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Negative. The CNN debate had 40M viewers, many older. It would have legitimized him as a candidate so much more and made him seem like a viable candidate. That being said, the terrible performance by biden set the stage for americans to look at another choice, and here we have it. We need to invest everything into making the next debate because I dont see a chance at winning without the debate; however, making the next debate gives me the hope that we will win if he makes it.


Yes, completely agree with this take. It's a travesty that he was kept off that stage, and the terrible performances of those 2 guys just makes it an even worse travesty.


Would be good if they could organise a debate with Trump. Trump might think it will split the dem vote. Sell it to Trump as debate a real candidate. Ie try to ftame it as its Trump vs RFK If you could get to the point Biden voters think its over and they all move in mass over to RFK. You could end up in a strong position.


Net positive. First debate and he needs more positive exposure before being on the stage. It would be too easy for them to discredit him with lies or half truths. This was good. Next we need a journalist that wants to distinguish candidates based on proposed policies. RFK jr. should write up his economic, foreign, domestic and environmental policy proposals and challenge the other candidates to do the same. This gets the discussion away from anti-vax, brain worm, 4th grade name calling.


Well said. I think that would do wonders.


I really like your take on it!


Disagree. There may not be another debate, it was a huge negative him not being there. The world would have woken up on Friday morning with his name on everyone's lips.


well, i actually think it was a positive. My boomer staunch hard dem parents, and also trump-haters noticed FINALLY despite me saying this for years, that Biden was declining and MY MOTHER said that he should drop out. My dad also thought he wasn't quite "with it," and my dad is very traditional in politics. A LOT of people are turning on Biden. It's crucial they know that RFK has a chance. Luckily, they won't vote for trump and happen to have a daughter who is letting them know about RFK. My mom will vote for him now.


Yes, they're turning on Biden, but that doesn't mean they are turning towards Bobby. He should have been on that stage, so I think it was a negative that he wasn't.


Unquestionably would have been better if he was on the stage, but this is the next best result


honestly I view it as a blessing in disguise.


I think that is my ultimate question. Caught meself being verbose.


I’ve heard from my never trump friends and my let’s go Brandon friends and the consensus seems to be that trump and Biden both lost a lot of voters Thursday night and Friday morn


Really? I don’t think Trump lost any after that debate. Not saying he gained any but I really don’t believe he lost support after that debate.


Well I’m just giving some insight to my own microcosm. Being in a red state surrounded by fools smitten with the Donald, seeing 5 hard core Trumpers switch in one night from Trump to RFKj, I was pleasantly surprised. I think that we have been so devoid of descent candidates for so long, we’ve forgotten what it looks like when someone is actually fit for office. RFKj is the first real candidate that I’ve seen in my voting eligible lifetime.


Agree with that last sentence 100%


I think it will add pressure for him to be included in the next debate IF he can get qualified in all states. Having said that, I think R/D party will do everything they can do keep him out again.


The states would need to stop colluding against him, him not being in the debates is not the will of the people. He’a the first one to met polling requirements since Ross Perot. With every independent candidate for the last 20 years we’ve been told they must poll at %3 to get in the debates. He’s polling at 15% and with that making the t a three way race, there should be no reason he isn’t allowed to be heard by the American people. Red and Blue has taken this country hostage and I’m about sick of f it


I don’t think there’s going to be another debate   


This is a shame but I also believe it’s the truth. With that being said I was sure there was no way Biden and Trump would voluntarily debate. Hopefully I am wrong again!


You know, I could be wrong too.  Biden has supposedly already signed up for the September debate.   But if they can’t exclude RFK again, who’s to say that anyone will show up?


Certainly will be interesting to see this all play out!


I think he benefited from being excluded, but I also think it would be an uncontested win if he had been on that stage.  


I think that "The Real Debate" was an excellent execution that netted a lot of support by capitalizing on the exclusion.  However, it would have clearly been better for the campaign to have been included on the stage. The exposure would have been tremendous and having RFK right next to Bidens performance would have rallied a ridiculous, borderline campaign defining amount of support.


Time will tell On one hand: him being excluded reinforces the two party system and "not a viable candidate" mentality. On the other, after the horrendous performance by the other two even the dems and msm are realizing Biden ain't It and want him to step aside. This could bring more traction to RFK.


This is what is happening.


10 million viewers for his debate on X which was more than cnn so I’d say 50/50


I think the cnn view number being thrown around only includes online views. I’m sure their tv broadcast reached a bigger audience


This. And let's not forget X is international.


I think the performance given by both candidates will have a sobering effect on even extremely entrenched politicos. I would have preferred the visibility, but I also think that when voters can actually see him, they will be more prepared to listen outside of the echo chambers. If RFK Jr can present clear policies, I think there are many people who can be persuaded to vote for an ethical and collaborative independent instead of the other options.


I personally know people who decide to support Bobby because of last night. I’d say it was net positive for him. I’d also say it’s net positive for the country. People are finally seeing the corrupt system for what it is.


Definitely was a negative


I appreciate everyone's well thought out responses. :)


I think a negative. People didn't get to see a level-headed candidate and still have unfounded ideas about his candidacy.


I actually saw one of those main national news crews anchors say, "Honestly, the real winner to come from this debate might just be RFK Jr. oddly enough." They usually only cheer for Biden so I thought that was significant.


Hugeboom. If he was on the stage it would have been magnified but as of right now, hes being looked at more since those two clowns fought.