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I like to believe I'd take the moment to shake her out of it. "You want me to commit suicide, mom?" would be a statement that may cause enough mental anguish to force her to analyze her behavior.  If it causes a pause, then a follow-up, "Because even though I disagree with you, I'd never want you to kill yourself over a politician. Maybe that is the difference between our beliefs?"  At the very least, I guess I'd get out of having to visit.


“You want your child to die? Have you always wanted that? Have you ever talked to a professional about your violent, dark fantasies?”


"You want your child to die? Aren't you pro-life?"


Exactly! They claimed to be pro life until a ton of Q folks discovered during a global pandemic that they had long wanted to harm grandma and grandpa and their neighbors.


> "You want me to commit suicide, mom?" would be a statement that may cause enough mental anguish to force her to analyze her behavior. And likely won't, because that's not how these morons think, and she'd probably be fine with that if her attempts to brainwash you into her line of thinking fail.


I'm not so sure. A parent wishing death on their child is a reach -- even for MAGA.


I have been active in repro justice for over a decade and often work closely with clinics. My MAGA mom told me that a clinic shooter would have every right to kill me. 🤷‍♀️


Mind mg asking what repro justice is?


Reproductive justice


Oh! Thanks.


I'm sorry, but I don't have faith in them anymore after the cases of people going down the conspiratorial rabbit hole and killing their family members. It has happened before, and it's usually because MAGA told them it was OK to deny reality entirely.


When people think they’re doing “ the lords work “ there is no stopping how low they will go . This is a dangerous cult but I honestly expect them to be the ones who have mass suicide when Trump and their cult lose the election . Sounds like mom here is projecting . Favorite pastime of Q Trump cultists


>A parent wishing death on their child is a reach -- even for MAGA. It's really not. Haven't you seen the countless parents who kick their minor children out on the streets because they're some flavor of the rainbow? These are supposedly good Christian parents, who are "pillars of the community," and are staunch conservatives. They've voted for that Orange Bastard and mainline right-wing news. These people couldn't care less if their gay child dies out in the streets. They're "sinful," and "deserve" whatever they get for "going against god." These same people will force their 9-year-old daughter to give birth to their rapist's baby, all the while telling her it's her fault she was assaulted, and the pregnancy is her punishment for tempting her abuser! Trust me, if you go against your MAGA/Q-cumber parent, they will wish death upon you -- or worse!


Plenty of MAGA and Qanon family annihilators have happened since Jan 6th so it's very real and believable for me.


"So you want me to die? I thought you were anti abortion, but you don't care about people dying? So you don't care about the fetus' dying, right? Or you do care? Which one is it?" 


I hate to say it, but I'm also dealing with a Boomer that at times hates her pain and impending death so much that she subconsciously wishes the same pain and suffering on me that she is experiencing now. She vacillates between blind pain and sanity. Parents who resent a child's greater success and life experience have no bottom to their pit of begrudgery. When their physical and mental anguish combines with ego survival at all costs, it rapidly outpaces love, and compassion goes right out the window. It requires actual strength of character to be old and in pain, and still make an effort to be compassionate. 


I think this may be a good tactic. A common thread with these people is they didn't care until it effected them. We did this with our parent. He wasn't a rabid trump supporter, you wouldn't find a red hat. He was a Limbaugh listener for a long time and has some anger. When roe was taken out, we used this to humanize the experience. My sister would be dead in the state of Florida without access like that. Basically all three liberal children made an appeal. We told him to stop listening to right wing crap. Turn it all off. Listen to his kids. He hated Obama care, but it saved his life when he got cancer after retiring early and didn't have insurance in the GAP years. Now my bil and sister took in his nephew that is transitioning. He was thrown out of his house for doing it. He's learning the right pronouns, being respectful and even supportive. The rights goal here, like it was with the Jews, blacks, Irish, Chinese, Japanese, the Poors, etc is to dehumanize. If you turn them into animals, they can be exterminated without running into peaky moral qualms. This is their playbook. The only way is to show these people that we are all human. It sounds simple enough, how could they think these things. The other is nebulous and scary. Fear is their motivation. You have to show them it's not actually scary. Turn on the lights in the haunted house.


Love this


Well, that's very Christian of her.


I’ve tried to talk to her about how it’s unchristian to support Trump. Not trying to get her to vote for Biden but to understand why supporting Trump is anti Christian and to no avail.


Unfortunately it sounds like your mother has shown her true colors. That she wasn't really all that christian to begin with. She's had a lot of time to choose, and she's chosen Trump over the teachings of Christ. I wouldn't bring it up anymore. Maybe be a little distant from her. When she asks you what's wrong, simply tell her that you're disappointed in her. That she raised you to be a christian, to treat others with kindness and that she has shown you it was all a lie. When she asks what you're talking about, bring up she hopes all the democrats commit suicide. She will have another choice, realize how insane that statement is, or, double down. I hope she comes to her senses, but I know a few "christian" Trump supporters as well, and, they all doubled down on Trump.


It's wild how such a huge percentage of American Christians have joined the cult of Trump given how often the Bible warns you against worshipping false prophets and golden idols.


It’s so insanely wild how much some people have lost all grip on reality. Occasionally I post in some Trump telegrams and they are the most unintelligent, insane losers. I don’t know how these rifts are going to heal.


They won't heal, it'll only get worse. The only way this will resolve is if (or when) MAGAts engage in the next lethal idea (anti-vax, black-salve, loadinh up on guns, drinking colloidal silver etc) and die en masse. Unlike your mother, I don't want to see them suffer even though I think they're insane! All I'm saying is that mass deaths are inevitable.


We’ve already had the anti-vax deaths. A million people died.


>It's wild how such a huge percentage of American Christians have joined the cult of Trump Eh, I grew up surrounded by them...it's not that wild to me!


Those two right there.


I grew up in a massively religious, fundamentalist household. The number of people I was supposed to look up to who turned out to have feet of clay is just astounding.


For the Trump supporting Christians, many think he’s some kind of second coming or at least some kind of messenger of God. Just remember to file away the infidelity, lying, cheating and what not for when the GOP supporters have a Democratic candidate with a hint of the same and they start clutching their pearls again.


And the golden statue of Trump 💀


If she can read, try getting her to read this: https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/ He fits the model perfectly.


My mother is also super Christian and conservative. Some days I'll speak with her and she'll say something like, "I'll vote for a liberal before I vote for Trump again", but a few weeks later she'll be repeating GOP propaganda. In my mother's case, I think she wants to do the right thing but she's surrounded by the Fox "news", churchy crowd, and she doesn't get any real information, she hears only her echo chamber of evangelical fascism, which seems to allow them to validate their dislike/hatred for those they feel are not living the way Christians feel everyone needs to live. I've never understood how the conservative media and conservative politicians are so effective at convincing their base of the ridiculous lies and distorted truths. They are so convincing, it's damn near impossible to get anyone from that base to listen to and consider the actual truth of a matter.


They just believe what they’re told at face value by the people who believe the same things they do. For example: Fox News spewing the easily disproved lie that Donald Trump and everybody else weren’t told what he’s being charged with. My parents believed that and still do and so do so many other people. It’s very scary to have a huge chunk of the population be so easily manipulated which of course isn’t unique to people on the right.


There's no hate like Christian love.


Was this supposed to be ironic? Because it tragically isn't.


Why suicide? Are they finally accepting the whole covid vaccine being poison was a lie?


Oh they think more people have died because of the vaccine than from covid. They don't even accept that more conservatives have died. They think the majority of the 1.5M Americans that died are liberals who took the vaccine, not conservatives who refused the vaccine. We can't even share the same reality about covid.


This. I accidentally turned on Newsmax for about 30 seconds in a hotel. The bottom of the screen had a running ticker counter of total number of people who have supposedly been killed by COVID vaccines. At the time, it was in the tens of millions and rising in real time (and that was a while ago, that number they're reporting has surely hit 100+ million by now). These people are just living in a completely different reality than the rest of us.


I'm learning to play the guitar.


The "news" they were reporting was...pretty fucking shocking. I could see how an otherwise generally not violent person could be driven to violence by it, if they truly 100% believe _that_ is the reality facing them. And when that violence happens, which it does, both Newsmax and the person should be held accountable.


Is this ticker counter just made up out of whole cloth?!? That’s insane.


You know, the whole, “The vaccine is really poison because the government wants to kill you!” thing never has made sense to me. I mean, if I am taking the vaccine, I am compliant with what the government wants. They don’t want me dead, I’m less likely to be a problem. They would want the unvaccinated dead because they are going to be the problems.


None of those conspiracies make any sense if you think about them for longer then 10 min


Eh, I'd say more than ten seconds.


You're right. If the government only wants mindless drones who'll do whatever the government wants, why would the kill the only people doing what the government wants? Again, you have to think through a lot of these things. And they're not really into thinking thing though.


That was what I always wondered. Why would the allegedly corrupt "liberal" government want to kill all the people who support and agree with them and who observe the government's advice and demands? Why would they kill them, and not kill all the people who are always refusing government advice and threatening to murder everyone with their guns? Also, why would they kill off the part of the population that on average pays the most toward the government in taxes (blue) and not the ones who on average take the most from the government in welfare benefits (red)?


What has never made sense to me is if the government wanted to kill everyone, why would they invent a virus which has such a low fatality rate just to then invent a vaccine that then kills people? Then again the US government has far more effective and quicker ways to kill massive numbers of people, just ask the older residents of Hiroshima or Nagasaki.


Or just ask any US gun owner, since the brainwashing around the "need" for guns there has taken hold better than any bomb being dropped ever could.


Even more so with the “killer” vaccine. I have someone telling me that it’s to för depopulation - even though it’s quite clearly not very good at that. He sent me an article about someone who died after being given Moderna (in Sweden) with “It’s already started”. There was in fact a recent case. The Swedish Health Authority changed their guidelines to exclude anyone 30 and under from Moderna. The man who died after accidentally being given a dose was 30. The family got about 4,000 USD in compensation. This is all very unfortunate, but comes with the territory. The man died *3 years ago*. How my Q-friend doesn’t notice that he has to scramble around for this evidence of a world-spanning depopulation drive is beyond me. It’s clearly a case of confirmation bias on steroids. Oh.. and my friend is a nurse, working in the Swedish Health Service.


A bunch of them switched it to, "You liberals *knew damn well* that if you supported the vaccine and told conservatives they should get it, that we wouldn't trust it and we'd refuse to get it! It's *your* fault we didn't take it! You tricked us into dying!" I wish I was kidding. They think we were all just trying to reverse-psychologicalize them into *not* getting the vaccine so they'd all die.


Well . . . either way, it worked! It’s their own damn faults for being petulant children about it. What’s that phrase they like so much? FAFO?


Where can I read more about these people? As nuts as it sounds, they give me a little hope that some of these people can change.


I've just seen screenshots of their posts on occsssion on places like r/HermanCainAwards




Except when they blame liberals for the conservatives dying. "You made us not take it by telling us to tske it!"


Good question. Aren't we all supposed to die two years ago? Or was that last year?


Wow, mom that’s a lot of dead Americans. Bin Laden would be so proud of you.


Just curious, when you fire back that you hope every single Trump supporter shoots themselves in the head when Biden wins, does she just nod along? I personally would not let her statement stand unchallenged. But then again, not my mom.




In my experience, no. Parrot what they say right back at them. "Don't you get that Trump and every other conservative are literal chid molesters?" Don't back down an inch. Everything, parrot it right back to them, with flipsies. They don't want to have a discussion, neither do I. I want them to stfu. It's been quite effective. Let them know the instant they open their mouth about politics, you will leave. Then do it. If they are interested in keeping any communication with you, they will learn. Or, they can howl in their favorite echo chamber about how betrayed they have been. Hope that keeps them feeling warm and loved, after all the real people have left their lives.


This. That's what they've always done. Like when Trump got COVID, just weeks after they were openly celebrating Ruth Bader Ginsberg's death, and some people were saying on Twitter how they didn't care if the worst happened to him, the MAGAts were all "would you look at this? how could they say something so awful??? these liberals want us dead! they're evil....EVIL!!!" Their rules for everything in life is "It's evil if the left does it but not when I do, because we rock and they suck." There is absolutely no consistency of morality. Or as Shaun put it in his YouTube essay about JK Rowling, "There are no bad actions. Just bad teams."


It’s how they think about medicine too, as far as I can tell - Ivermectin is *good*, therefore it will cure covid, and anything else too. It’s why they talk about it in the context of cancer, “vaccine detox”, really anything, because they have a pre-scientific view of the world. You add ‘good’ things to yourself, your pure, clean spirit will heal your body. And those dirty vaccines will pollute it and kill you, because they are *bad*.  Honestly it’s more primitive than a “four humours” view of health. Frickin crazy.


> I personally would not let her statement stand unchallenged. I'm in the UK and my mum thinks Trump's an idiot but the bullshit she'd spewed and then challenged me on it in the dumbest way means I could never engage with her on some topics again. For instance, she thinks: * Immigrants are a problem, and that we have no room for more people * Those on disability benefits are "scroungers" and "lazy", and that Rishi Sunak is right to take their benefits away and force them into work * Johnny Depp is an innocent man, and *not* a violent rapist * Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are liars and jealous of William and Kate And then when you push back on that bullshit, she pulls the "you believe everything you see on the internet" card, while her thoughts on the above came from both morons on the internet pushing lies, and from right-wing rags like The Sun and the Daily Mail.


From [the excellent rationalwiki Britain is full article](https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Britain_is_full) - * Only 7.65% of the land mass of the United Kingdom is settled, including gardens and open green spaces. * The UK has 60 million acres of land in total. * 70% of the land is owned by 0.66% of the population. * Just 6,000 or so landowners - mostly aristocrats, but also large institutions and the Crown - own about 40 million acres, two-thirds of the UK. * A building plot, the land, now constitutes between half to two- thirds of the cost of a new house. * 60 million people live in 24 million *dwellings*. * These 24 million dwellings sit on approx 4.4 million acres (7.7% of the land). * Of the 24 million dwellings, 11% are owned by private landlords and 65% privately owned. * 19 million privately owned homes, including gardens, sit on 5.8% of the land. * Average dwelling contains 2.4 people. * 77% of the population of over 60 million live on only 5.8% of the land, about 3.5 million acres of a total of 60 million acres. * Agriculture only accounts for 3% of the economy. * The North West of England is densest with 9.9% settled. * The South East of England, only 7.1%, less than the national average. * The Home Counties are underpopulated. * Woodland cover is at its highest level since the 14th century and continues to increase


Is she getting therapy? On meds? She sounds extreme and you should keep an eye on her for safety reasons. That’s not normal to say or even think. Protect yourself from people that have hate in their heart.


The propagandists are turning up the rhetoric. It’s funny though, because they got what they wanted; Arrests, the deep state exposed, corruption brought out into the open, criminal trials and guilty verdicts. God protecting and uplifting the righteous and punishing the wicked. It’s just not happening to the “right” people as far as they’re concerned.


Oh, Mom. 😆😆 Time to share those thoughts with your doctor. 😆😆


"About half of drump's base are still neo-liberals. I would like to see what the anti-capitalist left could achieve against the fascists." That type of statement really causes my Qousins to explode. So there's that. And sometimes, many times, it is important to respond. You cannot reason someone out of a position they didn't reason themselves into. So there may not be room for trying to debate. That doesn't mean we should always give fam safe echo chambers. Important to decide for yourself on a case-by-case if it's safe to say something or not. Personal safety first & foremost.


How could the same planet produce Fred Roger’s and your mom…bizarre


In the same lifetime we had presidents both Carter and Trump.


Um....I guess some people's lifetimes, yeah.


Mine, for example. Carter’s. Convicted Felon Trump’s. OP was “how can a nation (with a nearly 250 year history) produce two huge opposites”. I tightened it up some. Within a lifetime, in the same job, you have such a contrast. Carter was administration 39. Trump, 45. Such difference in the Republican Party between the Carter Era (Ford) and Convicted Felon Trump. Hmm, even 2016 era Republicans and now. So much actively chasing autocracy. But that’s a different rant from where we started


Yeah, it still galls the hell out of me that I watched the moon landing in 1969 and where did we go from there? We went to MAGA, willful and intentional ignorance, to Trump and January 6^th. I'm just so constantly embarrassed that the GQP has done so much—and succeeded—to destroy so much of this country via their neverending cuts to education. We were once world leaders but now we're nigh on a banana republic.


We no longer need to ask “what the fuck happened to Germany in 1933”.


Carter was a Democrat, though, not a Republican (between Ford and Reagan, both of whom were Republicans).


I meant from Trump to Carter era. You are correct though. I’ll reword to make it more clear


Yeah, no worries -- I figured it was a mistype.


Hey! Hope you’re ok 👍 This page is for taking the piss out of Qcumbers. If you need some help and support with a loved one effected by QAnon then check out r/qanoncasualties


Wishful thinking, but I think in reality that is a projection because I see the cultists and Q freaks far more likely to behave that way when he loses.


January 6th was a hell of a reaction when their team lost.


I think this time is going to be worse


Win or lose, unprecented political violence is coming to the US this year.


Yes and, whether Trump wins or loses, it'll come from the right. Lets be clear on that.


Idk there's a lot of precedence for the political violence coming. It's been a long time since there were political assassinations.


It's amost certain and that's if they win or lose.


I don't think it will be an organized mass attack like Jan 6th again, since the literal president won't be organizing it. We'll get quite a few of the 'lone wolf attacks FBI building with nail gun, and is quickly shot' incidents though.


The President Elect organizing it would be almost as powerful. I think there's just as much chance of it happening, from the MAGA side, whether Trump wins or loses. If he loses it'll be another "they stole it!" and if he wins they'll feel empowered go out and reinact Kristallnacht.


Which is why Biden needs to hurry up and Kristalnacht the Republicans


Okay well not only did what you just say make no sense, a general rule that you should probably go by is that if it's a Nazi thing it's not something you should call for our side to do! ffsake


I hope that’s how it goes down if it has to go down at all. I hate that we have to worry about whether or not the people in government who have to ability to prepare for this are even doing so given the lack of preparation on January 6th. I also hate that so many people are willing to support Trump even after January 6th.


That much anger. That’s what we can’t dislodge Trump. He lets people be both assholes and mean, and victims. Biden just wants to make your life much better. He can’t compete.


We won’t. We’ll turn up the fight against Gilead.


For a pro life party, they sure do want a lot of people dead…


People ACTUALLY want this. Let’s hypothesize. Trump wins. Liberals aren’t happy and we all drink some kool aid. What then. Every major city and port would collapse. Y’all think you were upset at supply chain shortages. Who’s gonna be running all the companies and industries. Rubes from BFE? If liberals disappeared the US truly would become a third world country: poverty, disease and no economic structure.


Tell her we won’t because we’re not a fucking cult.


I'm assuming she's also prolife?


No she’s pro choice.


The weird thing is that by denying vaccines and covid, only one side of the political spectrum has really been "suiciding themselves" in the last few years. And it's not the liberal side. Just sad that some liberals were pulled into the vortex along with the loud stupids.


Not to mention their children




Shit, companies like Bot Sentinel and Tortoise Media have uncovered the widespread bot campaign paid for with Saudi money and utilised by right-wing lawyer Adam Waldman (friend of Russian oligarchs and Johnny Depp's personal attorney) that spread lies about Amber Heard several years ago. All of that targeted one person, convincing people to despise her and want her dead purely because she dared to speak out about her experiences being raped and violently beaten and gaslit by a violent, fading actor. Imagine how much bigger and more widspread that kind of bot campaign can be used for political reasons. It's terrifying.


wtf do Amber Heard and Johnny Depp have to do with any of this? It’s the second time you’ve mentioned them, assuming we’ll all agree with you. Who gives a flying fuck? It’s not even worth looking it up. Has nothing to do with anything.


She sounds nice


Makes me want to live my best life-even if it's out of pure spite.


That's honestly the best reason for living. The Conservative Party government here in Britain hates people like me (poor, working class, medically disabled) and has been trying to kill us off since coming into power (benefits sanctions, reducing benefit payments, using their favoured media outlets to demonise the poor, etc). I've attempted suicide numerous times due to depression, but haven't tried since 2014 and refuse to give those thoughts much stock because I want to outlive every single cuntservative who not only degrades and ruins us from positions of power, but the morons who support those people in power who do those things, too. Fuck the lot of them.


They think they want an echo chamber but like all RW social media platforms have taught us when they get bored with Rumble or Gettr and go right back to Twitter, they don't. They enjoy, expect and *need* someone to hate and demean. What they don't get is as soon as everyone that fills that need gets disappeared They go after their own


Like how the College of Republicans Twitter account tweeted about how they thought the conviction was bullshit but Republicans should accept that and move forward. CoR was then attacked by a lot of right-wing pundits and accounts for that statement.


Says the woman who likely agreed with him slow rolling COVID and killing tons of red state voters


How very Christian of her.




Not to be so blunt, but it is really ok for an adult to tell their parents to f off. It is quite cathartic.


They have a very sad revenge fantasy.


Funny, that's what putin would want.


My MIL recently espoused that we need a civil war.


Your parent just expressed a wish for half the country to kill themselves lol


She's definitely not in a cult 🙄


Cults do that. We’re not the cultists.


Tell her I'm not gonna off myself, but I'm gonna do my best to make Trump humpers so miserable that THEY will want to.


This is the way.


If she says anything like that again, maybe tell her it is a very unhealthy way of thinking that makes her sound mentally unwell and like she is in a cult. Tell her that you are very worried and are not willing to talk to her again until she seeks help. Then follow through by keeping an eye on her but not engaging. We decent and rational people have entertained this deranged kind of thinking for too long. One way or the other it has to stop.


In a few short years foreign agencies have turned Americans against one another to the point of violence and death it’s really sad


Not really. This has been going on for decades. None of this was sudden, or new. It's like a great white shark. We see it when it breaches, but we don't see it stalking the seal, getting underneath it and propelling at speed to snatch that seal in its jaws.


Bro, come on! This kind of poralization has been going on all my life (for context, I was born in the very late Reagan years). It didn't start in the mid-2010s!


lmao, I bet you she's a "Christian" and he's probably a much bigger Trump supporter than you realize. She just doesn't show it much around you, because she wants to keep the peace with you.


A while back I saw a poll for the right on what they find to be the most important qualities in a candidate. And at I believe 67% was "making libs cry" Regardless of the validity of that poll, I feel for a majority of the right it's all about "winning" and sticking it to those who doubted them, shunned them, etc. No matter what that entails.


I like how to them, "making libs cry" involves being hateful and violent while to us, what makes us "cry" is seeing injustice. Even then, we don't cry, we just fight back and shine a light on it for all to see the bile for what it actually is.


I wish that if Trump loses that the republicans will end up like the heavens gate cult.


Or at the bare minimum self castrated to prevent the spread of their DNA.


Your mom sounds fun


I’ll never get the blood lust 🩸


I'm convinced that bloodlust is the mark of someone who has never been near actual violence, and thinks it works like in the movies somehow. Before I became disabled in an accident, I spent years doing martial arts and fencing. I loved it! At the same time, I cannot fathom wanting to hit or hurt anyone who isn't also armored up, with a weapon, in a defensive stance, ready to fight, and in the presence of a safety marshall. Sparring with an enthusiastic opponent is awesome. Doing actual harm that sends someone to the hospital is sickening and grotesque. Even under the best safety protocols, sometimes armor fails. Rarely, real injuries do happen. It's horrifying and no one wants it to happen.




Me neither. And I understand normal blood lust. I've even experienced it, but I grew up. And the other side didn't actually exist because it was fictional, so no harm, no foul.


My blood to me normal blood lust is only ok when it’s Trump


Your mom sounds charming.


What does she think is liberal is and why does she hate them so much?


OP, I'm so sorry. That must feel awful to hear. It's absolutely unhinged, devoid of empathy, like her moral compass has simply been discarded with the weekly trash.


That would be pretty bad for the economy


If I were OP, and Trump wins, I would be so tempted to leave a goodbye note and disappear for a few days, making sure to remind Mom that I'm fulfilling her "hope."


She sounds like fun at holiday parties. She must know my stepfather.


She sounds lovely.


How "pro-life" of them. Feel that Christian Love(tm)


Your mother is sick… perhaps long term exposure to lead?


Wow, that sounds like something the average mentally stable person would say about someone they disagree with. 😐👍


Lol. Not happening, moms.


We’re not in a cult, but we will carry on and fight the fascist regime. While they are appalled that they are getting rounded up…. And losing every right they tried to take away from real Americans.


You must come from a good conservative family. /s


Is she anti-choice? If she is, ask her if that includes all the pregnant liberals who would also be killing their "unborn babies," if they killed themselves.


At that point, I'd literally just question what her news "sources" are and do a hard block on every single one of them.


Sounds like a nice lady


Projection... I've been afraid about this with my own mother since the midterms and Qult predictions not working out. This election is going to be nerve-wracking for the sake of the country, but also our family members that truly believe that Biden is destroying everything. I'm so goddamn tired of all of this and it doesn't seem like it'll die down anytime soon.


Your mom needs less Jesus


Their projection is getting out of hand. As a side note OP, > she’s not even the most adamant Trump supporter No, she is. She's just chosen to not tell you about how adamant she is.


Much as (even from OZ) I will hide under the bed if Trump wins ( and he might). How many Trump cultists will commit suicide if HE loses?


Not that I’m in favor of people killing themselves because I’m not but that would be the better outcome compared to what they’re actually going to do if he loses.


Because the alternative scares her.


She’s awful


More projection on their part. This is what they are thinking will happen to them after they lose.


Sorry that your mom's toxic. Anyways, if this country elects the convicted felon, I will not kill myself but I am planning to leave the country.


Isn’t that what all good, god fearing, big baby Jeebus believers say!?!


Your mom sounds real nice.


She seems nice


I won't suicide myself, but I am making plans now to leave the country in the event that Trump wins. I am learning German, I am preparing job applications, and seeking potential living quarters. If he wins I'll start the refugee application process. I'm a member of the LGBTQ and a writer of Christian Fiction which is unkind to the current state of the church... I'm pretty sure I'll be arrested once trump dissolves his federal agencies and Project 2025 starts up. Either way, I'll no longer be party to this country.


I thought we were all supposed to be dead from the "jab" by now.


Your mother thinks Liberals have the same unhinged obsession with Biden that Trumpers have for Diaper Don. They also don’t understand that many Biden voters aren’t actually that “Liberal.” We know Biden isn’t a great choice but he is the ONLY choice if we wish to preserve Democracy.


Wouldn’t happen en masse but it would happen in noticeable amounts unfortunately. He won’t win though.


She has to be some kind of especially execrable Qunt!


Hate to break it to you but that's projection lol


I am sorry your mom has been sucked into the maga cult


Why? They're not the ones in a doomsday cult.


It’s this crazy obsession that anyone who doesn’t think like them or support what they believe in should commit suicide or be tortured and killed that scares the shit out of me. That anyone who is against Trump are evil. My grandma who was the sweetest kindest person spent the last years of her life so consumed with hatred distrust and paranoia because these nuts twisted her mind. Didn’t know she had died for two years when my grandpa, was on his death bed himself told us. He was down the same hole but snapped out of it as his time neared. We found journals in his house that were filled with the craziest hateful stuff. The horrible things he wrote about me and other family members who didn’t think like him was heartbreaking. When did we become so fractured and so full of hate?


Sorry for losing them twice, that sucks so much


I went through the same thing when I had to go through my moms texts to figure out who she was sending money to when her bank accounts were all compromised after I had to put her in a nursing home. She said the most awful things about me and my siblings to complete strangers. Like we were ruining her life or something and literally none of us lived with her.


Probably true, but in the way you won’t enjoy MeeMaw


Is she left-handed? Because she keeps using and displaying the hand with the oximetre.


I am left handed and not smart enough to get this joke, but I really really want to. 😂


It's not really a joke! I'm saying that if she's right-handed (statistically probable), she's deliberately waving around the hand that has an uwu medical device attached to it (pulse oximeter. She always shows off her toys. Tubes, lines, eeg leads, oximetres :) EDIT: I posted in the wrong comment section!! I was commenting about an influencer who is faking an illness - Dani Marina - and constantly flashes her medical devices for sympathy.


Ohhh! Now I understand! Thank you even though it was the wrong thread. ☺️


Yep - whoops! I keep doing this ever sincs reddit made it so the next post pops up when we swipe left. I hate it!


I'm so sorry that you have that much toxicity around you.


No we won’t. We’ll fight.


"Jesus is very proud of you now." said in the coldest, flattest tone imaginable.


The problem is they think we view it the same way they do but from the opposite end. If Trump wins the next four years are gonna suck, then we move on. It's much higher stakes when it's "if Trump loses the pedophile cabal Nancy pelosi reptilian space laser pizzagate fake news cannibal adrenochrome monster takes over the universe and enslaves us all". My point being we view this election for what it is, an election, they view it as some kind of biblical showdown of good vs evil, so naturally their assumption would be were that batshit nuts about it too.


I mean, liberals seem to be the only political group in American that doesn’t have any self-immolators sooooo…