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The Skinners. Whilst the Murfees are skin-crawling, inbred nutjobs, they're not as bad for two reasons... 1) They're arguably victims of circumstance (incest and inbreeding) whereas the Skinners actively chose to be the way they are. Essentially it's dumb violence vs. calculating violence. 2) The Murfees are horrible in what they do to people, but the Skinners are just more sadistic. From flaying and scalping through to burning and disembowling, they're another level.


I agree with you based on my own experiences beating the game going on four times now. The Murfrees, of the dialogues they had (and I ran into the Murfrees many times in chapter 2 because i'm trying to 100% the game and nearly have all of the trapper stuff with Arthur) they are goofing around looking for good stuff to take and one of them takes perfume and does a feminine pose mocking the other (this was before I ended both of them lol). They don't really get worse till Arthur and Charles clear out Beaver Hollow and they give Arthur or John a clear warning if you intrude upon their area (around brandywine drop for me) so at while they are brutal they at least know who and what to pick fights with. I'd argue the closest thing to the Skinner Brothers are the Night Folk from Legras as they don't pussy-foot around with bum rushing to gut you with a machete and they even kill and hang people and wait around for someone to snoop around before they rush and attack you. Plus their brutality is on the same level as the Skinners and Edmund Lowry Jr. So for me Skinners are the worst followed secondly by the Nightfolk as the two worst enemy groups to encounter out in the open field (excluding the law for obvious reasons).


Skinners will also sneak up on your camp


The Murfrees will too.


Yeah both Skinners and Murfree will sneak up on warm themselves by the fire and warn Arthur/John that it's their territory. John and Charles drove the Skinners out of West Elizabeth though in the end and I think the Murfrees and the other groups (save for the o'driscolls) also still wander about. But sheer brutality and effectiveness the gold and silver medals go to Skinners and Night Folk.


There still there but I think much less numbers




You're being rude for one and two you don't control society or have a say in who does what or how things should go, so maybe you need to go outside and stop worrying soo much about what other people do. Because you got alot of pent up aggression for one online comment...


Definitely a cry for attention pay it no mind


u/AtheistAniml got cooked so hard in the comments lmao


I really don't feel like I did (assuming I understand properly what you mean by that bit of slang), so unless you can justify that statement with an objective example... Otherwise, by all means, continue to gaslight away...


What do you mean "assuming I understand properly from that bit of slang?" You sound like you're 56 years old. I don't know if you should be on Reddit, to be honest.




Like this, the rdr2 group, is where someone would turn to.. lol.. ok there Dr Pepper


It’s ok we’re here for you bud


what did you say originally


Don’t worry bro anyone who feels they need the word “atheist” in their username is already too far gone. Keep having fun and enjoying the game🦾


Thanks, I appreciate communities in sharing thoughts and love for media and games. I guess not everyone feels the same way but it's nice to know that people are supportive.




Nah actually it’s just really cringe


Tell me how old you are without telling me how old you are by using "cringe" as an adjective. It'd be one thing if you started talking that way independently, but in reality you're just an approval seeking teeny bopper


Cool extra cringe meltdown bro!


I'm not your bro pal. Me trolling you is not a meltdown.. I hope you're better at gaslighting your bf.


https://youtu.be/JF2Mf6HxIi0?si=qgjlHdriMmy9gDyH 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Based on your posts, you over-use the word "bro", bro


C'mon kiddo, you're not repping GenZ really well at all.


Is that even something teens say anymore? I remember cringe being a thing years and years back


Using "cringe" as an adjective is cringe.


What fairy tale?


You're being verbose.


I do have friends! Charles, LennY, Javier, Hosea!


Everyone hates you


Thank you! I'll take that as a compliment from you!


Well, aren't you a real grumbletonian?


Is that from Fallout?


Dude gtfo of here, with all those downvotes you got you should get the message. Stop embarrassing yourself. You're not trolling anyone you're just a cunt whose life is so sad and meaningless you have to be an anonymous asshole on the internet so you can feel good about yourself.


What are down votes and why should I care about them? Reporting you for vulgarity


rEPorTiNg yOu fOr VuLgaRitY


Seriously, explain to me to me why I should care about down votes. Everyone always points those out like it's something I should be concerned about but it remains a mystery to me as to why exactly I should be.


Stfu no one cares what you say. Yall go check my profile, this dude started talking shit on old posts. I was fucking right, he is a garbage of a human being whose got nothing better to do than trash talk on people online. This is sad man lmao.


I've not used any vulgarity.


My brother in Christ. Who hurt you to cause all this crap? Honestly


So mad for no reason.


If that’s a novel to you your TikTok brain is beyond repair


It's like half a page's worth of words. I understand if TikTok's ruined your attention span to anything longer than 6 seconds but there's no cause to be randomly rude like that. Having said that, fuck you.


Seeing your dumbass being cooked in the comments section really made my day lmao


You have posted 32 different posts on Reddit. In the last month, you are the one needs to go outside.


Geez man who hurt you? I wouldn’t be surprised if you were the one that needs to go outside and make some irl friends with that attitude


Bruh, the murfree are sadistic for fun. If you think its just a circumstantial result look at their victims at their camp. These people are kidnapping, enslaving, raping, torturing and mutilating people for entertainment. They're better than no one.


Van Der Linde gang. Every town they touched was massacred. Blackwater, Valentine, Strawberry, Rhodes, Saint Denis..etc


Also the murfree just want to be left alone in there mountains. The whole reason they kill people is because people keep going in them mountains. They moved there to get away from everyone. I’m not saying it’s right but at least there is a motive to it


Are they based on Blood Meridian?


The Murfees are annoying and dumb. The Skinners are pure evil psychopaths.


The Murfree brood are vicious, albeit dumb enemies. Their tactics are amateurish. While they certainly can kill you, for the most part, it seems like you have to make mistakes that put yourself in those situations. The Skinners are far worse. Their cruelty is perverse and methodical. Everything they do is with thoughtful intent, from ambushes to torture. I make a point of using a shotgun on them. Every skinner corpse gets a buckshot blast to the face to make em that much harder to identify. Why? Because fuck em all!


Maybe too painless of a death. 


I give them shotgun slugs to the shins


Nite Folk...


Although I would love to call them scary like they should be, they are too easy to kill.


If you saw them. Usually i don't


They're such a trippy experience in the sp, first time in enocountered them it shocked me, they've put them in online for one single bounty mission and on hardcore they're so quiet and scary they used to scare the shit outta me. RDR 2 is something else.


They both abuse horses and as such deserve the doomguy treatment


Doomghy treatment I like that


Probaly the skinners all tho the brood are straight nutjobs. nothing comes close to some of the stuff that the skinners do. Whether its skinning or scalping,or straight up burning someone alive and dismembering people who just pass through there area. The skinners are hostile towards anyone but the brood really only attacked us as the player coz we massacred most of them at beaver hollow and stole there home meaning the brood want payback meanwhile the skinners want nothing but blood and death


The hills have eyes vs bone tomahawk


Murfrees. They killed my horse once. RIP Pickles III


That name suggests you are careless with your horses! You'd already lost pickles 1 and 2!


Pickles 1 was the starter horse and was still alive and retired. Pickles 2 was the all white Arabian, and was also stabled. Pickles 3 was the PS4 Arabian, or preorder? The dark reddish one. I set up a camp, and it was the first time in Brood territory, so it triggered the robbery/ambush cutscene, when gameplay kicked back in one of them shot pickles who then slid down the rock face and glitched into big rock Arthur set up on. I wasn't able to revive the horse. I was pretty pissed.


This was kind of hard but they both do sort of the same thing to me. So I'm going to have to go with the murfree brood because they just look nasty and they hide away in some of the most disgusting looking places on the face of the Earth (caves full of bodies and stolen wagons)


They both abuse horses and as such deserve the doomguy treatment


Actually the Del Lobos throw dynamite and fire bottles and they have the Gatling guns in fort Mercer. I’ve been killed in one shot by them never by any other gang. I guess I have been killed by the Maxim gun at hanging dog ranch too. I just now through the Murfree Brood and the Skinners.


You need to flank hanging dog ranch. Ride up around the back and snipe as many as you can, then take the barn from the door at the back.


Oh I know. Now it’s only the del lobos with the dynamite that kill me because it’s a one shot regardless if you have tonics or big game meat. But that is rare


I’ve never had one chuck dynamite at me. Usually the other way around.


It’s possible


They do it at Thieves Landing, often if you go towards the water between the fenced off area and the building that has one shooting from the roof


Throwing dynamite at a time when military hand grenades weren't common isn't worth much consideration.


It still one shots you. Do you not see the damage Arthur cause with dynamite? What are you talking about, it’s a video game.


I went into Fort Mercer all cocky thinking I've done this in RDR1 100 times and I'll just deal with these guys the same way no problem. Turned the corner into the back area and got shredded instantly lol


Yes that’s how I got dynamited. I was at thieves landing using tomahawk and knife and got hit on the side with a dynamite and died.


2 slightly different flavors of the same kind of terrible. Neither one is better or worse because they're both so awful


Skinners hands down


Murfees gave me a warning the first time at least.


skinners all the way


They are both equally as bad. They both seem to be doing the same things such as torturing, burning their victims etc. i think the inbreds are the only ones that rape though and that’s also so much worse.


Murfrees killed my beloved horse so them without a doubt. I have spent a considerable amount of time slaughtering them.


The nightfolk


Tbh skinners bc they take what the Murfrees do and amplify it. They'll load their victims with arrows, but alot of the time they'll keep them alive. Like the wagon encounter where the driver is dead but prop didnt die instantly considering he's still in a driving position, and the horse is also covered in arrows but kept alive for the shock factor I suppose.  I find that 90% of the time that if their victims have pets with them, they leave the pets alive but surrounded by their dead owners.


Brood easily


The skinners are a really weak and incomprehensible gang of savages without a theme or ethos. They're like sicarios, but without any point. The Murfree Brood are actually plausible. The Skinners, not even close.


Skinners, because at least the Brood is not nomadic.


Worse alive


Murfrees, even Charles shit his pants at the mention of the name


That's hilarious because only "approval seeking teeny boppers" feel the need to constantly tell people that they don't believe in god lol


It's the brood. You guys are wild.


The skinners are like the cartel of red dead. Except they commit those atrocities for fun.


There both evil but the Murfree do what they do because there territorial and just want to be left alone. They murder people who try to move and build on there land because they settled there when there was no settlers so they could get away from everyone. At least they have a reason and they don’t hurt anyone outside of their area The skinners are nomads and just kill anyone where ever they are. And they worship some devil like being who tells them to kill and torture


They're both pretty equal IMO. I go on murfree and Skinner hunting trips regularly. Just strolling through the woods armed to the teeth at night for fun.


🥵🥵🥵 bro, mark NSFW next time.




Skinner's by a long shot murfrees don't do NEARLY as much as the Skinner's scalp removing burning alive and death riding


Skinners are much worse than the Murfrees but that’s why both get incendiary buckshot treatment


The skinners believe in a deity which they worship, they commit so much bloodshed because of their faith, they kill to satisfy their god, the murfrees kill to get by, I get their doing it to please their god but like one of them says, how much bloodshed until he’s pleased?


Tbh gotta go with skinners cuz myrfry broods are just inbread hicks with RWAKLY BAD mental problems...proly cuz i shoot them in the head so many times it goes BOOM¡!!!!!


Seems like you understand normal English reasonably well. You should try using it more frequently


Eat this ratio


What's this guy's deal? I mean u/AtheistAniml, not you swiftie.