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The thing is, siege has been their steady source of income for several years, and since it’s boom with jynxzi it’s been even better. But they don’t actually care about the game itself. I would love a review bomb personally, but it wouldn’t affect anything at all. There will always be loyal money spenders no matter what, and the income won’t end until the servers go down.


Review bomb anyway, the way it’s going we’re all just going to complain with no response for years instead. And plus if the review bomb end up killing siege, it’ll be a lot cheaper for Ubisoft to make a second siege and fix all the issues from there.


Well I know they’d never make a siege 2, way too much a waste of money. Plus we’ve just been doing that since year 3 man, it won’t change anything


Ubisoft doesn’t care about us review bombing the game. If you’re not the investors/shareholders, Pro League or Marketing, Ubisoft doesn’t care what you have to say. What would really hurt them is if everyone stops spending money on the game but the playerbase is big enough for them to bank on the fact someone will spend money/forget to unsubscribe on their game As long as the money’s coming in, Ubisoft will continue to laugh at us in *corporate noises*


Bad reviews can lead to less money pumping in (less purchases) and can make investors/shareholders be skeptical about their financial choice. The community would also likely stop spending money in the game, which is also bad for business. Almost every review bomb towards new or even old games have worked, and even if it won’t do anything I guess it wouldn’t hurt to do it anyway right?


The games been out for 9 years. If investors or stakeholders wanted out, they would’ve been out by now


There hasn’t been a good reason to pull out yet though


The game has been going downhill for 5 years now. Death is inevitable.


Shall we end it with a bang?