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Please tell me what drugs Biden is taking so I can let medical science know.


this mfer is gonna DRINK A COFFEE before the debate


A covfefe???


That’s trumps drink, gets him all jacked up like jolt then rambles incoherently


Trump will take a diet coke enema, live on stage.




Ya, this whole train of thought is fascinating to me because the implication of this line of thought is that there is a substance which can counteract the effects of dementia or cognitive aging effects, but it is a "drug" so is immoral to take and isn't his "true" self. That it is some type of Faustian bargain that the "moral" Trump resisted the temptation to take. Like do they not realize how amazing a substance like that would be? They are essentially saying there is a cure or at least effective treatment, which would be amazing news for millions. But then to use the negative connation of drugs to make it look immoral. It has strong ableist undercurrents as well. I am a T1 diabetic and to me, the implication here sounds a lot like I am weaker because I have to take a drug to survive and to even make it on the stage to speak.


Did you see the list of meds handed out like candy in Trump's White House? IIRC, it had over a thousand pills of Provigil alone. I see Morphine on it. Fentanyl. Hydrocodone. Tylenol 3, Ativan, Ambien, Tramadol, Zolpidem, Sonata, Versed, Ketamine, Diazepam, and Lorazepam. To neutralize that, they have to accuse their opponent of the same. It seems to work on the dim-witted low-information types.


>To neutralize that, they have to accuse their opponent of the same. It seems to work on the dim-witted low-information types. Flynn has been saying Biden has Lewy body dementia, which makes me think we now know why Trump sounds more deranged lately.


My dad (before he passed) was diagnosed with Lewy Body Dementia aka Sundowner syndrome. He had patches he would put on in the morning and would go from being away with the fairies to a normal functioning human being. They would wear off in the evening, but by then he would be in bed. Eventually they stopped being effective, but it gave him around 5 years at home he wouldn’t have had.


I know of things like memantine, which can reduce some negative symptoms in the earlier stages of the disease, but it can't cure it, nor would it show up as a drug of abuse. Not trying to suggest nothing can help. Memantine is unlikely to be what your dad used, I would it was probably a AChEI drug.


Caffeine the usual way would probably actually help a little, as long as the fluid doesn't make demands on his bladder. Could risk a slow-release nicotine patch, I guess. Anything stronger would be obvious/dangerous/idiotic. (NB, he will not actually be doing any of these things.)


Needing to pee would be one of my biggest concerns if I were doing that


I wouldn't be surprised if any high profile figure at an especially high profile event was using *something* like these, for a temporary boost.


Exactly. If there were drugs available that could do what Trump and his supporters think they can do for Biden, the millions of people in the world suffering from dementia would know about it and the drug companies would make a killing.


>Exactly. If there were drugs available that could do what Trump and his supporters think they can do for Biden, Then we damn well know that Donnie would be taking them in double doses!


Hey dementia patient on amphetamines! Can’t wait to see that train wreck!


We are. Its Trump.


Maybe this is what Trump is like *after* taking the drugs.


They'd argue some bullshit about the Deep State and keeping treatments from the masses the same way they keep the cure for cancer from everyone. But also, Big Pharma is all about making money by any means necessary. Even though the company that made the drug would make an absolute killing by marketing it, they'd hide it. For reasons. Idk, I give up.


Please tell me what drugs Biden is taking so I can know! (I'm old too.)


Trump's White House had over 1,000 pills of "Provigil".


that's the weakest drug on their list imo. It's used to treat narcolepsy. It's for keeping firefighters awake etc. It doesn't get you high or anything, at least not at any doses I've done. but they also prescribed a ton of adderall and fentanyl.


>"It doesn't get you high or anything" >"Provigil is a Schedule IV controlled substance, **and has been shown to produce psychoactive and euphoric effects consistent with other scheduled central nervous system (CNS) stimulants**. Patients **should be observed for signs of misuse or abuse**." ([Source](https://www.aetna.com/products/rxnonmedicare/data/2020/Traditional/Provigil.html)) The document showing the pill usage at the White House had over a thousand pills of Provigil alone. I see Morphine on it. Fentanyl. Hydrocodone. Tylenol 3, Ativan, Ambien, Tramadol, Zolpidem, Sonata, Versed, Ketamine, Diazepam, and Lorazepam.


I know what it does and imo it isnt much for euphoric effects


I just drink Red Bull and espresso that’s my super power.


Well be know Trump has been snorting adderall for decades. I'd be surprised if Joe didn't take them, but so do college kids before tests and working on projects (so do I) and I don't see the problem.


If they have Biden on any "awake" drugs, it'll be Modafinil/provigil. Stims are hard on the heart the older you get and I don't think the now normal WH pharmacy/docs would want to take that risk.


Yeah what way can you stimulate an 82 year old man and not be putting him in danger of cardiac arrest? And also… For a debate? I mean that’s why I want to let my doctor know. We could get published!


Modafinil isn't nearly as taxing as traditional amphetamines on the cardiovascular system. It feels like a low dose of extended release caffeine. It never really worked for my ADHD symptoms when I tried it for a month or two.


My money is on some old timey beverage that was popular in the 1910s, has a name along the lines of "Chicago Milkmaid," and is technically banned because of a prohibition-era law. But nobody dares stop Biden because you know what happens when someone gets in between him and his Chicago Milkmaid.


The PROJECTION has been cranked up to 11. IF ANYONE on that stage is going to be hopped up on ANYTHING the entire fucking WORLD (at least those of us with working brains) KNOWS it’s the fuckfaced orange asshole.


It's really obvious to see for the people who are not mesmerized by him. He is like the definition of psychological projection.


I love how they mention provigil. How do they know about provigil? Oh that’s right the WH pill mill whole Trump was in office. I say drug test them. Trump is the one who will fail


Honestly since they are both old men and lose focus sometimes I'm not going to be surprised if both of them got some things to aid them. But let's not pretend that such thing are truly unique nor egregious to one side.


So trump is going to be heavily medicated on some mystery drug cocktail. I wouldn't have expected anything less. Wouldn't it be interesting if team trump over did it right before the debate and he had a medical emergency or absolute meltdown on stage? Edit: me bad grammar


Hus white house pharmacy was giving out years worth of fentanaly in a month.


You know it's always a tell because he accuses others of doing what he himself does. MY BIG HOPE IS just before the debate takes place AND just after it his probation officer takes him aside for pee tests - and no one else goes with him into the bathroom stall. That would be glorious because he sniffed so much in the past debates it was pathetically obvious he was pumped up on drugs!


They'd have to actually drug test him, though. They didn't when he spoke with probation a few weeks ago. Coddled that motherfucker so much, letting him call in from Mar-a-Lago instead of in-person attendance, letting that Sam Eagle-looking motherfucker Todd Blanche sit next to him during it (convicts aren't usually allowed their legal representatives to be in the room with them). Just holding his tiny hands the entire way.


Yup, same thing with letting him self report his height and weight when he was charged in GA. So, basically, he's shrinking, he's over 250 pounds, and he's on A LOT of drugs.


It’s not a mystery, it’s adderall.


If Trump's not on Provigil, I would be stunned.


From your lips to God's ear.


This is what I’m excited for. People who routinely float through their lives on a cocktail of drugs in a fine balance of counter actions do eventually slip up, ruin their balance, and end up fighting ghosts in the street in their bathrobe. I want to watch Fox and Fiends defend Trump making a floor drawing with his own diaper contents.


Stroke out! Stroke out! Stroke out!


Is the drugs make him any less coherent im going to need full captions and a translator


well trump has a brilliant plan of wearing a urinator to smuggle in pee that isn't his for the test...the problem is that he is going to get the piss from don jr.


They’ll just claim Biden, or CNN, slipped something in Trumps drink. Or that Trump was overtaken by the Holy Spirit and was speaking in tongues.


Honestly, I would pay real money to see Joe Biden stride out on stage all huge and jacked up like Bane on venom. "No one cared who I was until I put on the mask"


Don’t cheat yourself and end the imagined scenario before he snaps DT’s spine in half over his knee!




That family being like Jey Uso looking at his cousins in The Bloodline after they fucked him over last year, ducking his head and saying, "Nothing to do with me".


B Gonna give it to ya!


LMAO. Republicans: Joe Biden is a DROOLING, IDIOT who wonders around on stage and doesn't know where he is. Joe Biden is coherent, answers questions thoughtfully and doesn't wonder around stage Republicans: HE'S ON DRUGS!!! NOT FAIR!


Yeah, the people who have been lowering expectations of Biden are them. Hold up a mirror to show them who gets bit when people find out you're lying.


He’ll stutter a couple times, because he stutters. He’ll say a couple dumb things because that’s the nature of people being asked a wide variety of questions in a high pressure situation. Trump will sound dumb, cruel, and ignorant because that’s who he is. Supposedly serious people will pretend they’re close to equivalent.


This guy knows about drugs. https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2021/05/trumpworlds-jason-miller-must-pay-gizmodo-thousands-for-accurately-reporting-insane-story-about-him >Miller had secretly spiked his mistress’ smoothie with an abortion pill after learning she was pregnant.


Can we have a mental health check on whichever woman allowed this idiot within five feet of her?


I knew Jason was a POS but that and the thing about him altering a contact so that he would get paid under the table to avoid child support payments takes him to a new low.


Where does the GOP find these people? It's just one scumbag after another. See what happens when you start to defend terrible people just because they're part of your party? Scumbags will join the party looking for protection.


Republicans are terrible people. It’s not like these guys just all of a sudden appeared. They were always in the party.


The Republican position is government is illegitimate and incapable of doing good. That stance isn’t going to attract good people to government service.


I comment the same thing on every single post I see about this: WE DONT HAVE A CURE FOR DEMENTIA! If you think he's mentally unwell due to his age, there's no drug or supplement that prevents that.


and if there was, why would his supposed dementia have been a problem in the first place


There's treatments that lessen the symptoms for a time.


I love how they are just already believing that Trump will lose the debate. No one on his side excepts him to win.


It's why Hannity was suggesting to his guests a few weeks ago, "hey, maybe Trump shouldn't even bother with this debate".


All set up for: -Trump didn't lose. He just wasn't bothered. -It was rigged. Total bullshit and he wasn't playing along.  -Biden didn't win, drugs did.


Or “I’m withdrawing from this rigged debate”.


This debate isn't even going to be a debate. Trump is just going to scream about Joe Biden eating America's babies and not answer any questions or make any real counterpoints. He's already telegraphed that this is what he will do, and it's what his supporters want. He will (literally) shit his pants at the podium while bellowing that one time he saw Joe Biden personally shake hands with the leader of a Mexican cartel and receive a big bag with a dollar sign on it, and his followers will say that he "won" the debate. All Trump need do is show up, violently fill his diaper, and make the dumbest, most hateful spectacle of himself possible. Personally, I'm not looking forward to it at all. It will prove to be yet another milemarker on the road of our eventual decline. *Edit:* Called it, didn't I? This country is fucked. So fucked.


My husband asked me to remove from the room anything he would be able to throw at the TV when we watch the debate.


So it'll be him in the room alone with the TV, since I assume even you're not safe from that. Trump would cause the guy to just drop the TV with a backbreaker.


Actually, he doesn't even want to watch it, but I told him I wanted to see it. Maybe we'll just record it and watch it after the reviews are in.


I actually really want him to literally say that Biden eats babies. Although, sadly, people would totally believe that.


They always make Biden seem cooler than he is. Super Soldier? Pretty sure people love Captain America.


Meanwhile, Trump's basically US Soldier.


"The media" wants to lower expectations? "The media"?! All these mofos do is talk about how much of a vegetable Joe Biden is. Now they want to put all the credit for their image of him onto the MSM when it blows up in their faces. The party of personal responsibility at its finest.


This guy knows All about pharmaceuticals. He even put some in his girlfriend’s smoothie to try and cause an abortion.


Or get her pregnant either way.... eww!


They should both take piss tests on stage!


But of course, they ignore Trump's massive drug abuse ... Adderall, amirite?


Plus all the fentanyl being prescribed during his term. Plus his oldest son's decades-old addiction to cocaine that basically everyone knows about.


This is the chinless fat cunt who goes out and speaks to media on Trump's behalf (that isn't the Asian-American fat cunt who does the same). Y'know, the one who talked shit about De Niro in Manhattan after the conviction, when Trump's stooges were coping hard. Anyway, it's hilarious he claims the media are lowering expectations for Biden when they've been doing that for Trump the past 8 years, while showing the same super-edited bullshit that right-wingers on TikTok, Fox and other outlets do that claim Biden's "wandering off on his own" (but actually talking to people that were cropped out).


Lol supplements. BiDeNs AlL hOpPeD uP oN VITAMINS!


this is Jason Miller the Trump toady? it sounds like he’s pumping Biden


Where do you buy the smart pills? I want some.


I love how temp-v is real in the magaverse


What drugs is doofus l’orange going to be on? That’s the projection part


Trump is the one who is on drugs. Projection is a helluva drug


So, what. It's going to be Chris Evans with a Biden mask on?


Well, we already have seen extra sniffly Trump and he’s all manic when he is sniffly, I wonder what else they’ll pump him up with because the cocaine seems to not be doing the trick so well anymore.


Qultists have a weird relationship with pharmaceuticals. One of the genuine achievements of the Trump administration was Operation Warp Speed, to get that Covid vaccine out as quickly as possible. But for some reason, they don't really announce that a lot. It's a total mystery to me.


Lol they know the "senile Biden" thing is about 90% smoke and mirrors with selective editing. Biden is a pretty healthy old guy who talks stiffly. The horse they're backing was an idiot ten years ago and now he's getting dementia.


Hey, look, the sentient tomato has something to say!




So Trump is supposedly a billionaire, and he can't afford his own smart pills?


Cool. Make em both do a drug test.


It's funny to see them okay the expectations-lowering game when they constantly try to claim the opposite at every other moment


I think Trump’s handlers are just laying the ground work when he loses the debate. This is what they do, they muddy the waters.


Great, now I’m picturing a jacked, shirtless Biden.


They're gonna expose him to vita-rays or gamma rays. Maybe a bite from an irradiated spider?


There's also the theory that a voice speaks in Biden's earpiece and tells him what to say. Which is exactly the sort of task a dementia patient cannot perform.


This is no different than "the election is rigged." It means if Trump gets his ass kicked it's bc Biden cheated.


I wish I was as confident that President Biden was going to wipe the floor with Trump at the debate as Trump's worshippers are.


There really isn’t anything too magical out there. He could pop a few addies and take a beta-blocker but that’s something plenty of college students already do for hard exams. There’s no such super-serum and even if you would make some secret uber-potent cocktail of drugs, the guy is like 100, his heart will explode.