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I was already a fan of Crystal but after that email I’m lowkey obsessed with her


Legit, let’s just give her a crown. She has been very consistent and vocal on these issues.


Incredible response. 10/10 no notes.


She has such a way with words. What an incredible reply. Poetry.


Can I just point out that **David Letterman had a woman perform this exact same stunt on his TV show on repeated occasions like 20 years ago.** Just google Letterman "Grinder Girl".


Seriously! This is such a common act at circus and sideshow and freakshow and whatever other variety weird offbeat shows exist that it's almost overdone. Oh no! A drag queen did it tho!!! 🙄🙄 Can we care even half as much about all the pastors and preachers grooming, raping, and marrying children please?


Literally just an endless parade of men going after little girls with not a second glance


Oh there are second glances, usually leers at the little girls and condescending or belittling comments like "well, what were you wearing when that adult man went after you, child?" I can name one too many women, including myself, who had grown ass women and men say some variation of this to us after getting assaulted. It's disturbing how normalized adult men preying on little girl pedophilia is in straight culture. It's always the little girl's fault, not the adult man who "couldn't help himself". But sure, drag queens are the real problem here and the straight community has never done a wrong, it's totally healthy and not toxic in any capacity whatsoever. /S No drag queen or gay man has ever made me feel as scared, powerless, ashamed or degraded the way creepy old men did when I was a little girl getting cat called or inappropriately groped. They should check their own house before busting into ours pointing fingers, because their own demographic has the highest instance of predatory behaviour with children. There's a lot to answer for and clean up there first. (I'm looking at you, child trafficking ring. How is there more outrage over Crystal and yet crickets about this? Something tells me it has little to do with actual concern for children and more to do with homophobic outrage.)


Hardcore disagree, men get called out on anything and everything, women get away with it because it’s seen as “nice” if a female teacher flirts with a teenage student, colleen of Miranda sings got away with holding a girls legs open on stage and you’re not calling Any of that out so, case and point, you excuse female predators because in your opinion it’s a non issue. Despite the fact it happens so regularly do better.


>colleen of Miranda sings got away with holding a girls legs open on stage and you’re not calling Any of that out Sorry, are you trying to pretend like her controversies and subsequent ukelele video hasn't been one of the most talked about things on the internet since that video came out?


Agreed, my partner and I were talking about it -- It's everywhere. Not sure what they were getting at with that comment because it's a huge story.


I haven't excused female predators whatsoever, the fact still remains that the largest demographic of pedophiles are straight men against young women. That's not an opinion, it's a fact. My stating that fact in public is in no way me "excusing" female predators, in fact I'm boggled that you made such an out there leap. I'm an egalitarian who actively supports local men's shelters out of my own pocket. Also work for the gov explaining to female and male students what their charter rights are as youth, specifically asylum seeking refuges so that when they come here they don't -- you know -- get preyed on. What are you out here doing for boys or girls besides antagonizing strangers on the internet?


Pastors and preachers are not known for going after girls, it’s boys, god damn 🙄


WRONG. Stereotype much? Little girls are abused by pastors just as often. Creepy college age boys LOVE being Sunday school teachers & youth pastors. I'm talking more so about all the normalized grooming that's "acceptable" because it follows gender norms. Like pastors MARRYING FOURTEEN YEAR OLDS.


Also such a performance was on Britain’s got talent like 15 yr ago. Which is the same country even


I don’t think ‘the Late show with David letterman’ is the bar for what’s appropriate for kids, but as Crystal pointed out there’s certainly enough prime time stuff out there that’s no different to what she does.


>I can certainly think of a few suggestive gestures I’d love to give The Mail’s coverage of queer issues. I’ll let you imagine them. >My message for the crowd yesterday, repeated several times, was “be yourself” - however, in your case - please try to be better. DEVOURED.


Yeah best read I’ve heard in a while tbh


She kept it 100, I live. But seriously, I’m so glad the community has someone like her in it. She never minces words. Truly a gift to the community.


Parents will let their kids watch movies like Shrek with subtle innuendos and sexual jokes, and it’s considered “clever humor for the parents to enjoy.” Parents will let their kids watch PG-13 or R rated movies and video games with horrible violence and graphic sexual content. Parents will let their kids listen to songs with graphic sexual lyrics and talk of drugs. Parents will take their children to religious institutions that have proven countless times they will cover up cases of child sexual abuse. But a queer person in a wig and a dress with a child present??? Literal groomers. /s


Or watch panto or Monty Python or anything with cis men in dresses. The clear difference here is drag queens are not demeaning themselves by dressing in drag. They do not feel like it's shameful or laughable to dress like a woman. Therefore, it's dangerous and unacceptable.


Guaranteed the children of these ‘parents’ are, in fact, being raised by their iPads.


It reminds me of kids commenting on streamers/Let’s Players who are playing graphic games rated M/18+ “pls stop swearing my mom won’t let me watch you otherwise 😞”


She is the moment. It's so true. I'm beyond tired of those fearmongering with queer individuals and our sexuality being made to seem perverse? It's beyond dumb. These rags are genuinely just trying to make people upset about everything besides what matters and it's shocking it actually works.




The perfect reaction to this


Haven’t other performers, not drag queens, already done this? I want to say some metal group did. What’s the difference?


The difference is they’re queer. Just like how straight male actors have dressed up for drag in movies (like Mrs. Doubtfire), and people loved it then. It’s homophobia and transphobia hiding behind “But we’re worried about the children!” The irony is real queer children are hurt by these ignorant fucks.


Yes. I have seen this act at no less than five different shows live (county fairs, bar shows, freak shows, concerts..).


Xena Zeitgeist did a version of it with Type O Negative in the background too!


fishnet tights apparently


The band Ultraviolence did angle grinding during performances.


Crystal is consistently going to bat for our community and she should receive way more flowers for how much she fights to protect us.


Whenever someone says that one of the queens is grooming children because there might be a child in the audience, I think about how when I was a kid my favorite contestant on America’s Got Talent was the lady who would crush soda cans, watermelons, and cinderblocks with her boobs. No one had a problem with it then!


Oh she gagged that daily mail bitch


She served




Such a smart bitch, she’s so right in everything she’s said!


Yet none of these fuckers will bat an eye at all the bullshit kids are allowed to watch on TV nowadays. The Kardashians come to mind, among many others.




If you see an angle grinder as something sexual, you have problems.


The 'won't anyone think about the children crowd' aka homophobes are so transparent sometimes. Maybe instead of complaining about the suggestive fishnets I would have complained about her working heavy machinery on her body like that It's so dumb


Impeccable punctuation from the Mail. I'd expect no less.


End him Crystal!!


My president.


Fantastic reply! I’ve always enjoyed Crystal but am even more impressed with her now. Hell yeah!


At first I thought this was the old drama with her being accused of being a p•dophile but I see this is something COMPLETELY different. Drag them Crystal..


I stan this headline


Go Crystal!! So awesome to see her stand her ground


fuck the Daily Heil 🖕 good for you Crystal ♥️


I know logic isn't the point but these people really make themselves look like shit parents when they act as though if a drag queen was at their local park they couldn't take their kids and leave. Y'know, as parents are entitled to do.


"Be yourself - however, in you case - please try and be better" She is an icon, she is a legend and she is the moment


To be fair, please observe all safety regulations and wear PPE while using an angle grinder. I thought this was going to be a tradesperson saying the lack of safety sets a terrible example for job sites.


God I love her!!! Savage Queen! 👸🏼


Crystal is a queer activist icon in the making, I'm telling y'all.


In the making? Honey, this reply could only come from someone who is already made


“My message for the crowd yesterday, repeated many times, was “be yourself” - however, in your case - please try and be better” This is a legendary read!!


Oh she destroyed him ??


They must have forgotten that Crystal is the litigious queen




I heard this in her voice too, absolutely iconic


Drag them


The first few lines are already slam dunks but she was like but I AM NOT DONE withchu


I fucking love Crystal man she just is so underrated by fans! This queen will take no shot from lgbtq+ haters and i’m here for it


Crystal is so fucking cool


All the snaps for Crystal. Amazing response.


Cute email. but that Grindr crotch thing is still dumb and not at all impressive or entertaining


Way to deflect from the actual issue, which is these stupid fucks trying to make LGBT+ people's lives harder.


Damn you caught me this time. But mark my words: my straight white male agenda can’t be stopped!


That's her drag, she comes from a circus background, her drag is 100% valid.


Crystal will have 50 shitty takes a semester but every once in a while she gets something right and it's *pristine*


I'm gonna get down voted but it was tone deaf a performance to do it to the you're disgusting song. She has a point and the daily mail is trash but not thought out at all


Oh she ate


Just a beautiful eatery here


”Please try and be better” bitch gather him!!!!!


in her mother era


The Daily Fail wants to go after a queen who has already successfully sued some bitch who tried to get cute for defamation? Not a good lewk, hon. I foresee Crystal's solicitors getting a ton (or tonne, Brit spelling) of business in the future.