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Ugh. Fuck Piers Morgan with Kevin Sorbo’s dick.


Reminder that Piers was the editor of The Mirror when its journalists hacked into the phone of a murdered teenager to try to scrape anything to make a story about her, and were found out thanks to one of them accidentally deleting a voicemail she'd left that her mother listened to in order to hear her daughter's voice again.


> with Kevin Sorbo's dick Immediately after he pulls out of Elon Musk's ass ..


So . . . Former Presidents are to be immune from any crime? 🤔 . . . or, are Former Presidents to be normal citizens who are not above the law


When it comes to trump, it’s whatever they feel works in his favor. Nevermind he said multiple times that Clinton should be indicted & disqualified on an indictment alone leading up to the 2016 election. The “lock her up” crowd is now crying “political persecution” of an opponent while ignoring the absolute irony.


All the right wing lunatics really believe that Trump should be above the law. Some spew nonsense because they are afraid that if they don't spread lies about Trump's verdict, Trump's base would step on their nuts while wearing soccer shoes. They are doing all this without giving a shit about how they are affecting the American Justice system(which is already on shaky legs) negatively. Shame on the entire GOP for letting this happen.


I like how Piers thinks it's someone else who dragged Trump through a criminal trial. He should have just accepted a plea deal given the overwhelming evidence. Instead he wanted to do a show for his base who are now crying because it wasn't the outcome they wanted.


"then anyone is at risk of a similar fate" Yes, that's the entire fucking point!


Yeah, anyone who inherits millions, still fucks their own business up multiple times, and thinks they're immune to the law, even before ever becoming President Ok! Haha


Always been true. We'd have been in jail twice as fast if we did half as much.


>Tim Pool's bullshit I'm pretty sure everyone can still order pizza, play Halo, and laugh all night.


Oh shit, my roommate + my boyfriend *both* ordered pizza already this weekend! And bf + I laughed for a while watching funny shows last night... I'm sure our Founding Fathers are disappointed 🙄😅


Hell, everytime all of my friends are under the same roof we're eating, drinking and playing Tekken Tag because I still have a PS2. Maybe Tim's former friends just got tired of hanging out with him.


We regularly do that except with Smash Bros.


Piers Morgan is such a silly little twat.


The second picture is a troll from the Jimmy Kimmel show (the bit they did with this guy was great) but the MAGAt tears have been amazing.


For those who missed it, it was great: https://youtu.be/jaVxD7s4_tA?t=401


That was a great segment.


Tasty, scrumptious tears 😋


Musks comment. It wasn’t trivial but if SCOTUS and Cannon weren’t protecting Trump he’d be on trial right now for charges with far higher punishments. So ok, let’s do those trials Elmo.


Make Elon right. Indict him next.


there won´t be enough keyboards and mouses to hit those libs! hit them with memes and emojis till they bleed to dead! caps lock ready! *imagines south park episode of the game war*


I would agree with Musk’s repost if it was a genuine attempt to want justice for them other crimes, but it isn’t it’s basically just saying nobody else was charged so why should DT be.


Except Michael Cohen did two years in prison for the exact crime Trump was just convicted over.


Trump’s DOJ did that.


Oh, Tim. You won't even leave your beanie stink-filled basement and you're fantasizing about war?


Wait I’m confused about Tim Pool’s tweet. The last time any one of us played split screen halo was likely 10-15 years ago, not a night or two ago. How out of touch is he that he thinks people are still playing split screen halo? It’s Call of Duty online, Fortnite, and Overwatch now, For people who are into that fps stuff


Tim Pool is an old man cosplaying a young one


He was found guilty of fraud. I swear those cultists keep thinking he was found guilty for a minute hump,and not fraud. Now the George Foreman picture really pisses me off. These same dumbfucks were saying he deserved it and blah,blah,blah. They are taking it to damn far.


Foreman? You mean Floyd?


Autocorrect. I type foreman a lot.


The more time passes the more I wonder why nobody is calling for Donald to drop out. THIS IS NOT NORMAL The whole point of The Constitution is that nobody is above the law, especially presidents. We rebelled against a king, we didn't do that to coronate one ourselves.


Sunk cost.


I’m hopeful the DC case can get on track enough to start before the election.


It’s useless. He won’t, and the law won’t make him. We’re not going to waste our breath.


“So trivial!” from the same people who want Biden thrown in jail for crimes they think his son committed.


If fraud is now considered “trivial”, then I’m assuming immigration and abortions are also just trivial matters?


The right wingers wanted Hillary Clinton sent to Gitmo for having the wrong emails.


I remember when republicans impeached a democrat presidential for a blowjob.


They impacted Clinton for lying and obstruction. Trump is a felon because he covered it up illegally. Same basic idea. The president has people digging into their background for years. If you’re a shady NY developer, maybe don’t run for president


> “If a former President can be criminally convicted over such a trivial matter - motivated by politics, rather than justice - then anyone is at risk of a similar fate.” Fuck this so much. Anyone else would already be behind bars for this “trivial” matter. And until recently, any reasonable person would agree that “no president is above the law.”


I bet these people who think it's ridiculous for trump to be tried for these "trivial" crimes, have no problem with people getting thrown in jail for years because they were caught with a few joints on them.


LoCk HeR uP oVeR a SeRvEr


Or selling single cigarettes. Or being killed for allegedly passing counterfeit bills.


LOL what has Trump did for Tim lately? Simps


He couldn't even answer Tim's softball questions when he appeared on Tim's podcast this week.


Piers Morgan and Nigel Farage on UK TV Thursday night, fighting each other like rats in a sack, was one of the better experiences I have had so far in ‘24…


I thought they were on the same side?


None of these pieces of shit are on anyone’s side but their own. Their interests might align briefly but only as long as it’s beneficial.


How to break conservative, "What if a Democrat did that?"


I'm really amused that they think he is obligated to run for president. Compelled. No he's not. It was his decision, and it was to deflect from his numerous indictments. Running for president doesn't make you immune from prosecution. These people are dense


Additionally, I love how Republicans think it's their God-given right to have Trump be their candidate because they made the strategic error of basing a substantial part of their political machine on a cult of personality. A normal political party could move on and run someone else, it's their *own fault* that they decided to use Trump cult worship as a political weapon.


Looks like the campaign memo specifying the approved talking points has gone out.


The “Free Father Teresa” guy is an actor/comedian who was doing a segment for Jimmy Kimmel. Funny how well he played the part and got airplay across the networks.


Sorry, Piers. It's bad enough that Trump got foreign interference to help him win an election he didn't deserve to win, but he also won it by convincing his rubes that he is the holy Orange Jesus and concealing the sexual indiscretions that would've turned a few of them off. We don't like people defrauding the public to win an election. Stop simping for Trump and mind your own business.


Something so trivial as 34 felonies???


Elon, you moron, tRump won the 2016 election because he covered up his shit illegally, dummy! Had he not done this, an honest election would have happened. You espouse dishonest elections? What a loser!


>Today was our George Floyd moment ...


Yes, please do make it a George Floyd moment. We wouldn't have to listen to that whiney voice ever again.


The fact that a forrmer president/ "billionaire" Can be held to a relatively similar standard as you or I, one would think it would be a good thing, no? I guess the real issue is the fact that it isn't being enforced across the board. But honestly, it could be and probably is, but it's happening to those who don't have as large a status as trump. Therefore, it's being viewed as "political weaponization" smh


He was found guilty of shit he did before he was elected.


Yes. It truly is a sad day when a rich white man is convicted of crimes he committed. Won’t somebody think of the rich white men?




That 3rd one is absolutely insane and disrespectful omg


Meanwhile, the Republicans have been trying to impeach Biden for 8 months. But it's only politically motivated when it's against Trump.


My reply to Elon, "There is something severely wrong with you. If you have issues with America and our system of justice? You're more than welcome to go back where you came from." #FvkElonMusk One of my most popular tweets over the weekend.