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I would suggest cutting that ENORMOUS wall of text down to a few points about how the game is unique / why you are creating it and questions about how to progress on various elements. Respectfully, at the moment it's in TL;DR territory unfortunately.


I’ve played the Star Wars RPG and I really like the narrative dice system, but I feel like reducing that system to just 2 D20’s just removes a lot of nuance and situations that game ended up creating. Like, in that game, it was possible to to fail a task (too many failures), but get something really good to happen (roll a triumph) and also something really bad (roll a despair). Adding and subtracting boost dice and disadvantage dice kept everything feeling more variable. I don’t think you could do that with just 2 d20’s. I’m all for simplifying the system used in Star Wars, but I wouldn’t necessarily commit to just rolling 2 dice to determine everything.


I didn't say this in the post but getting a Nat 20 or a Nat 1 on the narrative dice does make a difference. It's just like getting a critical success or failure with the skill dice. But with narrative instead. I thought of the idea that maybe getting the same number on both dice adds potential benefits or negatives too but I haven't fully decided on that just yet.


A note about the resolution system, having one of the D20 be only about luck could be frustrating, as it's something player will not have any impact on. It could fit your design, but how about having both dice needing to be under/over the skill check? If you succeed on one of them, you have a partial success (you achieve what you want, but get a narrative complication), if you succeed on both you have a total success (you achieve what you want without complication), if you fail both you fail at what you want to do.




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