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She's a cutie, and I'm sorry for your loss. But don't feel bad about not being there when she passed, if I read thus correctly she passed away peacefully in het sleep. Not a bad way to go at all, considering how her life could have ended 8 years ago. You gave her a long happy life ❤️


I just feel so bad because I didn't want her to be all alone while she went over the rainbow bridge. I didn't notice anything off the days before and now I'm second-guessing myself if I missed anything. Every time I look at my couch blankets, I start to bawl. She would always arrange them how she likes and chew holes through them and now the look neat and tidy and I hate it. EDIT: I read every single one of your comments, I just couldn't bring myself to answer you all individually. Thank you all for your kind words and compassion. A few more infos: Her name was Luna and she loved carrots. She would play hide and seek with my birds every time they were roaming my flat together. She would circle my feet and bump her snoot against them if she wanted to be picked up and pet. She also feel asleep multiple times on my lap while I was reading and petting her.


I hope I can make you feel better about not being there. When my bunny went, my presence was no comfort to him. It was also very traumatic for me to witness his suffering, because he didn’t just slip away. She went peacefully in her sleep, and she wasn’t missing you in that moment. I think this is a very human thing, but maybe not a bunny thing. Concentrate on all the beautiful moments you spent together and remember that she knew she was loved for eight years.


I agree with this. I saw my bun die too and it was really awful, and I don’t think she even knew I was there. There was definitely nothing I could do to help, it happened so fast.


Sending hugs. I had the same feeling, he wasn’t really aware of me in that moment. I just have to focus on how he had a good life, how he found a sunbeam the day before, how he still came running for his greens, how he was still spunky (fighting me off that morning when I gave him meds), how he absolutely adored being petted, even to the last day. He enjoyed life until the end, and it all went very quickly.


For some of mine it seemed to have been the polar opposite. They were very aware I was there. The two I'm thinking about now were super cuddly and weren't afraid of anything as long as I was close. Wilhelm had many many chronic illnesses and we were at the vet (and it was obvious that it looked bad). We went by public transport and it petted him the whole time. He had to stay the night. He cleaned me a last time, the vet brought me outside and went back in right after and he was already gone. So my mum thinks he was just waiting for me to finally leave him alone so he can go in peace The second one, Lilly, died at home of old age. The vet said she wasn't in pain and that we could let her die at home so she wouldn't have to be put down in a strange place. At home she walked under the bed (no idea how she found it, she was blind and would leave her hatch after moving to that flat). I got her out because I thought she wanted to go to the others and she just sighed like "okay, but you have to get that I'll leave soon!" Cuddled a bit more, said her goodbyes to me and our two other buns and walked right back under the bed where she lied down and died immediately. She gave me a bit more time to say goodbye, but ultimately Lilly didn't want to be touched. But yeah both were pretty sick/ old and it seemed like they reached the goal of a long road. For all of the ones who had to be put down it was different. They were kind of knocked out as soon as they got the medication.


I agree with this too. I would give anything to change the way my bunny passed, and have her pass away peacefully in her sleep instead. I was rushing my bun to the emergency vet 30 minutes away because her ears were cold (post-op). I thought about putting her against my skin to help her warm up, but it wouldn’t have been safe on the road (plus she also had a fentanyl patch that I was told not to get heat on). She had a seizure in her carrier on the way there. I still can’t use that carrier to this day and would cry whenever I think about the noises I heard before she passed. I’m so sorry I failed you, Betsy 😔 I’d do anything to undo the decisions I made that week.


Don’t beat yourself up, hugs for you too


i’m so sorry for your loss n may she rest in peace and love 💜💐🍀 you were in panic mode and trying your best, you were trying to get her to the vet for help and you wanted to hold her but it wouldn’t have been safe and i’m so sorry you experienced such a horrible ending for your bun n again may she rest in peace and love and i wish you healing n sending hugs 💜 rest in peace lil Betsy i hope she has a version of you until she actually gets you again :) idk if you believe in that but it wouldn’t be heaven without them so i have to believe n energy can’t be created or destroyed, you carry her with you in your heart and all the love you have for her


I can’t say better what others have said really. Just a thank you for taking in a bunny that needed help, and caring for her for such a long time ❤️


Rabbits, and most furry family members are masters of disguise when it comes to sickness and passing away. It's in their nature to not give off any signs of sickness or weakness, so don't beat yourself up too much over that. They don't perceive death like we do. However, with all that said, you loved your rabbit dearly, so feel all of your feelings that you want. Take solice that the sadness you feel is equal to the love you felt for your baby. I'm so sorry for your loss.


In the end, death is a solitary journey, but it isn't all bad, whatever lies beyond, it will surely be kinder than man. Your bun is now dreaming peacefully of clover and cilantro filled fields, gentle rivers, warm earthy banks in which to dig, and in their dream, they wait for you for when you will dream as well.


I'm in a similar boat. It's now 2 months and I still can barely cope. Just gotta keep pushing. Best of luck OP, she's still with you in spirit. I believe that she's watching over you wishing the best upon you. Don't let her down!


You gave her a wonderful safe and comfortable life with lots of love. Just because you weren’t right next to her as she passed it doesn’t mean she was alone. She was in a safe and loving home instead of out on the streets and her death was peaceful and came after many years of a wonderful life. This is the type of death many animals and people hope for.


Animals and people very often wait until they are alone to pass. A friend is a hospice nurse and this is a common occurance. Relatives can be by Their bedside for days and the second they leave to the bathroom or out for a couple of minutes, they pass. She was a beautiful rabbit and you were lucky to have loved each other!


may she rest in peace and love 🍀💐🍀 i am so sorry for your loss and i’m sorry you weren’t there but if she was asleep maybe she was dreaming of you :) you clearly love her so much and you’re a sweetie it’s so heartbreaking to lose an animal :( 💜 she’s adorable n lovely 💐🍀💜


Don’t worry, she wasn’t alone in her final moments : you were right there with her in her dreams while she went away peacefully.


Judging by this post your baby was not alone as she had the comfort of your home, your love and memories of a happy bun life with her as she passed peacefully over the rainbow bridge and 8 years is about the life expectancy of buns. Rest in power bun bun!


I am so sorry for your loss. Losing a pet is so hard. You have many wonderful moments with her in your memory and heart, cherish them!


Thanks for giving her such a great life. I'm sure she was dreaming of her favourite human in her sleep right till the very end. Rest in peace sweetheart.


Aww I’m so glad you gave her 8 years of love


This is honestly probably the best way to go. She wasn't alone. She had your love and her dreams to guide her.


Binky free sweet bun


She had 8 good years of love and care. So sorry about your loss of your little lady. She was lovely. ❤️🧡


Binky free, little one. I lost my 1 yr old bun this past weekend. Ribbit was my best buddy. I feel your pain.


She was a beauty for sure. How wonderful that she lived her life to the last. I’m sure there wasn’t anything that you could have noticed, it was just her time to go. I’m sorry you have to be without her


She wanted you to remember her as the happy, binking bunny she was. She knew she was very well loved by her new hooman. Animals are like that sadly. They seem fine one minute and when their hooman is not around, pass away peacefully. My deepest condolences to you. Warm hugs and love being sent your way


Awww that happened to me, she'd never even been sick a day in her life. The shock was just awful, every other animal in my life had needed veterinary care so I was kind of prepared. I'm so sorry and hope you heal, you gave her a wonderful loving home. 


I am sorry for your loss. The little angel definitely dreamed about you and the love you gave her.


I know it's hard but I hope when the time comes that my bun goes this way. I can't stand the thought of her suffering and having to put her down


i’m so, so sorry. i understand how heartbreaking this feels. please know that you didn’t do anything wrong. you gave her a life full of love and happiness. she’s not gone; she’ll always be with you. sending you so much love.


May the goddess of bunnies hold you close! You gave your lovely girl 8 good years, and that is such a gift for you both! ❤️❤️


I'm so sorry for your loss. Binky free, little lady. 🌷🌿


She wasn't alone. She had 8 years of memories of your kindness in her little fluffy heart to keep her company as she went over the bridge.


We understand your loss and pain. I’m so sorry. All the love.


Oh no I think the old lady would be thankful for helping her and gave her good life. ![img](emote|t5_2riv8|8712)![img](emote|t5_2riv8|8705) She rest now and some day you will see her again.


I am so sorry 😢


Awwww she was gorgoeus! I'm so sorry for your loss, I know how you feel. You gave her the better life she deserved, and she'll be watching over you with so much pride ❤️ binky high beautiful girl


I guess there’s solace knowing that she went peacefully. I’ve read so many horror stories on here. This is the only way I wish my bunnies to go as well.


Binky free sweet little baby


I feel so sorry for you, she was so cute. You found her 8 years ago, she could’ve died before you found her but you gave her a loving home. Don’t feel bad for not being there when she died because she died peacefully. Losing an adorable rabbit must be very hard though. I’m so sorry for your loss.


You’re an angel for saving her. I am sure she was beyond grateful! Binky free with all of your hoom’s love sweet baby. ❤️


That’s really the best case scenario. You’re blessed. She’s blessed. Good job taking care of her when she was in your care.


So sorry for your loss. I lost one of mine bunnies a few weeks ago 💔


Awwww. I’m so sorry for your loss of your sweet beautiful bunny girl. Bunnies never hurt us when they are living but break our hearts in millions of pieces when they die. Binky free little bunny until we all meet again.❤️❤️❤️


What a wonderful way to cross the rainbow bridge, passing peacefully from sleep to the great beyond. 💙 She was a beautiful bun. I hope you find peace and comfort in time.


I am so sorry for your loss. You did not fail your precious girl. You gave her 8 years of happiness and love that kept her binkying to the very end. She got to die happy and loved after a long life, peacefully in her sleep.


she’s adorable and i’m sure she was the happiest bun after being saved by you. rest in peace.


Binky free baby


I'm so sorry for your loss. She looks like a real sweetheart. 💔


So sorry for your loss. Animals don’t always show pain or illness since in nature that’s a weakness. She went peacefully. Something we all hope for.


It sounds like her last days were filled with love and happiness 🥹. She’s so lucky to have been caught by you and it shows; thank you for providing her with such a happy and comforting life!


May you be comforted and may God hold her in his hand, beautiful beautiful soul.


So sorry for your loss. It sounds like she went peacefully. You gave her 8 years of love and happiness instead of her having to suffer on the streets. I’m sure she loved you very much ♥️


{{hugs}} 😢


Thanks to you, she lived a vibrant life in a loving environment, many thanks to you for rescuing her, sorry for your loss.. Don't blame yourself for not being there for her, usually pets like to hide and get away from their owners at moments like this




This may be the wrong way to think about it, but I think passing away while asleep is the best way to go.




Noooo, I'm so sorry for your loss.


You were lucky to have her for 8 years. Mine just stayed for 2.5 year. She just passed away 5 days ago. I wish she could have been lived more


So sorry for your loss ♥️


RIP, Bunny!


I’m so sorry for your loss 🥺💛


I’m sorry for your loss 😞


I'm deeply sorry for your loss. Rest in peace, little one.


So sorry for your loss! At least you know she lived a long happy life with you ❤️


I'm sorry for your loss. She's a beautiful bunny. Don't feel bad about not being there physically for her. You were there in the most important ways that mattered to her. She died in her sleep in her home surrounded by all the familiar scents and things she knew and loved. That's about as peaceful as it gets. Animals generally go off to die alone. It's in their DNA. Our presence at that moment is for us, not them. Rabbits are masters of hiding illness. This sounds different. You'd notice if anything were off. This might have been something sudden - some underlying physical anomaly that occurred with no warning. Don't blame yourself. Even though it's natural for us to go through every moment looking for clues we might have missed, sometimes they aren't there. Remember the good times and and take the time you need to heal your broken heart for this precious girl. Weep not for me though I have gone Into that gentle night Grieve if you will, but not for long Upon my soul’s sweet flight I am at peace, my soul’s at rest There is no need for tears For with your love I was so blessed For all those many years There is no pain, I suffer not The fear is now all gone Put now these things out of your thoughts In your memory, I live on Remember not my fight for breath Remember not the strife Please do not dwell upon my death But celebrate my life Constance Jenkins


I'm so sorry for your loss. There are far worse way to go as a rabbit, going in your sleep is a good way, means they lived a great life! You did well as a bun parent!


Sometimes animals (including people) prefer to die alone and even wait for others to leave before they let go. Maybe your bun wanted the same. I am so sorry for your loss. They lived a long and rich life. They are lucky to forever live on in your heart and the very fabric of time itself. We can't go back in time, but the past continues to exist outside the dimension we reside in. Your beautiful baby is truly eternal.


I am so sorry for your loss. But how blessed your sweet bunny must have felt, having been loved by you for 8 wonderful years and spending her last day on this world with you and filled of joy. I think you took the best possible care of her and she loved you very much. 🤗


I am so sorry. Lost mine in March. Still heartbroken.


I personally think that’s the best way for them to go. You did an amazing job raising your bun, you deserve some happiness 🥹


What a beautiful way to go. I wish my boy had that end. Unfortunately, I had to put him to sleep at the vet’s office. But I made sure I was cuddling him the entire time. This was seven years ago, and I still get teary-eyed. You gave Luna 8 wonderful years. She knew she was loved and was content to go to a forever sleep. ❤️ Luna will truly be missed.


I’m so sorry for your loss. 😔😞🐰


I'm so so sorry for your loss. I'm happy to hear she had an amazing life and died peacefully


You were there when she needed you most. From the cold wilds to your warm home. The binkies do not lie. She was happy as part of your life. Your love for her - she truely cherished. A true love that can never perish. Forever safe from any harm, Across the rainbow bridge she did run. To flop down - by the oasis under the astral sun. Rest now sweet bun.


My baby was 8 when he passed. He also passed in his sleep, had visited me the night before and gave me kisses on my hand. What a long and fulfilled life you gave her ❤️


What a beautiful way to go. I wish we could all go this way


May she rest in peace. I know exactly how this feels,im so sorry. Mine was named sparkles. She was a good girl. 😮‍💨


what a pretty little lady. so sorry for your loss.


rip 💔💔


I'm sorry for your loss. Such a beautiful girl.


RIP, fluffy 🐰


She left happy and peacefully, that's a sign you gave her a great life. I'm sorry for your loss


My condolences on your loss. Your bun passed how I would hope to. Quietly, peacefully, and knowing I was loved. ❤️


She's always with you🩵🥹🤟🏿


I am so sorry, my condolences to you 🤍


I’m so sorry.  My parrot passed similarly.


Deeply sorry to read this! She was a wonderful bun! A hug from Chile!


You gave her a love that she wouldn’t have known about if you didn’t take her in on that cold February day. Not many people look upon an animal with love and mercy, I’m sure she will always be your guardian bun in bunny heaven. Sending love and hugs 🫂 I’m so sorry for your loss.


So sorry for your loss


I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope you find comfort in this time of grief.


A wonderful life spent loafing, eating, and pooping.


Sending so much love ❤️




So very sorry for your loss. I’m glad you had eight wonderful, live-filled years together. Until you meet again.


I’m sorry for your loss…but I’m sure Luna was thinking of you as she took her last breath… she must’ve known how loved she was….


Sending hugs OP, from a fellow grieving bunny parent. Your old lady looked so sweet.


So sorry for your loss. Rest in peace, lovely lady!


so beautiful. what breed was she?


I know how it feels, sending you lots of love ❤️


You were there for 95% of her life, where she was obviously very loved and cared for. It's okay if you weren't there for the 0.001% at the end. I'm sure she didn't think you loved her any less for it. Binky free sweet Luna 🌈


Aww she was so cute. I’m so sorry for your loss RIP


Awwww may she rest and run free in paradise! I'm so sorry for your lost, here's hoping you're doing well\~


Don’t know why your pictures have been blured out


How beautiful that you found each other. Don’t only cry that it’s over, smile that it happened. That is a lovely story that makes my heart ache. I feel your devastation, but also the love. It’s what makes life worth living.


She lived the perfect bunny life. Don't be sad it ended, be happy it happened. You got to experience 8 years of her life! It's a lot already! You could have got only one or two


Thank you for being amazing and rescuing her and caring for her until her time. 🥹 My condolences. I feel your heartache. My bun who passed in 2022, my thoughts never fade, I just like to think maybe I'll see her again. 😌


I’m so sorry. Thank you for giving her a good life. ❤️


She was loved for 8 wonderful years. She went from being cold, terrified and abandoned to having a warm loving home with someone that clearly cherished her. She died happy, in a warm and comfortable home. You were there in spirit and in all of her happy memories. I have no doubt that you were her last thought. I found this for you (I hope it helps): I stood by your bed last night …I came to have a peep. I could see that you’d been crying, and you found it hard to sleep. I nuzzled you softly as you brushed away a tear, “It’s me. I haven’t left you. I’m well, I’m fine, I’m here”. I was close to you at breakfast… I watched you pour your tea. You were thinking of the many times your hands reached down to touch me. I was with you at my grave today… you tend to it with such care. I want to reassure you, that I’m not lying there. I walked you towards the house as you fumbled for the key. I gently put my paw on you…I smiled and said, “it’s me”. You looked so tired as you sank into your chair. I tried so hard to let you know that I was sitting there. It’s wonderful for me to be so near you everyday, to say to you with certainty, “I never went away”. You sat there quietly, then smiled… I think you knew that in the stillness of the evening I was very close to you. And when the time is right for you to cross the brief divide, I’ll rush across to meet you and we’ll stand there side by side. I have so many things to show you, there’s so much for you to see. Be patient, live your journey out, then come home to be with me.


I'm very sorry for your loss! In the pics Luna looked super content with her live with you! Feeling down because you weren't with her during her last minutes is totally normal. I just wanted to mention that many rabbits seem to wait for a calm moment/ a moment when they are alone to leave. (In the cases of my own buns even the ones who would usually want to be petted 24/7 wanted some space. They cuddled for the last time, cleaned me and walked a few steps to lie down there or waited for me to leave the room for a moment) So I'm pretty sure Luna had already said her goodbyes, without it being noticable, before she waited for the right moment. I wholeheartedly believe that she chose the moment that was best for her, even if it hurts her human so badly. Loads of strength to you!


Aww sorry to hear this bad news.