safe in, I want it to be a place where you feel like there are manners and people like one another,” he said. “If you [are let] into this house, love one another. If you’re an a–hole, there are plenty of other places on lower Broadway.” His entire thing is being caring towards all. He's progressive while still being an old-fashioned down home person and they hate that. They want that monopoly and they want their down-home people to be bigots, like them.


When you're smart enough to see past the divisive agenda, it's hard to continue to align yourself with those who can't. The entire narrative on the right is to hate and fear your neighbors (and anyone else that's different), because if you're too busy worrying about them, you don't have time to pay attention to what the rich and powerful are doing.


>“If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.” -LBJ This is a story that's gone back a few hundred years in this country and the story is the same today. It's always been about creating divisions so that a very few people can become just a bit more wealthy.


I went through a country music listening phase back in the early 90s, and this is the man who kicked it all off for me, I love his music and the fact that he (as well as a few other country artists), started steering away from the stereotypical country songs, that were all about "my wife ran off with my brother, and stole my pick-up truck too!", but instead started tackling pretty taboo subject matter in the country music world, like AIDS, domestic violence, war, suicide, and child abuse.  Also Garth is a lot like John Mellencamp and Bruce Springsteen. Music artists who became millionaires, but still fight for struggling, blue collar workers, and don't kiss the ass of billionaire CEOs. 


I don’t really care for Garth Brook’s music, but I do like the music of Chris Gaines. 😉 IYKYK


That's really cool! I don't know anything about Garth Brooks but he sounds awesome now. It's funny because I hate country, but as a kid I got his weird (really made fun of now) album where he pretended to be a different person and did other genres. He even changed appearance to be "Chris Gaines." So weird, but sometimes I feel like I'm the only dork that loved that album or remembers lmao.


I remember seeing it come up in another post and a lot of people were actually talking about how great it was.


"My Love Tells Me So" still slaps (even if it's not Garth singing).


I actually really liked that album! I thought it was neat he was trying something different. I think what tends to be left out was that he wasn't going crazy, creating a new persona. Chris Gaines was supposed to be the main character in a film he was going to play him in and they cancelled the film, leaving Garth with just the album, looking like he was going nutty.


I really should look into the history of it all that's interesting! I guess I was 14 when I got the album new and a few songs were 'special' in that way certain ones become for different stages growing up, but back then I had to kind of hide my enjoyment of it from my friends and mostly just liked the music. Never realized there was supposed to be a movie, but I can vaguely remember seeing him as the persona on a talk show or something.


If you read the insert in the CD case it talked about the movie.


Damn. I think I just became a Garth Brooks fan.


> He's progressive while still being an old-fashioned down home person and they hate that. In this way he's truly living up to the standards set by people like Johnny Cash, Willie Nelson, and many other earlier country artists. They were progressive for their era and they were still old fashioned down home people.


Same. He is truly a real one. Very, very thoughtful and kind.


That is why bitter garbage people like this Donna hate him. Nice and successful and talented, imagine that lady? They have to make shit up like "Satanic concert wounds".


Donna wasn't getting enough attention that day, so she pulled some more bullshit out of her ass. I doubt there's more thought involved than that.


I knew some folks from Oklahoma that worked in Garth's house installing cabinets and they said the same thing.


My wife was at one of his concerts and discovered a pleasant surprise about him: he leaves the best seats in the house empty and pulls random people (like my wife and her friends) from the cheap seats up to the front. Probably costs him a couple thousand at every concert, but he clearly cares more about the fans than a little extra money.


Adele did this/does this! I was at her residency in February and she has like a…drawing. Only the seats in the uppermost balcony are in the drawing, she pulls a seat number and they get to come down to an empty seat she saved front row, chats with them a bit etc. I didn’t really care for Garth before but hearing this list of stuff and the fact that Qs hate him is moving me over into his corner.


His music is excellent.


Billy Joel has done this for a while as well.


A couple thousand dollars to him is pocket change.


When I was an early 20 something he sold his entire music collection for dirt cheap so even people as poor as I was could own his music. I think it’s was something like 10 albums for $20. I bought it to add to my 5 CD music collection. I don’t listen to country much anymore but I’ll never forget the joy of owning so many new albums from a popular artist. Made me feel like I could actually afford a little luxury for the first time in my life.


wow nice burner account, Garth! Now where do you keep your black magic!?


This whole “Garth Brooks is a serial killer” has been a running joke for years. Started on the Tom Segura podcast I believe. I knew it was just a matter of time before the Qultists started believing it.


Where are the bodies, Garth? The families need closure!


I’d look in Cheyenne.


At the beaches there


The Qnuts really ruin every funny joke. 🤦‍♂️


Oh my gosh, they really do. Tom + Christina started this and it was hilarious but the fact these morons are starting to buy into it is... 😅🤷‍♀️ Bonus input courtesy of Al Franken 😆 https://youtu.be/u9c0EiYSiNs


They are the same people that believed The Colbert Report was real and the fact it was mocking the rage bait of folks like Bill O'Reilly went right over their heads. They don't understand the concept of satire (like The Onion). Like Trump, they are humorless unless it is mean-spirited towards those they don't like.


And Trump ruined satire because there is nothing considered too ridiculousness anymore.


Did he come out in support of Taylor Swift, Joe Biden, or Beyonce?


He was an early supporter of gay marriage (his late sister was a lesbian) and he sang a duet with George Michael. His song "We Shall be Free" is pretty much a social justice anthem.


>His song "We Shall be Free" is pretty much a social justice anthem. I see what happened. It's the same shit that went through with Rage Against the Machine and Twisted Sister. They finally understood the meaning of the song.


>They finally understood the meaning of the song. Did they ever really figure out Twisted Sister and RATM? I seem to recall Dee Snider and Tom Morrello had to spell things out. Slowly, and using small words.


Eventually, they started making the memes and comments, and posts, etc...


I remember that Dee Snyder got pretty pissed about the fact that their sing "we're not gonna take it", was being played at anti-mask/covid mandate rallies.


>They finally understood the meaning of the song. More likely they probably got sick of it being pointed out to them, understanding nuance seems beyond most of them


As I recall he came out in support of trans people.


And he expressed a very logical response to whether Bud Light would be served in the bar he owns. It would all, he said, come down to how well it sold.


He played at Biden's inauguration, stated his honky-tonk would serve Bud Lite, and said that anyone who insists on being an asshole would not be welcome there.


"Didja hear Garth Brooks say no MAGA Republicans could come into his honkey-tonk! Discrimination!" "He said 'no assholes.'" "Wait, I distinctly remember--" "He said 'assholes' and you immediately self-identified as one, the same way you do whenever you hear 'bigot,' 'transphobe,' 'racist,' and--" "MAGA! MAAAAAGAAAAAAA!"


>"MAGA! MAAAAAGAAAAAAA!" I picture that person with their fingers stuck firmly in their ears as they scream that.


I see Animal yelling it, followed by LOVE DRUMS! Heh heh heh


No, but I know from the start he said he wasn't going to join in any "beer boycotts" at his very popular bar and that EVERYONE was welcome there. He's been a supporter of LGBTQ+ rights and seems to take a moderately liberal stance on many social issues. I'm not a huge fan of his music, but he's always come off as a very genuine likeable guy who identifies with the average person. Never seemed to let his massive fame go to his head.


The Satanic Panic never ended for these people, they just sulked for 25 years and then started insisting again.


They come with the cicada


It doesn't matter that the Satanic Panic was thoroughly debunked. No evidence will ever be enough to convince them.


That's because the movement, at its roots, has little or nothing to do with faith or spirituality and everything to do with fascist advancement. I think that in order to thrive, movements like that need an enemy to hate and fight against, rather than downtrodden people to help or good deeds to do.


So it allows them to be heroes without actually getting off their asses and doing something.


They want and need it to be true. They want to live in a world like that.


They claim the debunking was a cover-up. It'll never end with these lunatics.


Yeah. Proof against the conspiracy is proof of the conspiracy.


Well uh uh uh that’s because ya know the deep state filled in those tunnels under the pre school and uh uh uh those kids were killed or paid off by the uh uh uh Illuminati


Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man.


Same with McCarthyism and the red scare. God forbid you try to constructively critique capitalism or something. So the conservatives call me “commie” for wanting to be able to afford healthcare and the leftists call me “Russian troll” if I express any opinions outside of their own. There’s a common thread here.


>there is not one conservative and most independents who believe the court cases against 47! NOT ONE! Well, you can't have a court case against 47, because there hasn't been a 47th president.


And there isn’t going to be for at least 4 more years.


I get confused about that bit. The number is based on the person rather than the term, right? So Biden is 46 and if re-elected will still be 46 (just like v46.2). But if Trump is elected again he will be 45 and 47, not v45.2. Is that right?


You're right. It's more of a timeline thing than anything else. Grover Cleveland was both the 22nd and 24th President of the United States because his terms were not consecutive. But if one were counting the total number of individuals who have served as U.S. President, he would only be counted once.


That is confusing! I never realized how they were using it for both.


Wonder what meetings she was in? Garbage in - garbage out? What are the numbers - increases by what / where?


There’s a rickety card table in her garage office with seats containing a framed photo of Donald Trump, several doll heads, and a very confused possum.


That's a picture.


I pictured it similarly. A child's play table surrounded by stuffed animals.


Gonna have to bill you for inducing Florida PTSD flashbacks.


With her handlers I guess. I mean she must have some rw think tank or organization that sets the talking points, the narrative arches and pays her for the effort. You don't think she spends that much time and effort out of conviction and without pay


Who is she?


Right wing influencer /talking head


No, probably a weird church thing or an MLM selling leggings.


It was a group session. Productive, but no real big breakthroughs or anything.


Wow... they can't have anything nice... at all...


What were these meetings? Who is “they?” 🤣🤣🤣🤣


"THEY" is "THEM"!!!!!! Do yOuRe ReSeArCh!!!!


Group therapy in the psych ward?


Ok that tracks 🤣


Where are the bodies, G?


I'm trying to figure out where the public outcry is.


I love Garth Brooks. Pretty sure when he talks about his friends in low places it’s not the 9 levels of hell. Maybe the first couple levels but, hey, some of my favorite people would be there too according to these nut jobs.


These people are awful. I'm not a Garth Brooks fan but, my grandmother knew his mom and they both had cancer at the same time, attended the same cancer clinic became quite close at that time. My family knew his family and I will tell you this. Never, ever will you meet a kinder person on this planet than Garth Brooks. Truly a sincere and decent human being. There is no low these qnuts won't sink to is there?


It's like when they went after Tom Hanks. From all I've read he's a pretty decent, down to Earth person. But in the contrarian world of Q, caring, giving people like him are "bad" and grifters and liars like Trump or Alex Jones are "good".


They are bullies who pile on when the sniff out anyone kind. They mistake kindness for weakness.


Everyone knows that the real Garth Brooks died in 1999 and was replaced by that evil satanic rockstar Chris Gaines.


show me how those big tits fart.


Now we're talkin


I like that


But what does she think about Chris Gaines?


> Chris Gaines this is the comment I was looking for


The families need closure, G!


Conservatives sucking up to Rob Schneider and shitting on Garth Brooks shows they have no culture


Happy cake day! And yes, they've got nothing of substance. 


It’s crazy to think Garth Brooks would do anything like that Chris Gaines, though…




I met Garth Brooks as a child. He's a sweet man.


I’m an Okie. Garth is sacred. We do not take his name in vain.


I'm not surprised. Garth completely ignored the whole Bud Light boycott and continued serving it in his bar/restaurant. Basically said the whole thing was nuts in so many words. All it takes is one petty thing to get on Q's bad forever.


Brooks is fine, it's that Chris Gaines I don't trust


I don't know about Garth Brooks, but I hear it's that Chris Gaines guy you have to watch out for.


Garth Brooks is Randall Flagg confirmed.


Garth Brooks is Pennywise the Clown.


When Garth says he has "friends in low places", he means IN HELL. Garth Brooks is literally best friends with SATAN. FACT. I mean what can you even say about this? Only a king sized loser would say something like that about Garth Brooks.


I'm patiently waiting for these people to realize that selling one's soul to the devil is not a biblical concept and is instead pure fiction so they can stop worrying that every edgy musician is actually a baby blood drinking occultist


Pretty much the same things were said about Elvis, The Beatles, Alice Cooper, Ozzy Osbourne, Marilyn Manson, all of whom were considered edgy for their time. Garth? Not real edgy. He's just got some views they don't like.


I saw Garth in concert back in the 90s. That explains why I can't stop murdering people


This is not a joke. This woman is spreading misinformation and tarnishing the reputation of an artist. This should be illegal.


Next up, Carlos Santana was always singing about a Black Magic woman…convenient? I think not!


Garth Brooks is amazing and should be protected at all cost. It's Chris Gaines you gotta be afraid of...


47? He was 45, has been called 19, but he hasn’t won any election that would call him 47 yet. Besides, if the 2020 election was stolen like they say, wouldn’t he still be 45?


Where are the bodies,G?!?!?


I mean, he’s got friends in low places.


They get their info from Tom “I’m too rich for you poors” Segura?


Tom Segura & Christina P have been tormenting Garth for years, asking “Where are the bodies?” on every post he makes on X. Their fans have taken over for them, since he blocked them. I would love if this is bc of those comments.


I bet poster really looks like the profile pic...lol


Dear Donna, People *have* done a comparison study, thankfully (sort of). See: *Black Roses,* 1988, 90mins. It has all the proof you need.


Never heard of it, but looking it up on IMDB it sounds like they ripped the plot straight out of a Jack Chick tract.


“Comparison study” like actual research means a damn thing to them.


Man, I just scrolled their thread. It is impressive to say the least.


I just…feel sorry for these people. They weave these half baked plots together to explain the holes in their lives while ignoring all the ACTUAL fucked up shit I the world. And on top of that they’re terrified of everything.


Ok, so are these people taking meth of their own volition or is someone feeding it to them covertly?


Salem witch hunts, 2.0. Humans gonna human.


And he played for the Mets! He ruined us.


I've got friends with black magic


Can confirm. I have attended a Garth Brooks concert and am currently dead.


Donna has friends in low IQ places.


This might be a Tom Segura meme. He's been tormenting Garth Brooks for years about supposedly being a serial killer.


Just wait till they discover that he briefly had a somewhat gothy alter ego called Chris Gaines. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Garth\_Brooks\_in...the\_Life\_of\_Chris\_Gaines](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Garth_Brooks_in...the_Life_of_Chris_Gaines)


I cannot believe we have been in a modern moral panic for the last 8 years. You’d think we would have learned SOMETHING from the satanic panic or stranger danger, but NOPE!!!!!


Jesus, what kind of "meetings" were they?


It's amazing what they discuss at AA meetings.


You got me at MUDER


I'm so very tired of the least of us dragging the rest of us down. And they're obnoxious about it too. I know I'm not saying anything new here, but can we just have a day with sane, friendly, thoughtful people?


Mental health crisis in the country.


This started with the stand up comedian Tom Segura as a joke


wtf is a black magic wound?


I think he's a decdent *intelligent* guy.But The music! That's sonic torture. IN Germany we have Olli Schluz, great Charakter. handsom, funny. but his music hurts so mucH I'd rather have s coloscopy or a root canal or tatoo on my sclera


The thunder rolls….


Where are the bodies, G?! This is not high and tight mommy.


There is no way that profile is not a bot.


Someone needs to do a sanity study on the OP.


Anyone? Yes you, you fucking idiot. Contact your sisters in Australia and get a medbed. Pronto.


This was a joke started by a comedian … amazing what people start taking as truth


Post-irony is a psychological operative tactic to spread propaganda ironically until the cultural game of telephone gives it a post-modern interpretation. Alot of things start off as jokes. But like post-ironic jokes. Like the OP genuinely believes this stuff but knows it'll be taken as a joke and spread through people making fun of them until it spreads to enough people that some of them will start taking it serious. It happens all the time. I also think it's part of a much bigger psy-op to make conspiracy theories so absolutely bonkers that it's suppressing the idea of critical thought being applied to conspiracy theories. If we see conspiracy theories and nothing but jokes then we will be blinded to when the real conspiracies are happening. Like ones that are connected to Elon Musk and possibly related to MK ULTRA and why he bought Twitter and just a little bit of treason.


Garth Brooks killed my vibe


I'm surprised he didn't mention that whole weird Chris Gains era of his career. That stiff is ripe for conspiracy theories.


I mean I think Garth is evil too…though not for conspiracy shit but because he helped ruin country music.


So where do you stand on Beyoncé


Eh I don’t really care that she made a country album, nor am I a fair judge because I haven’t listened to it. However I will assume it went about as well as when Steven Tyler considered making one.


Garth's got bodies buried in shallow graves from the yucatan to british colombia. fucking monster. Lord knows how he's still out the street, much less headlining.