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They should head there Tomorrow!


I'd pitch into a GoFundMe to help them chase their dreams. It would also help fulfill my dream of not having to deal with these idiots anymore.


Maybe when we beat them in November, after the most violent ones are dispatched due to all the violence Trump will call for, we can pass some legislation to send them to their paradise in Russia. Their GEOTUS Trump will most likely flee to Moscow when he loses, knowing he's going to have to face his trials in the USA. They'll be happy to follow him and they'll get to live in the dictatorship they've been dreaming of.


I'll help them pack and drive them to the airport.


Except cost may be a problem for them, so I say let’s start a government program that will give you the money to move to Russia but you have to give up your US citizenry to get the money. I’m fine with my tax dollars paying for that.


Didn't some Canadian family recently got screwed over when they attempted to move to Russia?


Countryside acres is their Channel. They are still there, embracing all the joys of Soviet life.


_Been wastin’ most their lives_ _Livin’ in post-Soviet paradise_


*If they complain they'll be sent to Ukraine, living in post-Soviet paradise*


Death ain't nothin' but a heartbeat away I'm livin' life do-or-die, what can I say? I'm 23 now, but will I live to see 24? The way the draft is goin', I don't know


The wife posted a video about how they got scammed out of all of their money and they’re being treated horribly, but that video got quickly removed, and they have been reeducated and are now Stepford Russians


Has the wife reappeared? Last thing I read about it was they posted that video complaining about how frustrated they were and that Russia wasn't what they expected, then two days later the husband posted the first video he's ever posted that the wife didn't appear in looking like he was scared shitless and taking back all the bad things they said about Russia, claiming that people misunderstood what they were saying in it.


To be honest, I just know this because I was following the story closely up until that point and then I lost interest completely. I wish I had more info to give you.


I've been using a YouTube downloader to get the videos without giving them any revenue. They have a second channel that is more political where he interviews other idiots who left. Notably one guy said that antifa came after him, and another young guy talked about how great it was that where he lived in the city everything he needed to survive was within maybe ten minutes of where he was, apparently not realizing that the 15 minute city idea pitched by Democrats is exactly fucking that. As for their actual situation though, he's learned that he needs a Russian citizen to own majority stake in a company that purchases land since he cannot purchase land as a foreigner. I *think* they got around the language requirement by applying for asylum, though nothing directly related to them being able to truly stay or not has been said since. Yes, the idiots showed up knowing zero of the language and were baffled when bank workers were not required to know English. Anyways, I'm betting that they'll be allowed to live but their asylum will never truly get approved so if they want to kick them out they can.


Ironically, for immigrants they’re being treated a lot kinder than they would advocate we do for immigrants coming to the states.


Oh absolutely. I must say there have been some comedic "middle aged conservative moron realizes basic life things" such as when he made the obvious observation that he didn't realize how hard it was to try and survive in a country you don't speak the language of fluently. And of course he had a video where he tried to call out comments accusing him of doing no basic research on Russia and the Russian language beforehand. And then in either that same video or one shortly after he recounted the time he and his wife couldn't remember which bathroom said "men" and which said "women," which, haven't checked myself, but am pretty damn sure is lesson one in any language book ever.


> Stepford Russians lol


> Countryside acres I watched some. Literally a Russian propaganda channel. [Here](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VX29X205TZ0) he is visiting a Abrams tank which Russia uses as a trophy. He says it's actually dangerous for him and his family to move back to Canada and the Russian government are really great. Every piece of Russian red tape is actually brilliant, even the police checkpoints are great. A guy who he thought was ripping he off was great too. For 4 months he's been renting in various places around Nizhny Novgorod, he has no house, a shit van and for some reason he has bought a tiny ride on tractor. All with a wife and 9 kids in tow which barely get any screen time and he hasn't a word of English. He can't buy anything as he's not a citizen, he needs to set up a Russian company, owned 51% (or 75%, he said both) by a Russian citizen and use that. Amazing law and the farming subsidys are amazing too, if you're in north America or Europe, consider moving to Russia. That explains why Russia is such a prosperous country lol. Russian government extended his 90 day visa for a year. They probably have an eye on them. Comments are full of "people" who are Russian/think he's amazing/are going to do the same. All 100% positive. All this to get away from the gay agenda in Canada and the west.


He's fucking disgusting. He claims to be a Christian, but in that abrams video he also says he is rooting for Russia. Russia is mass-murdering civilians and its soldiers are raping and torturing. This is an indisputable fact, and it's happening on a widescale. This fucker says whichever side has God on its side will win. This piece of shit used to be a farmer, and now he's a volunteer propagandist for putin. I hope his life in russia is an absolute disaster. He deserves it. When he makes 12 rubles from any farming he eventually does maybe he can supplement his income with youtube as a soviet cuck. Notice all the heavily upvoted comments from people claiming to be in western nations who apologize for how the west is. It follows a predictable pattern. I'm very confident the reality of what he did is settling in. Month after month, living in a shitty apartment, with nothing to do, and no acclimation to the culture cannot be enjoyable.


He's a horrible person. Although it's funny seeing him driving down a dirt road with shit everywhere and rundown barns with the roof falling in and he tries to make it out that it's paradise. He has a really weird annoying demeanour when talking to the camera. Some people on another post on reddit though he wanted was hoping to use the exam as an excuse to leave, but he got an extra year lol! But you're right about the comments, Russia will use him for propaganda and then dump him hard


> He has a really weird annoying demeanour when talking to the camera. It's that endearing combination of stupidity and arrogance that he has.


9 kids too. Wouldn't it be great if a couple turned out gay


>He claims to be a Christian, but in that abrams video he also says he is rooting for Russia. Some speculation in the replies when this hit Xitter (so take with a block of road salt etc) was based on the wife/daughters' clothing, Feenstra's surname, and where they were from, it was giving Menno vibes.


It's always these types who scream "if you don't like it then leave" the loudest but never take their own advice


America, Love It or Leave It! Yup, let’s hope these chucklefucks leave it.


They’re going to love the gun control laws (some of the strictest in the world)


I’d live for the moment they yell about having their rights and getting mowed down by the KGB.


The KGB has not existed for 33 years.


This seems like good evidence that Twitter is at least 80% Russian and Chinese bots.


The bots always have the nicest things to say about Musk so he doesn't care about how prevalent they are anymore.


You are not wrong.


I mean, Bot Sentinel and Tortoise Media both discovered that 80% of pro-Depp/anti-Heard stuff pushed on social media two years ago came from bots, paid for by Depp's lawyer Adam Waldman using Saudi money.


Better evidence (click all the links): https://nitter.poast.org/TheSpoonless/status/1754822359393894642#m


There was a Canadian MAGAt YouTube family that did that and it didn’t end well for them. They didn’t end up in prison or anything, it just wasn’t what they were hoping (I think they were under the impression they would basically be given the keys to the kingdom for being ultra conservative or something). They were getting deported because they didn’t learn the language.


You left out the best part: their assets were seized by the Russian bank they tried to use because they couldn't prove it was legitimate income and they didn't understand the language or legal system (or, you know, bribery culture) to even try to fight it, then they were investigated for suspicion of being "foreign agents". Lost most of their life savings and literally had to beg their chud YouTube audience to fund their flight back.  In Mother Ruzzia, stupid game plays YOU! :D


It gets better! Or worse, if you're them. As of this month, they are still there. They sold their farm in Canada with the intention of buying one in Russia. But they didn't realize that under Russian law, foreigners can't own a majority of land. So if they get their assets unfrozen (I can't find out if that happened yet), they can't even use it to buy their own farm. They will need Russian partners to own at least 51%. So I predict that if they are dumb enough to enter a partnership, they will get used for their labor then squeezed out. BUT, that depends on them staying in Russia. Because unlike Canada or the other liberal hellholes they wanted to escape, Russia only lets people move in if they can pass a test on the Russian language and culture. Now, smarter people than they are would have researched immigration requirements and then studied up for a test, but these parents seemed to assume that Russia was just like Canada, except hated LBGT+. Whoops! They've applied for asylum, but most likely they will be deported once their tourist visas expire. That means they won't have to worry about coming up with the airfare out! Then they'll be safe back in Canada, just dead broke.


Countryside Acres. I watch the guy's videos. He has an air of naivete for certain. It seems to me their life is a very slow trainwreck. They recently bought a farm (or last update was he was just on the cusp), bought a shitty little tractor, and are hoping to farm. Their goal is to become farmers (the guy was one in canada) and make money that way, because there is no wealth quite like that of a russian farmer, I'm told. The last update on the farm is that he was already getting late in the season to miss planting some crops. It's not like the climate there doesn't suck, so you cannot be half-assing your planting schedule. My strong suspicion is they will keep chugging along for months, maybe a few years, until they realize they are completely out of any money they brought from canada and now they are just living the typical russian experience of grinding out a living with a massively lower income and quality of life than the average canadian. Then they can sell their belarusian tractor for plane tickets back home. TBH I don't think russia will kick them out any time soon. people like this are great, free propaganda. Despite their claims of freedom and how great it is they know damn fucking well that if they step out of line and talk even a little shit they will find themselves in a russian jail lickity split. So their channels are just a constant stream of positive bullshit. There is another channel that the canadian guy had on his channel called "expat american", so american who moved there with his russian wife and his channel is the same way: endless, positive drivel about how amazing russia is. These cucks will never criticize the government or truly criticize anything about russia; even their complaints will be mild at the most and couched heavily in how great something else is so it's not even that bad in the end. They are subservient little bitches.


> It seems to me their life is a very slow trainwreck. They recently bought a farm (or last update was he was just on the cusp), bought a shitty little tractor, and are hoping to farm. If so, he bought *into* a farm, or maybe leased or rented. Because only Russian citizens can own land by majority or entirely. >My strong suspicion is they will keep chugging along for months, maybe a few years, until they realize they are completely out of any money they brought from canada and now they are just living the typical russian experience of grinding out a living with a massively lower income and quality of life than the average canadian Assuming he doesn't get deported when their tourist visas expire. The only way I see them staying past that is if Russia figures they can further use them for propaganda purposes, so extends their stay. Or dad could join the army! That's one way to bypass the residency requirements, military service. A stretch of time in Ukraine and his family will be home free! Maybe not him, but the rest of them. EDIT: Thank you for the name of their channel! I am strongly suspecting the IRA is active in their comments.


> EDIT: Thank you for the name of their channel! I am strongly suspecting the IRA is active in their comments. Yeah 100%. Many of the comments read like those from bots.


It's simply "Ukraine". Only Russia uses "the" in front of it, to reduce its sovereignty for propaganda purposes. Same as Donbas and the other area of Ukraine Russia took. Also, as a Brit, I still can't read "IRA" without instantly thinking of the "Irish Republican Army" that killed numerous people over several decades using homemade bombs.


Yeah, I know that about the the. Just keep slipping up. I've edited it above, but I know it won't be the last time I make that mistake. >Also, as a Brit, I still can't read "IRA" without instantly thinking of the "Irish Republican Army" that killed numerous people over several decades using homemade bombs. Every time I read it, I have to stop and consider whether it refers to Northern Ireland, or troll farms, or Individual Retirement Accounts, or the Indian Reorganization Act from the 30s, or the much shittier Indian Removal Act of the 1830s, or an elderly Jewish man.


Actually. wasn't he already in trouble for a while with Russia because he did say something negative or he was criticizing the fact that they had frozen his assets? And then he had to tell the Russians that he misunderstood the language or something and misspoke? So yeah, he better be talking the party line. Freedumb!


Yeah his wife posted something negative, but they quickly removed the video and apologized. I cannot find it anymore. They won't make that mistake again. Now they have a please don't arrest us video up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ay63qrBNjTM&ab_channel=CountrysideAcres Can anybody find the original or even a transcript? I cannot find it. https://www.thepinknews.com/2024/02/21/canadian-family-moved-to-russia-to-escape-wokeness/


Yep I saw the apology one, too!


> They recently bought a farm (or last update was he was just on the cusp), bought a shitty little tractor, and are hoping to farm. I just bounced around his recent videos, and it doesn't look like they are on the cusp. He's talking about how long it's going to take to set up the company and find Russian partners, and he freely admits that the process is complicated and he doesn't understand it. 13 days ago, he still didn't know what kind of farm this would be, which is something that needs to be decided on before forming the company. He also talks about when his family moved from the Netherlands to Canada, they bought their farm before they moved. So...looks like his parents did their research and had a plan in place before they uprooted their children. But he's still full of praise of how great everything is in Russia. He's encouraging others to move to Russia, and he thinks the law not allowing non-citizens to buy land is the greatest thing ever. Or, at least the Russians are making him say that.


I skimmed through the just bought a farm one but he said he was hoping to wrap up in 1-2 weeks (entirely possible nothing has happened since). I think it was filmed end of May. Dude is rushing into a major mistake. He said one of their major expenses is food, so they want to grow some.


You're missing out on the funnier channel Countryside Corner (don't give it views just download it by other methods) where he interviews other idiots. "Antifa came after me" guy is my favorite and is also stupidly bold as he directly criticizes Russia while living there and also brought up how he misses his guns as Russia doesn't let you just have guns but "it's totally not a big deal." Anything positive someone brings up is basically something liberals have pitched in America (15 minute cities) that these same people have likely railed against as communism.


> also brought up how he misses his guns as Russia doesn't let you just have guns but "it's totally not a big deal." Anything positive someone brings up is basically something liberals have pitched in America (15 minute cities) that these same people have likely railed against as communism. I was thinking exactly that as I watched him praising all the all the subsidies Russia gives farmers! Typical, huh? Progressives or liberals do it, it sucks; conservatives do it, it's great.


I didn’t even know that…man, that is bad. I feel for their kids, they can’t escape their shitty parents in any way.


Yeah, I feel bad for their kids too. Way to ruin their childhoods and future opportunities.


Bye Felicia.


Sir, this is a Wendy's.


Let's set up a gofundme to attract Republicans from swing states! Every little bit!


If this doesn't convince you to vote Biden I don't know what else would.


I'll donate a couple one way tickets.


Hell, I'll charter a cruise liner. It can come back filled with gay Russian refugees.


I really want them to do it and I also want to somehow see the looks on their faces when they discover what happens when they criticize the government there.


Just ask that farmer who moved to Russia with his family so he could raise his kids in a LGBTQ-suppressed country. He's already in Leopards Ate My Face territory.


You mean when an overly entitled and whiny MAGAT Karen posts online her angry criticism of her new fatherland, and the lack of shopping, and gets a knock on her door?


Republicans hate America and Democrats shouldn’t be afraid to say it loudly.




> I don't think any independents are that stupid You say that, but I've absolutely seen independents claiming they're still unsure whether to vote Trump or Biden, with some saying they'll go with RFK Jr. because "the other two are equally bad".


Putin would love to have more meat for the grinder


Can i pitch in for their airfare? Someone should create a fund that will help pay the costs to get them there. At the end of a year the unused money should go to planned parenthood.


I’m thinking of the cost/benefit analysis, and that’s like 60 million people, and their children in the best case scenario. The way Russia burns through bodies it’s a win win for them.


I’ll help them pack, but no take backsies!


Please! Go! Like, honestly, GO!


As my grandmother used to say “there is a boat leaving every day.”


I read an article about magats moving to Russia. Some liked it and some were frustrated by the lack of conveniences I found this: A poll conducted in April by the independent Levada Center found that 71 percent of the population identified as Orthodox Christian and 5 percent as Muslim, … This appears to be why they move there; they move to because it is religious. They dislike the acceptance of the LGBT world in the US and Canada.


They probably also like that domestic violence was legalized.




> I found this: A poll conducted in April by the independent Levada Center found that 71 percent of the population identified as Orthodox Christian and 5 percent as Muslim, … A different poll I saw linked on Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religion_in_Russia) says 62% Orthodox, 2.6% other branches of Christianity, and 9.5% Muslim, with 21.2% saying no religion. It also looks like a good chunk of those who give a religion are identifying with it, but not living it. Culturally Christian more than active believers. A 2014 Pew research article that gives the numbers your sources did noted that only 1 in 10 Russians actually attend services at least once a month (https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2014/02/10/russians-return-to-religion-but-not-to-church/).


I would believe that. They may saw they are Christian but actually do very little to go to church.


Yeah actual religiosity in Russia is still somewhat lackluster.


Delta's ready when they are.


Guarantee these idiots plaster the American flag on everything


They'll take their flag with them to Russia, hoist it outside their new shack and get arrested. They have been so triggered by St Petersburg trolls and Fox etc to hate on the rational half of America that they just spiral into irrationality. "The lost demographic"


Love it or leave it bitches


No. Please. Don't. Stop.


Please. By all means do so. Everyone from the shallow end of the gene pool.


Someone should set up a fundraising site Maga Russian Transplants or something helping these folks make "the transistion"


Directly to the drearier parts of Siberia, right?


Where they can die of natural circumstances after a short walk. /s


What...uh...what exactly do they think uh...Russia is like?


Somebody needs to tell them that Russia has socialized medicine.


Russia has the Med Beds! Americans living in Russia are obviously better people than actual Russians, so you'll be moved to the front of the line! No waiting! obligatory /s


We should actively encourage this. Russia can get all of our crazies, and their scientists and engineers can come here.


Russia only lets foreigners move in if they can pass a test on the language and culture. I'm not optimistic about the ability of the average Qultist to learn...anything.


Their handlers/owners have kept them in poverty for so long. I guarantee 95% of them couldn't even afford the one way ticket to Russia. Lmfao


I’d volunteer to drive some of them to the airport. 🫡


lol, Gab of course.


Hope none of them stand near an open window.


Defenestration FTW /s.


tey really should


Kinda pushing them towards one choice with the phrasing though. “Would you rather go into that elevator filled with zombies, rabid vampires and mutants beasts or try that door on the left?”


let them reap what they sow


Don’t let the door hit you on the way out


Someone needs to start a gofundme so we can donate to more of these chucklefucks going to live in Russia; where Abortion is legal, and guns are regulated and restricted.


What's that saying they love to use...right, I'll help you pack.


Send them over at once. Problem solved.


lol, Gab of course.


What delusion


There are fewer MAGATs than us. If we all buy one MAGAT a one-way ticket to Russia, we might actually be able to be free of their nonsense. I’ll even spring for business class for one


Alrighty! Who else is going to pony up for tickets so these 'patriots' can leave? Can't give them any excuse to hang around, you know.


Good. The useful fools will have utility for cleaning up the outhouses in Siberia.


I hate that the deep state assassinates and tries to prosecute political opponents! I'm gonna move to Russia where that never happens!


I'm expecting this to happen any day. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z77JFw2D6f8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z77JFw2D6f8)


Ok.. so, maybe the government can help fund their move. I’d be ok with my taxes getting those people out of here


So do it. But no take backs. You have to renounce your US citizenship before you leave the airport in Russia.


I grew up with people who escaped from communist Eastern Europe during the '50s and '60s. I'm so glad that they're not around anymore to see the insanity. They risked their lives to flee to this country. These idiots have no idea what life is really like in Russia.


So…they aren’t the Patriots they claim to be. Shocking


37 votes!


Hope they don’t let the door hit them on the ass on the way out.


Leave it or love it


Love it or leave it right?


The "Love it or Leave it" crowd sure seems rather sedentary


Ya they will barely need a visa.


We can crowd fund the cost. All MAGats need is a one way ticket!


Never interfere with an enemy of society intent on ruining their life. Most of those people have never been anywhere outside the borders of the USA. They have no clue what conditions are like in Russia for the average Russian. Much like Tucker when he went to the supermarket in Moscow and was swooning over the "low" prices. There is a young Russian guy living in Moscow who has a YouTube channel where he presents events out of ordinary life for someone in Russia. He went to the same supermarket as Tucker and did a typical weekly shopping trip he and his girlfriend do. He also contrasted the average salary for a Moscovite with the cost of food items in the store. Let's just say that the prices are not low for the Russians. If these Q-cumbers managed to get into Russia to live, they would most likely be in trouble in no time at all. In Russia, the only person with Freedom of Speech is Putin.