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What's the best brand of tequila?


Don Julio and Jose Cuervo


Hola. Recomiendas ir al congreso de radiologia de allá? Cuándo es?


Si, lo recomiendo muchísimo ya que conoces a Técnicos, Médicos Radiólogos ,Licenciados en Radiología y hasta Técnicas Superior. No he ido en concreto a un congreso pero la escuela acaba de llevarse a un chico de mi escuela que ya casi termina la carrera universitaria y lo llevaran creo que a Cancún o Acapulco. Mi maestro es licenciado en Imagenología y ha ido a varios congresos y ha aprendido muchísimo de ellos y ellos de el, así que la experiencia es muy buena


How long does it take to complete the education in Mexico? How is the pay after you graduate?


In Mexico, you can take a private or public university degree, in my opinion the private one is cool but it does not teach you the same as the public one because of the prestige it has and because they teach you many things, even positions invented by the Radiology Technicians themselves. But in your answer bro, I have known private schools in the city where I study that you finish it in 2 and a half years, but my public university career will last 3 and a half years, and at the end in all the careers you do 1 year of social service, however, to graduate by final grade is a 9.0 score


3 years The final price is like 2500 - 5000 dollars


if you didn't understand me, tell me


Estas en carrera de técnico o medico? No sabia que había carrera de técnico en Mexico. Todas mis experiencias con imagenologia en Mexico han sido con medicos o estudiantes de medicina tomando las placas.


Estoy en una licenciatura en imagenologia pero antes era tecnica superior radiologia y de ahi era tecnica radiologia


Que bien! Como progresas a las areas de tomografía y resonancia? Entrenamiento durante el trabajo, mas educación?


Te puedo mandar mi plan de estudio si gustas brou


Pues seria interesante si lo tienes fácilmente disponible. Si es mucho rollo no te molestes.


Are you a student technologist or radiologist? How are the X-ray machines over there, I’m guessing they are similar to the machines here in the United States?


well, is easy to explain 4 u, cuz in Mexico the private have a good machines of x ray, Ct, etc, however the public clinics have a good machines too like flat panel with a maintenance, in my city the best place for a take xray is a Hospital Civil and the private and more cheap is a Salud Digna is a Franchise, in the oncology is exist Cobalto60 and Iridio