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Overdraft fees, direct deposits of paychecks, Starbucks, not a lot of interesting shit is my guess.


“Juror number 72 bought a bejeweled butt plug on Amazon, so Daddy’s INNOCENT!!1!!” - A Trumpanzee on Lie Central (Truth Social) probably


Stuff that the Trumps have never heard of.


Taxes and bills?


and their salaries. Trump doesn't know what working for a living is.


Let’s be fair. Working the Grift is still working in a sense.


Juror #6 really enjoys Dominos, so obviously he's biased against Trump


Trump did do commercials for Pizza Hut, right around the time that corporation went down the tube coincidentally


"Yeah, I might have taken a few weeks off for jury duty, but they paid me $40/day plus mileage, so I'm kinda rich now"


And since it was Manhattan residents only that milage isn't going to be much.


Yet they find nothing suspicious about Kushner bringing home 2 Billion from the Saudis for Daddy Trump.


$600 million from China for Ivanka


I mean Trump was just found guilty of hiding payoffs.  And they don't believe that hiding pay offs is a crime because of that. Yet they now want to investigate the jurors for hidden payoffs.  Because hidden payoffs would make them guilty, all over the jurors finding trump guilty of hiding payoffs. When hiding payoffs isn't a crime they believe in.  They are no problem with any of this.b Despite the evidence trump should go free. And the lack of any evidence at all, the jurors should be punished. 


Also, not a lawyer, but I’m pretty sure there’s no legal basis for random idiots to subpeona bank accounts. In fact, I don’t think you can subpeona a bank account at all… I think you subpeona a person? Starting to think insurrection barbie may not be a legal expert.


Donald Trump Jr.’s ex-wife was married to a male member of the House of Saud.


Not like that!


But her emails


Buttery males!


Now that's one I wish SOMEONE would sink their teeth into. That whole thing got hand waved away way too easily.


That's how you know they are in a cult.


I like how they care more about the accounts of a juror over that of the guy literally running to be president. Talk about aiming your inquiry in the wrong direction.


That's the kind of shit that makes it virtually impossible to take them serious. EVERY single thing that they try to use as a "gotcha" is always so much more damning on their side. If self awareness was a leopard, it would bite their face off and they will still turn around and blame it on Obama's tan suit with "uppity", "fancy" dijon mustard stains on the lapel 🙄


The problem is they’re programmed to do two things: if they mention it first, and you come back, “oh whataboutism!” If you mention it first, they’ll do the, “but what about…” with zero sense of it actually being whataboutism on their part. It’s annoying.


It's exactly like the Depp fans who crowdsource money to pay for the unsealing of court documents every few months, looking for dirt on Heard to make her look bad; only, they end up every single time unsealing docs that paint *Depp* as being bad, which they try to spin as positives (like how decades of drug and alcohol abuse has left him with ED, which is why he raped her with a bottle; that he wanted to introduce revenge porn as evidence to humiliate her; that he threw knives at her, her sister and a friend of hers on numerous occasions; plus other things too numerous to recall off-handedly).


Well because it's impossible that their savior would lie, everyone else is lying /s


I agree, but they’re implying that the jurors were paid off. Cause y’know, it’s unfathomable for Trump to be guilty of 34 felonies any other way 🙄


Bank accounts? Do they know that two of the Jurors listed Truth Social, OAN and Newsmax as thier only source of news? And they convicted him. 34 times. His own people.


That part right there.


Is there a source for this? I know a few cultists who need that info.


I assume they’re referring to [this chart](https://spyglass.org/content/images/2024/04/Screenshot-2024-04-20-at-10.55.39-AM-1.png) that’s made the rounds. It’s not quite as damning as they’re describing, but there is at least one juror who says Truth Social and Twitter are their only news sources, and one juror is all it takes to hang a jury.


Trump must have had such high hopes for juror number 2.


Matt Gaetz tweeted " Come on Juror #2! " so yeah...




Yes that is it! I included a Forbes article in my replies. But it only talks about one juror. TY for posting this


I'd love to know the source of this chart- got some of my high school nitwits to shit facts on.


From the [New York Times](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/18/nyregion/trump-trial-jury-hush-money.html?), but unfortunately behind a paywall edit: I also found [this link](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/19/nyregion/trump-trial-jury-news.html), which appears to not be paywalled? Although I don't think it's the whole article, just this chart's section


There is a break down on Twitter. I don't have Twitter on my phone or I could share but that's where I saw it. Lemme see if I can find something... ok I Googled "2 Trump Jurors only used Truth Social and OAN as their primary news source" and got this Forbes article popped up first. Says juror #2 said he got his Truth Social off of X. So he's also an X user. Here is what I found... [Forbes article](https://www.forbes.com/sites/maryroeloffs/2024/05/30/the-truth-social-juror-what-we-know-trump-hush-money-trial-jury-deliberations-day-two/?sh=78f1841242ea)


A lot of boring shit


And that one off Starbucks order. Then boom they got them. Lord bless their poor wittle hearts. Lol


Substantial amount going out in rent


This is the most dangerous narrative being pushed yet. A desperate lie to incite violence


But I promise they are remembering Jan.6.


Can’t be, those were just tourists


True, but ok tourists that are receiving prison sentences , paying fines, and damn near losing everything.😂😂😂😂, if that what happens when you are a tourist at the Capital, when told to leave, nahhh, I’ll pass.


That one Tourist that got a free 9mm slug from the forbidden gift shop


I guess you could say that it took her breath away.


That’s the only way. Cause she’s not breathing anymore or a tourist anywhere either.


They are really not taking this well. Sad


Very /musk


But they are the same ones that they wanted justice to send HRC to jail for her emails. Btw, whatever happened to that? Well we know she not a felon.


You would find people not buying off adult film actors and trying to pass off the payments as something else. I'm pretty sure that's what you would find, Insurrection Barbie.


When peoples’ brains become consumed with conspiracy thinking, EVERYTHING is a conspiracy. Nothing can just be as it is. It can’t be that Trump is a brazenly corrupt con artist that’s been adjudicated guilty, it must be that George Soros used his ‘Jew-fluence’ on the judge and jury to make poor, innocent Daddy a convicted felon. It’s fun to watch them cope and writhe and rend their garments over the convictions. I just hope none of them kill anybody over it. But I think we sadly know some of them probably will.


They've molded their entire personalities around Trump. Admitting that he's a scammer exploiting them would invalidate their views completely and that's far too painful to ever accept.


But again, it confuses me that in order to keep believing in Trump they need to also believe him to have never done *anything* wrong, never made a mistake, they need him to not be human. How hard is it to go "I love Trump, but damn he really fumbled the bag with that Stormy Daniels thing!" No, they need to twist themselves into Escherian knots to justify each of his missteps as either 1) part of a complex plan that somehow includes him losing at every turn or 2) an elaborate lie on top of all the other lies to tarnish his image. I can't imagine how exhausting that must get on one's psyche, I would love to see some stats on the suicide rate among diehard Trump supporters over the last few years.


They've come to identify with his narcissism. Because they lack individual self-esteem, they latch onto Trump as a symbol of what they think is power and confidence. If they can't be special themselves, they will compensate by aligning themselves with someone they consider to represent that special quality they want. Trump, being a lifelong con man and malignant narcissist, plays into this by linking them to himself in his hourly ravings of his "greatness" and grievance. The more things go wrong for him, the more he retreats into narcissistic delusion while they follow. Creating a feedback loop of escalating extremism as they have to work harder and harder to deny reality and protect the fantasy of Trump as their great savior. Something Trump himself encourages as he gets profit, a sadistic thrill, and a loyal force of followers to potentially save him from facing the consequences of his lifetime of vile action.


Do you have subpoena power, Barbie? If not STFU


12 a day?


$40 a day for NY. Though these guys would see that and say "SEE?! They were PAID OFF!"


Being used to $15/day in my state my first impression was: "Oh wow NY pays a lot more!" Then quickly remembered that it isn't per hour but per day and that's still way below a minimum wage.


Yeah, and you get that $40 for being on jury duty, whether you're chosen for a jury or not.


What, do you think this is amateur hour? We get paid SorosBux in offshore accounts.






Just as I suspected! Investigate


Big if true


Legal money


$62.50 6+2+5+0=13!!!!!! It's the sign!


They really do not have a clue how things really work.


Forever unable to accept that their orange messiah really is a corrupt criminal and now he’s getting the convictions to prove just how slimy he really is.


For the party of law and order they sure don't have an understanding how legal processes work at all. Who would request the subpoena and for what reason?


Trump doesn't bribe he just makes false promises so you won't see a dime added to the jurors accounts from him. Lock him up!


I'd be shocked if they could find a New York juror smart enough to show up at the courthouse on time but still dumb enough to take an IOU from Donald Trump.


I worry about the jurors. These people are unhinged.


Oooooh boy. Nothing out of the ordinary would be the answer. Ridiculous.


How much they make from their jobs I would guess. Hey Barbie. If we were to checke your bank accounts and your IP locations. Do you suppose we would find you having recidence in Russia??


That one of them was paid by Trump? Hence his statement about ***HIS*** juror.


Juror #3 is my half-brother’s cousin on his father’s side’s girlfriend’s mom, and the girlfriend allegedly said that her mom got 600 $orosbucks. She’s already invested it in $neakers, a new line of investment shoes Soros just launched. The shoes are made by very old Rabbis at a work camp in Upstate NY. Funny thing about Rabbis is they never die. Have you ever heard of one dying? Exactly. They are the perfect slave laborers. Anyway, so…we’re rioting because of this, right? I’m going to have to take an animals life just to calm down.


Yes, it's unconstitutional to get the bank records of a suspect of "money crimes", but the jury, not even accused of anything, and forced to be there, they're fair game. It's "Insurrection Barbie" because their head is a thin shell around stale air, right?


Now we’re going to have MTG subpoenaing the jurors. Fucking sick of this.


I’m actually kinda scared for the jurors… are they safe? I can’t believe how low our country has sunk 😔


Oh I can. Most people’s houses are not perfectly clean. Trump got what he deserved. Act like an ass, get treated like an ass.


I’m more interested to see the bank accounts of all these MAGA grifters on X like Eagleman, Mannarino ect


...and when the account statements don't show them what they want, they'll ask for the *long form* account statements.


I thought that trump was universally loved… yet (apparently) everyone can easily be bought off to “betray” trump, like Cohen, Barr, Kelly and so many others.


😂😂😂😂and who is gonna have the say so to have them subpoenaed…..Donald Frump…..nope! He throwing shit upside the wall thinking it will stick.




Yourself arrested for even trying, one would hope.


There’s this weird thing about subpoenas… you have to have a reason.


Soros paid each of them 1 billion dollars to vote to convict. It was routed through a Hunter shell company. Each person has agreed to donate 100 million to the Clinton Foundation.


Barisma has to be in there somewhere


This is how the Complosphere works. One person posts inuendo based on nothing. Another person will take this, confuse it or deliberately distort it, and claim to have heard evidence. Someone else will claim to have overheard a bank teller. Soon there will be a rumor of proven payments to the jurors. More people will elaborate on it until it finally achieves a version compelling enough to go viral on the complosphere, where it becomes QAnon canon that "everyone knows." That's why this system of delusion generation is so pernicious, because it grows step-wise among the participants, who consciously or unconsciously edit it until they are excitedly sharing it, where it can continue to be altered if there are facts that provide friction. The particular beliefs will rise and fall, but I think we will have a permanent portion of society that is lost to reality, with new members arriving to fill their ranks.


It’s the answer to trump paying for so many other people to have lawyers, like Cassidy Hutchison.


Money. Cry some more repugs.


Nobody could ever vote guilty on the guy who has openly admitted doing the crime many times


I'd love them to do that and find out they'd find nothing except maybe the odd embarrassing fetish OnlyFans subscription. Only that I wouldn't really love this because then they would say something like "Yeah but surely they have SECRET accounts in Zimbabwe which are impossible to verify and prove my suspicions". There's nothing that will satisfy them other than their suspicions confirmed or at least impossible to disprove. And the craziest part here is, why do they find it so difficult to believe a handful of people just *might* really think Trump is guilty and have voted as such? They spend their days arguing online with people who hate Trump, do they think every single one of those individual is a bot and every single real-life human who's not part of the deep state loves Trump? Also, weren't these jurors vetted by Trump's camp anyway? It's just boggling to me that their belief system is so unnecessarily flimsy that it requires this kind of stretch. The fact that a small group of jurors voted against Trump should have no impact on their beliefs at all, in any other normal day they know many people hate Trump because they call us "sheep", "asleep" and whatever else. It takes no effort to imagine the jurors just happened to be part of the sheep, but no, they need to turn that too into some convoluted scheme requiring secret bank accounts.


All the Real Americans love {not writing that name} so it must have been a jury composed of illegal aliens and communists. If there was a Real American on the jury, he or she (no other option) geared for their family's lives and voted with their fingers crossed. /S


If we subpoena everyone who's ever bought Q-merch or donated to Trump, what do you think we'd find? Bankruptcies, meth addiction, missing child support payments, oh, and the whole subpoena thing being obviously illegal to anyone who isn't an extremist loon.


Dont forget the bots that are feeding the q nuts half of the wackadoodle info


They really think everyone is as stupid as they are. If the Deep State™ wanted to take Donald down, they're not going after him for a class E felony.




Don’t they know you don’t have to bribe normal intelligent people, especially in NY, to convict this guy??


You first, Barbie.


Banking transactions? What else would there be?


Hence the gag order


Trump's attorneys vetted the jury pool during *voir dire.* He got a fair shake. They're full of it.


You’d find that you’d have to realize trumps lawyers were in on it too because they helped select the jurors?


I mean that’s clearly the next answer. It’s sad that we can now start generating this shit before we hear it.


I’ve thought about trying to start a conspiracy theory that would eventually lead them to a “haha tricked you sign” of some kind just to get them to stop believing random shit


they think the jurors were paid off to convict their god king. That is all.


I would love to hear this person's opinion about how one obtains a subpoena absent an active litigation.


trumps lawyers picked those jurors, too. For each charge, all the jurors had to unanimously agree.


Deposits and withdrawals I'd imagine.


This whole sub turned into shit