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I do wonder (and fear at the same time) how much of those accounts who believe AI-generated slop on Facebook are real and not bots


Dead internet is here.


Probably be absolutely nothing but bots talking to each other in a few years.


Does that mean we'll all be in our own private bubbles, each perceiving the world completely differently according to however the Algorithms decide we should? Or will we all decide that because we know it's all fake that it's actually meaningless, and get off the internet?


Combination of both, maybe. The ones that stay on it will be in a bubble while the rest go outside and feel the grass under their bare feet.


I think we might get to the point where you will need to prove your identity as a human to have an account on some websites, and the ones that dont will be mostly (80-99%) bots. How proving that you are human will work, I dont know.


Put em' on the glass?


well yea, just go outside and talk to people


The #1 inconsistency to me is the climate change skeptics bending over backward to explain the bad weather. There is even such a community on reddit, disappointingly. I like being critical of greenwashing but the tooth to head ratio is pretty low over there.


Oh it’s mot climate have Its chem trails they are releasing to depopulate us Yes that’s a much more reasonable explanation


I've been getting disabled vet Jesus surrounded by Chinese army women with the "why doesn't this trend" tag.


I don’t think they care, like literally it doesn’t matter if it’s real or not because the internet is just entertainment. Just like tv or movies, video games etc. If it makes boomer happy then it’s a good thing, if it’s fake, it’s still their worldview of what they think should be happening.


I'm hoping the Internet floods so bad with disinfo that people stop using it for news. You'd think we'd get there at this rate