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The first rat we got was Luna, which of course is Latin for moon. She was a very unexpected rescue and we had no clue what we were doing. We dove into research and Learned she needed a buddy, so we found someone looking to rehome their female rat, and adopted our little Hala, which is Arabic for the halo around the moon. We didn’t know it at the time, but Hala came with five bonus rats. That’s how we got Pluto (the dwarf planet), Sputnik (the satellite), Betelgeuse (the supergiant star), Pollux (one of the Gemini twins) and Castor (the other Gemini twin). https://preview.redd.it/iip2duecg67d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd9b2a494fc7a41b9882e9c6e3013077c1e856fe


Love the names, im a sucker for space names, very adorable babies btw :)


Omg! We have a rat named Luna. Lol. My 6yr old son said “she’s grey like the moon! Luna!” https://preview.redd.it/x6dpb4jav77d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8bbfb91800ccf633164999b73279771ceb8d2073


wow! and all the babies happened to be female? or did you just neuter the males?


Betelgeuse was our only male and he got snipped


My heart rat was also named Sputnik! I didn’t know anyone else had that rat name lmao ❤️


My last rat I named Ellie cause I looooove The Last of Us. I’ve also had Buffalo Bill (silence of the lambs), Rosemary (rosemary’s baby), Roanoke (the lost colony), Ripley (believe it or not!), Casper (the ghost) https://preview.redd.it/lfpzdyjcc67d1.png?width=2630&format=png&auto=webp&s=c5c8250f52a599dd5df1e9c2c95ea166fe996dc1 And this was Possum! Bc she looked like one (I didnt name her tho I got her after a friend passed away)


Awesome names :) and sorry to hear about your friend passing :(, sending best wishes and treats to the rattos !!


Tysm! Give my love to your babies! I currently have no rats, just lost Ellie a bit over a week ago, and I’m gonna take a break to recover a bit before I can get back into them. Those short life spans take their toll on ya 😭😭


Awh no im sorry :( i lost a rat a few weeks ago too, was my first rat death. We gave them the best life we could, even if it wasn’t very long for us, it was an entire lifetime for them :)


Peach and sprout: peach because of princess peach and at the time the Mario movie just came out and sprout: I come from Europe but there’s a book called spekkie en sproet, but I had a rat called spekkie also inspired by the book, but then I just wanted to honor spekkie who died at the age of 2 and yeah that’s how I got these sweeties https://preview.redd.it/vbkoc09ja67d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c41835549eae24a16cbe95c95ff5dcab55d0bd0 (Btw s = sprout and p = peach 🍑 🌱


Peach and Sprout are an adorable pair and sorry to hear about spekkie, rat deaths suck :(


Yeah it sucks dude


My son named ours after cars as he’s car mad. They are/were all girls Cooper (Mini) Scirocco (VW) Leaf (Nissan) Clio (Renault) Astra (Vauxhall) Shelby (Ford) - more often gets called Shelly Bob or Parasite Bob because she likes being in the linings of things


Amusing that the Ford rat is the chaos rat, love the names 😆


https://preview.redd.it/ql3mmi8ei67d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4560c68a2f11670b7f016f0438b1bc609f6275bb there they are.. in the pan...... (i thought of bubble first so naturally squeak had to follow!)


I am British and have never heard of a Bubble and Squeak, however an amazing name for a food and a pair of rats 💯💯


I think it's a very northern thing!!


Oooh makes sense, im from the south lol it sounds good tho :)


Not at all! My step family is from Kent and they're the ones who introduced me to it! Bubble and squeak is amazing! Left over Sunday roast veggies fried up, sooo gooood!


https://preview.redd.it/v3z4tdthj67d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9ca25d9767ddf8e5ca7a1e2f8b14d01026cefe2 All of their names except for justice have names that are opposite of the meaning of their color. Sin can be associated with black but the opposite of black is white, justice is a pure thing so white is often associated with pure so the opposite of white, is black. Harmony gets her name because its what you get when you combine sin and justice


Smart names 🧠 and very cute rattos, also rest in peace Sin 🙏🙏


One had the coloring of Master Splinter so he became Splinter. The other smelled like garbage so I named him Garbage.


Gnarly names they’re awesome 💯‼️


I rescued my girls from a snake emporium. They were destined to be feeders. Glad I did as they are very sweet. Addie is named after the Puff Adder, Cotton after the Cotton Mouth and Anna after the Anaconda... seemed fitting. \*grin\*


All of my rats have had food names because my initial two rats were named Salt and Pepper due to their coloring.


Next rat should be named chicken fajita wrap ‼️‼️ (do u have pictures of Salt and Pepper 👉👈)


I got Dalí, found out rats couldn't be held alone and wanted to add another painter, but not a 'standard' one. So we added Bacon. When they passed I bought Penny and Clover, named after my two favorite movie monsters Pennywise and Cloverfield, and coincidentally also both bringers of luck (lucky penny and four leaf clover). Now I have Pixel and Dot, my husband choose these names because he thinks my names are stupid lol.


Nonsense the names are wonderful, its nice that they coincidentally end up having luck related names :)


Birds 😭 originally pigeon was gonna be dove but I changed it last minute


We simply make it the middle name OR get a new rat and name it pigeon ‼️‼️‼️ the more the better


“Pigeon dove rat” is a great name I’ll go with that But what is crows and sparrows middle names? I never had an original name with them I picked 2 out and stuck with it immediately




I have an idea, becuase crow acts like a dog a lot (the runs in circles, runs and jumps onto me and stuff a dog would do) his name is gonna be “crow dog rat” yes yes very good name for an animal And sparrows can be “sparrow rat rat” because sparrow is the most rat out of all the three of them


SPLENDID, i dub thee “Sparrow rat rat”, “Crow dog rat” and “Pigeon dove rat” 👑🗡️✨


Star Trek planets (Trill, Terra). I had geckos years ago that were Star Wars planets (Kamino & Taris from Kotor). I am a nerd


10/10 names, nerd names r awesome names, Trill might be a favourite, it sounds sick !!


Nismo came from grand turismo because he was and still is super fast and speedy. The other one is little bit because he's super small. Little bit is quite the hermit and does not often come out of his cage, but we're working on that. I also have no good pictures of them together because nismo doesn't stop moving and little bit won't come out of his hides.


Lemon and Rex are exactly like that, except lemon is huge and a hermit and Rex is small and doesn’t stop moving. Lemon doesn’t really exit the cage or sit on the entrance bars like rex. Rex will live at the cage entrance and shred your fingers if you feed him anything lmao ANYWAY SWEET NAMES LITTLE BIT IS A UNIQUE NAME LOVE IT!!!!


https://preview.redd.it/fyh1klr0077d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4499122b33290d15914ef60c4a0a6c7b4c3d653 This is Faustious. His name came from two places. He was found as a baby on the NYC subway system. So I named him after Faust, an author (who turned himself into a fictional character) that wrote a story about selling his soul to the devil at the crossroads!! I had wanted to give him a witchy sounding name, and I had incorrectly remembered Faustous from Chilling Adventures of Sabrina as Faustious with an I so that’s how he was named!


I misread his name as fabulous so im going to say that his name (and his self) is fabulous :) and thank you for saving the little guy, i bet he gets absolutely spoiled




https://preview.redd.it/p3u988hi177d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e226cca11c3caaa3c2776ecbd59a298ef4b011a9 Guess which is which


Is the one with their face smooshed into the pillow butt-head lol


The opposite 😂


DANG, close enough, send beavis and butthead much love and treats from me :)


https://preview.redd.it/umjcg0ma977d1.jpeg?width=3464&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fbb91a9742744b0f07a258ebf6caab767352e56a Went all out for this one


SO PRETTY!! Is teddy a Siamese by chance? I dont really see those often honestly. Also stars eyes look gorgeous in that lighting. LOVE ALL THREE OF EM :) ❤️


Teddy is a siamese !! I absolutely needed a siamese I was so lucky to find her


I wanted a Siamese so bad when i first started looking for rats! Almost got one however the drive was too far :/ Ur so lucky!!


https://preview.redd.it/6irnsujm977d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db2e0700090197d57a56c328f8bc9804fcf349b9 Jesse and Heisenberg


Breaking bad reference?!?!?!? ![gif](giphy|ObXgWWGHzMlVe)


Someone around here has Badger and Skinny Pete 🤣😭


We went for fast and the furious characters for our boys. Needed a franchise with a lot of male names in it.


I wanted names that started with the same letters and I love Disney, so tried to find more unique Disney names. Settled on Meeko (raccoon from Pocahontas) and Max (prince Eric's dog/baymax/horse from tangled). Max is light grey and meeko is the dark grey/black. https://preview.redd.it/z42cnk0xm77d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ea9d95fa393e31ee70a9abaef06b0695b30ca2e


Awh sweet names, and sweet rattos :)


My current set are all named from kids movies. In the set I have Boys: Igor from Igor(passed last Wednesday) Nicodemus and Justin from Secret Of NIHM Bastian from The Neverending Story Girls: Daphne and Velma from Scooby Doo Lottie and Tiana from The Princess and the Frog Bastian and the girls all came from a rescue situation. Lottie, Tiana, and Bastian had been picked up by one of the other rescuers, and I took them in from that person due to unforseen life events. Tiana is likely 15 days or so pregnant.


It started with Trotsky cuz he trots Then Lenin cuz he bald Chomsky cuz he's a pretty boy🥰 And then Nietzsche Which I thought was pronounced with an -ie but i'm just a dumb american


Goddess Had a Hesta Freya. Iris Athena and currently have zaria bunzi and fauna


Ori: came from the video game Ori and the Blind Forest (Ori is the player character, a small forest spirit). Funnily enough, I actually hadn't finished the game at the time, because I got frustrated and quit. Beat it a couple of years later Suki: this name came from Avatar: The Last Airbender. She kind of had a similar personality to the character she was named after


My current two are named after video game characters (Themis and Erichthonios, which also makes them unintentionally Greek pantheon references) but they end up Tim and Eric as per a fandom meme (and reference to the excellent adventure)


Human names for pets will always be superior, shoutout Tim and Eric ‼️‼️


Yes! Nothing says little guys like giving them people names. Rat tax also because I forgot https://preview.redd.it/78k1yg24677d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fbb74b3eddee31031fb07123825ced8c7e05a0d9


Agreed, thank you for the rat tax :)


All Food names. Girls: Chicory(tea root),Moon-pie, Candy, Carolina(Reaper),Kobe, Apple, Chai tea, Pico, Churro, Maple Boys: Goose, Nuggie, Wagyu, Vindaloo(Vinnie), Hot Dog ( 🎶He’s just my baby dog🎶)Bacon, and Cheeseburger (Brothers)


Oh i like my answer!! Me and my girlfriend got the rats together. (They’re our children.) For christmas of 2022 I got her a little green stuffed dino and she named him Legs. For our 1 year I got Legs’ pink counter part who soon became Arms! So naturally we had to name our real children after the stuffed children. Now we have Arms and Legs the rats! Attached is the photo of the original Legs. https://preview.redd.it/epf0szlvb77d1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=d8ec64fdb0849a21c1d03668ba802a3bc0a39a22


Also. naming a rat after Karl Jacobs is valid asf


Awhh thats sweet, do u have any photos of the rattos that u would like to share (u dont have to) id love to see em :) and thank u thank u i was waiting for someone to acknowledge the KJ slide lmao


https://preview.redd.it/n16azhnol77d1.jpeg?width=1656&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15495e33226d75ba9aecd1c57c9b5e5bc3330063 HERE is a very chaotic photo of Arms standings on Legs!


Rats r always standing on each other for some bizarre reason its so silly lol. They’re adorable, give them treats and pets for me :)




Charlie does not rhyme with charcoal


Do not diss my brainwaves they are coming up with words and sentences that not even Eminem could come up with 🧠😤💪💯‼️


Was thinking the same thing haha


Mine are named after Looney Toons antagonists, except for Toe Sock, who has toe socks. 😌


Toe sock is valid, an interesting little character




https://preview.redd.it/4eqh5306r77d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5705eb8c5c713ffb7c5afb13d5624d0b3804c1a2 Some are missing, but Katya (left), Bianca (center), Willow (back cave), and Trixie on the left. Not pictured: Bob and Yvie.


THEYRE ADORABLE!! And amazing name choices 👌👌


Neil/Neiliyboy(spelled Nihil) named after papa nihil in the band ghost, Lil Man is Nihils son and hes named that because he was the smallest and still is, and then Skipper/bug eyes because he reminds me of a skipper butterfly


Algernon from the book "Flowers for Algernon"


Milk because he was fully white and the name sounded cute. Milo because he was white and brown and Milo is a chocolate milk powder, plus it goes really well with the name milk. (Pronounced me-low, the japanese way) Muffin because he was that tan colour which kinda reminded me of muffins and the name goes well with milk and Milo. I wanted a theme between their names with alliteration. lol. So you have the milk, the Milo powder to add to the milk and the muffin on the side to go with the chocolate milk! :D


Amazing names, gotta love the food names lmao they’re the best


I name all of my rats after characters in books I've read recently.


My first rat was brown and white so I decided to name her Narcissa, well Narcissa was lonely so I adopted an all brown rat. They are sisters now so naturally her name is Bellatrix. The next rat appears, an albino. I just had to name her Draco. And next thing I knew, I fell in love with a hairless rat…she’s Dobby. I think it’s a pretty ingenious series of names.


The rat army is growing, we need more rats !!! Maybe one with a mark on its forehead 🤔🤔






Mine were named after female characters from the sort of obscure horror game Pathologic, since it's about dealing with and trying to cure a plague! Clara, Taya, and Grace.


Sponge Bob


Best one so far 👑


Their names are Sandy & Cheeks….. Cheeks also ended up being the fat one of the two….. who would’ve guessed lol


I used to have a big crk phase, and I love the movie ratatouille, so I was going to name my rat ratatouille, but got laughed at ..so I named him little chef, then the other rouguefort..like the moldy cheese (crk part there)


I did famous pop culture rats: Remy, Templeton, Tachigami, and Scabbers. I also did names based on their markings: Patches, Toasty, Smudge, and Badger. mixed bag: Walter "Mitty" Mittens (he was a Berkshire, so he had white Mittens. he was also a land shark, and I think he secretly thought he was protecting his brethren from me by coming out of the shadows to chomp my hands). Lord Nibbler of futurama. Nibbler found it his sole purpose in life to chew through the plastic bottom of the first cage every night when I went to sleep Hachi, a tanuki from inuyasha they looked similar Squanchy, from Rick and Morty. not a famous rat. but both are pretty scruffy looking


My rats are named Skittle(I like skittles and she’s very sweet) and chonk(he’s fat and I couldn’t think of anything else) we’ve had a black and white rat named smores(rip sweet boy) and Pasty who was a curly tan dumbo rat and she was sweet but also rip, and we had a boy hairless dumbo named wrinkles who was also very sweet https://preview.redd.it/rwhj2y9cl97d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e653f482f922c62e13b9ce566e6a4800416ff830 Photo of Skittle eating a French fry for tax


Skittle looks like my boy Rex ngl, is skittle a menace for food by chance? also chonk superior name 💪💪


She absolutely is a menace for food, very aggressive about taking it from us as well haha, and chonk himself is superior he’s one of the goodest boys


Same same, Rex is always digging his little claws into my fingers over something like a mealworm, and you can forget about feeding him a pinch of something cuz he will go for your fingers before the food itself lmao and we love chonk live laugh love chonk ‼️💯


They’re like the same rat lmao I love that for them, and absolutely


All my babies have been named after X-men https://preview.redd.it/a6gt55u8w97d1.jpeg?width=685&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2d96ae3d4f78edf3e254fdaa472e5b447d056f0


I named one of mine Abbadon (Abby) after the character from Supernatural. Purely because she's just an asshole 😅


I have Yami, Yugi and Ashlyn. Yami and Yugi are sisters named after Yu-Gi-Oh (my partner's a fan) and they were missexed as boys lmao, Ashlyn is a female alternative to Ash from Pokemon (as I'm a fan) though we call her Ashie, someone had sold her sister as a solo rat to go with a pair instead of selling her with her sister so she was left all alone, looking depressed 😭 (See picture) She'd apparantly not left that corner since her sister was sold so I took her home and she's now such a personality it's so much of a difference!!! She's happy and healthy and loves her new sisters 💕🐭🐭🐭 https://preview.redd.it/wgucog780b7d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4fcf79270df21af5942e7973cc56629ddc80c3cd


https://preview.redd.it/3ltt7j5f1b7d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71d782b759f146fbee57e6174a42b764fe0dde1f Yami (Black and White) and Yugi 💕🐭🐭


https://preview.redd.it/eqsxx6rw1b7d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8edba495664327bb5bf11636a455662afd0e02e Ashie is too fast for pictures in her home so I only have videos and a few bad pictures rip but her 'eyebrows' as I call them and size are her main difference to Yugi, look at those pretty pale eyebrows 😍🐭


Yugioh and Pokemon names how awesome, love ur lil babies they’re so cute :)


One of my Rats had the placeholder name JPEG ... as in the Picture format because we just couldnt decide on a name. Eventually JPEG just stuck and well thats what we called him. "J" for short hahaha


Another amazing name absolute S tier, now all u need is another rat named PNG lol


https://preview.redd.it/dj6vut5c1b7d1.png?width=1241&format=png&auto=webp&s=1da7abec29c8190ba83aae7ad73f9b2e5ac0b158 Tallulah (left) just is a Tallulah idk how to explain it, just seemed to suit her! And Peach (right) is named for her peachy complexion, peach fuzz and the fact that she’s a lil princess : )


Loving the surplus of peach and or nakey rats, Tallulah is so precious also


I named my first rat Marmite because with rats I find people either love em or hate em.


https://preview.redd.it/rm3uueksgb7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e763a2dcbe434d433e496023fdbe08dd39100ba litterally just richtofen and dempsey after the cod zombies characters i simp for (ft the dempsey bodypillow)


My two rats are named after Formula E and Formula 1 drivers ! I named António after António Felix Da Costa, and I named Jenson after Jenson Button! The next two rats I get and introduce to them will be named Jake after Jake Dennis, and Max after Max Verstappen and Max Günther!


Funny enough my mum has hamsters named after F1 drivers (George and Hammy aka Hamilton), lovely names for your rats :)


I'm late to the game on this... Des and Razz were poker terms. Desmond Tutu - a pair of twos. Razz is stud, low hand wins (which reflected his staggeringly low intellect). Skinny and Tubbs were rescues who had crappy names (Cocoa and Malibu) that were dumb because was one was skinny and the other tubby. They were free from their first awful home and needed a fresh start with respectable rat names. Xanthippe was named for her argumentative skill and constant nagging. Couldn't say no to her. She also happened to be objectively the most beautiful rat of all time. Dr Linden Avery was another rescue, known for her defiant attitude masking her soft interior. She took care of me. Gary and Tony were named after the characters in Men Behaving Badly. The brothers Kevin McDonald and Lecsinel Jean Francois were named after two incredibly famous footballers I'm sure you've all heard of. Hermes was a statuesque figure of manliness hewn by the Gods. In rat form. Rambo was a survivalist and all round badass. Abandoned by his former owner, he was found in a bag hanging from the vet's front door. This was only a setback for one so mighty. He savaged two nurses and a vet but he became my best buddy. He went to his grave swearing they drew first blood. Zippo started fires. Echo was named because she loved me but couldnt say it.


My senior rat is named Amadeus after Mozart (the composer) because I’m a violinist and when I got her I was really struggling with a Mozart piece 😭 my other girl was named Sputnik after the satellite, but she sadly passed away last month.


Awh no, sorry to hear about the passing, such wonderful names also :)


Squishy, Bumpy, and Molly. The three main characters from the tv show “Bump in the night”


i named my two girls Lewis and George after the formula 1 drivers , it was the only way to convince my mum to let me have them ahahaha


I mentioned this to someone else on here BUT my mum named her hamsters after George and Lewis lmao, good to see theres at least two F1 fans in this post 😆


Dude I just wanna name a rat batman


What is stopping you?? Go get your batman 😤😤😤


https://preview.redd.it/16hdqptu4c7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb584ace498762a6e97b3d8914f5416a1da948ce Iguanadon and Megaladon. We just really like sharks and dinosaurs and thought they would be good rat names.


Names the cutest creatures on earth after something terrifying i love it


Our first rats, all girl, all white. The names first: Putin, Olaf Scholz, Obama. Then my bf wanted to change them into: flake, smoke leaf, Yayo. Isn't that great?😂


Obama is a beautiful name your bf crazy :/


Yea I told him that too but now they named after drugs damn..


..Jajko, Judas Puck Cousin and Fellow. All girls.


The first two rats we got, my fiancé named his Nip, after Cheese Nip crackers. I didn’t want to name mine cheese so I went with Pip. For our next two, his was white with very light tan on top that makes him look like a toasted marshmallow. His name is Mellow (short for marshmallow). Mine is black with a white tummy but as my first mostly black rat I had to name him Coal. We ended up with a couple rescues on the day we had to put Nip down and realized one of them looked just like Nip, except with straight fur. The other was white with a brown nose. My fiancé named the look-alike Fig, short for the Fig Newton cookie. I named the white one Chai because it was so fitting. Unfortunately his previous owners didn’t tell us he was sick and he passed away. Due to issues we couldn’t put Fig with our other two so we got him a brother. This rat looks like a field mouse (brown fur, white tummy) and I was so excited because ever since I was little I wanted to name a rat with that color scheme Duncan. However, he just doesn’t look like a Duncan. Eventually I found his name, Dante. Named after the dog from Coco lol


Awh, sad to hear about Nip :/ theres something sweet about finding a lookalike of Nip thought, hope they’re all happy and well :)


They are all very happy! Fig is very much his own rat though so that helps I think. He’s a sweetheart too although more of a prima Donna than Nip 😆


One of our rats is named after a Sisters of Mercy song. Goth rat


My 5yo daughter named rat no1 Sweetie, as she was so lovely, my 3yo son named rat no2 Cake (he likes cake😅)


Game of Thrones


https://preview.redd.it/3cce6zv0lf7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=089e0933ec416f222d6243d34063358028286142 we have a theodosia, from hamilton ofc hahah my sisters favourite musical, ethel because ethel cain is one of my favourite musicians and then ruth just because we felt it kinda fit in with the ‘old lady’ name vibe 😁😔


i had a rex too! https://preview.redd.it/h1z0xrvwdg7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2771a61c2ebab976b1e066271148ef4881cbbbb4 he was the b&w one


https://preview.redd.it/0c0mecg0eg7d1.jpeg?width=1243&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=984182d0c77079896844b3efde43b2184278b9b4 silvia - not fast, or that good looking, but she is neat. (she’s named after a car! nissan silvia s13-s15)


Star wars. Finn and Poe


From oldest to youngest, Ada Wong, Jill Valentine & Claire Redfield. I was in a relationship at the time, he was downright scared of mice & rats. His attitude changed a little bit when in the beginning of our relationship when I brought my winter white hamster, Hamtara, with me when I moved into his apartment. He suggested, in the middle of the relationship being rocky, to buy me pet rats. And because my hamster had died after having her for four long years. The only thing I had to do was do a fuck ton of research & pay for initial costs. I.E. cage, toys, bedding, etc. When everything was said & done, I had them in my arms & asked him what gender were they & he said the breeder told him girls. Me trying to hide my disappointment because I wanted boys, responded with “well how in the hell am I gonna name them??” We both looked down at his arms full of tattoos & I remembered he had the Umbrella logo from Resident Evil tattooed on his left forearm. And at the same time I shit you not, we both said Resident Evil. Because that’s how we got in a relationship in the first place. Our love for video games & horror. Unfortunately all three of my girls passed away a while ago. And we both mourned them, more so him than me because he truly was shocked he could get over his fear with the help of those three sweet little faces. Well we aren’t together anymore but are still friends & share a brand new apartment together. That actually allows cats, so now the rule is anytime we get new pets names have to be related to horror video games. We are eyeing a gray cat at a local shelter. He suggested we name it Ash Williams from Evil Dead. And I gotta say, I can’t disagree with that badass name.


Ratbert the Great Ratsby (a true gentlerat) Gnar (looked kind of like Gnar from league of legends, my now husband's main at the time) Charlie the jerk (husband wanted a rat named Charlie and he always bit me) Lux (league of legends again... start of females after a break) Gecko (liked to hang upside down from her cage roof) Brownie (was the color of a brownie. Very original) Digger (liked to dig, dug a hole into our carpet...) Spaz (high strung, easily scared) Abra (escape artist) Fiona (her favorite spot was the top igloo that looked like a castle tower like Fionas towner from Shrek) Monster (biter) Jaws (also a biter) Mina (found abandoned at pet store, means "mine" cause she is mine now!) Papaya (LOVES papaya treats) Mouse (was labeled as a mouse at a animal shelter... yeah.....) Marshmallow (was already named, PEW, fluffy fat white rat!)


WE BOTH HAVE RATS NAMED CHARLIE WHO ARE JERKS, i nickname mine “charlie the terrible” because all he does is bully others over everything. Awful old man he is :/ and i love all of those names they’re so fun, do u have any rat pictures to show? Id love to see em (if you would like to show of course)


https://preview.redd.it/r7jbjiqso87d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfb933ff1f27c340635c9faf19ebb21f63efd806 Mouse vs mallow


My three pews https://preview.redd.it/z3b1egk2q87d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55058c8ab7b9ce9382ab7ce44708fc9abde28f33 Gecko (bottom) spaz (middle) digger (top)


I would absolutely struggle to tell the difference honestly, either way love em and their wonderful lil eyes


Sorry spaz is bottom. She ate the whiskers off the other girls XD digger was the chonkiest.


https://preview.redd.it/bqgzwf9zn87d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cddb711326720f7147880bda896fdde2accbdf19 Papaya, Mouse, Marshmallow, Mina(under Mallow) I have sooooo many pics of my rats but these are my current


https://preview.redd.it/hzromibp297d1.jpeg?width=719&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1bcc42751d2436d486d4d80d2630731724337d1 “HELP ME” (im dying someone free Mina lmao)


Wish I had a picture of my rat, her name was Wendy mouse. I got her for my fourth birthday. The reason of her name was she was originally a mouse not a rat, and my parents switched her out with a rat because the mouse was mean and super smelly. I remember I woke up one day to greet Wendy mouse and I was like “woah shes huge now!!”


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Notable ones: Mina first because "meanie" and later after an OC of mine. Grinch, Buddy, Gizmo, and Kevin after Christmas movies because we got them in December, also Grinch was kind of rude but just misunderstood, and Buddy was a real pal. Kitty because her belly marking looked like a cat. Houdini because he was an escapist.


I did famous pop culture rats: Remy, Templeton, Tachigami, and Scabbers. I also did names based on their markings: Patches, Toasty, Smudge, and Badger. mixed bag: Walter "Mitty" Mittens (he was a Berkshire, so he had white Mittens. he was also a land shark, and I think he secretly thought he was protecting his brethren from me by coming out of the shadows to chomp my hands). Lord Nibbler of futurama. Nibbler found it his sole purpose in life to chew through the plastic bottom of the first cage every night when I went to sleep Hachi, a tanuki from inuyasha they looked similar Squanchy, from Rick and Morty. not a famous rat. but both are pretty scruffy looking


I did famous pop culture rats: Remy, Templeton, Tachigami, and Scabbers. I also did names based on their markings: Patches, Toasty, Smudge, and Badger. mixed bag: Walter "Mitty" Mittens (he was a Berkshire, so he had white Mittens. he was also a land shark, and I think he secretly thought he was protecting his brethren from me by coming out of the shadows to chomp my hands). Lord Nibbler of futurama. Nibbler found it his sole purpose in life to chew through the plastic bottom of the first cage every night when I went to sleep Hachi, a tanuki from inuyasha they looked similar Squanchy, from Rick and Morty. not a famous rat. but both are pretty scruffy looking


I did famous pop culture rats: Remy, Templeton, Tachigami, and Scabbers. I also did names based on their markings: Patches, Toasty, Smudge, and Badger. mixed bag: Walter "Mitty" Mittens (he was a Berkshire, so he had white Mittens. he was also a land shark, and I think he secretly thought he was protecting his brethren from me by coming out of the shadows to chomp my hands). Lord Nibbler of futurama. Nibbler found it his sole purpose in life to chew through the plastic bottom of the first cage every night when I went to sleep Hachi, a tanuki from inuyasha they looked similar Squanchy, from Rick and Morty. not a famous rat. but both are pretty scruffy looking




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