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Didn't a dancer from like Brazil or another Latin/South American country post recently that he worked with a bunch of Ru girls and he specifically named Sh&ng&l& as someone who is very aggressive and handsy in a definitely not cute kind of way? I remember that post because now there appear to be a LOT of young men saying the same thing and I am completely shocked and kinda heartbroken.


don't know about recently but i do remember someone making a post about all the ones they worked with (i THINK the post was something like, leaving the industry so giving my impressions or something in that spirit), and for shangela it was basically "very handsy and flirty with the dancers, bordering on aggressive" edit: [found it](https://www.reddit.com/r/RPDRDRAMA/comments/l116xk/due_to_unemployment_in_the_industry_gonna_spill/) - Shangela L. Wadley: Kinda rude, always runs late and is a monumental dick pig. Hits hard on male dancers, verging the edge of abuse/disrespect. Seems to love her fans, doe. Doesn't deny a pic or seems to be too bothered by fangirling behavior. 7/10


Not to take away from the seriousness of the Shangela allegations, but I really hope that commenter knows how memorable his post was, people bring it up all the time, I know I’ve searched it out many times just to confirm other bits of gossip and tea.


And the "almost sexually abuses dancers but loves her fans 7/10" is wild to me


I’m not sure why you added sexual into it and in fact all of y’all keep misrepresenting the quote. They said hitting on them that borders on abuse and disrespect. That could mean a plethora of things. But they didn’t ever says handsy or sexual in any physical way. This allegation is obviously consensual sex and while this guy was bragging about it some woke person was prob like “but don’t you think it’s quid pro quo cause she was like your boss like you could sue her and the show for a lot of money” and this 39 year old ASSISTANT on a low budget show saw an opportunity to make more money to parTy.


https://preview.redd.it/2wk87t35aq2b1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a398efe9d285d0f86a4db6d9507a8a6a537313b3 The same commenter on one of the recent Shangela posts left another comment and many people remembered this first comment. Let me see if I can find it.


That's the one. Holy fucking shit, girl. It's like, why?




I’m ooping so hard right now. This is WILD.


I *really* didn’t wanna believe it at first, but there’s just too many separate allegations that describe the same exact behavior for there to not be some truth to it. she seems like she has problems with getting completely wasted and not being able to control her sexual impulses, and people have suffered as a result. she deserves whatever consequences come her way. prepare to see her face and name blurred out within the fanbase just like SP and Sh*ron 😒


Interestingly, SP is the only one who actually admitted to any wrongdoing whereas others deny deny deny. So don’t expect to see any admission of guilt soon as history has shown us the consequences of owning up to your behaviour publicly.


i think SP had to at that point, idk if she admitted before or after she got kicked off but yeah if it was after she got kicked off it makes you look all the more guilty if you just don't say anything at all. and what SP did isnt as bad as shangela and sharon so I can only imagine the consequences for them


She admitted to it one day after Ben, the first victim who came forward told someone else they were speaking to her. He released the FB statement March 4th and he spoke to the last victim March 3rd. So she only apologised and admitted to her misconduct because she didn’t think anyone would get the courage to speak out


I just said I think they (SP) was the most successful cancel outside of prison sentences.


They kicked her off when she made a post about it on Facebook admitting what happened. WOW had already given her a winner edit which is why the season feels a little meh in comparison to others because they had to re-edit the whole damn thing last minute (kudos to the editors and producer for doing that though). If she delayed admission of guilt though, the whole thing might’ve gotten swept under the rug and she might have been like Shegale and Shoran.


i wish people took these allegations seriously. none of these people deserve to be in the public eye but you shouldn't have to confirm it yourself for people to care when there are so many people who have come forward about shangela. i geniunely cant see a good reason for this many people to just be lying


There have been shakedowns before… but I doubt this one is.


no, i doubt it. shangela makes too much money for people for her career to be over. unless a big ru girl or some other famous person came out against her saying she assaulted them, only then could i see it really doing some damage unfortunately


Unfortunately this thread and the Sherry pie comparisons have forced me to realise (I absolutely do not support this ) without more accusers or evidence, it’s going to be considerably easier for her to come back from this than sherrie. I don’t doubt she will lay low for some time, but even with an admission, the right PR beats could have her doing mainstream work again in no time. (The cynic in me believes there are networks that would want to dangle a drag queen that seemingly got away with sexual assault in peoples faces, by employing her) This can be written off as a mistake, the general population is already trained to look at victims with suspicion or victim blame. As a fandom we really should spread these concise allegations (the previous comments and things actual journalists may have missed ) in the hopes of other potential victims being made aware / comfortable coming forward and further establishing what’s looking like a pattern


if it's at the level where she has a lawsuit against her and she's still working, she's probably going to be just fine, considering these allegations have been going around for a while and everyone has nothing but positive words to say about her, whereas with sharon there were so many witnesses to her vile behavior that it couldnt be denied anymore. keep in mind as well that from that situation it was alleged that both alaska, jinkx, and detox in legal terms have sexually harassed or assaulted annecy, and i hear not a peep about that. alaska exposing herself to annecy was confirmed, i dont remember them confirming the jinkx or detox thing but i definitely heard about it


I think she might lay low and We’re Here might replace her as a host (without mentioning or admitting to anything)… we’ll see!




I will say, if you're going to make up allegations using the same story others have used would obviously be the best option and obviously with the dahli allegations I don't want to jump to conclusions but at this point it's pretty much beyond doubt with so many different allegations.


These allegations have been going around for ages but since Shangela is a fan favorite and hasn’t even acknowledged them, nothings happened to them. Last time these allegations were brought up there was nothing but blaming the accuser due to them not being the “perfect” victim or “I’ll wait for Shangela’s side” comments. If these accusations were against a person the community didn’t like/didn’t care about, the discourse would have been much more severe and the accused would have been forced to acknowledge the accusations.


Yeah, I think the larger fan spaces have actually (quietly) banned any discourse about it. Any threads about Shangela I saw in the DWTS days had a few removed comments I'm nearly fully sure were bringing this up. I think Shangela's own silence, and then the blackout in these spaces, has actually really helped to keep this shit in the dark. But to have the same kinda stories repeated across the span of years is definitely ? and bears as much mentioning as any other scandal that's popped up historically.


The hope is that collecting as many of the accusations as possible and documenting them can at least show people that yes there have been patterns to Shangela’s predatory behaviors over the years. Also to show anyone that needs to see or hear it that there are people that do take these accusations seriously.


Thank you for gathering all these posts and taking it seriously. I hope this prompts some of the fans to reconsider.


also I added in one more link at the bottom, from May 3rd, Shan and the show were sued by the crew member and the LA Times did an extensive article on it, there’s a non-paywalled link in the comments


Just look at puerta Vallarta, silky got so much hate for it and shangela got nothing at all.


>but since Shangela is a fan favorite and hasn’t even acknowledged them, nothings happened to them Well, there's also just...nothing to really happen at this point. The allegations aren't strong enough to most people to cut ties with her from a financial perspective.


K. There’s literally been accusations for years against her. I guess all these unrelated stories are just coincidences.


Did I say "It's not true" or "We haven't reached a threshhold of evidence that would cause most people to act, especially when money is involved"


Meanwhile sherry pie *admits* to her catfishing scheme and she is cancelled forever Edit: not saying what she did was ok, it was cancellable, yes, but what I’m trying to point out is we seem to give more grace to violent offenders who never admit wrongdoing than people who try to come clean?


Sherry never tried to make amends lol. Most people who were close to her (including Alexis Michelle) openly said she showed no remorse and only admitted it to try and get ahead of it so she could hopefully get back to work sooner. Alexis spoke at length on TTT’s podcast about how scary it was to her that Sherry seemed to have zero remorse Even in nyc, it’s still an open secret that she’s just waiting for her opening to return to drag. She literally does not see anything wrong with what she did bc she “never touched anyone herself.” She admitted it in hopes that it would die down sooner bc she looked apologetic. She absolutely did not “make amends” though. Making amends is more than just admitting to something to get people off your back


I will check the TTT interview with Alexis Michelle. Thanks for sharing.


She did more than catfish lol. Wasn't she also doing that to manipulate and coerce guys into steroid use and stuff, to feed her muscle growth kink?


Yeah, this. What we're not going to do is minimize what SP did, which was abuse.


Yeah she pinned them down and forced roid needles into their necks it was pretty brutal


You should probably reflect on your consistent strange takes regarding this subject. Coercing your associates/friends and using their previous body issues to manipulate them into addiction to serve your sexual gratification really isn’t all that different from what’s described by the victim here. The fact y’all think it’s ’just catfishing’ is alarming , she had sixty victims , predatory escalation is a thing. She even incorporated her fetishes into her branding, think of the connections to like minded individuals and access to drunken or vulnerable people she would have had with that platform , something shangela has seemingly taken advantage of too.


What she did was creepy, gross and a total abuse of trust If she didn't get caught how much further would she have took it? How much further has she took it in the past? Behaviour patterns suggest she's done/could do worse, we don't know. But let's not go around saying she forced people to take steroids though lmao cmon dude


I said coerced, lol. YOU escalated that to "pinned them down and forc(ing) a roid needle in their neck." She manipulated them into taking steroids because she got off on the idea of it, which is pretty much textbook coercion. You can go reductio ad absurdum with it if you want, but what she did was immoral and vile. And fact you're jumping in to try defend her about what was a pretty *mildly* negative statement about her, considering how bad what she did actually was, is weird.


Girl both presented themselves as sweet helpful people and struck once their victims guards were down for their own sexual gratification. The concept of weighing up which is worse or who did less is insane. The guy that had a weekly show with her and years long friendship likely needs an awful lot of therapy, you’re greatly underestimating how damaging that whole scenario would be for somebody and how many parts of their life it would impact moving forward, there was an insane amount of premeditation and planning in sherry’s situation


All I'm commenting on is the steroid thing, people extrapolate and make up wild bullshit I just think it's worth noting.


You’re the only person that mentioned anyone physically forcing a needle into anyone. What’s not clicking, they used the words ‘coerced and manipulated’ , you changed these words meaning and then argued that the statement was false.


Before you give SP credit you should keep in mind her apology (https://www.facebook.com/sherry.pie.353/posts/2838055509612025) included a lie that she stopped doing it and had started therapy... before more stories poured in indicating she had continued to catfish and sexually manipulate people even more recently. She apologized strategically, not out of any genuine sense of remorse or ownership. I don't really see her as any better than someone who strategically ignores or denies wrongdoing.


It was wayyyyy more than catfishing. She got involved in those guys lives and careers under the pretense of being a bigwig casting director and went as far as making those guys do unhealthy things to their bodies under the guise of being cast.


Ok i misspoke, it was an elaborate and predatory catfishing scheme. Very bad and cancellable. But unlike other perpetrators she tried to make amends. Whereas the best thing to do PR-wise would having waited until after she won to admit anything (if anything, or not at all).. not saying that would’ve been right, but people would have “given her the benefit of the doubt” like they are with shengale because they liked her from her season, but WOW ended up doing the right thing and edited her out of a season where she had been given the winner’s edit and her career was a no-starter. in fairness, she was probably so narcissistic, she thought she would get away with it when she made her post, doubt she expected what actually happened


There was so much evidence I imagine admitting was the only way to preserve their personal relationships , it wasn’t just their career that exploded , wasn’t their mother supporting them financially? They used money from this parent to buy steroids They manipulated people under the alias, in their ‘real’ life and in their professional drag space, I imagine they were doing whatever they needed to do to maintain what little supply they had


>Whereas the best thing to do PR-wise would having waited until after she won to admit anything I don't think that's how the timeline went? From my understanding, WOW found out about the allegations like around the time filming wrapped, and publicly disqualified her/edited her out as much as possible. And then Sherry publicly discussed it, after she was already caught. I don't recall it being the other way around where Sherry herself started the whole disqualification by admitting it out of nowhere.


Nope. The first episode she was on she wasn’t edited out, she addressed it as the story came out, then was edited out of the following episodes which is when WOW added this statement to the beginning of their episodes. https://preview.redd.it/drtla2yajt2b1.jpeg?width=450&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ed7519af8efe78734c83053d0a8e11313567c22


The edit doesn't help, sis. You're still minimising what SP did purely by setting it up in comparison. And she didn't 'try to come clean', she was presented with undeniable receipts.


This is so sick to even read. And so many similar stories too, it's hard to even think of trying to not believe


the WeFoundTrouble evidence is horrible to read


> she was just... very drunk. Shoved me on the floor in a closet. And tried to penetrate me. I kept saying no and she'd give up and try again 15 seconds later. like isn't that rape? Verbal refusal from the other party yet they continued to assault? I literally have no other word for it.


So that’s still sexual assault but then the victim mentions Shangela making out with him and orgasming (not sure where/on who) which is also an incident of sexual battery (depending on the jurisdiction - these terms are all recognized to mean to same thing to the general public but each jurisdiction has different definitions that do make differences in court rulings and charges presented).


I know nothing about any of this at all, but just reading that WeFoundTrouble link.. The dude is one minute boasting that he slept with a RuGirl, then saying it was forced the next minute? What?


They address this in the thread. > I'm not offended at all by your opinion, | respect the input. 1. Humor, for me, is a way to cope with what happened. 2. It actually took awhile to process what happened. 3. I didn't know whether or not I'd end up sharing it with anyone and this seemed like the safest place to share it. 4. I've specifically said I'm not trying to make anyone dislike Shangie or anything, she was so sweet for the few days we hung out and genuinely one of the nicest and most pleasurable people I've ever been around. But that doesn't change what happened at the end of the night, and it was a huge surprise because it seemed so out of character from all the other sides of her I had gotten to see. But aside from that, it's My experience, no one else's. So no one else needs to feel any sort of way about it.


Hmmm. Fair.


Click the little blue "more" tag in imgr (just before random other photos show in scroll) to see more screen shots from 2018. Then, read what he wrote five years later. You can also see his profile and other posts in that community, where he is a longtime, active, and respected member.


the WBT screenshots are vile holy shit.


Oh wow. All laid out like that really paints a story that’s horrific. My heart goes out to all of the victims, including the ones who are afraid to speak up.


We need a big news outlet to pick this up, but then it’ll be turned into drag queens are groomers and pedos by the red state.


literally one of the people who came forward said that he was concerned about that when sharing his story, like fuck republicans and their groomer bullshit. Their attacks on the community has created a chilling effect for victims like this.


Well the Los Angeles Times already did a very in-depth piece on the lawsuit against Shangela and the show/production company and the rape accusations (last link, there’s non paywall links in the comments), and no red state picked that up, but then again they aren’t very smart and are too busy throwing fits about rainbows on clothing at target and Walmart right now 🫠


Republicans don't care about gay on gay crime, only gay people existing around straight people or children


They’re literally already using this as propaganda on Twitter


NBC News, LA Times, Billboard, People, EW, Page Six, Deadline, THR, Daily Beast, Daily Mail, and many more have already run a story on it.




Well if you’re only talking the the OG show and being quite blunt, every contestant has been a man or assigned male at birth, and a quick Google search says 4-11% of college men admit to being rapists, so I’m sure someone could do a bit of quick and dirty math and figure out how many DR queens *statistically* could be rapists just based on their birth sex.


A friend of mine had a three some with shangela after meeting in a bar a few years ago. We thought it was cool at the time but looking back now it's kinda uncomfortable giving everything coming out about her actions. He had only just turned 18* and was offered numerous shots and they paid for every drink. It was consensual but he says reflecting on it now he definitely feels like he'd been targeted and they were working an angle on him. He turned down most of the drinks as he isn't a huge drinker but they would continue to press more alcohol into his hands. (*Outside the US so above legal drinking age, although my friend has always looked super young for his age and easily read as 16)


Jesus Christ it's really real isn't it... 😭😞 Fuck Shangie man


We didn't think it was weird at the time but now in my mid 20s I couldn't imagine getting with a teenager. She would have been mid - late 30s i think at the time. Even if you took out the pressure to drink and the power difference (her being such a big name) the age alone would make it kinda questionable.


Yea I'm with you on the age thing, I always found age gaps like that creepy. I just hate how all these allegations have such similar stories. Like damn you just really never know what some people are like deep down


I absolutely agree but I doubt it’ll be popular , it’s very odd how a lot of older gays try to shut that conversation down by pointing to the age of consent and disregarding everything else. There’s currently a U.K. scandal with a breakfast host grooming a young man with a clear public timeline , and yet so many of the older generation are just spamming ‘not illegal’ due to claims the relationship only became sexual once he was of age. Side note this is definitely defined as grooming and illegal here, the police just don’t pursue without complaint (all the work done for them by the victim)


Or that one about that soccer player who came out at 17 and had some middle aged man jump in his DM’s and now they’re dating


That fits a lot of the same stories, except it seems your friend gave consent. It seems like Shangela did this on countless occasions, was used to the other person consenting, & did not take no for an answer when the other person wasn’t into it. A non-r~pist would be able to take no for answer. Alcohol is not an excuse - if you r~pe people while you’re drunk, stop getting drunk.


Reading the “I fucked a ru girl” seeming like it’s fun and stuff to the “not by choice” god that hit me hard. I got SA’d last year where I was invited to what I thought was a bonfire but was actually like intended to be group sex. Once I was informed of what was happening one of my first texts to my friends was “lol turns out this was not a bonfire invite but a group sex invite so that’s fun” and then almost immediately the “what the fuck” of the situation started setting in. The initial denial of what happened to yourself idk. Hate that it’s relatable


One of the linked accounts was deleted and a fifth (sixth, if Venus' rapist isn't a different "fan-favourite" with whom she refuses to work) attack was recounted by another redditor and deleted. The now-broken link was the recent commenter noting he was attacked by DJ ~2011, giving thoughtful context on reasons young gay men have to not go to cops and press when raped by charming, petite, fem, drag performer (now, also famous). It was deleted around the time "reporters" were contacting even 2nd-hand commenters on reddit. Then, there was also a new reddit post naming DJ as his SAer. Not sure on timeline, but think he said or implied it was fairly recent, like ~2022..? He seemed in great distress and very niave, and was given some thoughtless advice before he, or mods, very quickly deleted. Unlike the other five (four naming DJ) there were some things about this anon poster that made me think it could possibly be a childish troll sort of impersonating someone else to bully them. If you are for real, though, dude, I'm so sorry! You already did your part to try to join the voices warning other guys to steer clear of partying with DJ. You also deserve justice, but you don't seem to be ready to handle a world-wide shitstorm, lifetime of google results, and the reality of cops, courts, lawyers, ruthless PR, and media on your own. Please, before you go to cops or to any social or traditional media, get some caring and knowledgeable expert help: prioritizing your mental health and happiness, and then possibly getting expert legal and PR help to carefully assess any of those options in light of your own needs.


~~Yeah that 2011 comment, I’ve been trying to find it via some of the deleted Reddit programs and webpages but by go-to stopped working 😡 and the other ones are either buggy as all hell, or just throw up EVERY comment and then I’m going through every comment once again (like what a worthless “deleted comments” app or whatever, don’t show me the comments that are still there you dummies)~~


I personally don't think that would be right to dig for shady archives of that comment, and especially not for the more recent distraught poster. At least one of the two still has an account, the other seemed possibly doxable and vulnerable, or else impersonating. They have a right to delete their anon comments, imho. The other archived info is different. The imgr screenshots somebody dug up only after that OP more recently recounted and discussed it and said he was looking for his own old posts, and he still seems OK with the info being out there in the two platforms. For the other archived info, the account is deleted, so they are not going to get fresh digital shit for it in their online communities.


ahhhh, ok, I was mistaken, I’ll drop the matter now. I was under the impression a comment had been lost and needed to be recovered. Glad those tools were worthless then.


I don't like how no drag queen not even Shangela herself is talking about this. I'm more of a "not guilty until proof" but their silence and some of the cases being so credible, it just shows.


Shangela did give a statement to the press. Denied Daniel’s accusations in full. If you Google her you’ll see it in multiple news articles.




It also sucks because how much damage it will do once it gets bigger media coverage because how people are looking for any excuse to shit on drag queens in America nowadays.


It is honestly super curious how the drag scene has been treating this. Sherry gets the canceled treatment and it's because she lied to grown men. Shangela does all of this this and...crickets? Something's clearly amiss.


Shangela is one of the most successful DR queens. That's the difference.




You're more optimistic than me


I think it is mostly because of the current "drag is bad" conversation going around and they don't want to fuel the fire.


Do you think with the current climate against drag queens and LGBTQ people that another rape allegation making headlines is a good look for us?


Ignoring the allegations & not allowing accountability is hypocritical. If these allegations are true, then we MUST call this out. Let “the other side” see that we don’t allow this behavior in our community. Let them know we call out this kind of behavior & we don’t sweep it under the rug like they do. This reminds me of when my friend was molested by a junior high pastor. The senior pastor told my friends mom that they shouldn’t go to the police or else it would embarrass the church. That was 20 years ago & the molester is still preaching to kids.


Very good point


It depends how you look at it. Does it help or hurt? When this kind of allegation comes up in lefty circles, there's usually an expectation of accountability and maintaining high standards. People are expected to step down when they abuse their position. Right-wing favourites are much less likely to admit guilt or step down for the good of the community, which I think lacks integrity. In the long run, admissions and acts of contrition are rarely rewarded, and the surrounding community does not hold itself to the same standard (see, for instance, the behaviour of US Congressmen.) I still think we should shine a light on this behaviour, whenever it happens, and I'll tell you why: yes, some people treat the queer community as if they are deviants, but this case proves that where there are abusers, they are not tolerated. It's important to be seen calling this out. It's much much worse when it gets swept under the carpet (see, for instance, church leadership in some major denominations.)


Those lunkheads are gonna be hollering on twitter no matter what is going on, and they don’t give one single fuck about actual rape victims getting justice if they are gay men (especially gay men of color, or effeminate). That greasy haired shut-in LibsofTikTok won’t care if a community is shining a light on Shangela’s pattern of predatory behavior. She can’t post a video screaming with an address of some poor teacher’s aid.


The anti lgbtq ppl are not representing a normal standard of thinking, that is a group of bigots that should never make any one who supports or is part of the lgbtq complicate in this kind of abuse. I’d argue that this is humanizing to say that lgbtq can be victimized and deserves justice. Normal ppl are not complicit in abuse i understand that the question has come up before but I think the real issue here is that the bighorns can’t stand in the way of victims speaking up and getting public support, that standard and showing we don’t cover up for abusers sets a precedent these ppl can’t argue or cry abuse with when it comes to lgbtq. What happen with Uganda and the prayer brunch Biden supports is a scary and horrible fact for lgbtq to swallow but don’t let the fear of being persecuted take over the morals or voice you have to prove that lgbtq doesn’t and will not support abuse, we all know straight men have been the ones to do so and it’s time to make sure that is known with our voices and let history speak for itself.


I watched the Werq the World docuseries and a big chunk of Shangela's episode consisted of her partying with the backup dancers/staff, getting drunk, hanging around in the street, and - I THINK; it's been a while since I watched - going home with them after the show. No one looked underage and I'm not sure anything illegal happened, but it just makes you think in retrospect.


I don't think any of those accusing DJ of rape and violent SA have said they were underage at the time they were assaulted.


Yeah I know, I don't remember why I mentioned that when I made my comment lol


ah it’s on Wow+, I’m not gonna subscribe just to watch for that lol


What about this one? https://www.reddit.com/r/RPDRDRAMA/comments/90bw0k/rupauls_drug_rape_start_your_engines/


It’s been really hard to see ppl who have ignored these allegations, with each story my heart sunk, I feel so triggered and questioned for a min if it was bias to having my own trauma so vivid making this too easy to imagine. I’m so glad you’re spreading the word and more ppl are actually acknowledging it, a part of me is sad knowing that the tides of this fan base (like any other) shift their positions on a whim at the same time I really think more ppl believed this but we’re too reluctant to admit it or engage with the doubters, which I also understand. I have read most of these even a few more that have made me sick to see the reaction, I’m glad this is posted in a objective way that gives those who believe the victims a post where there is no defense for the pattern spoken about. This isn’t a substance issue as some have suggested, which minimizes this behavior to not being of sound mind or premeditated. His victims are the ones who are intoxicated and Dj overpowers them because he isn’t anywhere near fucked up. This is how predatory people operate, they find the ones they can over power and select them long before it occurs, especially if it’s a pattern.


Question: have Bob or Eureka made any comments regarding their costar? It is difficult for me to believe Bob would continue working with someone this nasty (but yeah, we only see what these people want us to see, so who knows -- to confirm I FULLY believr the survivors of these assaults and think Shangela needs to be ousted from the fan favorites pedestal). Eureka... She'll probably do whatever HBO tell her to though


Yonk. RIP my screenshots


also thanks to the RPDR stans for attacking me. Being Team Shangela doesn't mean you must support every single thing she does... including r\*\*\*. She's a fictitious character made up by a man.


Now we know why RuPaula pulled up the stunt eliminaysha in AS3.


are we gonna talk about Pititas SA ?


If you have updates on Pitita’s SA accusations, or would like to make new posts or a masterthread to keep all of the documentation in one place, that would be excellent. If you have important discussions to have about Pitita sexual assault accusations, I think it shouldn’t happen on this particular post, just so we can give both topics the full attention they deserve.


yes sorry


No need to be sorry, I don’t want you to think your concerns are being brushed to the side.