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Yea, any time I play ranked I either have a squad of last season champs, or face against Current season champs. So I stopped playing ranked and started playing almost exclusively standard. Yea it’s boring and I get less rewards, but it’s a lot more fun at times


There’s probably way less cheaters too. Every other game is a rage hacker in Emerald for me. Who knows how many closet cheaters there are..


I’ve only ever faced 1 hacker in like 1 1/2 years of standard. Much easier to play a game.


After browsing this sub for a bit, especially lately, I can see how people have such a love hate relationship with this game. I feel bad for those that get no enjoyment if they’re not playing ranked. I usually play quick match, but I find standard to be a good inbetween. I don’t have to try too hard, but people actually kind of know what they’re doing and they at least drone/set up site.


I find standard sweatier than ranked and it hurts coz i can’t try new ops without playing hostage or capture the point


Ran into a rage hacker a few weeks back, full toggled, and even in quick match too! It was terrible. They instantly defused at spawn. ((Patched) supposedly)


Bro i get this in GOLD.


Bronze here


As someone who wanted to test the updates to the new anti cheat system. I bought 1 day cheats and a new steam account, (not blatant cheats, just esp and recoil i believe) and played a few matches before quickly getting bored and logging out to go play rocket league or forza. came back to that account after the update and noticed the account was available but i had been permanently banned on siege. so this gives me hope for this season.


I don’t think you can say it’s boring and also more fun. I enjoy it more I don’t need ranked. Ranked makes me worried about my rank then rage quit all the time.


The new map additions have ruined standard for me. At least if I got tower in quick play I could just leave consequence free. Gotta take a ban or suffer the map now


U can at least activate ranked maps only mode in the settings for standard




Everyone does, this is really part of the issue with this rank system, I honestly do like the idea of building from the down to the top right but the idea that my rank from ranked 1.0 is massively affecting my 2.0 Rp and mmr gain is massively disappointing and quite frankly ridiculous. The spreading out of the Rp with my stack doesn’t make sense. Last night we played a match and I got MVP with most kills, one of my team mates got significantly more rp than man by like 30 or more and he got zero kills and died every round. He ranked up that game and I didn’t even get close and we were the same rank prior? So how does that make sense?




Yeah but you still have a “skill level” that isn’t the same as your visible rank. That’s how it is for everyone in pretty sure. It just seems brokenly high, for example I’ve never been diamond and all 30 games this season have had champs (a lot of current ones too). New system does not work imo.


Just be thankful they’re on your team. I’ve never been close to champ but for some reason Ubisoft has decided I deserve to have my arse handed to me by them every other match. It’s been a humbling start to the season.


i thought i was just washed bro. I even told my girlfriend that maybe i’m not as good as i once was (technically still true) but i’ve never been a super high KD guy anyway. My KD this season being like 0.6 is just pitiful for me tho


Bro it sucks because there’s no other game like it but it’s just not what it once was. Ubi needs to sort their shit out.


What did you say, you just went up to her and said "I think I'm washed"


yep. I just said i think i’m washed and she asked what i meant lmao


At least you get the champs on your team, when I que for ranked I get pengu and spoit on the enemy team and my team consists of bubbles from trailer park boys


Bubbles is just high he's the number 1 player of the universe better than spoit by a long shot


Honestly, you're on console, I wouldn't be jealous of much. I too am on console, not to make it seem like a diss.


I wouldn't be jealous if the game put me into lobbies that reflect my rank, I can't carry my weight against those type of players, but anytime I do win games against them and do well I get at best 12 points in platinum lol.


That's fair, Starting out as copper I get diamonds and golds and even emeralds. Just makes it so much harder to get to my actual rank, I do get there eventually tho, just need to MM to be fair.


Diamond is higher than emerald, are you sure you’re not getting mixed up with plat (light blue banner)?


I mean, peak rank of diamond3 is somewhat close to champ, and even though you have only finished bronze recently, your hidden mmr is still at diamond3 level and therefore ranked 2.0 is TECHNICALLY doing what it's supposed to do which is placing you with other people at or around the same hidden mmr. Is it a shitty system? For sure. But is it doing what it was made to do? Also yes


I understand that peak diamond 3 is close to champ but why am I not playing against other emerald and diamond players, why is it ALWAYS exclusively past and current champs? There should be a rule that if you get to diamond 1 and reach champ that you match against them? I want to fight against people that are my rank or similar, not better and beyond. In this hidden mmr bracket too there's at least half if not three quarters of them all using a strike pack or mnk, and anyone saying mousetrap works efficiently is bullshitting.


Bro what, every single thread like this is always a diamond player complaining about playing against champs. Who do you think champs should play? Only against other champs? 0.1% of players? Do you understand how that would affect queue times? How are you as a diamond supposed to improve if you never play the next higher rank? Also I’m gonna be real with you high diamond/champ lobbies are basically identical. A lot of solo Q diamonds are basically champs that don’t stack and would easily hit champ in any stack.


Bro fr aye I completely agree, lol like this guy literally just said “why aren’t I playing emeralds and diamonds” so by his logic it’s okay for him as a diamond to vs emeralds, but if he has to vs a champ then that’s completely unfair. I swear most of the playerbase thinks like this. If they get to vs a lower rank then they love it, but as soon as they vs a higher rank they cry If he’s a diamond and is scared to play with and against champs then he doesn’t deserve to be in diamond. A diamond and champ are usually very similar overall skill wise, it’s just the consistency of a champ that gets them into champ


I've never been above gold but yet I get champs and emeralds in my games all the time, its actually just so demotivating to play the game


Honestly and I hate that too many people are addicted to be willing to strike so the numbers drop


I had the same thing and eventually gave up for a year or so. Now I’m back, for about two weeks everything was great. The matches were balanced my win ratio was a bout even but now that’s all gone. Back to one sided head click fests regardless of which side they’re on. With this season being a snooze, chasing the high that is that 1 decent game in 5 will likely soon wear off. Siege being such a niche and fun game does keep you coming back. You just keep telling yourself it will be different this time


I get teammates lower than my level pretty consistently, for example I normally am around plat level and I’m going 10-4 with my teammates leaving me in 1v4s consistently, what makes me think they’re lower is the site setups, operator picks, and just overall gameplay. I understand some are just trolling but some are using FULL COMMS and they still lose every gunfight.


Two of my friends who got into R6 maybe like 3 months ago or so finally got SOMEWHAT comfortable enough to queue ranked with me, hopped in a game against a full 5 man champ stack. I've only ever peaked Emerald and my buddies were like level 60 non ranks lol. Game is fucking comical.


Even funnier when you come across a champ player Elo boosting with a bunch of coppers just to fuel their ego. Shits hilarious


“hidden mmr” 🙄🙄🙄


They fucked the games deadzones so less people playing and now you have unfair match making, I’ve had the same problems late at night champs will just elo gatekeep and get easy lobby’s it’s bs


Brother even before the DZ glitch you would get lobbies like this.


now idk if you are going to read this but here is why you get into those lobbys they dont queue you for the rank you are in but queue you for the rank they thing you should be in so if you are going positive like heavy positive they will put you agaisnt people of that same skill lvl and not with the people in youre rank its dum


That’s ranked 2.0 for you


im copper and I went against a team like this, probably the fastest loss ever


Bruh how tf is it 0-3 are they caried


I’m a peak D3 in 2.0. Original ranked system I finally hunkered down and solo’d to diamond the very last season. This new ranking system is so busted. My friends and I play mnk champs EVERY GAME.. literally. And the few champs I get on my team are usually 1-8 dying trying to spawn peek every round. When I squad up with my two buddies, if we manage to win I’m getting less mmr than them even though we’re the same rank and my previous season rank is higher than theirs. My emerald friend can get 1 kill in 9 rounds and get more elo than me and I went 14-4. They need some type of performance boost for wins.


What.....seems to be the problem?


Never mind, I see what you're getting at now.


dawg my highest rank ever is gold 5 and im playing champs💀


I mean who tf thought it was a good idea mixing the best rank players with every other at the start of a season? Its like forcing baby vs atomic bomb for a month


Brother my best rank was Gold 3 (5 years ago lmao) and I’m constantly playing with plats/diamonds. It took me 2 months of playing every night to get into silver last season.


No emeralds? Gold and plat is fair ngl otherwise wait times would be longer.


Welcome to siege, where all the high ranks cheat in some way, and matchmaking is absolutely nonexistent.


Ever since ranked 2.0 rework your rank isn’t really a show of how good you are anymore but more so how much time you have to play the game.


Welcome to ranked 2.0. (it's shit!)


I’ve also noticed this in quick play, since this season started I’ve just switched to standard


I stopped playing rank when I had to switch to WiFi and I’m having more fun in all my games now. The WiFi is really good just some times it lags which no big deal in unranked


Craziest game I’ve ever had was against a champ stack with 3 teammates who have never gone above silver and never hit a 1.0 k/d. No idea how it happened, but it was painful


Always be a little afraid of the mf running anything that isn’t a champ background they are the actual champs


I started playing in mid April and for this new season I’m about to hit plat solo q, I have like 300 hours on the game tho and I watch a lot of videos on strats but one of my friends was like pro-ish back in the day during the frost release so he thought me a lot of game sense. My biggest thing so far has been trying to get my team to work together


>I’ve never been remotely close to hitting champ >My highest peak rank was diamond three Get out of here, I’m getting champs in silver


I’ll get one on my team if I’m lucky but I can expect 3+ on the other team every other game


Man hit the one in a million lottery and simultaneously played on every one of my opponents' team 😭 (why does my matchmaking luck suck)


Me and my friend got matched against champs in our first ever comp game.


Unfortunately charm does not equal skill anymore like it used to. So they just suck as much as you do but got lucky enough to either be boosted by winning every match, or just playing 1k matches that season.


I got Bronze on the Deimos update


I was in silver and I’m was getting *champs* are they climbing the ranks like everyone else or is mm just fucked?


I need guys to play ranked with 🙂


For me its opposite i always get queued with the most brain dead people yet the enemys are always like emerald - champ and i always top frag yet siege is like “nuh uh u get lobotomy gaming on your team”


The game seriously thinks I am better than I actually am. Makes me not even want to play.


Well dontcha know the only way most get to champion is cuz all they do all day is play and nothing else productive or they cheated to get their. Dont stress about it the game like cs is just going down from here. I stopped playing CS cuz of cheating and only play to get clips to practice editing and at the rate things are going it's prob what will happen with siege. I refuse to play ranked only standard and quick matches, quick matches are as bad as ranked and standard seems to be the happy medium. But still may wait for market place sell my shit and uninstall or only play for clips.


I’ve come across the dumbest champs and diamond players this season, and they’re also so toxic too with zero teamwork. Then they blame everyone else for the round losing


Considering my luck I was probably on the other team as a Silver/Gold Player


You are playing at the start of the season so seeing a lot of champs now and for the next few days isnt unheard of. You can start complaining about how bad Ranked is after 2 weeks have passed since season update (arbitrary number but point still stands).


If it's looking bad from your perspective, imagine the Plat player that has never even hit Emerald on the other team being the highest rank enemy lmfao


Looks like the opposite team on my end, shit horrendous


peak plat 4 and i go up against top 500 while my teams usually never made it out of plat 🥲 awesome match making


Start of a new season this will happen


I also had one of those ( i hit plat 4 last season ) and i spectated one of them and he tried to put a zero cam on an electrified wall. That's when i realized that rank doesn't really matter.


Just be thankful there're on ur team and not the enemy


I’ve played the last 4 seasons and I get these a lot to also I had a question for you guys anyone who wants to answer last season I hit gold and I played a few cheaters last season but this season I’m either getting games with people that are a lot better than me or I’m getting a lot more cheaters does anyone else feel the same or know anything else it could be


Just bring back Ranked 1.0 I don't know why Ubisoft aren't doing this considering the backlash 2.0 has had. I genuinely think they have no one passionate on the team anymore, just corporate 9-5 salary chasers that don't care about the game.


And yet your still down 0 - 3


Same for me, so far they've done nothing but xim on console, call my decent controller aim dogwater, tell me go "get good", and sell my rp while messing with me because they don't care. Honestly, they already hit champ and just want to flex it now. I do not care that it took you buying a mouse and keyboard to hit champ on console, you will lose to me using a controller any day.




Shit i never ever hit champ or even gotten past plat. I just want a good team😭😭.


They should just make it so that if you are in copper, your range of opponents is from copper V to copper l. And i'd say at most you can queue with friends two ranks higher. This does not support high and low level queing together with friends, but it also does help against boosting. It's not perfect but a step in the right direction.


I have the same problem. I always play with or against people who previously were platinum, diamond or higher. Im currently brozne 4 and have hard times playing with people who are 4 or 5 ranks higher then me.


My first two games are always against copper and bronze players then after those 2 wins it's always against 5 stacked current top 100 champs. At least it's how it seems


I've stopped playing this game awhile ago. But the impression I got from ranked 2.0 is it's designed to keep you playing the game for as many hours as possible. Why else would they reset the rank every season and force players to play, possibly hundreds of games to get back to the rank they were at last season. THEN you can feel as if you're making progress, but 3/4 of the season is over so a few weeks from now you have to start all over again. I'm pretty sure those champ players have very simply played quite a few more games than you have. True that would obviously mean they have more experience if they have more games played that season so it's natural they would be higher rank. But I still hate the system, it just seeks more focused on the hours you put in more than anything else. Edit: also I'm pretty sure the rank you see on players isn't their true rank or something, like some hidden rank that no one can see like overwatch does/did. Which is also very dumb


& yet you’re still loosing 3 games to 0


Yeah the mnk/strike pack problem is an entirely different story to be honest.


For like 50-100 you can get champ. If you make friends with champs they may do it for free as they also need accounts to help with other friends. Its really on who you know.


Hidden mmr


The game is dying very badly and there aren’t enough players for fair matchmaking. Also the only players left are higher ranks.


The game is still one of the most top played games on Xbox. https://www.microsoft.com/en-ca/store/most-played/games/xbox I'm sure it's no different on other platforms.


this is just false


No, its just ranked 2.0. The game has more players than 1.0 times


Smoke champ is scary. Acog mains not so much


> Load up standard for a bit of enjoyment > Emeralds, Plats and Champs > Me who never broke past cooper cause I couldn’t care less about Ranked G8 MM Ubi.


Stop solo queuing and you’ll make it to champ bud.