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He’s such a fucking snowflake. Anyone else tired of his incessant whining? I’ll be glad when November comes and goes so he can take his big L and disappear.


That’s the thing tho, he won’t. As soon as he loses he’ll enter his candidacy *again* and the wheel keeps on spinning. He will never, ever stop. I’ll give him one thing, he and his delusional cult will not stop


He'll stop when he's dead and he's already past average life expectancy for men in the US. And his death is going to leave a huge vacuum since he's pretty much become a cult leader figure. Many will step in and try to take over, and loyalties will be split between them all taking up his mantle. In other words, it's going to be a good time for the sales of popcorn. Because the shit show is going to be entertaining at least. 🍿


Hopefully he runs out of ways to avoid his classified docs, GA RICO and Jan 6 cases when he loses in November and is just pummeled into so many convictions he's eventually held accountable and done.


Well he will be in russia by then. Why would he stay if (without the presidency) he has no hope of avoiding punishment?


What are the odds his demented cult follows him to Russia?


Moraine Sedai: The Wheel Weaves as the Wheel Wills. Moradin: Time to break the Wheel then. 


What’s the chances of him taking a deal with Biden to exchange a presidential pardon for trumps disappearance? No chance of jail time from this first charge but trump has a few other court cases due…


Not a chance Biden would take this offer after how hard Biden slimed his son and his extremely duplicitous history on deals




He needs to go to prison with no Internet access and stay there until he's permanently horizontal. He's already like eighty. How much longer can he last. I can't imagine prison would prolong the inevitable.


He won't disappear - if he loses, he's such a narcissist that he'll repeat the playbook from four years ago: file dozens of court cases alleging electoral fraud based on hearsay, rail against early voting / mail-in voting / proxy voting / ballot drop boxes / vote counters / voting machines /State election officials etc, insist that States ignore the will of their voters and send a clean slate of Republican Electors... Maybe even hold a rally in DC on the day Congress meets to count the Electoral College votes and certify the results... Once that's over, he'll enthusiastically support organisations filing court cases in a bid to getting blanket religious (oops, "deeply held beliefs") exemptions to EVERY antidiscrimination law, and any other law they don't like.


I don't even get hallway through these anymore without my brain going "and blah blah blah blah" and i stop reading it... always the victim he is.


I am tired of his constant shitting on America. My country isn’t a shit hole.


I mean, yeah it is.


I mean, Fuck off.




people like trump want it to be, but no, it’s really not. i know it’s popular to say, but in reality thats an opinion born of blind privilege. the average american is doing a helluva lot better than those in “third world” countries. yeah the government sucks, but so do most governments. conservatives say “america is the best” because they’re ultra-nationalist, which isn’t true, but we’re no shithole either. we’re a deeply flawed country with some bad people and some good. despite everything, i’m still proud to be an american because at least we are talking about our problems. lots of “first world” countries like france and england are actually super racist but refuse to even acknowledge it. we just seem more troubled because we’re louder about it


Always has been.


Astronauts meme.


Who gave him this ‘conflicted’ word, he uses it every fucking minute


I'm guessing that one of his handlers or advisors gave him a more G rated, edited for television word to use when he publicly insults the judge presiding over this case. He was probably told that "conflicted" is a bit more neutral sounding than "cocksucker".


I think it’s to spin the verbiage being used against Alito & Thomas right now that they are conflicted and should recuse from the J6 court cases


Trump is scared shitless. I love how he can't keep his mouth shut and just keeps reminding us that he's a convicted criminal. This is fun.


Two things. 1. The judge in Florida was appointed by trump and has given him preferential treatment the whole time. So if a judge was appointed by Democrats, it's the same thing. Can't claim victory in one and cry foul in another. 2. The courts said you did something wrong, 34 times. Can't really say you did nothing wrong.


3. Merchan was appointed by Bloomberg, who was a Republican at the time.


I don't like these. As another person responded, Merchan was appointed by at the time Republican, Bloomberg. I wouldn't be ok with Democrats doing the same thing, as at very least courts supposed to at very least appear impartial. As for #2, saying "courts" doesn't say the same thing as 12 randomly selected jurors, that both sides were vetting for bias. If the jurors have been biased against him, then the only ones responsible for it is his lawyer and himself (as he was also present during the jury selection). Looks like in his mind "biased" is equal to not deciding in his favor.


I hope the judge remands him immediately.


Trump should be very careful to not keep running his mouth on the internet about the judge, or anyone else connected to this, because from what I understand, judges WILL take into consideration the convicted defendant's attitude, sense of remorse and behavior between conviction and sentencing.


Not just online. He was on fox this morning telling them that people are going to do things if he has to go to jail.


>He was on fox this morning telling them that people are going to do things if he has to go to jail. That's sadly very likely. Way too many of his followers are just itching to start a civil war or, at a minimum, take out their impotent rage on the nearest 'libruls' or 'furners' they can find. It's going to get worse before it gets better, I fear.


Nah, they only talk big. Most are do-nothing losers. That is until their leader gives them very specific instructions.


Didn't Trump's lawyers request a mid-July sentencing?


Yes. And Alina Habba didn’t request a jury trial. It’s everyone’s fault but his


“I din do nuffins” Poor President; he was a good boy, just starting to turn his life around.


He's getting scared. He has probably never felt what it's like to have your time running out. *Tick tock* mfer.


Donald Trump complaining about an "acting" anybody or anything is hilarious. All he did while in office was fire anybody who didn't simp for him and replace them with a temp he could push around without going through a confirmation hearing. Pffft.


Wah, wah, wah, Supreme Court better help me because I gave three of you your jobs, wah, wah, wah!


Lol. If you want to talk about real conflict of interest Donnie, let us talk about Aileen Cannon, the nitwit you appointed closer to the end of your presidency. Same Aileen Cannon who is slow walking you Classified Documents case. Looking at the way she is handling the case, I have no doubt she is aiming for the supreme court if you got elected.


Anyone normal would withdrawn in shame, but he has no shame.


He keeps saying "Soros backed" as if that means something. Ok so Soros is funding politicians. Is that a problem ?


A jew that's richer than Trump and not giving him money, yeah, in Trumps mind, that's a problem.


Yes, because he's funding people with ideas they don't like. It's bad when they people doing it don't hold the same values as them, otherwise it's fine. It never comes from a point of all lobbying funding has to be changed to make it less influential on big donors. In other words they invoke the specter of money in politics, without actually condemning or suggesting we change it.


just read it as “rich JEW!!!!!!” because that’s what these bigots mean


Why didn't you say that to the judge on the witness stand?


A conflict of interest would be a Republican judge appointed by the defendant. That’s how conflicts of interest work. Judges aren’t supposed to be your ally.


I'm so ready to celebrate sentencing day every year. Fingers crossed its legit and not some more shit he slimes his way out of.


So you're telling me he fulfilled a campaign promise


The Supreme Court should decide on the sentencing? I mean, he'll still be guilty, even if his swamp court decided to not actually punish him.


Republicans are going to come crying to the Supreme Court for everything from now on. They know they have no popular power anymore and have to leverage their permanently appointed fascist oligarchs to do everything for them.


Where are the checks and balances?!


"Lol, lmao, I ain't checkin' shit." - Republican party on the actions of other republicans.


"The fascists."


34 and counting.


Not sure he is accepting responsibility for his crimes. I wonder if this will actually matter at his "Sentencing"?