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Roblox: you're BAN! For living.


mightve been for whatevers in your bio/about me. happened to me too and i only noticed after i went on to my profile and realised my bio had been replaced with [content deleted] lol


https://preview.redd.it/fwta0nl6mrsc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfaa8d922f80748d16d1b2d4b342f22991c0f89e This is my bio/about me so it couldn’t be it.


maybe from a shirt you were wearing? i have no idea if it wasn't due to the bio. sorry it happened though


is that from one of those verify things...?




lol i got that in my bio rn too


Did you say anything in the past 3 days that could result in someone getting offended (rightfully or not)?


Yeah, however I was already banned for something along the lines of that. A deserved ban. However this one came right after the last one meaning they were for two different reasons. This one is for a “Anti-Furry” game I had. However, I don’t have any anti furry games on public. I don’t even know I had any on private. The last time I posted a game was years ago so why am I being banned now. Sadly my appeal failed so. https://preview.redd.it/cch5nq5narsc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3cf97186ebc78423ba59c9f55ea8452a6895b20


It’s a 1 day ban I’m sorry bro it must mean a lot to you even though you will wake up to the I agree checkbox


It isn’t about the 1 day ban, the thing I’m angry about is how they only decide now it is a good time to ban me for years old privated games. And how they banned me right after I got unbanned like they timed it and how they banned me for some very small.


Why did you have an anti furry game in the first place?


It was a private game which I made when I was still a child so I was still in that edgy anti furry stage you see any pre teens in. But then I uninstalled roblox studio, i forgot the “game” which was just a slap off free models.


you see dino maskers


you don't see any pre teen in anti furry, quite the opposite.


I do, every day


Then you’re quite literally asking for it


No I'm not


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