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I was thinking about your question and found this comment by a sports commenter that so thought was pretty damning. > “Donald Trump is now a felon . His campaign chairman was a felon. So is his deputy campaign manager, his personal lawyer, his chief strategist, his National Security Adviser, his Trade Advisor, his Foreign Policy Adviser, his campaign fixer and his company CFO. They’re all felons. Judged by the company you keep. It’s a cabal of convicts.” -Cowherd


Holy crap, Cowherd said that?


Yeah. Also he had a badass take on the whole Taylor Swift outrage conservatives were crying about. I had mad respect for the guy after that. Check this out https://youtu.be/kPVpAlN6Edg


What's so shocking is how deep the left's demonization of all these Great Americans went such that the legal system conspired to get them all convicted. ;)


Well done!


A history teacher!? Man, brain rot is real.


One would think that this group would be the least affected by the disinformation ... Anyway speaking of historians Timothy Snyder who specialises in history of Eastern Europe published a book in 2018 called Road to Unfreedom: Russia, Europe, America. It really does a good job of putting events that happened over last 25 years and how are they all connected together. There were many events I had no idea that happened and others I heard about but didn't made any connection. Highly recommended read or audiobook.


Nice, I thought I understood the case but looks like I still had holes here and there. For example I had no idea they ended up unanimously agreeing that he broke all 3 laws.


I don’t know that they did. Did a juror reveal that in an interview or something?


I mean, good for you for researching the issue for your own knowledge, but that is a lot of energy expended on something that will almost definitely be replied to with some variation of "Nuh uh"


I know, but it’s more to prove a point. My mother taught me everything I know, and one specific thing she taught me was how to do research, because of her I learned how to argue a viewpoint and how to find historical documents. Seeing her now like this has truly broke my heart, as she’s an extremely smart woman, but she fallen into this trap.


Oh, I know. I'm not passing judgment. More expressing frustration at how the level of discourse has fallen.


Bravo! 👏