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I just watched TheRealDebate.com again & watched an interview of RFK & I absolutely love him & can see his integrity. He gives me hope. I pledge I will vote for RFK for change. The mega corporations are controlling our government & RFK will change that, help young families be able to afford to have kids & buy homes, clean up our environment & so many other great things we NEED.


I am sending out the web address like crazy. Lots of people now interested in RFK


The CNN debate was actually awesome. A breath of fresh air really! Nowadays you have to pay to watch circus shows, but CNN showed us one for free! RFK 2024!


This is our moment! We need to flip as many voters as possible before they replace joe. Spread the word!


Our subreddit has been stuck at 8.6 for awhile and got to 8.9 in just days. This is by far the biggest surge he's bad since the start of his campaign.


Yes, I just noticed that too. Pretty impressive!