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He will be always alive, like Elvis JFK and Bigfoot.


That is the truth right there. Especially with the qnuts.


as with the Q-cult, there will be fracturing. there will be those who never stop believing that he is alive, others will become disillusioned and reclusive, but most will re-group under different banners. could be trump jr, could be MTG, could be Ted Cruz. One thing is certain, Trump sr is the only human who could unite them


And that is and still will be horrifying.


I agree that it is horrifying but I don't agree that it still will be. If he's the only one to unify them then once he's gone their political power is gone with him. There's a reason Republicans have fared much worse in elections where he isn't on the ballot the last few years. They'll basically be Scientologists at that point. Way more powerful than they should be because the leadership is good at milking every dollar they can from the rank and file but not able to make any real political moves.


Since you say it like that…I guess, but still terrifying.


Mmm. Fascism usually prefers a single, most dominant leader. If Trump wins in November, I predict a very rapid and ruthless contest to be the next human who can unite them. And there will be a winner, so that when the nasty old bastard finally dies, one of them will step in. They just need DJT to sufficiently undermine the rule of law & democracy before he dies, and ideally to anoint a successor at least implicitly. Trump Jr is likely to be DJT's preferred pick, but I don't think he has the profile or record. Bannon, Guliani, MTG, Stone etc want it, but don't seem plausible. If I was a gambling man, I'd watch Elon Musk closely. He's following the same path from conspicuous, performative wealth, through populist stunts and into nasty RW positions. But the other key question will be who Russia & China want in the White House, because they'll ramp up their social media manipulation to 11.


It’s a conspiracy he was poisoned by Hilary but he’s actually still alive and running the country from an undisclosed location


Well yeah. And don’t forget he is over the military too. Soooooo he is telling Biden what to do. Now that explains everything./s


Then he'll reappear publicly, arising like Jesus from the dead, to reclaim the White House as President for Life on August 8th, 20xx. Then, when he doesn't appear, they'll reset the date, again and again, forever.


"He didn't die. He got facial surgery and went into hiding from the deep state. But he's still more brave than all of the demon rats."


Yeah, he's hiding in Argentina with the rest of the Nazis now.


Heir Trump has come home! /S


All part of the plan


Those weird AI pictures are going up on their walls in frames. St. Trump. They will pray for his intersession. I'm not joking. I honestly think this will happen. Trump shrines. Breathless stories of how they actually saw him here and there. To some not small degree, his fans literally worship him. It's so weird. Him? *Him?*


Wait, people are framing those? The homoerotic ones where everyone is shirtless and has rippling muscles and it looks like every single one of the Ram Ranch cowboys is about to run a train on Trump?


I don't know if they are currently. But maybe. But I am predicting these will be the ones they will frame. They depict their dear leader in the light they see him. Preferable to reality


Immortan Don!


It would be on brand for his followers to be sniffing paint and screaming out “Witness me” as they commit an act of terrorism.


Like with Marian apparitions, people will report seeing visions of him or seeing his face in a tortilla or a bag of Cheetos lol 😆


I'm so glad I'm going to be alive to see it all happen. I really want to see if my predictions play out.


"An' I swear on mah sister's coochie, Cleetus, that I did see Trump's holy face in my Cheetos!"


_An’ I swear on mah Cheetos, Cleetus, that I did see Trump’s holy face in my sister’s coochie!_ FTFY


Now that he’s claimed all these wounds under his shirt, they must be convinced he is literally JC


He should use his favorite black Sharpie to draw nail wounds on his wrists and ankles. His cult would eat it up. Honestly, I'm surprised someone hasn't made an AI version yet.


Weird Al - just got confused a second.


Will happen? Already happens. I've seen more than one video of people literally praying to him.


Got a link? That's both sad and hilarious.


Here's one of them: [https://www.reddit.com/r/dashcams/comments/10nbd86/man\_live\_streams\_while\_praying\_to\_donald\_trump/](https://www.reddit.com/r/dashcams/comments/10nbd86/man_live_streams_while_praying_to_donald_trump/) Edit: Here's another. Unfortunately it's nested inside of another video. It's a good video though and worth watching. [https://youtu.be/JTfhYyTuT44?si=x\_NlCN95AmYUDI-c&t=3035](https://youtu.be/JTfhYyTuT44?si=x_NlCN95AmYUDI-c&t=3035)


They will pray for his intersession.  Am I imagining things or have there been videos of people in distress/about to get arrested for something stupid, actually calling out to Trump in prayer, begging for him to save them ?


There are. I've seen at least one. That guy getting pulled over by the cops. Then there is the golden idol.


Imo, the one integral thing to understand about the Q movement is that most of their conspiracies and highlighted logic seem to reflect that of a generation that never went to therapy for any of their traumas. Consider the effect of crank magnetism on Q — It started out as a tremendous leap of faith that John Podesta, then a man in his late 60s, understood the 4chan-exclusive slang that 'Cheese Pizza' stood for 'Child Porn,' a very common trope on the board at that time. Then, as it snowballed and collected a lot of the boomers on Facebook, the purview of the theory expanded to include a few notable traumatic events in Boomers' lives: the death of JFK; the death of Princess Diana; the electoral scenario of Ronald Reagan; the moon landing; the Iraq War; 9/11; the death of JFK Jr; the Satanic Panic; plane crashes; nuclear annihilation. Hell, the only thing I'm shocked aren't in there are something about Beanie Babies being purposefully devalued by the Iraqi government to bankrupt white American families. As it grows and grows, I swear, you see even more Boomer anxieties rolled into it — NESARA & GESARA is hope that poor financial planning won't come to pass. Medbeds are blind hope that perhaps staying sedentary for 70 years straight won't come to pass. The Great Reset is hope that, perhaps, they didn't dedicate their lives to the selfish, champing pursuit of money and prestige. Donald Trump's inflated importance is a response to their deep anxiety that their kids and family members didn't just divorce from them for nothing. Imo, Q is the largest support group ever formed.


> the electoral defeat of Ronald Reagan What ? I KNOW I was doing shittons of drugs in the '80s but this is the first I've ever heard of this.


Sorry I just caught that myself, that's what I get for trying to write out in the sweltering heat. 😅 I meant the *election* of Reagan, and not that it was a trauma but a major milestone in their lives.


Yep. And Mar A Lago becomes a place of pilgrimage for the MAGAts, just like Graceland is for Elvis fans. And people will be claiming for years long after he is dead that he is really alive, in fact he's just been spotted at a golf course or some KFC somewhere in Florida...


The conspiracies around his cause of death will be unrelenting


I'd rather that than the possibility he can be president again. By all means if the cult wants to worship a dead man for the rest of their days and live in a fantasy world that is mostly isolated from causing real world broad consequences (like it is today) then I am all for it.


Gonna see at least seven different people claim to be Donald Trump, and one will be a cis woman


Don't forget Paul McCartne-- oh, yeah, I forgot, Paul's dead.


This is why he needs to be treated the way as any other american with similar crimes and sentenced to jail. Not treated with kid gloves and getting special treatment, because he run for president (BTW: he announced his candidacy day after DOJ announcement that he was being investigated).


Yep, med beds set it up. Though I wonder why Trump cannot access a med bed.


Elvis isn't dead, he just went home.


Elvis is everywhere


In a way he is the exact combination of Elvis, JFK, and Bigfoot.


And my girlfriend in Canada.


And my uncle who works for Nintendo.


"The King sleeps under the mountain."


They’ll probably camp out in Florida awaiting his return.


I would love it his followers schismed over which Trump disciple to follow but we will likely not be so lucky.


[Emperor Nero came back to life many times in the four centuries after he died](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nero_Redivivus_legend)


I believe that we've already hit a tipping point where 100 years from now there will be a major sub-sect of Christianity still waiting for Trump to rise from the dead and lead them to Heaven.


Quite likely given that these people believe that Zombie JFK and his son are gonna rise from the dead any minute now... 🙄🙄🙄


Makes ya wonder about moses, jesus, & mohammed...


TBH, I’ve been thinking exactly that for a while now.


Turns out Jesus was actually a complete dickhead, who would've guessed?!


Link please. This is interesting.


Uh, sure, [here you go](https://www.itwasa.joke)


Oookaay. I fell right into that, eh! 🤪


Wasn't at least Moses canonically a dick? We know God is a dick. Of course his prophets are. I'm just glad Donnie Diapo can't part the seas or raise the dead...


He chiseled that shit on those rocks himself just blamed it on god


Gonna be like how Rastafarians think an Etheopian emperor was the second coming of Christ


Yep. They'll say he'll return in "2 weeks"


They throw all of their expectations on poor Baron


I would laugh if he is the complete opposite and becomes a respectable person


Don't hold your breath. One of the reasons Donny is such a piece of shit is his father.


But what Donny boy didn't have was a mother who tried to Shield her son from his crazy father.


That is a real and humanizing point.


He did have a mother who didn't care, so there's that.


Yeah I'm sure Melania instilled morals, kindness, and respect in Baron despite her husband's behavior.


I thought I had read somewhere, that Barons name was brought forward at a political event and he shot it down wanting nothing to do with it. Edit: It was the offer to be the GOP delegate for Florida at the republican national convention. I'm not American, so I'm not sure what the significance of that is.


Melania shot it down, not Trump.


Delegates don't really do much; they stand around on the convention floor and clap and cheer and at some point, they all get together and vote and decide which candidates are going to get electoral votes and how many (in today's GOP, it's a foregone conclusion that they're all votes are gonna go to the Orange One.) But being a delegate is a good opportunity to mix and mingle, rub shoulders and press the flesh (sometimes in a very NSFW way) with other party members, and politicians, at various convention events, not to mention the high-roller parties and dinners away from the convention center. Being a delegate is seen as something of a prestige position, and a way to get your foot in the door in politics. It's not unheard of for an 18-year-old to be a delegate, but it's quite rare, and delegates who are that young usually get chosen because they are the nepotism brats of wealthy, well-connected parents. In Barron's case, the Florida GOP was no doubt sucking up to the Orange One by asking his son to be a delegate. But Barron turned them down....or more specifically, his mommy turned them down. Word that Barron would not take part came via statement from Melania's spokesperson. One would think that as an 18-year-old, Barron could speak for his own damn self, but I guess not.....


I’m hopeful that Baron’s brain has the ability to process his father’s incarceration in the “find out” phase of his twilight years. Zero chance any of Trumps other offspring learning anything but a new grift for their loser followers.


Fred Trump Jr tried to get out.


Apparently he's involved in a crypto scam.


I mean the source for that is Martin Shkreli so take it with a grain of salt.


Who refused to provide any evidence of the "millions of communications" he alleged.


Not much chance of that. He looks like his Dad and that whole family seem to be chancers and sociopaths. Even the daughter raised away from him seems to have gone to the dark side.


h deserves the benefit of the doubt until he enters public life, but looking at his siblings this seems incredibly unlikely


They could snap, go violent, fade away, make a religion with him as the central figure, get duped by some other scam or any combination of those


All of the above and then some.


They are ripe for the taking by another charismatic.


Qanon already fulfills a lot of criteria of a religion


I assume it fractures a bit and the vacuum gets filled by either many (hopefully) different actors who all work against each other or another aashole assumes the mantle.


I would think one of his kids would "try" and fill the role. I don't see the grift ending any time soon.


Two things that give me hope. 1. None of his kids or the GOP suckups have the broad "charisma" that he does to his base 2. His whole leadership structure revolves around him, he foments in-fighting in the underlings to keep himself 'stronger'


Yeah look up Hitler and Röhm. As far as we can see personal cults with dictatorial leading style tend to collapse quickly without clearly designated and at least semi-capable successor


I don’t think any of his kids could inspire the cult of personality he has.


Plus the fact that Trump is an idiot, but his kids are even bigger idiots and don't have the intelligence for politics.


Some are already speaking of Barron the same way. The future savior. That was a weird one to see. Unless that was a troll post and then, nice job!


It's because he is still private amd so they can toss their hopes and speculations on him.


They'll deify him like the Scientologists did with L. Ron Hubbard. Also, they'll insist that he was killed by the Deep State (aka the globalists, aka the Jews), regardless of the circumstances of his demise.


They'll also claim "the real Donald Trump is alive and in hiding."


There will be at least five camps, each equally disgusting in their own way. There will probably be more than five but this is all I could think of on 2 minutes notice: 1. Trump's not dead. It is a conspiracy to mislead the liberal media. One of his many clones actually died and you can tell by the way his earlobes don't connect to the sides of his head in the last known photo of him. Any idiot can see that. Just put all the pictures of him from the last 50 years in a collage and you can see that there are at least 17 clones used over that period of time. Pay special attention to his earlobes and his crotch because some of those clones were biologically female in order to sow extra confusion. He will return in force in 2 ~~weeks~~ ~~months~~ ~~years~~ ~~Presidential Terms~~ when the time is right for the movie to end. Just trust the plan. 2. Trump was assassinated by the Demoncrats. Even if he had a heart attack on live TV. Even if he had a car accident where he was driving. Even if he got brain cancer. Even if he shot himself and left a note and did it like Bud Dwyer. Even if he was attacked by a lion while on safari that was broadcast on live TV. We **know this is true** and will never ever ever ever ever ever let anyone forget and ~~probably~~ definitely riot on his birthday every year with lots of guns and violence until there are none of our type left alive which will probably be at least ten more years. So strap in. 3. Trump died but only in the same way that Jesus died because Trump was sent directly from God's own hand. He will be literally resurrected from the dead just like Jesus was in 3 ~~days~~ ~~weeks~~ ~~months~~ ~~years~~ ~~Presidential Terms~~ when the time is right for the movie to end. Just trust the plan. 4. Trump did not die. He was grievously wounded but is on the best MedBed technology ever and will return alive and well to clean the swamp for good in 2 ~~weeks~~ ~~months~~ ~~years~~ ~~Presidential Terms~~ when the time is right for the movie to end. Just trust the plan. 5. Trump is dead and it does not matter how or why because now the human race is literally doomed to hell. So I may as well kill myself and as many of my family members as I can in order that we all go see Mr. Jesus as soon as possible and leave all you heathens down here to burn.


This is extremely well put.


He will be easier to worship because he won’t be continuously doing the exact opposite of what a person worth looking up to would do.


That doesn't stop them. God's "imperfect vessel" and all that.


There will be a large sect that will be like with Elvis. Not necessarily that he is still alive, but will keep his memory alive at all costs. 20 years from now you will see MAGA hats and flags in certain places, especially at anything political. They will still be claiming he won in 2020.


If they think JFK and JFK jr. are both still alive, Trump will live to be 200 and will always be ruling from the shadows.


MAGA becomes an official Christian cult dedicated to the death and inevitable resurrection of Trump. My hope is that they go full People’s Temple.


>My hope is that they go full People’s Temple. I'm tired of people using Jonestown as some sort of edgy joke. 918 people were murdered and their bodies left to bloat and rot in the Guyana jungle for days. 300 of those bodies were children. They were forced to take cyanide, get a syringe of it, or get shot. Yes, there are a lot of lessons to be learned from it, but these folks were actual prisoners. It's fascinating, and there's a ton of material out there from the few survivors that's worth checking out.


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted because you’re right. Sure, there were followers of Jones who willingly committed suicide, but they were led down that path and essentially forced into it by Jones upon his command to kill Leo Ryan. If you listen to material from the tapes from Jonestown on that last day, you hear children crying as they’re being force-fed poison by parents. There’s anecdotes of parents realizing in horror what they’d just done. The majority of the victims of Jonestown were essentially murder victims. If you’re gonna use a cult mass suicide as a comparison, use Heaven’s Gate.


Notice we're seeing a lot of comets and other celestial phenomena recently? I keep hoping the MAGAts get inspired.


The MAGA cult will dig up his rotting corpse and try to clone him.


A younger, more dynamic person will take over and it’ll be much more scary.


This isn't likely because there's no obvious person to fill his place. Unlike a lot of other cults Trump does not explicitly lead the Q people and he hasn't even attempted to name any kind of successor (he's too egotistical for that, for one thing). So there's no particular person that would have the authority to take over for him, and there's no figure within the Q movement that has enough influence over the entire group to nominate a successor that they would all accept. Even during the height of Q, during Trump's presidency when Q was still posting, the Q people were already fractured and infighting. This was even more true once Trump lost and Q had stopped posting. I don't think there's any possibility that a single figure could step up and unite the Q movement as Trump's successor. (I also think in general, even outside the Q stuff, it's highly unlikely that we'll get the "Trump, but smarter and more devious" that people talk about -- I don't think Trump's charisma and appeal can be intentionally copied by someone else but twisted to different ends.)


Paul never met Jesus in his recorded lifetime, but later claimed to have been met by him after his crucifixion and ascension, and is now considered one of his most influential apostles, with over half the books in the New Testament being attributed to him which formed the foundations of modern church doctrine. Being named his a successor isn't mandatory to become the next spiritual leader of this modern Apostlic Reformation Post-Q QlusterfuQ, all they'd need is a sufficiently charismatic leader claiming to speak on his behalf and they could have a genuine shot at uniting a large chunk of the QAnon movement if they play their cards right.


There are equally shitty and ambitious people but none of them have the voodoo charisma. PizzaGaetz, Jordan, Boebert, MTG or any of his dumbass sons won't be able to keep the loons in line. We already see/saw it with DeSantis flopping nationally and lots of true MAGA believers underperforming (Boebert), outright losing winnable seats (Cawthorn, Lake, the football guy from georgia) or being unable to lead anything or be taken seriously.


Oh, we haven’t met this person yet.


I heard on a podcast, that they are already grooming Matt Gaetz to assume the title of the next Fuhrer. At least a few of them are grounded in somewhat of a reality, and realize that trump isn't getting any younger, so they're already looking around at younger men with a sociopathic mean streak.


He’s not good enough, and tbh he’s already burned I feel. It’ll be someone we’re not expecting/don’t even know about yet.


He also isn't well liked by either independents or most conservatives.


He isn't nearly charismatic enough. If the person existed they would have already made it to the front of far right culture.


They wait for him to rise from the dead after three days. Then, it will be standard dead celebrity worship. Buy collector plate stock now.


Great, so i'm going to have to see his face on MAGAzines as often as the lazy writers put Kurt Cobain on the cover. That is of course assuming that magazines even still exist in a decade.


They'll find another god to adore. These were people who worshipped George W. Bush.


The hero worship of Trump is way beyond that of past leaders.


Seriously? GWB?


Yup. They thought he was fantastic


I guess that figures. I thought GWB was the worst president I’d ever see. I was wrong. And now they worship Trump.


You missed out on Reagan. The difference is Reagan was likable if you ignored the fact that he fucked up the economy, mental healthcare and foreign policy. It makes me laugh that they worship him. As governor of California he did more to ban guns than Obama, Clinton and Biden combined.


It was nothing like Trump worship. Not even close.


i remember the GOP convention where everyone was wearing band aids with purple hearts on them to mock Kerry's purple heart. now try and convince me we're not talking about the exact same people who supported Bush back then and are supporting Trump now.


It was rare, but this is true. I remember seeing a co worker has a St. Bush sticker on her car. Literally W as a Saint. I'd never seen anyone put a politician into something like that. I was really weirded out. But after trump, it doesn't surprise me anymore.


I think it’s safe to say that first, they will insist he was murdered/martyred by “the deep state” or Biden, and then will continue to idolize and worship him, and practice his/their ignorant, intolerant, terrified and violent behaviors with more vim and vigor than they do now.




Weekly World Reader BatBoy picked by Trump as veep for 2028 Presidential campaign. At the Four Seasons ... ... funeral home and ghoularium ... the undead ex president announced his running mate for 2028 to a huge crowd to thunderous applause. With tens upon tens of admirers, the reanimated corpse remarked, "Huge crowds!! YUGE!!!!" before grabbing one supporter and eating their brains. There was a lot of jostling to be the next person to let Trump eat their brains. In other news about tiny meals for tiny hands ... /s


To be 100% honest I would vote for a Trump/BatBoy ticket because Trump is not going last long and the idea of President BatBoy kicks so much ass that my pants just flew over my head.


I get the feeling that he's going to outlive us all


Wait - I thought this was decided? First 8 years of Don Jr Then 8 of Eric Then Ivanka Then Baron …


You know they’re gonna skip Ivanka if the time ever comes. Can’t have a woman president. 


Not even their resident fruitcake, MTG? 😈


That would be a bigger nightmare presidency than Trump's second. She'd go full on Project 2025.


Yep, if they are put back into the white house, they will get the election stealing process right this time and this is exactly what will happen. Basically it will be like North Korea. They will play this American dream song that Trump always plays at his gatherings and people will be lined up in the street cheering the Trump family.


There won't be a 2028 election, for certain.


1) regardless of how he dies, the democrats will be blamed. They will say the democrats assassinate him 2) A smaller segment will say that if Trump gets enough votes for President, he will rise from the dead to resume power. fulfilling his 2nd term. Trump will continue to get votes for the next 20 years, even if it's just people writing his name in.


Ideally they’ll carry on with the assumption that it’s a deep state plot and he’s actually alive and they just need to write his name on the ballot along with some of their magic numbers. At the least it will nominally take them out of the system while the adults do a democracy.


I would think one of his kids would "try" and fill the role. There's still good money to grift from the true believers.


They will be claiming the deep state or Hillary Joe etc killed him


Hopefully they all move to Russia.


They will start building the first Trump churches


They’ll say he’s 1) not dead 2) killed by the deep state and 3) coming back to take his followers to mara-heaven-lago.


You've heard of religion? That's what happens.


Because there is no obvious successor they will split into competing groups.


they will turn their wheelchairs around and head back to the trailer park.


they are going to freak out at first, then someone is going to deepfake trump saying "i didnt die the deep state killed my clone/fake/actor i am alive maga" and then follow whatever this new person tells them to the death. the already just trade ai generated images of trump, and only follow edited speeches of trump


When he dies it will be viewed as an assassination. Even if he’s 95 years old the majority of his disciples will believe he was killed by the deep state,or the Clintons or antifa or just fill in the blank.


With as bad as he eats, I honestly can’t believe cholesterol hasn’t done it yet.


I’m really disappointed with cholesterol failing to do its job.


I haven’t seen where any of the people after have the unique mix of narcissism, malleable morals, foreign indebtedness and charismatic personality to keep it going. He is an idiot savant at getting and holding media attention and no one else has cracked that code like he’s been able to. Many will try but I think much of the threat of actually getting and holding high office dies with him.


I think Jr tries to take the reigns. I doubt be succeeds because he just doesn't have the charisma (for better or worse Trump has charisma). My hope is things go back to normal politically but I really doubt it. I think a bigger asshole will come along. On the fringe many people will outright claim to be Trump and many more will hint they know the "truth" about where he actually is or what actually happened to him. All that to say, things will probably get worse. Much worse.


I wonder if they'll preserve him a glass mausoleum like Lenin?


If you think he stinks NOW…


I was kind of hoping the Trump supporters will wind up in the same place as the Nixon supporters. You know hiding in plain sight never admitting they supported either one of those two men. But sadly I've been pretty much wrong about Trump every step of the way, so .....


they would commit suicide and get buried with the king?


They'll start a religion. And I am totally serious.


He will become a God.


Moving on to the next reincarnation of the Trump bullshit. Whoever csn sound most like him will inherit the morons.




Don Jr. becomes the face of the MAGA cult


We'll bury them with him along the fairway of some shitty golf course.


Just like the Kennedy family, the trump family will be deeply involved in politics for as long as the United States exists.


Hard to tell, but one thing is certain is that they already treat it like it's a hereditary monarchy so Barron or the coke-head will be anointed as his royal successor and they will be pushing for them to run. EDITED TO ADD: I forgot the golden girl, the apple of Donnie Diaper's eye and the lusting of his crotch. Then again, she's a woman, and we all know that them and the black people can't possibly be Presidential material... (/s)


It will be like the [funeral scene in Charade](https://youtu.be/a8FA5zBHiFA?t=92) where people show up just to make sure he's dead.


They'll probably write the 3rd testament


“Donald trump has been forced into hiding by the deep state! The funeral was a sham to throw off the librals. Please donate every dollar you have access to to support his continued fight against shit I made up two seconds ago!!!!!”


> An original typological model is used to categorise and analyse four ideal types of outcome: continuation, dissolution, reform/revolution and schism, and also increased convergence with or divergence from mainstream religion and society; the model is applied to the Worldwide Church of God and to a variety of other new religious movements. My vote is schism. It is already decentralized movement and Trump does nothing to indicate a successor. I can see groups splintering on whether Trump is dead or not and/or which family member or grifter to follow next. We saw that already with maga-like movements like the Queen of Canada.


They will continue to wave the Trump flag just as they have waved the Confederate flags long after it ceased to exist. Maybe we won't see Confederate flags because the Trump flags replaced them.


It is a cult of personality to a large extent. So when the focal point dies it will likely disintegrate perhaps only momentarily until the next strong man shows up to rally around. The Trump worship now is less about Trump himself and more about just thumbing your nose at all of your perceived enemies.


2,000 years from now, someone will be teaching his kids about the second coming of Trump.


Gosh I just want to outlive him. Statistically my chances are pretty good but if I go first, I’m gonna be so pissed.


They will wait for the next charismatic to take over their minds while pushing for all the terrible shit trump wants to do. Project 2025 isn't going away becasuse trump goes.. every gop candidate for the next 40 years will try to implement the evil contained within that document. Once your party goes down the path of fascism there is no coming back. The GOP and it's members will never be be "normal" again.


They'll blame it on the libs and someone will murder a bunch of innocents in response and then the Trumpers will call it a false flag to make Trumpers look bad.


Somehow it will be the Clintons or bidens who murdered him. He was in peak health according to his doctor, right? Much like Kennedy having a literal hole in his head, they will be unable to accept the fat turd is dead. The happiest person will be his awful wife, I am sure


I'm 62. I hope I outlive Trump. I want to be around for all the celebrations 👍


I figure at least some of them will designate one of their number to have the "Mantle of the Trump" or some other idiocy. A TrumPope, if you will.


The day Von Clownstick expires will be the day Trumpism graduates from Cult to Religion.


Some of them are so far gone they will take their own lives to join him in the great, stupid beyond. Some will disavow him and pretend for the rest of their lives that they never loved him to begin with. And still others will glom on to the next big jackass. 


Well, your last option is never going to happen. They’re not going to just forget about him


more of the same, i think. what else they have in their lives?


They’ll lose interest in politics.


I think Trump jr. inherits the crown, so to speak, but it will never be the same.


They scream and cry that it was a Democrat plot to kill him and that he'll revive like Jesus christ


This will be the new Lord's Prayer: Our Donald Who art in Florida Hallowed be thy name Thy kingdom come Thy will be done in blue states As it is in red Give us this day our daily diatribe And forgive us our trespasses As we won't forgive those who trespass against you Lead us into temptation and Deliver us from evil term limits For thine is the country, the power and the glory, for ever and ever. AMEN


The way some talk about his youngest son, I think they'll build a cult around him


I follow their sub to get a sense of what they are thinking and they were mostly willing to go all in with DeSantis. He was very popular with the MAGA crowd about a year ago. MAGA unfortunately is unlikely to die with Trump, they will pivot to a new cult leader.


Some will claim they always hated Trump and never supported him (like Bush II), others will claim that Hillary Clinton had him assassinated, but most will deify him, raising him up to the status of a quasi demi-god and try to carry on his legacy. Like what they did to Reagan, but to the umpt degree. Those are the scariest ones.


Hopefully, his brainless worshippers will write in his name every election.


Hopefully drink some Kool-Aid.


Kool Aid Day will be shortly after Trump gets destroyed in November. He has recommended "Suicide before Biden" and that going down with the ship is the "genuis" solution rather then fighting


They will latch onto Jr. Seriously, I'm 80% sure this will happen.


The thing with personality cults is that you can't really pass the torch, some small groups will follow some of his sons, or close aids. The kingdom will be fought upon and divided. That is why you should follow ideals instead.


They go back to being the Tea Party?


Put his brain in a vat and hook him up to the internet. I bet I could make a video that convinced them this is gonna happen.


Ever see “The Death of Stalin?” It’s gonna be like that.


They’ll spend their days even more aggrieved and unhappy.


I expect two different sects to form: one that believes he was assassinated and is a martyr for their cause of the week, another that believes he never died and is still running things from behind the scenes until the one day he can return, a la King Arthur/Jesus


I'm 99% sure I have the right answer. They will claim he was assassinated by the Deep State, or some stupid shit like that. Doesn't matter that he's old or unhealthy af.


Since the denial with his followers is so strong, they will probably Weekend-at-Bernies him.