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2 weeks is very little time for scaredy-rats. I'd say just give them some time, and offer treats to them. Maybe this video could help a bit? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Vj2h3SJsHU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Vj2h3SJsHU)


Thank you, I will go listen to the video!


Emiology is one of my favorite rat content creators. I also recommend shadowtherat for training videos. Both really good resources for rats!


Does shadow the rat comment every now again? I think I saw a post.


They are very much so in the loop on all things rat, so it wouldn’t surprise me if so.


I’ll look it their YouTube. After my carrot, I am kind of in love with these creatures and would like to get a pair to raise to an old age at least once.


Thank you!


No problem!! They’re shy now but I’m sure with some good amount of socialization and bribery, they’ll come out of their shells lol


1. Try feeding them yogurt from your fingertips. If you give them liquid treats like that they would have no choice but to be near you all the time to eat them. You can also put your finger in different places to "guide" them around. For example, if they're super stressed out and are inside the cage in a little house and won't come out, you can give them a try of it right near the house, then with each yogurt portion place it little bit further and further away so they come out more and more. 2. Can you clarify about the white one? So if you're not near the cage, the white one is interested in you how exactly? It comes to you and checks out? What happens if you come to the cage? As I understand with older rats it's more difficult to ear their trust. I had similar problems with mine and I took them when they were just 3-4 month old. I'm sure they'll adjust and you'll earn their trust, so don't worry too much about it. Btw, they look very cute!


1. Thank you, I will definitely try the yogurt tonight! 2. He gets up on two paws and holds the bars while trying to smell me. He kinds of move around with me too. But as soon as my hand comes too close to the cage he runs away


omg that's sounds cute and shy :) you said they have access to the whole room with you in there? you mean you open their cage doors and be somewhere in the room and they won't come out?


Yes, their cage door is open and they sometimes stick their head out but they don't get out completely


Yoghurt on the fingers. Let em come to you. Little and often. Then when they become more confident, pick em up and immediately put them back down and share more yog. They'll associate your gentle hands with rewarding yoggy. They'll be little shoulder boulders before you know it. Just have a little patience, friend.


Thank you :)


I got mine new boys a week ago(4 of them). Everyday I take one at a time and wear a hoodie. They climb around it and it helps them get used to me. I stick my hand in the cage and wait for whoever to come to me.


I'll try the hoodie idea thank you!


Just here to say they look so sweet and timid! Precious


They are very sweet, they're cuddling together currently 🥰


snacks is the answer 9/10


They do adore snacks lol


We love a food motivated rat


when you have the door open, are you sitting next to the cage? ime sitting by the cage and talking sweetly to them for about half an hour to an hour a day, as well as the aforementioned treats and yogurt, gets them more interested and curious in you. it seems like a weird chore to spend all that time talking to rats but once they start getting braver and showing their personalities you won't want to take your eyes off them! make yourself their safe space, having a big huge room in a new place is very scary to them


I sit close, but I tried to keep a certain distance from the cage too because I'm worried I will stress them too much. I do talk to them, and I even sing softly for them sometimes lol. Thank you for your comment! :)


you’re still new to them, and especially if they happen to be rescues (as a more related example, were not treated the best by their previous family) they’re gonna take longer to bond with you i recommend emiology’s video on skittish critters https://youtu.be/1Vj2h3SJsHU


Thank you, I will got watch that :)


They come around very unexpectedly. Mine was like a flip of a switch about a month after getting them. Suddenly it was like they knew they were safe finally and I wasn't the enemy. Literally overnight. I even wrote out a similar post to urs where I was asking what do I do because I had these rats that were petrified of everything and it was my first time owning so just assumed it was my fuck up and there was no chance of them coming around. I just left the cage open and let them explore as much or as little as they wanted and sat really still if they wanted to be brave and inspect me lol. And now, I cannot get them away from me :,) Is it perfect like the other rat relationships on here? No. They are not cuddly or fully tame but they are comfortable with me and love playing and this is only after 2 months so i'm fine with that. <3


Thank you for your comment, I wish you the best with your little cuties :)


I had this issue so hard!! Got my two ratties in mid May and they didn’t warm up to me until very recently. Turns out I just had specifically scared rats despite researching and presumably doing everything right. Just give it time OP


Thank you, they'll have as much time as they need, they found their forever family with us :)


Good luck!!


Socialize with them more, but try not to force it too much or it'll stress them. You can make them like you with treats, too. My rat is a year old and she's still skittish even though I've had her since she was a hopper.