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2 minutes and 29 seconds of monolog I still have no idea what she's talking about.


I think she did Molly and experienced happiness for the first time.


When you confuse a nervous breakdown with enlightenment.


Yeah either that / some drug or like onset of schizophrenia or something


Molly and delusions would be one hell of a time


She's talking like she is on acid.


Like, part of me wants to go “yeah! There’s more to life than just working all day, getting nowhere financially, and being a salve to the machine” great, go and do art, be with family, enjoy what time you have here. But I deeply suspect she’s talking about Biden being a clone


Right? If you ignore the *crazy raving vibe* it's like she was so close to a real hit about late stage capitalism, an unsustainable future economically & environmentally, and so forth. But, nope, crazy person.


That's what I've been thinking. If they could just get over their impotent obsession with pedophilia, we could all roll up our sleeves and get to work.


Exactly...she's *right*, but not the way she thinks.


You don't innerstand? You need to finally, FINALLY, wake up. It's a game, and you're playing along. Light's not flickering for you? Better check your batteries! Going to work. Trying to "survive". It's a game. There's been a shift. Gonna pray that you wake up to shifting, flickering light. 😂


It's almost as bad as a Trump speech


Neither does she.


Reminds me of that recurring Fred Armisen skit on Weekend Update where he rambles on but never says anything.


Looks like performative grift to me. Grifters grifting grifters grifting stupids. It's grift and stupid all the way down.


I don't think this is Q related. This feels like New Age "Ascension" talk. The Schumann Resonance is a constant background vibration of the earth. In some new age beliefs, the earth is sentient, and humans (among everything else on earth) are connected to it. The Schumann Resonance is often brought up by new age folks as kind of a measure of earth's consciousness, and so it changing represents a changing of consciousness in general. The shift then is people "waking up" to humans being "spiritual beings," and we are supposed to shift from "3d" to "5d" consciousness. I am not really sure what that means, but my understanding is that "3d" is our current "choice" consciousness ("1d" being raw material being and "2d" non-sentient life). Not really sure what "5d" represents or why we skip "4d", but overall, this is my understanding. They believe then that we will soon "ascend" to the next level, and hence, the current way we live life will change, and we will value and understand the world differently. Some of these new age people do intersect with qanon, by thinking that Trump "bringing down the cabal" is a sign or part of the "shift."


There’s a big new age to other conspiracies pipeline. If you believe there’s information out there someone is hiding, it’s easier to believe other people are hiding secret information


Yep. The die-hard white lady yoga people, and the wellness moms with essential oils latched onto this crap, too. I think once you open your mind to something that promises to give you easy answers, if you're not careful, all your critical thinking escapes.


Also see "The Celestine Prophecy", "The Secret", and "subtle energies" for examples of radicalisation vectors


Two sides of the same stupid delusional coin.


Bingo. It's hard to tell whether or not she is one of them that intermingle the two.beliefs from the video, but she is 100% talking about new age beliefs here


Neither does she!


If I had to guess this is what's called 'loose thought associations.' It's usually a sign of delusional thinking. We have no way of knowing if she's actually psychotic or just stayed up all night watching QAnon videos.


Her chin dimple is utterly mesmerizing, though.


Honestly her whole face is kind of adorable ngl


Those painted on freckles are bizarre.


It looks like a manic state \[to me, someone with no psychiatric credentials beyond occasional curiosity learning\]. I wonder if she has untreated bipolar.


Something about the Shullman residence but I don't know who Mr. Sullman is.


Has the same energy as [‘so I says to the guy I says’](https://youtu.be/zwgbikrEar4?si=tH-xkxD-MrF-8ioQ)


“Innerstand” is a term you often hear spouted by Queen Romana’s followers.


Oh wow, it's one of those sovcit "words are law magic" superstitions about "understand" being some kind of secret agreement to a contract, isn't it?


"I do not *stand under* any other human being...I do comprehend what you are saying." -Actual sovcit jackass who thinks they're smarter than everyone else when being asked by a judge if they understand the charges against them.


> it's one of those sovcit "words are law magic" that is such a great way of putting it.


At first I thought it was some sovcit bs. However it is actually a thing. Now anyway. Its not in official dictionaries but has evolved into a thing.


She may not have coined the term but I'm sure her usage of it is motivated by sovereign citizen nonsense about the phrase "I understand" having magical law powers if you're tricked into saying it.


I feel like my brain is short-circulating.


Why is she using a filter if none of it matters?


*air quotes* survival 🙄


Wait you mean to tell me that this sentient Busch Light can isn’t actually 19 years old with perfectly smooth skin??


She looks 19 but sounds like 34


Yea, know you say it, she does not look like the kind of person who wakes up with flawless skin.


The drawn-on freckles are kind of a giveaway.


Hah, didn't even see those on my small mobile screen.


The ones with kids - especially single parents - pretty much let them run wild sometimes while mom is busy with rESeaRcH ... Next morning: it's off to evil school until the quantum banking system kicks in! Then mommy will be a millionaire + pull you right out of that government institution and homeschool you right. Maybe she'll make sure you comb your hair in the morning then too! (Sorry, bitter tangent based on real life observations 🙄🤪)


No reason to say sorry, you're so right it hurts. I still get surprised by the stupidity I see sometimes, and I've seen so much shit from them.


Oh Glad I'm not the only one who thought it looked like filter. Im not on tiktok but it did look like there was something added to the video.


And what's the point if she still looks like that kid from The Sandlot? 🥴😅


I lived across the street from him for a bit!


OK, you got me with that one. It’s just perfect. I guess my subconscious mind was too polite to make the firm connection. Glad yours was “unfiltered“.


I have my days where I'm just all out of patience for garbage like this. It seems harmless but it can get brutally bad. People will cry about no one in their life believing them etc, then they find a "new family" in echo chambers online... they have gone through the same thing, they are lonely and they'll reassure her + encourage her by saying yes yes the people in your life are asleep and it's so sad. But we'll stick together in our invisible internet rabbit hole bubble of exciting delusions! And deeper they go. They convince themselves of this stuff and it starts as a poor coping mechanism. *edit to add - Oh but yes, my comment was snarky + all of that. The stuff these people claim and post publicly about others - be it celebrities, public figures, families grieving victims of school shootings, or even people in their own lives - is the very "evil" they boast of fighting in the world!! If they're such 'digital warriors" who can dish it out in their little Internet armies, they ought to toughen up.


Echo chambers reinforce the most extreme ideas and ostracize doubters. So the beliefs aren't subjected to any criticism and the extremism ratchets up. Same as Islamic radicalism, cults, social studies academia, incel groups... Same process in action


Of course. And off they drift on their little islands.


"Benny, I baking like a toasted cheeser. *It's so hot!"*


Beats doing make-up. Let's be real here.


Sounds like me the first time I got stoned, just faster. ;-) Thankfully social media didn't exist back then and no one walked around with a camera in their pocket.


She’s manic I think. Racing thoughts. She’ll probably be really sad in a few days


Back when I discovered that herb, my friends and I noticed that we had incredibly profound ideas but forgot them in the morning. We got on a brilliant plan: write those ideas in a notebook. The ideas were considerably less profound in the morning. I don't remember what they were, actually, because they were not memorable.


Yes, a buddy and I came up with a solution to all the world's problems one particularly smoky evening. Amazingly I did recall our solution and thought "yeah, that ain't gonna work" the next morning when I woke up sober. My buddy? He has remained at the same level of inebriation for the past 25 years. Not so surprising, he's a now a member of the qult. I guess he finally found a group that won't tell him he's an idiot when he spouts such nonsense.


When you finally give in to the peer pressure and try shrooms that your friends have been pushing on you.




Sentient? I think the jury is out on that...


Judge "Have you reached a verdict? Jury "We have. In the case of Sentience vs non-sentience, we have found the defendants are non-sentient!"


Can't punish them, but we can plant them!


These people are reinventing Communism, but with pure magic instead of class analysis. I'm not kidding. People ARE getting collectively fed up with a consistently declining quality of life.... DJT is not battling the lizard people for free energy.


 DJT is not battling the lizard people for free energy. HAHAHAHA My ex gf actually did whole heartedly believe that. No need to explain why she´s now EX gf eh?


Sorry you had to go through that.


My favorite part is when she puts her hand over her face, and the filter glitches. The rest of it was a word salad.


that was a filter? I don’t want to be horrible but why would you choose one where you can see how unintelligent you are just by looking at you?


She uses some freckle filter.


When brute capitalism destroys your society and your soul but you’re too dumb or unwilling to admit it so you make up a fairy tale….


I kept thinking "if she were talking about capitalism she'd have a point..."


Nailed it.


For someone who thinks that none of this matters, it sure seems important to her. Too bad she can't explain what the heck she's talking about.


That's some type of mental illness. She's so certain she's imparting deep knowledge on everyone, but it's just incoherent rambling.


Looks like bipolar disorder to me, which I have as well. She's depressed (nothing has meaning) but also clearly in the grips of mania with all sort of false epiphanies firing off in her brain.


She is giving off a giddy/euphoric vibe plus pressure of speech, flight of ideas....


Looks like a mixed state to me.


No thats not how that looks like. She seems more just delusional in a more common sense.


Yea she’s at the age a lot of schizophrenia manifests. She’s obviously been deep in her anxiety producing self brainwashing and finally hit a mental break. I kind of feel sorry for some of these people when they reach this point. Usually I don’t because the Q process involves a lot of hate, racism and dehumanizing people not in the tribe, but this girl has gone over. She’s not coming back anytime soon.


This has nothing to do with Q.. Schumann Resonance is being reported on the NASA Space Weather sites. What she is referring to has to do with belief that Schumann frequencies is creating what Delores Cannon's New Earth books talk about.


We were talking about Schumann resonances lifting us up to higher dimensions 20+ years ago. (Spoiler: None of us did ever went to a higher dimension)


Thanks. I thought she kept saying Schumann’s *residence*.


Reminds me of people who are absolutely sure the rapture is coming...any day now.


Shrooms should not be eaten in multiple grams until you know how your mind is gonna react


Avatar checks out 😎


>This is so much deeper than anyone could Yes, the empty space in your head is amazingly deep, and very wide.


In a very simple, general sense I can see the appeal of this king of thinking, in the context of lashing out at social conformity. Or in some Buddhist sense, like the idea of attachment to outcomes and the material world. But when it goes like this? Nah. I’d like to see her put her money where her yappy mouth is. Run out the door and start doing anything you feel like, right in front of people, to test the theory that nothing really matters. Why isn’t she doing that?


Mental illness is a helluva drug


What is she talking about? It makes no sense. It’s like reading a book with no plot.


She is talking about Schumann Resonance or what is known more commonly as Schumann Frequencies which is actually reported daily on NASA Space Weather sites. It's reportedly electromagnetic energy caused by solar flares and coronal mass ejections. Several countries have their own reporting stations. There is a theory within certain New Age circles that the Schumann Frequency is bringing about New Earth and the fifth dimension which is discussed in the old Delores Cannon books and videos.


Thanks. And wow. That’s really out there. Literally and figuratively. It’s not like they are new to our solar system though. So why now is this suddenly the case? Seems really arbitrary to me.


Sarah sweetie it’s time for your meds


the light flickered


The kids are not alright


Always the intellectuals and critical thinkers.


I understand that she is angry but the fact that she's backing the type of people that gave us the world she so vehemently hates.


This reminds me of the sort of woo that was popular in the early 1970s. It also reminds me of the hypomanic states I have sometimes experienced as a person with a mood disorder.


Wow, The perfect example of someone who has no fucking clue (she is young) as to how a large portion of the American and the world population got "here". Those of us on the left (all over the world) have watched the frog slowly boil . People voted for THIS. Unions were "evil", Decent healthcare had "death panels", just give the wealthy another tax cut , run down local schools cause the have litterboxes in the classrooms, take books from the library and oh fucking surprise things got worse. Add a pandemic to the mix and holy fuck sooo much to misinterpret. Now when all the promises from market rationalists from both major political parties and most major parties in western democracies has failed so miserably it's magical thinking time which of course will solve nothing. I'm old now and it all just makes me so sad.


Seems like she wants to be a new whistle blower/prophet/scammer but only knows the buzzwords and how to use a tiktok filter.


The doughy girl who dropped out of 11th grade and never left her hometown has figured it out guys! We're in for a huge change!


It's always the dummies who think they know the secret of life.


Okay, go back to your shift at Bojangles.


Bless her heart ❤️


what in the good goddamn is she babbling about? is there a translation?


Sure thing babygirl. Try not paying your bills and keep telling yourself that it doesnt matter.


“Waking up” is just a license to stop concealing your bigotry. That’s why they get so excited.


i need to be this high.


Holy filter batman!!!! Imagine what she actually looks like!


No need to imagine. The filter trips out at 0:37: [https://imgur.com/OVJMttJ](https://imgur.com/OVJMttJ)


There’s a point to be made about the monotony of society but like bro your eyes look dead. I’ve also kinda lost my mind realizing that I exist to find multiple points of temporary happiness or attain currency so that my offspring can put a down payment on their future house with my inheritance or something like that and continue their cycle. When you realize you live to die the qult church provides a framework to provide the victim with a sense of meaning and place in a bigger, worldwide picture.


That’s a lot of words to use to say absolutely nothing.


Always with the filters. Lying already


I remember when I first tried Adderall.


Ayo if she needs her meds or she self medicated, she needs help fr


This lady I bet bought trump nfts and trump shoes.


She needs more fentanyl.


“I’m all over the place in this video.” No shit!


She reminds me of a cabbage patch kid..


Today I learned about Schumann Resonance, which is a real phenomenon in geophysics and may even indicate the existence of lightning on other bodies in the solar system. The rest is some kind of mystical babble. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schumann_resonances Also ricezimpic (ricezempic?) Drinking rice water is probably a little safer than regularly injecting yourself with semaglutide (at least for weight loss in non-diabetics). It may even be effective, especially if you substitute it for fruit juices and other sugary drinks.


We should have never put cameras in phones.




Ah, yes …… I remember my first time on shrooms! /s


It's a real shame she got duped by the Qult. She, like so many others, are able to come to the rightful conclusion that "this is not what life is supposed to be", as in "we are not meant to just slave away and barely exist". The problem is that she and the rest of the Qult place the blame in all the wrong places. There's no grand liberal conspiracy, and there is no single individual who is coming to save you. This is just the logical outcome of Capitalism.


She looks like a psycho.


So she likes the new Taylor Swift album?


Dunning called. Says Kruger is on his way.


Yikes, you can briefly glimpse her true face at 0:37. She can't even deal with her actual appearance and she's gonna lecture me about being awake? I don't think so. The way her nostrils flare in amazement the second before is also quite comical.


OP, why is there no actual context for this video? She never mentions any right or left wing talking points. Why is this video even here?


She mentions the Schumann Resonance, which I learned from another post here is a real scientific thing, but is co-opted and woven into New Agey visions of a better future.


Look at her pupils. This lady is tripping balls.


“It’s all gonna trickle in.” I thought it was gonna trickle down?


Looney tunes...someone over medicated.




She looks like she is possessed. Scary. Why do so many people film themselves during mental breakdown and post it for people to see? She looks quite young, I do wonder what does she think of this, if she watched it 10 years in the future.


I remember when I first watched the Matrix too. Was great in theaters. Im so happy I didn’t have social media back then. I would have embarrassed the fawk out of myself. Instead I just did it drunk at parties.


Those of you with friends and loved ones with mood disorders will recognize this immediately as a manic episode. It is a feeling as if you are receiving “the word of god” but it is incoherent to everyone but you. It’s almost always accompanied by a sense of supreme confidence and a feeling that everyone else is beneath you as you soar at 30,000 feet. It can be very dangerous because people in manic episodes tend to think they are invincible and take dangerous risk. This poor girl probably hasn’t slept in a week. Bipolar is very treatable but it’s often difficult to get people in this state to understand they need help. They think YOU are the one who needs help in the form of her “revelations.”


*Says it's all a game 9 times* *doesn't realize she's being played*


She's having a mental episode


If she doesn't pay those bills, the lights are going to do more than flicker.


I can’t take her serious with the freckle filter on.


This is what mental illness and midlife crisis looks like.


Before 2016 if someone made a video like this it would be about 10 minutes after posting it that a family member would be showing up at this person’s door to convince them to seek help and after going home to review their other posts later that night they would show up the next morning with police to force them to get the help they need. This sickness has been normalized because of a cult and it’s leader. Make America Sane Again.


I can’t tell if her freckles are real or a filter


There’s so much filter her butt chin disappears when she talks. Real bones don’t do that.


This has nothing to do with Q.. Schumann Resonance is being reported on the NASA Space Weather sites. What she is referring to has to do with belief that Schumann frequencies is creating what Delores Cannon's New Earth books talk about.


Sovereign Citizen?


Is it just me? Her historical way of talking m, saying nothing makes me feel really uncomfortable ….


Voiceover: They had not become sentient…


I remember my first acid trip




The OTHER side of bipolar, however…


Just when you think people can't get any more stupid.


"Waking up" = ok. "Woke" = not okay. WOW. They literally have a counter reality for everything


I’m glad she’s become sentient


This really is neither here nor there but her filter gives a weird look as if she has a super super light goatee/beard


That was some fine gibberish.


Narcissistic personality disorder is the new normal.


Haha! The moment right after she puts her hand on her face and her filter breakers for a minute… ‘None of this matters’ but I better make sure I put on my ‘15 year old with freckles’ filter! Seriously. Pause at 1:52 and you can see what this slob looks like


I love how much these nuts claim people are “waking up” but will have an absolute meltdown if you call them woke 🤣


Well she’s right in a sense. What she’s been doing all this time - what she’s finally realized - none of that shit matters. It didn’t matter 100 years ago. It won’t matter 100 years from now. She’s just whirling-away her short time on this earth.


She’s so close “none of it matters”…. Your stupid fkin ticktock’s especially don’t matter. Everything you named might not matter in the grand scheme of “time and space are infinite and we’re only here for a fraction of a fraction of time”….. but your stupid fkin tick-tocks don’t even matter superficially in the here and now


She’s been in the cheap dope.


Typical first time LSD user.


What in God's holy name are you blathering about???


Her next video is about Hilary eating Babies and the stolen election....right?? :;


The thing that always surprises me (or not) is that they never talk about the super and super super wealthy that take all they can. Says a lot from where they get their triggers.


Honey Boo-Boo took the red pill!


Humans... are sentient to begin with? WTF


I feel like none of it matters but it’s just part of the normal existential dread that comes with being an atheist.


She didn't just drink the Kool Aid, she sleeps in an isolation tank full of the stuff.


It’s like she’s playing chess with a monopoly board.


This is an AI video you cannot convince me otherwise


This woman is as high as a kite.


She would make one hell of a social worker for policy chance on a macro level.


Angry elf


I'm so glad the sound is not working on my phone what a clam she is! Sorry for insulting clams!


She’s right wing Rustin Cole.


Just a word salad of nothing.


Only now? She's thousands of years late


Whelp, I think we know now what kind of mind enjoys hearing Trumps verbal vomit. It's as if Speaking In Tongues was a virus somehow spread through social media.


Most critters are sentient. Will she ever become sapient?


Girl, I think you dropped this 🧠


Eww . It’s got dirt on it


There’s not enough alcohol on earth to make me want to plug this pig


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^PenisManNumberOne: *There’s not enough* *Alcohol on earth to make* *Me want to plug this pig* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


She looks like she's about to say "Oy, Mistah! Are you me dad?"