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there are no other gun flourishes in story. and in online you need to unlock them


There is the one where when holding a revolver for your main holster and you double tap RB or R1 and he spins it once as he holsters the gun. He does it with the Volcanic Pistol but that’s it only revolvers work


I believe the other gun flourishes are mods for the pc version


Those would be the ones from online. They are level upgrades for doing bounty hunter missions.


I tried to Google the answer, and everything I've found says that the only gun trick you can do in story mode is the spinning as you holster one. Maybe someone else here has different information, but that's what I found.


No, that's correct. The other ones are in the Online game; gotten through becoming a Bounty Hunter.


Flourishing is primarily online, and unlocked quite early on in the bounty hunter role. I think in story you can only flourish while holstering a pistol. Found [this](https://youtu.be/Sa_9hWHabwE?si=AjT4njtK6OqH516z) which hopefully helps explain a bit more.


Only on RDO can you do what you’re talking about and even then you need to grind bounty hunting. You can double tap RB when holding a revolver for your main holster and he will spin it as he holsters the gun that’s all you can do in story mode.


Only in online as unlockables, as for single player videos on tiktok those are mods


Gun tricks mod on nexus


If you’re seeing that in story mode it’s more than likely mods. I had that same one installed, and its a bitch to use if your not plugging in a controller. gotta hit tab like 3 times at a very specific pace only then does it appear. If they do plan on scamming everyone and releasing a new version, They should at least add that and some other online content to the story.


This is a really weird thing to be this upset about


I even tried looking at the controls in the settings but they don’t even telling you the actual controls. It’s ridiculous.


it’s only in online, you can’t do it in story mode unless with mods i believe


Thank you, how do you do it in online?


you need to unlock them, i believe its through bounty hunter


Thank you