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They literally used a map of Moscow which they mirrored that they claimed was Gwinnett County in Georgia and placed red dots on it to show "pings" lol https://twitter.com/PokerPolitics/status/1527320927859777539 https://twitter.com/PokerPolitics/status/1527320934385737733 https://twitter.com/PokerPolitics/status/1527320940706603008 https://twitter.com/PokerPolitics/status/1527320946285375489 https://twitter.com/PokerPolitics/status/1527320959920721920 The whole thread by that guy debunks it all.


Why does everything lead to Russia with Republicans?


July 4th 2016. Post Email hacks of both DNC and RNC


Didn’t several high profile US politicians inexplicably go to Russia on the 4th of July at one point?


https://www.npr.org/2018/07/06/626664156/gop-senators-spend-july-4-in-moscow Several Republicans, worth noting.


They claimed it was to "be mean" to Russia and tell them to leave us alone. Realistically, a Honeypot operation from the Kremlin most likely.


Like Mitch McConnell? I don't think you get too much higher profile than the Senate Majority Leader.


> Why does everything lead to Russia with Republicans? Why do Republicans hate America? Why do Republicans spew forth Russian Propaganda? Why did so many Republicans spend July 4th in Russia?


Money, money, and money would be my guess.


They all owe big daddy Vova.


They're Putin boot lickers.


I mean, to be fair, someone using a stock image of a Russian city doesn't mean that person necessarily has anything to do with Russia, the whole point of stock images is that you can use an image that you didn't have anything to do with the creation of and don't know the origin of. It's probably just an accident that that particular stock image turned out to be Moscow.


The map had fabricated ballot drop off sites annotated on it. Somebody in the production team knew that it was Moscow.


Sounds like the sort of thing you'd slip in if you were working on that shit and knew it was shit.


Yeah, they edited a stock image with some bullshit to make their bullshit movie. I'm not sure how this proves they knew what the image was actually of. I can download a stock image and edit a ghost or a UFO into the background and that doesn't mean I know where the image was taken or anything about how it was created.


They used a *map of fucking Moscow*. That just seems either incredibly lazy or incredibly arrogant. They're not even trying to hide the treason.


I guess it's arrogance but it's also knowing the cult will accept whatever they tell them without question.


I'm still trying to decide if that was including out of careless stupidity or someone's idea of a joke. I wonder if it could have been introduced by a subversive staffer on the project, anfmd the dumbass in charge just didn't notice.


These groups don't pay and they're terrible for your resume. These are true believers. They're just incredibly incompetent & malicious. I wouldn't be surprised if they just happened to have a gif of Moscow & fucked up, or if they decided it just looked more impressive & thought no one would notice. I mean these are the same kinds of people that used to pass off really obviously bad Photoshop hack jobs as photographic documentation of child SA rings after all.


I mean, I think it's more likely that they just searched for "city map bird's eye view" or something on the stock images site and the city in the stock image just happened to be Moscow, and they never even checked if it was of a real city or not.


Of all of the possible cities in the US and the world, they just happen to stumble upon *Moscow*? I don't buy it being an "accident" (unless they were *in* Moscow when they did the web search) - it's just too on the nose.


Yeah. You know how stock images work, right? They're not different based on where you did the search from.


It's arrogant. They know how good control they have of those people. And none of that will convince them. In fact if you say "Russia" they will just start taking the opposite of what you're saying.


Also all those dots weren't even representing any ballot boxes. They were in many cases showing completely wrong locations and were just for dramatic effect. See, you can do these things in a movie. But you'd not get to do this with evidence in a court. That's why it's a movie and not evidence.


Even assuming A: they were all actual ballot box locations and B: they were all real, valid pings of phones, and C: everything was accurate enough to say the phones really went close enough by the ballot boxes to do something negfarious-- Their whole premise was that some of the same phones repeatedly are near some ballot boxes. Those people have to be stuffing ballot boxes!! That's gotta be fraud!!!!!!!11!!!1! But what if they just work near one? Or they're a delivery driver going by that area frequently? If you're a postal mail carrier, it'd be hard for you *not* to go by multiple ballot boxes a day in some areas. They do exactly nothing to address those very basic questions, much less address concerns associated with assumptions A, B, and C.


It doesn't even show a video of a single person dropping off in more than one box either


Yeah their entire premise, if their evdince had been real, was that the same person walked by a ballot box multiple times, which is evidence of nothing other than that they walked by a ballot box multiple times. There's hundred reasons why that might happen that aren't that they're committing voter fraud!


What, there wasn’t really a ballot box in backwards Red Square?


Also, for anyone who missed the most recent news about it: A man who was accused in the film of “ballot stuffing” sued the producers of the movie and now they have removed it from circulation. https://www.cnbc.com/2024/05/31/dinesh-dsouza-election-film-2000-mules-pulled.html


Christ! That’s supposed to be Gwinnett County? For anyone not familiar with the Atlanta area, there are two glaring, laughable issues: 1. Gwinnett County is a sprawling suburban county whose largest freeways and highways point southwest towards Atlanta. It looks nothing like an old city center on a map. 2. More importantly, **there isn’t a bigass river cutting through the middle of the county**. Forget the roads, the fucking *water* is wrong. The blind credulity of the idiots who believed this hoax is only slightly less stunning than the craven malfeasance of those who crafted it.


Yeah, I took one look at that map and said "that is not anywhere in Gwinnett County!" even before I saw that people had already identified it as Moscow.


"The blind credulity of the idiots who believed this hoax is only slightly less stunning than the craven malfeasance of those who crafted it." that's because like scams of old it targets people who want to believe in it it filters out those who won't hook on to their narrative.


The map kind of reminds me of Ankh-Morpork.


This is by far the best part of the movie. It’s so delightfully indicative of their ineptitude and possibly even of their russian influence.


Is there any version of it that doesn't require me to create a Twitter account? I didn't before Elon, I sure won't now.


Oh gosh I read that entire thread when it was first posted. Really great breakdown.


You would think they'd, at barest minimum, avoid Russia while looking for fake shit to use for their totally insane bullshit "documentary". But no.


If 2000 Mules was such a smoking gun, then why didn't Fox News submit it as evidence when Dominion Voting Systems sued the pants off of them for almost a billion dollars?


Pretty sure just recently the filmmakers were forced to admit it was all bs because one of the guys they accused of fraud took them to court, they essentially ruined his life.


[Here's an article about it](https://www.npr.org/2024/05/31/g-s1-2298/publisher-of-2000-mules-election-conspiracy-theory-film-issues-apology) if anyone is interested.


had a stroke reading that. What are you trying to say?


It's true, though. The distributor had to pull all access to the film and the book and apologize to the guy who sued them. Damage done, though.


To MAGA, the movie being pulled is further proof of its truthfulness…


That's all that matters.


Haha, sorry, auto-text and a sunny day getting the better of me.


> because you be of the guys the accused of fraud "because one of the guys accused of fraud" I think this is what they were trying to say


Because "you be of the guys" what!????


I mean this would not involve voting machines, so for that court case it would be irrelevant. This "documentary" is about people putting multiple early voting ballots into drop boxes. Suggesting an intentional scheme to "stuff" drop boxes with collected ballots. So even if it were a smoking gun (which it definitely isn't) it wouldn't help Fox News against Dominion Voting Systems. Fun note the distributor dropped it after a guy went forward to sue because they implied he was a ballot "mule". In fact the GBI cleared him of any wrongdoing.


Ummm it's smocking gun you know


You know, [it fires smocks](https://i.imgur.com/Ptw8WfK.png)!


Cause Fox was already getting laughed and sued out the ass, and they didn’t want to be embarrassed further. Plus they probably had somebody smart enough to catch it.


The company who distributed the movie backtracked and stopped because there was zero evidence to back up the claims after they were sued. But let’s just overlook that fact.


The rubes will just claim that the evidence is being suppressed.


Ok, I overlooked it, but now I’m back. They are still crying I see. Shit do they ever run out of tears? Geez


The “fuck your feelings” crowd is indeed very sensitive. Harsh words hurt their feelings. 😕


But they call us the “cry babies “. That’s why they are always fucking around and finding out. Meh….


i’m trying to watch 2000 mules but can’t find it because. my favorite wkrp deejay says it’s so shocking it should lead to indictments. did something happen?


PER NPR - The conservative media company behind the book and film “2,000 Mules,” which alleged a widespread conspiracy by Democrats to steal the 2020 election and was embraced by former President Donald Trump, has issued an apology and said it would halt distribution of the film and remove both the film and book from its platforms. In a statement posted to their website, Salem Media Group, Inc. apologized specifically to Mark Andrews, a voter from Georgia falsely depicted illegally voting in “2,000 Mules.”


i was joking. i thought referring to fictional deejay johnny fever from the sitcom wkrp in cincinnati was the tell.


My man is a Venus Flytrap fan.


Bailey. Or nothing. Or Bailey wearing nothing.


I can support that.


that small station had god-tier levels of talent.


My understanding that it was a joke was foiled by the fact that I had no knowledge of this particular sitcom DJ.


sorry. i must be old.


Preaching to the choir, Brother!


I work in an industry with a lot of immigrants and I'm old. I always have to remember most of their pop culture frame of reference starts sometime after they got to the US. As I've always said, context is King.




yeah, but oop’s thumbnail is howard hesseman wearing headphones.


. . . probably announcing the turkey drop.


“as god as my witness….”


"I thought turkeys could fly."


We are not old


Great. Now I can’t get that song out of my head.


The Phone Cops blew up that remote transmitter.


It's almost like depending on convicted felon and Twitter punching bag Dinesh D'Souza was a ***bad*** idea or something.


My favorite "mistake" in 2,000 Mules was when they tried to pass off a map of Moscow as a map of Atlanta. Their home-schooled geography is so bad that they saw a city with a huge river running through the middle of it and said...Atlanta!


It's the dog whistle for their russian masters.


around 2005-8ish I remember dumbly thinking how amazing the internet is and how it will allow people to fact check politicians when they lie and look up the truth rather than whatever places like Fox spew out to people. for some reason I had no idea that it would just become an algorithm supported confirmation bias machine that would insulate certain people from reality.


OMG, bubba didn't hear did he?


no interwebs in the swamps


They did a documentary about Democrats paying tens of thousands of people to stuff ballot boxes, but couldn’t find one provable example.


Would have been better to title it One Mule and actually get real evidence


Would’ve been the biggest investigative journalism since what, Watergate?


Easily. That one actually resulted in a president stepping down. This one resulted in nothing but extracting money. My absolute favorite is how some nuts kept saying that Dinesh was playing the long 42D chess game and all would be revealed in court...and then the big day arrived and he not only declined to defend his work but (at least last I checked) was actively fighting subpoenas for his data. It's like if the movie Rudy ended with Rudy being called in and him saying he didn't feel like playing that day.


This is my biggest argument against a lot of the most bold conspiracy claims- any journalist who proved the claim with even a shred of evidence would become an instant millionaire, Woodward and Bernstein overnight, with gargantuan speaking fees, book deals, etc etc etc. There are a lot of people out there who would risk death from “Them” if this was the potential payoff. Like, if there truly is “a pill that cures cancer”, anyone who could prove that would be an international celebrity.


The funny thing is that they did name one mule in the movie, and that mule sued them for defamation and won when he demonstrated he clearly wasn't a mule (the movie showed him dropping off 5 ballots, which they said was proof he was a mule, but his family had 5 members and he was dropping off their ballots which is perfectly legal). This is why they prefer to keep their accusations vague, a general "them" being responsible rather than a specific individual who can sue them for defamation.


i'm still not totally clear why anyone would believe a word Dinesh had to say after that. straight up grift. we're way beyond "second chances"


They believe him because he's telling them what they want to hear. He's not really changing any minds, he's selling the illusion of credibility for those who want to dress up their conspiratorial beliefs as being based on facts.


> 2000 Mules has been out for over a year showing thousands of ballots being illegally trafficked It did no such thing. It couldn't even show ONE, let alone thousands.


If they could find a credible "mule" who was willing to talk, that person would be rich-book deals, TV spots, etc. The purported scale would have required tens of thousands of mules. Yeah, probably not a thing.


Or just one Eric Cartman https://youtu.be/u8xscMwM_cc?si=GPE9ZUlalzb0Wyh4


So I guess this dude slept through that entire period in 2021 when Trump fought tooth and claw to challenge the election results, going as far as having a private company hand count the ballots (all the while wildly mishandling the votes) and still got proven there was no evidence of fraud- well actually no- they proved that republicans were more responsible for fraud and that Biden had hundreds of uncounted votes.


Yes. Our elections are a joke, Johnny. So stay home on election day. Bet there's something good on Facebook for ya


The truth will never matter to these people. Doesn't matter what you say or show them. They are mindless zealots.


That is because, Johnny, The felon, Dinesh DeSousa is a lying asshole. And his movie is pure bullshit


Because allegations are not evidence


Because it's illegal to commit perjury, which is why they don't argue the same claims in court.


Trying to influence the 2016 election using illegal campaign funding and misrepresenting real estate values = "exposing voter fruad" this is why these idiots will never see trump as guilty because they dont even know what hes on trial for. Ive actually seen several people on GAW say they have 0 idea what the cases are actually about and get mega confused when they hear what the charges actually are.


Trump was indicted for his crimes, and those alone. Falsifying business records, racketeering, unlawful retention of classified documents, etc.


I cant believe these boomer fools misappropriating Johnny Fever.


yeah, Les Nessman, and Herb Tarlek seem more like their thing.


The great Johnny fever, the only person where the more they drink, the faster the reflexes get.


It's always fun seeing someone seriously bring up that "documentary" each time as I follow it up to a post that low key debunks crucial points. Ironically, it's a post from a qultist too. Edit: okay, found it again: [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Qult_Headquarters/s/xzLBWLTmKO)


The "2000 Mules" was just a huge turkey. And we all know what happened to turkeys at the WKRP Thanksgiving giveaway ;)


2000 Mules book and film is so heavily debunked the production company has pulled it from printing and production. [2000 Mules so heavily debunked book and film no longer being printed](https://www.npr.org/2024/05/31/g-s1-2298/publisher-of-2000-mules-election-conspiracy-theory-film-issues-apology)


They had over sixty chances in court to bring evidence but when asked to produce it they admitted to having none and said "trust me, I believe there was fraud." This is the part where I say "fuck your feelings" because they are not proof of anything.


The boomer cosplaying as a 70s sitcom character convinced me.


Is this Johnny Midnight account satire or just really low hanging fruit? Seen a couple of his incredibly bad takes on here recently.


The makers of that crap literally had to retract their claims of its validity, yet you see NOTHING of it on social media.Dinesh D’Souza is still vocal and active on X about everything ELSE wrong about the Democratic Party, and his requirement to denounce his own content STILL never comes up! It’s infuriating! Make a shit ton of money on lies, and even after getting caught and being forced to admit it, crickets! Scumbags!


Johnny Midnight. Literally living in the dark.


Can someone please set this asshole straight?


I thought you said alight for the moment there.


That’s one option but it’s a last resort kinda thing


The evidence of reality can not ever penetrate their belief system. Trump lost in 2020, so they propose a belief that leaves their already imaginary reality intact. The election was fraudulent. That's the premise that cannot be questioned. They are still capable of reason, but they reason in support of a fundamental lie that they refuse to challenge. I'm just surprised by how many of them are. I would like to think that this might be a sort of last gasp of fundamental irrationalities. Maybe Trump will bring about a broader decline of religion in America. I can hope.


He is certainly shining a huge spotlight on how awful hardcore Christians are in this day and age.


What? Mules? Good grief. I mean, does it literally show people “illegally trafficking” ballots that are PROVED to be illegal in nature? Is the proof that they are illegal even factually provided? I know the answer is no. So what are they basing this on? Someone’s fevered imagination, or Trump’s lies? The nonsense and foolishness of all of this is just ridiculous. RME.


Thats like saying Elmo is real cause I saw him on TV...


Holy crap! This stupid movie will not die. How many retractions will it take?! Never mind. If you were dumb enough to believe Dinesh what’s-his-face in the first place, you’re likely beyond help.


Hopefully in thinking our elections are a joke, he won't vote.


Can't believe the SpongeBob "pizza delivery" episode proved you could drive rocks, but no one is driving them. Big car keeping us down.


It didn’t result in criminal indictments or anything, but 2000 mules definitely had its day in court.