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Yes, this is most likely where a lot of MAGAs are right now. Not the die-hard loonies though. For some of the semi-reasonable, Trump has lost their vote forever. Others are now completely on the fence because this was quite a kicker for them. Next, let's see what sentencing kicks up. I watched what my Dad went through with Nixon. I expect to see the same pattern including embarrassment, anger towards Trump, not wanting to talk about Trump at all. My Dad was pissed with Nixon until the day my dad died.


Were people still protecting Nixon publicly? I think my mother told me it quieted down significantly after he left.


Yes, it quieted down a lot, and he faded out of the lime light. But it took a few months. He got ill shortly after resigning then, we were somewhat enraged when Ford pardoned Nixon. But eventually it got a lot quieter.


I’ll never forget the day Ford pardoned Nixon. I’m here in DC, and there was so much anger. It was some thing you could almost feel when you were walking down the street. I was really young, but I was a News junkie, and I just couldn’t believe that Ford did that.


And things were far far saner then. Yes , Nixon was a crook arguably a war criminal and a paranoid alcoholic and he needed to be gone but in other ways he was far more traditional a president than Trump ever was.


And as unbelievable as it seems for me to say, Nixon followed norms more than Trump ever has in his life. Is Arant and narcissist as Nixon was, when he realized it was over he actually exited somewhat gracefully. He actually realized that the office of the presidency was larger than his ego. That is some thing that Trump never has and never will realize. And our country will never be the same because of it.


Yeppers....that orange shit stain is permanent.


That sounds so nice. I’ll hope for a repeat, where everyone ends up ok, and our family members all get better, and everyone is safe.


I saw idiots on Facebook claiming the media blew Watergate out of proportion and that Nixon was innocent. Everyone today is just stupid.


My parents told me the story about they were big Nixon supporters, and then when it all happened they were disillusioned and pissed - further when Ford pardoned him. Now I know for a fact that they voted Republican in the Regan/Bush Sr./Bush Jr. years, but I also know they voted Obama at least once, and while my mom voted Trump in 2016 (because she disliked Hilary more) - They would both vote for a ham sandwich over the mango mussolini in 2020 and beyond. Jan 6th I think has completely turned them off from voting Republican. And they are sad at what the Republicans have become. (Honestly, I am too. It's okay to be sad that they turned to insanity while fighting them)


Your dad maybe didn’t live long enough to witness Nixon’s reputation get rehabilitated, little by little. First as a foreign policy guru who needed to be consulted for tough situations, then later when people like Ann Coulter and Laura Ingraham consciously decided to reimagine Nixon as being right all along - about Blacks, and Hippies and Democrats. They’ve tried the same with Joe McCarthy, and it’s happening now, in real time, with Hitler and Putin.


Do you really think so? I know we have our own little echo chamber here, but I really believe(ed?) he’d lose close to no supporters from this. Is there genuinely a group (of whatever size) that this verdict has changed things for?!


The hard core maga supporters are the ones who scream the loudest, drowning everything else out. I do believe there are some fence sitters here.


Well, here’s certainly hoping so. Thanks for the glimmer of hope!


I'm sorry, but I do not find this any more believable than the people saying they have been messaged by so many Democratic friends who say they are now going to vote for Trump because he was convicted. I am not saying that there are no people who were leaning towards Trump who find this to be an important deciding factor, but the vast majority knew what he is and simply don't care. That he was actually convicted of stuff they already knew he did is not going to make a difference to them.


Agree, just because we want it to be true doesn’t mean it is.




Same here. It screams “bLuE piLLeD” copium to me.


Your dad must have not listened to Rush. I think he was the watershed moment that led to GOP brain rot. Until he died he maintained that Nixon got railroaded.


And he was given the fucking presidential medal of freedom… fucking Trump.


They’ll still vote R down the entire ticket but won’t say they did.


I know it starts getting into r/nothingisreal but I don't believe this or almost any text messages posted on Reddit...


Yep, nobody who has supported him this long is just going to flip the switch just like that.


I can believe there are people who don't keep up to date with any news and just think "truth is in the middle"[1]. They are not die hard trump supporters, just think he isn't as bad and see a lot of negative thing about Biden from social media. [1] this used to be a healthy and safe way to look at things, and it works, when both sides act in good faith and just have difference in opinion. Russian disinformation exploits that and puts [so much lies](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Firehose_of_falsehood) that the "middle" is still lies, it's just not those ridiculous ones.


I think for at least some of the more casual MAGAs, they've known for a while that Trump was awful, but there was a kind of peer pressure keeping them from dropping him. Opposing him because he was amoral, bigoted, sexist, etc...they can't admit to that, they'd look "woke". Saying you can't support a criminal, though, that sounds okay.


If I've learned anything in this life, it's that things only rarely end with a big bang. Usually it's more of a slow series of wounds and questionable moments, a fizzle and the ocassional pop as the monster winds down. Some counter-strikes can seem like they work, but eventually you reach a tipping point and public opinion accelerates away from the direction it was pointed. He raised a reported $35 million via web yesterday, and this was supposed to be proof of his grassroots support. Given that it is slightly more than half of his peak historic intake for a single day, it's actually not really a number to brag about. It's a pretty distressing sign for him that some people are becoming fed up with throwing money at the problem.


Yeah but has Biden raised as much? If there’s anything trump is good at, it’s getting people to give him money. People are putting trump in their wills.


There will already be people who are too far gone to ever make it back. It really doesn't matter if they give Trump all their $$. It won't make it into the campaigns. It will sell get sucked into the Trump black hole. Money raised for Biden goes to the Democrats. Money raised for Trump goes to his legal bills and his own pocket.


I don’t disagree, what I’m saying is it looks like a convicted felon is raising more money than a sitting president. Wherever the money goes it will talk, and the more people/companies invest in someone the more likely they are to vote for him. It’s concerning.


In the most recent FEC filing Trump showed more intake than Biden, but that was the first time he has managed that at all. Meanwhile his campaign is burning money on legal fees, and Biden has a significant war chest that isn't constantly being pilfered. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/biden-holds-big-cash-edge-trumps-new-look-rnc-steps-fundraising-rcna153112


Thank you!!


That's what cultist do


Turns out people really don’t like voting for a crook


I have a hard time believing this is real. I want it to be. I just don't know...


I Hope this is real. I watch a german YouTuber from time to time who lives in San Diego now and he talked in one Video about several conservatives he knows. They all hold up the law and order thing in high regard and that’s why they dislike Trump so much. I’m sure there a lots of conservatives like this out there, unfortunately they rarely get heard because the MAGA cult is so goddamn loud.


Just boggles the mind. The crimes, while serious and justifiably a felony, that's where things got too serious? That's where they had to draw the line, a white-collar nonviolent crime, and not any one of the many ridiculous things Trump has done? Some people are just wired different


It’s possible. I worked with some guys who ok with Trump, not super MAGA tho, who were shocked and affronted by Jan. 6. I was like “How are you surprised??” lol but whatever works I guess.


I live in a semi-rural part of a very red state, and the only pro-Trump sign out here stands in front of the remains of a house the occupants burned down for the insurance money


So they have no problem with fraud.


MAGA voters who hate Biden but are willing to vote for him now need to examine what it is they hate about Biden. Most likely it’s something completely made up by Q groups. Should make them feel better about their vote. My cousin hated Biden because he has sex with children, with no reliable evidence that Biden has ever inappropriately touched a child. Meanwhile…


Jealous. My MAGAT is too smooth-brained to accept things


Smooth brained LMAO


Hopefully they stay away from their drug dealer and detox from their hate.


I’m sorry if this exchange is actually real because I honestly cannot believe *this* is what would make you leave MAGA after all this time. For me, it feels as though I’m be told by a Nazi Party member that they don’t believe in Nazism anymore while Berlin burns around them- if you could not detect the signs that the entire thing was not only a sham but a racist, fascist-adjacent militant cult then I cannot take you at your word


This seems kind of sus. We laugh at Q folks for these posts and maybe it is real but I don’t see any MAGA (die hard Trump supporter) changing their mind. Maybe middle of the road republicans but not the ass suckers.


Dare I hope "this" could be how the nightmare ends? Could this be the start of something? I know his rusted on cult members won't care no matter what but maybe this will move the needle.


Need to keep going at him. They will regress if no new headlines come at them. More trials. More convictions! More more more!!! Im so hard right now.


I haven't yet spoken to my elderly father. He is someone who dislikes Trump's personality but "likes his policies." He seems to me to be a voter who might given up on Trump. He'll definitely still vote, but I don't know if he could vote for Biden. But I consider him to be the sort of voter who Trump could have lost with felony convictions. On the other hand, my father may stick with him, not liking his crimes or his personality, but still liking the idea of trying to deport 11 million undocumented migrants.


It's insane to me that it took a conviction for these morons to decide not to vote for Trump again. Were they on drugs prior? The fuck is wrong with them to have ignored literally all the other shit related to that pedophile conman, including him being found to be a rapist in a court of law recently, and *still* be on his side until now.


I have one category of voter to suggest who might be switching from Trump to Biden: the low-information pocketbook voter. There are voters who looked at this contest and asked, "Did I feel better off under Trump before Covid (giving him a pass for a global pandemic) or do I feel better off now?" Some of those voters were going to vote for Trump because they thought their economic future would be better under him, and never mind more detailed arguments. This was the depth of their reasoning. For some who felt that this question just barely tipped them to Trump, the 34 convictions could be enough to now tip them the other way. I think this describes enough voters to make a difference that we should see in the next round of polls.


I liked on the news of Dinesh issuing an apology for 2000 Mules being factually debunked and pulled from distribution. Hoping that all of these events can at least plant seeds of doubt in Trump


Fake news, too introspective and articulate to be written by full blown MAGAs.