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Thatcher- throw an EMP grenade and it disables her shield, or bring an OP with EMP impacts Capitao- Shoot his firebolts to cut off her avenues and if she's stupid she can die by playing poor Nomad- Air jabs will knock her back


Iq from below, when she’s using her ability, Iq can see clash and try to get a floor bang. Gridlock, similar to capitao


Thanks for adding


If anything, gridlock is even more effective seeing as that path of exit is basically permanently locked down unless one of her teammates impacts the floor near her, potentially damaging her


Ohh I didn't know this about iq


She can also see vigil and pulse when they are using their abilities, she can also see people on cams (like their phone)


I knew about the pulse and cams but I didn't know about vigil so Thank you again


And that's another reason for me to like thatcher.... Thank you


make sure not to just... stare at her with her disabled shield. Also NEVER NEVER use claymores against clash things you wanna do: run to her, melee (never sledges hammer. shits too slow) and shoot the legs. a bad clash will die quickly from that. if you have a friend one can punch her and the other can shoot the legs. Kali can be a nice pick as every shot makes clash flynch. make sure someone uses that to shoot the leggies never use claymores against her Nomad: Shoot air jabs BEHIND her so she doesnt see them and cut her off of ways to retreat. if she gets knocked with the jab be sure to execute her quick gridlock: basically same as nomad. if you toss griddys gadget onto an elevated position youll fund it will spread much more and thus cover more ground capitao: cut her off, force her to walk into the fire and so on did I mention Never use claymores? ying can blind her and then obviously she wont be able to easily shock you Vertical play is also always a sure way to deal with her! make sure to capitalize on the mistakes some bad clashes do: if she deples her whole shield shell have to fully recover it to shock you again. Good clashes will never use the whole shield Most importantly: Teamwork.


I was wondering on why you shouldn't use claymores against her, mostly because i'm starting to use them now and thought they could be a good solution against her. I also don't think that she can disable the claymore with her shield


Her shield protects her from the claymore dmg, meaning that you kay end up just killing yourself with the claymore.


Yeah thats right, I was only thinking about her rushing through but if she knows there's a claymore she can just make it explode witouth taking damage.


A good clash will always try to kill you our your teammates with your own claymore. You are giving her options to be dangerous. Never do that


As someone who uses clash on certain sites here is why. If you are stupid enough to approach clash to melee the shield with a claymore right there a smart clash player will start shocking you and then purposely walk into the claymore with the shield blocking a decent chunk of damage while you die (it counts as a suicide/team kill and not towards clash's k/ds). I have basically gotten  "double kills" from this on a few occasions as well as plenty of assisted suicides


Why no claymores


Her shield protects her from the claymore dmg, meaning that you may end up just killing yourself with the claymore.


A good clash will try to kill you our your teammates with the claymore. Trust me i have done it many times. Even if I blow myself up, sometimes it's worth the trade


Counterpoint: pre-set the claymore and hold the angle opposite it Either she faces you and goes boom, or she faces the boom and you get free shots


it will probably not work. I have had people try this a few times. Trust the guy that has "clash love" as his flair xD


Yeah, that’s fair, I guess I’m just used to playing bad Clash players


tbf most people hate her and won't even try shields cause "uhhhh shields take no skill" >.>


You're welcome


Kali when shooting the shield causes Clash to flinch giving an opportunity for teammates to shoot her


I saw a clip of Kali actually being able to solokill Clash with a shot on her right(?) leg


It can, it's just not reliable since there's barely enough time for it, plus clash can just turn around to block


Capitao is usually my go to if I know they have Clash. The fire and impact emps are great


Do NOT play thatcher. His emps are larger but take longer to explode and since they bounce off the shield she can move away


You would through the EMP grenade behind Clash and then move in to melee her - whether she moves back or stays in both cases you get her cover down and can kill her. Easier said than done though, I still hate going up against her and since I usually ban her I also get no practice.


Yeah but it can simply be accomplished by better operators


First flashbang then airjab


I once had class as the last person when playing nomad. There were two of us so I air jabbed her down stairs and my teammates got the kill. It was a funny final kill cam.


Becarefull with Nomad though it knocks her prone BUT also forces clash to her secondary


Zofia with her stuns you’ll knock her shield to the side and can shoot her feet/legs. Even better if you have a team mate to shoot for you.


nomad is the answer. iq is huffing hopium, thatcher only disables her zap and everyone else requires a ton more effort. you want clash gone? bring nomad.


Capitao also


Some comments already gave most of the tips, but don't shoot Clash's shield like a degenerate like most of my teammates do, instead don't let your guard down because there is always someone following Clash to get the kills.


Thank you, the thing is she was alone and just wanted to keep outside (the map was stadium, and all my teamates were dead, 2 of them by the strategy you talked about), melusi came out way after and i got her while going around a wall to get away from clash, i went in, planted but didn't have any claymores left, this and bad positioning got me. Sorry for the long reply btw.


Count Clash as 0.5 operator. If it's a 1v1, count it as 1v0.5, and you have the upper hand. If it's 1v2, you still are at a disadvantage(1v1.5).


I would say she’s 0.5 when you don’t have the man advantage but 1.5 when you do. A 1v2 with a clash on the other team is basically impossible if the players are communicating


1v1 can be very difficult too depending on situation. i have won my fair share of 1v1s as clash


I was gonna say a 1v1 with flash is kinda the last place you wanna be. They can just force you to follow them forever and time you out. Especially if they’re good at swinging their shield after being hit


if you know what you're doing you can beac clash Relatively easy.


Oddly enough I don’t go up against clash anywhere near as much as a I play her, all I know is that I’ve won way more 1v1s with her Than I lost. However every one that I lost, I got absolutely dunked on. I guess with enough practice she becomes predictable


I have a list of methods, most of them only work after killing teammates helping clash. Thatcher the shield then back her into a corner and claymore her Use soft breach charges on a wall and then bait her into it Use capitao to burn her out which works better with claymores if you can take the risk Launch a flores drone behind her then push Play vertically Alternatively I can bring Montagne with EMPs and have a staring contest with her


Lol thank you for the tips


If you're playing montie then you gotta put the shield away so you are fast enough to melee their shield and ADS your pistol on exposed parts


With montagne I only bring EMPs when there's a clash and I'll push from behind with my shield out because the defenders are concentrated on g̶e̶t̶t̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶f̶r̶e̶e̶ ̶k̶i̶l̶l̶s̶ helping clash


Clash can’t 1v1. She’s totally reliant on teammates to help her. The most important thing is to not be afraid. Get aggressive and force her back. Just make sure she’s not pulling you into her teammates.


Until she do the turtle trick


Yes, don’t be scared to rush her. The worst thing you can do is back off. Her shield recharges but if you rush her she will run out of charge and then melee her and shoot her.


Not according to how I play her lmao


clash can totally 1v1 you lol


A good clash can 100% 1v1


Idk man every time I encounter her in a 1v1 (last ones alive) I’m already half health or lower so her electricity will just kill me before I can touch her…it’s fucking annoying has hell


That's almost what happened to me lol


make sure not to be afraid and hide. shell just wear you down. push her so she either runs outta battery or cannot shock you long enough at a time


Get close to her, melee her shield and shoot her feet. But if the Clash player is decent, probably won't work


If there's anything you remember from this thread, please let it be to *rush her if you're in a 1v1*. Don't try and get close by hiding behind things, or she'll charge her shield while you do. Push aggressively, burn out all of her charge at once, knock her shield away, and fire at her legs.


Very well, thank you.


Good luck!


Interesting username lol...


Bash her head in with a shield


To everyone naming an operator for counter, STOP ! the best way to counter Clash is to play aggressive and push her, even if you’re taking damage from her electricity! just play super aggressive with her, i will even push her and stop paying attention to her as i know other enemies are probably close, once you get it down, dealing with a clash is actually super easy and i get stoked when i see her, pretty much a free kill, it’s so easy when it’s 1v1


Get her to run on your trax stingers until she dies (joking, but this has worked or me before lol)




non 1v1tip : regular shots with Kali's sniper acts the same as a melee hit on her shield. Same with any of zofia's projectiles.


All the answers here, are counting on you being 1v1 with clash. That rarely happens, and no matter what operator you get, someone else will shoot you while clash is playing with you. Here is video of me, dealing with clash: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jFbL7laNV4E


If I see they have a clash on their team I take impact EMP's. So if I go against her I can disable her shield and get up close or she's dead before I even see her. If you want though you can always go balls to the wall and run at her until the zap runs out but you need health and confidence for that one. Like everyone else says though you can always use nomad or capitao


Shoot her in the back lol Throw emp, melee, fake them out, throw grenades at feet, if she's last alive go ahead and plant she has to take a 2 second pause to pull out her gun anyways


as a clash player, the stuff that is hardest to deal with is emp’s. Though a special shoutout goes out to capitao and nomad for punishing any aggressive shield plays, and kali for fucking clash up hardest with her sniper.


EMPs, fire bolts, Trax stingers, frags and Kali's rifle can all handle her. She's dangerous when she has backup or it's a 1v1, but if you can isolate her, she's dead meat.


Should have been around when she was glitch shooting while her shield was still up. And ofc they took entirely too long to patch it.


Hit and shoot


Thank you eveyone for replying and giving tips !


Grenades used to work against her and still kinda do, but it's much harder now


Capitao, Get close enough toss and EMP then shoot a fire bolt behind her


Thank you, the thing is i can't thank everybody


Make sure no one else is around If someone is around, focus on them, clash does nothing When youve made sure its just you and clash, you chase her down, making sure none of her teammates are ariving to help her, and melee the shield to shoot her foot/leg.


As a clash main: W. W counters clash lol


W.W.....who do you figure that is? Woodrow Wilson? Willy Wonka?


Walter white?


Gridlock is an even easier counter. Doesn't she also have emps?


Idk i'll check but if that's the case i'll try her, also if i'm correct by assuming that her role is to prevent roamers to get you by behind and/or defend the objective once you get in, she seems like the perfect one to counter clash or annoying operators in general... Thank you.


Generally a good idea is to just to go somewhere else. Attack by avoiding her and also nadea, lots of fucking nadea


Nomad hardcounters if you save your airjab. Save one if you can.


Capitao and Nomad are my go-to operators when I see clash on the opposing team. But, anyone with pocket EMPs or even Thatcher works alright


Lol Capitao young padawan.


Am i joining the capitao cult ? Maybe..


[like this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Rainbow6/s/H3WtwgSTpZ)


Just run




Her biggest strength is team play, her biggest weakness is not having teammates. Just remember she cant do shit with her gun while she has her shield up, so as long as you dont entirely forget about her, you wont fall prey to her teammates who inevitably come for her callouts That being said never underestimate a clash by herself. Her pistol packs one hell of a punch and in my experience playing her, overconfident attackers rushing in to get the free clash kill is one of the fastest ways to get a [reality check](https://youtu.be/mpBfLFXrPF0?si=F_TVWNu3_kWWd2i8)


Agreed. Round 500 hundred hour clash main, and the best way to get one is to catch em in a corner. If it's a very skilled clash, they're stupid difficult to beat without a coordinated team on your side. Just try and catch em alone, or take out the support and they become fairly easy to beat


Clash mains rise up (I haven’t played in months) Also never try to use grenades against clash Just dont


Its very tempting


It is, but hardly ever works. Shield has explosive damage reduction. Play her right, and you can clear an entire teams claymore supply and only lose about half your hp


In a 1v1? Rush her. Anything else, cross angles. If you can get multiple people watching space from different then she'll be forced to back up as to not expose herself. Then she's just a nuisance. Ops that help include Kali, Thatcher, Capitao, Nomad, Gridlock, Flores, Ying, Zofia or anybody with nades. You don't actually need to kill clash, just force her back enough to get a plant down.


I try the 3 3’s, Run, hide, cry


You should know by now how to counter her but remember NEVER place claymores around clash players. It’s a TK accident waiting to happen.


I go with Monty and pocket EMPs. Disable her shield, then bash her twice. With the shield out, she can’t punch back, and she’s too slow to juke you. As long as she doesn’t have a teammate to support her, she’s the easiest kill.


Emps. Push, melee. Dead.


operator specific gadgets like nomad, capitao, or gridlock. However impact emps and thatcher emps completely disable her shield. If you flash her then she cant see you to stun you and you can close the gap. Same goes for smoke grenades although you wont be able to see either. A well thrown nade can be good for her too. However the single most important thing is your positioning. Be somewhere with lots of cover so you aren’t just getting shocked over and over again.


Use the grenade. Use the environment such that the grenade falls close to her if not behind her. Then she'll be the one panicking. Note: after throwing the 'nade dont get close to her. You might die by your own grenade


Kill clashes teamates, it's the easiest way


Focus on other team mates force clash into 1v1, and if you want to get really technical you can mix a finka nomad/gridlock. Not sure if the finka trick still works but usually it makes it so you don’t have the “slowed” affect while stimmed.”


Impossible 1v1, kali is your best option in 2v1


With any explosive, or keep sprinting towards her, she’s designed that if you keep sprinting towards her, even as a 3 armour you’ll still be able to hit her eventually, though that could be annoying if she has teammates, if she has teammates around just ignore her completely and deal with her teammates before you do anything about her, she’s only good with a team around her, when solo she doesn’t stand a chance against any op in the game


Impact emp and capitao bolts


Lol I use Capitao as an anti-Clash op. Impact EMP’s and/or the fire bolts are usually able to get her. Outside of that, the trick is just getting close to her, which the EMP’s help with. It kills me how many times I’m stuck watching a teammate who refuses to get near her. Of course, it also helps when the enemy playing Clash is roaming alone across the map from objective and the rest of their team…


Ignore her at first and try to kill whoever is playing off her shield. Then, either use your gadgets (frags, capitao fire, nomad airjabs, etc) or simply sprint at her and melee the shield and shoot her feet.


Capitao, Nomad, Thatcher, Fuze..Anything that has explosives, deactivation and or ranged gadgets that do damage should work. I haven't played In a while so I'm not sure of the new operators available


Kali can harass clash at range as her rifle knocks it away with every shot


Run at her.


Run into her, bitch slap, Shoot foot


If she has a teammate helping her ignore her and make sure to kill the teammate(s) first. When clash is on her own getting to punching distance of her shield will let you kill her very easily.


Just run at her if shes alone and punch her shield then it's like Blitz or Monty she puts her shield to the side and you can shoot her if she's not alone then concentrate on her mate first and then on her clashes shield only does 5 damage per tik and it dont has a long range


It depends on the situation. But if she's by herself, or you have backup, push her. Trying to run away from her is just letting her whittle down your health. When you melee her shield it gets knocked to your left, shoot lower right at her legs. And if she 180s and switches her weapon, aim at head level and watch for the second spin to shoot you.


Melee her or fake her out


number 1 rule: DO NOT PANIC. when you panic, it only makes the situation worse. when you encounter a wild Clash, you slowly walk toward her as you make yourself appear bigger. once you get close enough you start fighting back, after a couple of melees and bullets she should go down. if she has a teammate, try to stay out of her line of sight and focus on the teammate, she has good sense of smell but won’t know your exact location. you have to isolate her to make her vulnerable. or you can simply play a “radius damage” type character like capitao, gridlock, nomad, zofia, etc.


Rush, melee shield then hipfire the bitch


Kali, shoot shield then foot


Unless there’s someone else behind her, dont fear the zaps: if she’s zapping you that means that she’s gonna lose her ability soon, so you can push her, punch her and shoot her legs. Most people retreat while being zapped, only giving clash more time to recover her ability hence blocking you for longer. That, and, if you’re playing in a decent team, consider bringing specific operators cause she can actually get really annoying and oppressive. As others already said, nomad and gridlock/capitao are perfect counters


People that say "just EMP her" have never played against a half-decent shields player. The zapping is less of a problem than the fucking DEFENSE TOWER that she is. She switches to her primary in like 0.5 seconds, one wrong move and you're 6 feet under bro. Alone you're nothing but prey to a good clash.


EMPs to disble her shield, then melee and hipfire where the shield swings away. Or you take frags and try to throw a frag where she can't escape it in two seconds


Didn't see this one in the top comments: Finka's surge will boost you out of the slowed effects of the clash so you can get close and knife hipfire. Works for any teammate as well.


Nomad, Gridlock, Capitao, impact emp, NOT SHOOTING AT HER BULLETPROOF SHIELD, Grenades while pushing her back to a corner best counter would be having a teammate to play under, an IQ, or a flores to make her go boom. Dont bother shooting ash charges and Gonne-6's at her shield as well.


Her electric shock is limited so stand your ground and rush her if she os alone. Melee her shield. Her shield will go to her left so you shoot her legs and torso to the right. It is key to key to keep the pressure coming and repeat.


Emp's and emp impacts Airjabs Grenades Kali shoots Zofia stun's Buck, Sledge and IQ, or anyone with breaches from above or below, Jackal would be helpful(if not banned💀) Capitao fire bolts


Bait her. If you go around a corner, then deploy a drone usually they’ll push stupidly with their gun out. This is usually works for me, but that may be due to some stupid players I have seen in games


Finka adrenaline surge makes her slow basically non existent, just send out adrenals and sprint at her


fragmentation grenades, playing vertically, and separating her from the other defenders


Switch to the pistol and just sprint at her, melee and shoot the feet




People forget that zofia stuns and Kali sniper knocks her shield away.


A well placed nomad charge or capitao bolts work wonders, I would also say Kali, or zofia works too


You can play striker or gridlock I believe and throw emp grenades directly at her, which will disable her shield.


Or you can use Gridlock's Trax Stingers to deal damage from below and force her to switch to her secondary


If it’s just clash alone, even one speeds can just full sprint through the zaps slow and reach her. She can’t infinitely stun you so eventually you can get close enough to to knife and shoot her. If she tries that stupid shit where they put their shield on their back and turn around just wait for them to turn back around and pop them in the face


I typically will take Nomad or Cap to cut off her routes. If you do EMP her shield and push her shes on the backfoot now.


Drone the surroundings if no one's there just run up to her, hit her then shoot her legs, if she's with her teammates you can try to bait them to peek or you can make them waste time while your teammates are pushing from another entrance, or you can just straight up not go in the spot where clash is


Nomad ☺️


Something that noone seems to mention is that you can counter her with Finkas Health boost too.


Tbh you listed the issue yourself, just don’t panic and focus on her teammates. If she lowers her shield shoot her, otherwise avoid her and finish her off last, or play nomad lol.


Run. Towards. Her. When you get there, knife her shield and hip fire at her exposed foot. If I had a dollar for every teammate I watch that sprints, gets electrocuted and either stops sprinting or moves backwards, I’d be rich. The electricity can’t last forever and you certainly can’t beat a shield from distance, so rush her! The electricity has a cool down so please, for the love of all things Holy, don’t just stand there while it recharges. If you hear her switch off the shield, aim down sight and reposition ever so slightly. Remember that you have the advantage, their back is to you, don’t panic and start spraying wildly at her shield. She has to turn, locate you and then hit a shot. You’re already aimed in at her and just waiting to headshot her. Bonus tip: If you’re playing at Clash, please, please…. Stop moving TOWARDS the enemies. The whole point of her is crowd control and keeping distance. Your electricity doesn’t deal extra damage for being close to them. All you’re doing is making it easier for them to knife you and possibly kill you. Stay back, call out to your teammates and get that chip damage in with her ability.


Kali works but you need to coordinate, every shot is like hitting her shield exposing her leg. Normally two shots is enough to get her killed.


Nothing. In a 1v1 there's nothing you can do. Op specific resolutions are not resolutions. That's why top comment in another post was that she doesn't belong in the game.


Yes that's what i thought. I was running iq and had no claymores left, so i was done for.


Just run at her and melee followed by hipfire it’s super easy


Just use nitro cell 


What attacker has a nitro cell?


Ohh lol I forgot only defenders have nitro cells